Modern General

I miss Jund edition

Playing, Haitng etc

>Current Modern Metagame


First for Esper.

Second for Gruul

First for just bought into modern with merfolk. how dumb am i

Any revolt zoo players here? Buying into the deck and wanted some some insight and advice for it

Unban twin plox.

Black based decks,colorless decks and burn are the only viable options.

Goldfishing Ponza with 2x Garruk Wildspeaker and 1x Garruk Primal Hunter and holy FUCK this is so much smoother than with Bonfires and Torch of Defiances. T2 you can drop Garruk and a Blood Moon, and pumping out 3/3 beasts is pretty fucking strong. Chandra suffers from the huge problems of 1) Flame Slash doesn't kill any creatures in GDS, 2) RR isn't the most useful mana for curving out in Ponza, Garruk's untapping 2 land is so much better because of Utopia Sprawl, and 3) a 3/3 beast every turn is probably better than a random card or Shock. And nigger don't even get me started on Primal Hunter's -3 to draw cards in a deck with a 6/6 with firebreathing.



It's built into the lands burn fag

1RRR - Fuck Your Shit Up

As an additional cost to ~ sacrifice a mountain.
Destroy all non basic lands.

>mfw modern abzan decks with SFM

Well, hope you don't run into much Affinity and Ad Naus, in general combo decks wreck your shit unless you draw nut hand with counter spells. Good match up vs Burn, GDS, Tron, and pretty much any other "fair" deck, there aren't many decks where I don't feel like I couldn't win with Merfolk. You will have to grind out matches though. Merfolk requires smart play to win with it, but if you manage its a blast.

>tfw salty blue faggots get upset and ragequit a match the second they find out that your playing burn
It gives me the most wicked of boners.

I've never had a problem with burn in any blue deck.

Well legacy maybe, but not after chills come in.

Unban twin

What are you cutting for sfm and the equip package?

Cut 4 creatures that aren't goyf, cut 1 Lingering souls and whatever else possibly depending on how much of an equip package you want. Equip package is batterskull and whatever swords of x&y you want for the meta.

Should I play oketras monument in monow soul sisters?

Jund is dead? Haven't played Modern for 2 years...

Fuck Jund. Nothing of value was lost.

I feel that Genesis Chamber is better, simply because it comes down faster.
Ramp in nice, but you have a really low curve already and no way to do any kind of hand replenishing.

All the Jund Players decided to jump on the death's shadow meme wagon and are probably gonna stay there until Shadow gets b&

Thanks for the upgrade

Wow, so suicide zoo actually became a thing? Kek

So with Runamap Excavator is GW hatebears going to be more legit?

Whats your favorite shitbrew?

R/G Nyx Wave

its pretty damn annoying to say the least. Starts to get downright unfair if they also run Azuza.

No, the suicide zoo that was a deck died with the probe ban but people then figured out you could jam DS, Street wraith and Thoughtseize into decks and play a really efficient and disruptive midrangey deck with undercosted beaters. It started with Death's shadow jund which uses a deliruim package but right now it's Grixis shadow which is kinda like delver but instead of counterspells it's discard and 1 mana negate.

Taking a look at the Grixis lists right now. They look pretty disgusting desu. I should probably sell my old Naya burn while I can still get $500+ for it.

no, don't because Shadow is getting banned, and whenever something gets banned the safest place to be is burn.

Wow, so it has reached Splinter Twin levels of power? That's pretty insane. I should sell my old DS foils then.

>Shadow is getting banned
Repeating it isn't going to make it true.

Wait for the next B&R

>famous last words

Jund is literally Value Town.dec though.

Is limited the most cucked format?

Went 3-0 at my LGS playing Dredge. They never saw it coming. How'd everyone else do tonight?

DS is incredibly popular, but it has also failed to do much of anything at GPs. Birmingham comes a week before the next B&R, so we'll see if anything changes.
Personally I'm more worried by Eldrazi Tron. T2 TKS is way too good, but hitting E Tron would just mean more DS popularity, and that's not a good thing.

Watching Humans and Elves rise has me hoping the format will slow down in the coming months. Heavy removal and quick games don't work as well against wide decks, but this is wishful thinking admittedly.

No, it hasn't, but faggot memers on Veeky Forums love to complain about whatever deck is the most popular at any given time unless it's burn. Nobody here complains about burn because everyone here plays it because they're poor and dumb. Imagine that.

>but hitting E Tron would just mean more DS popularity
It would also let the grindier decks that prey on DS get a little breathing room depending on what they hit. Honestly DS wouldn't be as much of a problem if Trpn wasn't putting a cap on the format.

t. DS player

Slow night tonight
Went 3-0 with burn beating eldrazi tron, little kid g/w, and valakut.

>everyone who doesn't hate DS is a DS player
Two can play this game.

If you hate Tron, it means you're a bluefag control player.

While you're playing Genesis Chamber, have you considered our lord and savior "splashing red for Norin"? It's pretty amazing.

Mind sharing your list friendo?
Wanna get into Modern and was really wanting to do dredge.

Nice. I played Jund, Affinity, and G/W Company. The affinity player was so salty.

It's pretty stock desu, but I run a collected brutality in the main. Any specific questions?

OP, please don't use jank cards for the general, this is for competitive decks only.

you can still play jund. Just because it's listed as tier 3 doesn't mean you can't win with it. People forget that the tier lists change all the time, and tier rankings are severely delayed behind the actual movement of the meta

tl;dr play to beat the tier decks, don't just bandwagon on what's popular
(I'm also a huge hypocrite who plays eldratron)

just to give an example, the roanoke invitational was won by monowhite death and taxes sporting 4 leonin arbiter and 2 mirran crusaders main. You know who leonin arbiter fucks up? Fetchlands and expedition maps.
You know who can't really remove mirran crusader (except liliana) and can't swing through it?
Death's shadows.

Point being, people ahead of the curve play something of a commentary on the meta. You look at the big dogs, eldratron grixis shadow and titanshift, and you know what they all love to do? Search the library for lands

>Telling Jund players not to bandwagon onto what's popular

Vapor Snag is the best blue spell in Modern.

Also took 3-0 as dredge.

No one had graveyard hate for some dumb reason even though there's a GDS and two UWx decks in our meta.

>went 3-0 playing Abzan

Mainboarding Nihil Spellbomb is the funniest shit. Everyone always does has to read and then say "well fuck.."

Go to bed Mikey, you still need Aether Vials.

Same. Honestly, that's why I brought Dredge in the first place. I don't think I could pull the same trick twice tho.

i'm surprised it's not seeing more play desu. card is really strong.

1 or 2?


When it's good it's backbreaking for the opponent

Mardu Control, G/B Elves, Eldrazi Tron

Anything combo

Either gonna buy Burn, Jund Deaths Shadow, or just focus on my commander decks for a bit

when it's bad it still cantrips lol

I got all the Eldrazis and cavernof souls. What Eldrazi flavor shouldI build? Obvious answer is E-tron but I'm too poor for Chalice. Also, is there an Eldrazi deck that ddoesn't fold to blood moon?

Bant Eldrazi can cast Skyspawner, Displacer, and Drowner of Hope through Moon with basics or mana dorks. You gotta buy Hierarchs, though. Or just be a poorfag and play Birds.

you can play etron without chalices, and it doesn't scoop to blood moon
You play wastes and mind stone, and people often forget that just because a blood moon is in play the game doesn't end. If they don't put you on a fast clock immediately after the blood moon you still can get to 4,5, even 7 mana before the game ends. That's TK seer, reality smasher and karn

Not to mention you can expedition map for wastes, and in a pinch you can ghost quarter your own land in response to blood moon to get a wastes

I can personally attest to having won games with a blood moon on the table (samefag but still)
It's bad, but you just play a fair game of magic at that point, and they just burnt a card in hand or even better aggressively mulled to see the blood moon. I've seen it all and I have definitely beaten those players

Why do people hate Burn so much. Its like the fairest top tier deck in Modern.
>doesnt use fast mana, will never play an Eidolon turn 1 or something
>completely interactable with, kill the creatures, discard their spells, get a fast clock out and kill them
>the best card in the deck is either Lightning Bolt, Goblin Guide, or Eidolon, which in comparison to one mana 5/5s that dodge Push, turn 2 4/4s that exile a card from your hand and 5/5s with Trample, Haste and require a 2 for 1 to remove it doesnt seem that busted.
>your sideboard cards actually do something in the matchup, if you can gain life you are in a good spot, not like playing against Eldrazi Tron and having sideboard cards that do nothing or are way too slow

People think it's braindead and plays itself and doesn't reward skill. There's a million reasons people will say they hate burn that boils down to "I don't like it".

These people are bad and should just admit that they don't like a deck instead of making up reasons why it's not fun or unfair.

>opponent takes lethal next turn
>casts worship with creatures on board
>topdeck vapor snag to win

I agree user

>hate it
There's several things you may mean by this
>It's disliked, noone wants to play it
I think it's great, it's just that there are some very good sideboard cards against it
>People run dedicated sideboard slots against it
Well if they ever forget, even for a moment, burn can rise again until they remember at the next tournament
>It's generally trash talked
Well yeah, it's a relatively inexpensive modern deck many players use to get a feel for the meta until they decide to play something else
>people think it's ban worthy
I don't think anyone calls burn "unfair," or "overpowered," although turn 2 on the draw staring down 3 goblin guides can feel a bit oppressive

I mean its not the most skill intensive deck, but that doesnt even matter. I go to events to compete and win, not to show off my intellect. I play it every Friday and do well with it and to me thats all that matters. I enjoy the deck, enjoy the cards, and have pimped it out quite a bit so it'll always be my first pick for Modern events.

I don't hate Burn, and I play Esper Control without Spell Snare and meme maindeck Leylines so I lose to it all the time.

The only decks in Modern I really "hate" are the Eldrazi ones. They're not unbeatable, but TKS and Smasher are dumb pushed cards that should never have been printed.

I have been playing it for a year and a half usually every Friday, occasionally ill play something else but 98% of FNMs I play Burn. I feel comfortable playing it and generally always knowing what the play is. And yeah the best draw is the triple Guide, triple Spear, or Guide/Spear into Eidolon, it can feel hard to beat those.

Thats the nice thing about it, its so fair, literally any kill spell kills the creatures in the deck. Unlike Gurmag, Reality Smasher, Endbringer and Tasigur which can leave decks floundering looking for the right removal spell.

Also why no Spell Snare? Just less targets nowadays?

There's fewer targets, less need for a cheap counter with Fatal Push in the deck, and there's a lot of things you need to answer that need a Logic Knot or Negate. Planeswalkers, Blood Moon, lots of combos, Ensnaring Bridge, CoCo/Chord, etc.

I do miss them in certain MUs, but in general the deck is way more consistent without them and with 4-5 CMC two counters instead.

do you win a lot? What % would you give?
Do you take many 1st places?

To me the problem with burn, which I have played quite a bit though it has fallen from my #1 favorite deck spot, is that it's a bit of a roulette wheel deck. I definitely think there's skill involved, but with no top end if you get mana flooded well, that's just it for you.
People can play some pretty awesome sideboard cards that are hard to beat, namely timely reinforcements, wurmcoil engine, leyline of sanctity, and basically any lifegain. And while it's totally possible to deflecting palm or path through a wurmcoil, to destructive revelry a leyline or a chalice on 1...
Sometimes you just don't get there. I think you see sometimes wildly successful burn players reach the top 8 of big tournaments, not because it's the best deck ever but because 1 they caught a lot of good players off guard and 2 the law of averages meant that of all the people who brought burn, at least one of them would have good, consistent hands or at least decent mulligans all day.

That's my take on it

>floundering looking for the right removal spell
I'm going to be fair for one second. If Push hadn't been printed, folks would still be running 2-3 Dismembers. They're locked into the "Push the endgame" mindset instead of thinking about what creatures are being played.

It's not unlike the scenario in user's post at Mirran Crusader is over performing right now because DS is widespread, while Gurmag/Tasigur/etc. are over performing because Push is widespread.

I top 8 probably 3 out of every 5 FNMs. Id rank myself as a C+ player because I dont like to be cocky, but with A+ players being LSV, Travis Woo, Yuuya Watanabe and so on I dont think being a C+ is bad and its a good thing because theres more room for improvement. I should start keeping track of my percentages every night and analyze more data so unfortunately I dont have a % of wins. I should mention my store is very competitive, I am always seeing the best decks like GDS right now, Eldrazi Tron, Titanshift, Affinity, and so on, and id say I do favorably against these players who I would also consider to be good, some worse then I am, but also some players I would say are better then me which is nice because it pushes me to get better. My best achievment outside of winning a lot of FNMs, is top 32ing an SCG event, I think it was an open iirc. Anyways im excited for this seasons Modern events, some PPTQs coming up which I will definitely be participating in and trying my hardest to win.

>tips fedora

Sounds like you're not autistic enough for Magic my man.

who /utron/ here

>guy likes to play magic and wants to improve
>respond with a shitty meme

Good point. I only played it in middle school and occasionally drop by mtg generals to shitpost.
I agree, it was shitty.

What about this post was tips fedora? Im just answering the guys question in his post. Like I said I dont like to come off cocky, I dont think im amazing or some god tier player who never makes mistakes. I enjoy practicing, I enjoy playing, and I take responsibility for my mistakes in game and try to avoid repeating them. My favorite form of practice is to watch the pros stream Burn on Channel Fireball, I watch the video and at the beginning of the turn I pause the vid and write down what I would do in the situation and then compare it to what they end up doing, we are usually on the same page and when we arent I look at and analyze the pros of the decision they made. Its a great way to pick up some advice.

top 8 in 3 of 5 fnms is nothing to shake a stick at user.
Burn is definitely alive and well it seems. I just like to feel in control of my destiny, something that I don't feel with burn as much as playing other strategies (winning or losing with burn feels like it's in the hands of whether my opponent draws hate in time, or dependent on my not topdecking land.)
It might not be for me, but that doesn't mean I can stop respecting burn as an archetype or sleep on sideboarding against it

And anyone saying it's a dumb, no-skill deck is an idiot. There are lots of optimization decisions, mulligan decisions, lines of play. It's far from linear. It's just a more intuitive, -have-to-guess-from-the-gut, play to your outs kind of experience that more control oriented players hate.

Carry on, noble FNM burn warrior

>tips fedora

Yeah, im hoping to top 8 the upcoming PPTQs and see if my practice has paid off. And yeah Burn can kinda feel like you arent in control, I dont mind this though.
Ill continue playing the deck come Friday night

I dont know whats fedora about wanting to improve but ok. I mean isnt that why we play any game or sport? Its to get better and have fun doing that.

Why are Humans and Elves seeing increases in play? Is it because they're so wide and specific removal packages like Fatal Push can't deal with them well?

It's just bad shitposting, user. Godspeed on your magic journey.

How many Loams, neonates, and Thugs do you run?
How often does the mainboard brutality help? I have two in the sideboard and often find I just dredge them or never see them when I side them in.

we /mindslaverlock/ now

I'm building a budget burn deck, what other deck should I build alongside it that can compete relatively evenly with it?
I was thinking W/B aristocrats just because that's another budget deck on goldfish that looks fun to play.

Grixis death's shadow or death's shadow jund should keep up nicely, maybe try esper shadow.

I saw a guy with about 400 rating (the lowest I'd ever seen) playing WB Aristocrats on Xmage the other day.

I lost to him 2-1 with the mono-white humans brew I join casual tables with.

Do you have a good starting budget decklist for those archetypes? It seems hard to pick apart the finished ones because so many of the pieces are expensive.

Whats a reasonable rating on xmage? I just hit 1400 with merfolk but I have no idea how rating scales

If you have anything less that the starting 800 you're a total scrub and should probably KYS. 1100-1300 is average, 1400-1500 is bretty good, 1600+ is like top 15 on the server. You gain/lose more rating per game based on the difference in rating with your opponent. Losing to a noob can really fuck you up if your rating is high.

I have ~1580 on woogerworks and ~1350 on

I wouldn't try for a budget grixis shadow m8, it can't really be picked apart in a traditional sense.

That's what I thought, any decent decks that can be picked apart like burn?

Monogreen stompy maybe? There's not a lot of budget decks that are super effective.