Your last played RPG character has now developed a Stand

Your last played RPG character has now developed a Stand.
What is the stand's name? What are the stand's abilities and stats? What does it look like. Why did it develop like this?

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Endurance + crowd control.
I'm not a good person.

Running Wild
A in Speed
C in Power

He's a rogue and he runs away when there's no clear way to win.

Once In a Lifetime

- in Power
C in Speed
C in Durability
A in Precision
E in Learning

He's a Bard/Spiritualist who wants to protect the group he's come to care about but longs to join his dead former companions. The Stand's ability, to secure the safety of the rest of the party through whatever means necessary, can only be used once. The user must either die or give up their life in order to activate the ability. Otherwise, it functions as an autonomous punchghost

I like those notorious BIG style stands; your bard's a natural Zeppeli dude

Thanks. I just hope I can make him go out like Zeppeli

anime shit belongs in the thras

>last character was literally a teenager possessed by an ancestral spirit embodying knowledge, memories and skills of the bloodline going back 300 years
I guess now it can psychically project and punch people.

Story? Sounds kinda interesting

hello jotaro

I only watch manime, there is no anime here

This thread was posted at 00:55:55 my time. Neato.

My character has:

[Communication Breakdown]

It's a thundercloud that follows him around and can give people mild electric shocks that scramble the speech center of their brain, which ends up changing how they perceive language and stuff. I.e. a license to make people deaf and dumb, or selectively so, or even able to understand things they couldnt before, like animals or foreign languages.

it also has a second form activated when the user is in bad shape, called [Lead Zeppelin]. The outer layers of cloud slough off to reveal a menacing-looking zeppelin the colour of dark metal. It becomes an automatic stand, chasing down whoever hurt its user, with more powerful lightning that can kill with repeated strikes.

the character in question is a small-town radio host with big-town dreams and a history of disagreement with superiors.

if this seems too in-depth to be improvised, you're right - he's already a stand user and this is his current stand.

Man Fulgrim is looking kinda weird in this picture, OP. Here, have a better one.

the basic premise was during the original era of the Bavarian Illuminati, their order librarian was a sorcerer practicing alchemy, attempting to create eternal life. He believed he'd failed, but in fact has imbued his soul into his personal signet ring. When his blood descendants wore the ring, they possessed two souls, their own and his. It was less like a distinct ghost and more like Dax from Star Trek, each one changed the spirit and was changed by the merging. The family shortly after the germans suppressed the Bavarian Illuminati emigrated to England and became a legacy of supernatural superspies working for the British Masonic deep secrecy sects.
It was Fate system, so I wrote up aspect spreads and outlines for the lifetimes of the intervening centuries: a medical doctor who attempted to supress but continue life extending research, a 1930s adventurer like Indiana Jones, who passed it to his daughter working as a codebreaker at Blechley Park. The current heir was 19, and received the ring in the mail after her uncle, the previous Agent Signet, had disappeared months prior, so she was generally super unprepared for all of this shit and relied on her ancestors at the cost of her own identity. The only real escape her own soul offered was listening to music. On her walkman, because it's 1982 and the Masons sent her and the squad off to investigate and fight the Thule society.
It ended with murdering magic Nazis on the moon.

I was thinking about running a game based on JoJo.
Bascially everyone would use this site: and get a random power then make stats and name based on the power.
However I don't know what kind of goal should I give them and if I should use existing JoJo characters for enemies or make my own, no one read or watched JoJo but everyone liked the idea when I suggested it so if I used existing character they wouldn't know anything about them anyway.
Is it a good idea?

I'd say its a good idea; though you could always make your own versions of established material.

But I'd love to hear a story about a party getting butt fucked by Bites The Dust and trying to figure it out.

Better than daily martial vs. caster bait threads.

My last character was a summoner does my eidolon get a stand as well?

I was mostly thinking about making either Pucci or Valentine the main antagonist, Kira would be cool but I don't know how to implement Bites the dust well since from their perspective everyone would just suddenly start exploding for no reason, Dio and Diavolo would be kinda boring desu.

However I can't think of any good story for this so that's my main problem, I was also thinking about using some part's story but replacing the main cast with them.

Could always just stick to Kira's first and second bomb.

Karma Police
S in Durability/Learning
Trash in all others

Dwonkle was an impatient dwarf paladin, who was reckless in all of his actions despite the intentions behind them. Problems would arise and without second thought he would carry out the first solution in his mind. For instance, on the first time at the table with him a conflict broke out within a tavern his fellow adventures were getting a contract for a job/quest. The surly dwarf overheard these ramblings and decided the best course of action was to finish his urination and crash through the wall of the bar to enter the fray; in doing so several bystanders were injured and a hefty debt to the owner of the tavern became the groups new quest direction.

This would not be the last of Dwonkles autistic fuck-foolery

Karma Police is not a combat stand, but requires contact with its target to be implemented. It has the profound ability to turn situations on their head taking things from the best to the worse and vice versa. Let's say you rolled for a crit and cleaved an enemy in two while under the effect of karma Police; you would most assuredly of killed the enemy before you with ease but as you attempt to lift your weapon back up you are met with resistance, the blade is stuck in the floor and you are exposed as you struggle to recover the weapon. Karma Police wouldn't always operate to such extremes but would keep Dwonkle and his fellow party members on their toes

My vaguely unhinged Jason Voorhees/Michael Myers style character who just really, really loves weapons develops a stand after a long, hard journey, in which he pressed his ability to make weapons and traps to a new level.
>Stand Name:「Hardware Store」
>Power: ?
>Speed: C
>Durability: C
>Precision: A
>Learning: C

>Taking the form of a pair of roughed up work gloves, 「Hardware Store」 allows the user to create whatever they want, given they have enough materials to make it. However, due to this, whatever the user makes is comprised mostly of junk and totally jury rigged.
>Objects must stay within 30 ft of 「Hardware Store」, otherwise they will fall apart, back to their base components.
>Explosives and ballistic weapons and such delicate weaponry are more likely to jam or backfire than their normal counterparts, and sometimes may have unwanted effects due to their base components, e.g. a pistol that was made with a bunch of junk found in someone's kitchen drawer may actually fire silverware instead of proper bullets.

I've been playing an Aetherborn Warlock in a zany science fantasy post apocalyptic dungeon crawl, and considering I spent last session doing almost nothing but hacking robots and getting shot, I feel that a little Daft Punk is allowed.
[Random Access Memories] is a stand that manifests as a cloud of statick-y pixels, and can infest machinery to puppet it or attack any existing programs within it. The stand doesn't actually have a real physical form though, and tingles when you pass through it. It COULD in theory reprogram something , but the stand is very fixated on brute force cyberwarfare.

The warlock's patron is a rampant AI, and it's only going to get more crazy from here.

I really like all three of these.

Close to the Edge
B in power
B in durability
A in learning
D in speed
D in durability

I appreciate being appreciated

>D in durability
I meant in precision

I will continue appreciating all you beautiful bastards.

「Girls On Film」
>Power ???
>Speed B
>Durability D
>Precision A
>Learning D

The androgynous, morose psyker turns around and sees it for the first time. A wispy figure forged of flame, woven from the burning power he keeps chained within his soul. Where he is timid and shaken, the daemon that haunts him is confident and calm. Where he is indistinct, too small for the flak armor he wears, the figure is beautiful.

A woman's voice urges him to let the daemon loose on the gangers surrounding him. He resists, at first, laspistol firing time and again, whip cracking constantly, but they just keep coming.

Finally, he can bear no more, and 「Girls On Film」is set upon them. When he looks again, the psyker sees faces too much like his own. The underhive scum are confused, at first. Then they blink, and go about their business. Somehow, the psyker knows what he has done. He has seen each of these women before, through pict-recorders. Then he starts to hear the barking. He's seen the dog on a pict-recorder, too, but he was sure a cat was there before.

Were he born about thirty-eight millenia earlier, he might have called this power 'copy-paste.' What he has seen in pictures, he layers upon reality - but only things of the same type. Replace one person with another, one pet with another, one building with another.

These pictures were all he saw of the galaxy at large before being assigned to his Inquisitor. Born on a transport ship, taken onto a Black Ship - day in and day out these were his glimpses outside the walls of whatever vessel carried him through the void.

It all makes sense. He holsters the whip and laspistol and goes on his way.

Another Brick in The Wall

My character is a Heavy Armor/Tower Shield User, that taken up arms along with his brother to find out what happened to his father. His stand has a hammer that stops something from moving. It becomes invulnerable, but unable to move or be moved. With common objects, he can make an impenetrable wall.

>sicking [Baittsa Dahsto]+[Keelah Kween]+[Sturray Katso] on a real party

If you want a vision of the future, imagine a falling rock crushing a player character. Forever.

Destructive Power: A
Speed: B
Endurance/Staying: A
Range: D
Precision: C
Developmental Potential: A

Mechanism:「CHA LA HEAD CHA LA」concentrates its Paladin User's auras and positive energy into a versatile ball of energy. The user can surround himself with it to make himself stronger, faster, tougher, and to gift himself with flight.「CHA LA HEAD CHA LA」may also be collected into a gigantic, golden, monstrous spirit ape that fights close by its User. Finally, the user can expel「CHA LA HEAD CHA LA」as a wave of energy but afterwards he needs to channel more of his own positive energy before it manifests again.

Eh, the final boss I have planned for the jojo campaign I'm running is probably about that level, and I'm expecting the party to beat it.


It's power is basically an applied version of Beatrice's Red Text, where it sets conditions that affect all of reality. If the players don't stop some of it's plans either, it's going to be getting its hands on a stand that's an inverted version of King Crimson, and basically functions like a Cuil Theory description.

My players will hate me, but I can't wait.

>the final boss I have planned for the jojo campaign I'm running is probably about that level

If I'm being honest, I wouldn't expect anything less from a JoJo game. And I'd love to see that kind of shenanigans play out.

The best part is the second stand? It's user is Kanye West. Not a character based on Kanye West, but straight up just Kanye with a stand, in all of his completely batshit glory.
I blame the King Crimson soundbite in Power.

My last RPG character was an Virtual Adept I guess his stand is just his Avatar.

D3u5 X M@ch1n@

- in Power
- in Speed
- in Durability
- in Precision
S in Learning

D3u5 X M@ch1n@ is completely ephemeral, and can't actually touch the physical world. It can however hack reality, giving it a fair amount of reality manipulation, especially when it comes to warping space. Unfortunately it has the downside, that the presence of non-Stand users can make the reality manipulation painful or even completely backfire.

Marne Ssael, named Dulun, Witch Doctor of the Tribe of Ash and Spines, is guarded by an ancestral spirit.
It's name is 14th Machine War, and it's just a punch-ghost really.

That art is awesome
「Heaven nor Hell」
Destructive Power: D
Speed: A
Endurance/Staying: C
Range: A
Precision: B
Developmental Potential: A

My wizard is generally a crowd control kind of guy so he would have a Stand that supports people. The main mechanic of 「Heaven nor Hell」is that it turns someone who is generally meek and well-meaning in a cruel and spiteful demon. The more peaceful the guy, the stronger the effects. This mechanic makes people supernaturally strong, fast and gives them the ability to blast their enemies with pure rage and hatred, which is a very draining thing even if they are in Demon mode.「Heaven nor Hell」possesses the people for the duration of the stand, unless they had their stand out in which case the people cannot be possessed by 「Heaven nor Hell」
The second ability of 「Heaven nor Hell」 is 「Hand in Hand」which makes it so that any strife there is between a group of people is set aside for the duration of the effect: the stronger the disagreement between the people, the more this group of people will focus on a task they have set themselves. Even the most bitter enemies will set aside their differences and fight a common enemy to great effect.

>Already developed a stand last session

When we encountered DIO in a coffin, another player using the risky dice got me another maid power, teleportation.

We decided to call it Viva Las Vegas since my character stress explosion was Gambling, I said it was a card knight from wonderland who wraps up it's user before teleporting to a new location.


Good taste, friend.

I just concluded my own Jojo campaign.

Since everyone is new to Jojo, start it off like a Monster of the Week superhero show. An enemy Stand User appears and causes trouble, or trouble starts happening and signs indicate it's an Enemy Stand. Once everyone is getting into the groove you can make things more complicated.

Don't feel constrained by anything in the original material. Make Speedwagon the villain and Hol Horse the good guy if you want, though I think players will appreciate it more if they have their own supporting cast.

Always make sure something crazy happens every session, put a lot of effort into characters' physical descriptions and names, and you'll be set. If you want a cheat sheet, pick some kind of pattern, like Tarot Cards, the Greek Zodiac, or chess pieces, and base the villains on that.

Character: Einin

She is a Half-Elf Paladin|Warlord, devoted to Ioun. Very much into protecting knowledge and basically a cute bookworm that excels at kicking ass and making her allies kick ass.

Stand: Vapour Trail

It's a pretty simple utility Stand. Can create several vapour trails and feel them accurately up to 30 meters away. They're pretty much fog, so there's also that possibility. Unfortunately, it doesn't do much other than that. It manifests itself as part of her right hand's nails. It can cause things to be wet, but only if Einin wants to.

It originally developed as a way of protecting an entire temple at once from a load of cultists.