How would I go about GM'ing for a SJ campaign? SInce only Jack can kill Aku with the sword, how would the PCs go about having a affect on the world?
Samurai Jack RPG
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They wouldn't. The series quite literally revolves around Jack. There isn't a whole lot of room to play around.
Use this fact. Jack is the DMPC. The party has to assist him at all times. Get him tea. Be on standby with a nearly infinite amount of robe and hair tie replacement. Clean up a billion robot parts.
It'll be more fun than the baby episode at least.
You could make it work, but the ideal would be them never meeting Jack at all. Either they hear rumors of a wandering Samurai, or it takes place before Jaco even shows up in the future.
The players would be more akin to the Scotsman or the bounty hunters jack meets on occasion, working towards their own ends in a world dominated by an unlikable tyrant. Maybe they embrace the darkness, maybe they just want to carve out a pocket of light for those they care about.
At that point there's not much reason to base it in the universe at all, making the whole question moot.
Numenera in a slightly more comedic vein might work. Rather than being mysterious and bizarro the 9th World is instead ruled by a capricious tyrant who's taken over the whole globe using an army of a billion weird robots, maybe from another dimension.
There's a dnd setting where the bbeg is a god and there are no good gods, it doesn't even have rules for fighting the guy, I think that's a similar situation.
I'd say that it should be more limited in scope, a grpup of revolutionaries that mostly fall beneath notice or perhaps treasure hunters/adventurers that try to stay clear of Aku when possible.
Simple. There's plenty of resistance groups against Aku, they just can't attack Aku directly. It's all about destroying Aku's factories, his minions, and saving the people that are being oppressed. Exploring the world, meeting aliens and monsters and other weird stuff. The goal is to just strengthen the resistance until Jack finally strikes.
Better Idea: it's the time when Jack has gone Bad. Many of the peoples he's helped are running scared of Bad Jack and need someone to defend them. Bad Jack is like a force of nature, sweeping through areas and destroying everything; the PCs have to evacuate the good creatures, help them escape prison, aid the resistance in some way or figure out how to get Good Jack back.
Or maybe Jack's in his "don't care" mood and isn't helping.
I wouldn't go with a Bad Jack themed campaign personally, since an unstoppable force that's destroying anything that opposes it can easily be given to a mad Aku.
A game set in-between seasons 4-5 where Jack's gone missing could work very well though. Thematically, playing as resistance members after their only true hope for victory has vanished has a lot of meat to it.
well. jack went back in time and kill aku already. your choices are to hold the game sometime before the final battle with aku, OR have him going back to the past split the time stream in two. meaning the future he left no longer has jack or the magical sword. and have to deal with aku on their own.
>your heroes are among the people taking part in the final assault on akus palace, out of no where ashi and jack vanish, without jack the armies are obliterated and scatter to the winds.
will our hero attempt to find jack not knowing he is gone? will they search for a different means to end akus reign of tyranny? surly if a magical sword could be forged before, maybe a weapon could be made again? and after 2 overwhelming defeats at the hands of aku, who would be stupid enough to join your assault?
Nice Double 8s, chinkman.
Aku would be Lawful Evil while Bad Jack would be Chaotic Evil, different kinds of enemies.
You could also have all kinds of spawn of Aku...and Jack. I mean the guy's human, alright!
for any fans of the show it looks like /co/ set up a discord?
Salty /co/ detected
How many times did Aku fuck Jack while shape-shifted again? Once during the Show and once during the comics?
Aki should have been Jack and Aku's biological offspring. Just saying.
I say pick one of the chunks of setting that looked the most fun and have an adventure there while keeping the rest of the series in mind. Don't involve Jack or Aku directly.
it would have to be something a lot variety.
might even have to go to narrativist systems
>Aki should have been Jack and Aku's biological offspring. Just saying.
Would have made an awkward marriage ending then.
She also never should have been his waifu
Jack didn't need a waifu. She should have been daughteru.
How about you make a setting based off SJ? No Aku, no Jack, but a world that's similar in many traits, except that you get to choose who's the villain and what dangers your players must face.
simple, Aku kills Jack and shatters the sword.
Hang on, hear me out.
Aku thinks if he kills the Samurai and shatters the sword he has nothing to worry about, right?
The gods of good, along with Jack, were worried about this very thing, so, with Jack's help, they set up a back up fail-safe.
The purity, or whatever you want to call it, that gives Jack the ability to kill Aku is sent out to others, the PCs. The power of the sword goes to other weapons, magic weapons the PCs have to go on quests to find. Each PC has a weapon specific to them, they have to go on like a knight's quest, to prove they are worthy.
Each weapon and PC is meant to strike at one aspect of Aku. One could allow the wielder to recognize when Aku is shapeshifted into an "ally", one could bind him in his current form, one could block his eye beams, etc.
Only by working together can the heroes defeat the shapeshifting master of evil.
That's what I'd do anyway.
I'd treat Aku like a grumpy lady of sigil.
you see the consequences of his actions but never him
and Jack as a mythic character, the kind that your mates 2nd cousin defiantly met once
I'd have them work as bounty hunters, resistance fighters or just plain smucks trying to get by in a world full of murder bots
I completely disagree.
that's like saying "there's no point setting anything in the 40k universe if you can't be the emperor"