You (real you, or your most recent character) have pissed this guy off in some way...

You (real you, or your most recent character) have pissed this guy off in some way, and he has dedicated himself to being your rival.

He will try to not only challenge you, but completely crush you in whatever you enjoy or undertake.

What shall you do?

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So this is a non-lethal thing then?
I either ignore him or if he gets too annoying I beat him so badly he has to go to the hospital. I ain't got time for card games.

My last character was a wizard who loved magic for the sake of magic, and I feel like Kaiba's autism would make him a very good wizard.

This might be a problem, given the power levels involved.

God knows I don't want to be the one to unleash yet another god-level antagonist on the world.

Alright, man, I have this list of assignments that need to be done before end of the month, by modest estimate it clocks some 70 working hours a week, if you can have it done by 25th you have crushed me..

My most recent character is literally the physical incarnation of Games.

I'm pleased by this puny mortal dedicating himself to strengthening my Estate.

I try to be his best friend.

Shoot him.

>What shall you do?
Be honest.
>"Good fucking god, man, how old are you? Mid-20s? Multimillionaire? Head of a megacorp? And your ego is so fucking fragile that you spent 5 entire years literally obsessing about beating a fucking fourteen year old boy in a children's card game? Let me introduce you to this thing called 'twitter' where people will listen to you rant for HOURS on end. You can even do it at work!"

>and he has dedicated himself to being your rival.
Didn't he kill himself in the new movie to duel the Pharaoh one last time?


Brisket edition.

>Roll for choice meat: Kaiba has already bribed the butcher and taken the best piece!
>Roll for prep: Kaiba has sabotaged your smoking pit and replaced your white oak with cedar!
>Roll for seasoning: Natural 1 applying the dry-rub, the brisket "wasn't blotted enough".
>Roll for temp management: pit chimney optimal
>Roll for smoke: You replaced the hazardous cedar with plain ol' hickory, but you're so used to oak you end up sending god-damn signals to the Coeur d'Alene.
>Kaiba laughs as he tailgates out of the back of his helicopter, surrounded by suits and holograms making sure his brisket has the perfect bark and smoke-ring using real-time cross section scanning.

It sounds like a nightmare and it would literally take a heart-of-the-cards moment to pull out of this.

He'll have it done by 15th. he also spent 4 of those days making blue eyes white jets.

He traveled to the afterlife, though I don't think he killed himself.

>tfw no ambitions or anything I take particular pride in my skill at

Sure showed him. ;_;

Is it vague?


Not really. He used his space elevator plus some magic item that lets you travel through dimensions to go find the Pharaoh. I suppose it could just not of worked and killed him, but I don't think that's what they were trying to convey.

Fuck that sounds really cool

>So this is a non-lethal thing then?
>I either ignore him or if he gets too annoying I beat him so badly he has to go to the hospital.
>He thinks card games are going to be non-lethal
>He thinks he can beat Seto FUCKING Kaiba
You obviously don't know Kaiba.

But that begs the question of what sort of magic user he would be.
>Summon focused Wizard who has the cash to have whatever materials and components he should desire
>Strong Warlock whose patron is a white dragon with blue eyes

Captcha was hats, of which 2/3 were fedoras.

...This asshole will either be a pain in the ass rival runner (who will be able to navigate and infiltrate corps thanks to his background), or possibly be my new employer.

I don't know which is worse, Kaiba or the dragons.

Oh god, he's probably married to one as well.

>real me


>last character

I'm really interested to see how he would go about being the rival to a paladin actually.

>marrying pathetic human

learn your shadowrun lore scrub.


>implying Kaiba gives a damn, especially if it happens to be a white dragon with blue eyes.
>implying he won't rub it in on us lowly peons that he's fucking a dragon, while wearing a shit eating grin.

>Not lusting after Kaiba cock

Come on now.

Why yes, you should.

Truely, the best cardu

>playing a game of nobilis
Spotted a liar.
are there openings

Yes, which would make a loss even more humiliating. And it would be frowned upon to cheat with your godlike powers as well. On the upside, making a world's economy and culture depend on a cardgame would surely make your domain and power fuck hueg.

why was his fingers replaced by a gun?

The heck is that supposed to mean?

>he doesnt know 4kidz

Shell out for a crate of vodka and trade it in with the local boys for the ol' Summary Beating Special. Win or lose, he'll be busy and it's cheaper than a kid.

Last character is fucked, being dependent on secrecy. Having an animu antagonist show up wherever, whenever is the opposite of secrecy.

why was his fingers replaced by a gun?

>It would be frowned upon to cheat with your godlike powers as well.
Didn't stop the Pharaoh.

He literally built a space ship, in his space station shaped as his initials, specifically to pierce into the Egyptian afterlife that had the Pharaoh.

This is after he had built a duel disk that could hard counter a reality warper who tried to use his powers to erase kaiba from existence.

Oh also the events of the movie took place before the high school graduation, so this all took place before GX, meaning that not only did Kaiba break into a very specific afterlife with SCIENCE he did it in less than a year and then escaped back to earth so he could turn around and create an Academy specifically centered around his fave card game....and make it so profitable that others decided to emulate him and make their own.

Kaiba is grade A Bullshit

With a luck stat that high it really explains why he could almost go toe to toe with the Pharaoh.

Then the pharaoh a shit. A victory through underhanded means is a victory not actually had. Likewise for the loser of that very game.

Kaiba doesn't have luck. He has skill, money, belts, and weapons grade autism that eclipses anything this site has ever done

user, no one in the ygo universe knows the fucking rules, that's the problem with the whole show and game, it's a mess

Kaiba killed trained, armed mercenaries barehanded, while they had the drop on him. He'd turn you into paste.

kaiba is like batman except if batman was written by a 12 year old who gets bullied at school and not a libertarians wet dream

You should elaborate a little regarding
>real me

On the matter of how he would rival a pally, let's look at it this way.

>Palidins uphold justice and are righteous do gooders.
>How do you piss'em off without making them try to kill you?
>By doing their job better than them without the whole religious need, and being as much of a smug bastard while doing so.

Imagine how much of a troll you could be if you had his mountain of wealth.

>1st town after becoming rivals
>"Thanks for offering to cure our wounded, but some kind sir brought in a guild of healers just the other day."
>As you leave, you swear you hear him laugh
>2nd town
>"All the monsters have been taken care of. Some guy posted a team of mercenaries as a militia, and even upgraded the town walls."
>One of the mercs passes by and hands the pally a note.
>It is a masterfully done picture of homself being smug, and is captioned "What's the matter? I thought you were supposed to be helping others?"
>3rd town
>The pally finally gets to help someone
>He is chasing a theif who stole a basket of flowers from a little girl
>He brings the basket back, only to see the little girl holding a much better basket with very exotic flowers.
>She thanks the palidin anyway, and gives him a flower.
>it is a white flower with a bright blue 'K' clearly visible.

It really wouldn't end.

Pretty much this.

I make a deliberately bad attempt at suicide.

but that wouldn't irritate a true paladin. A true paladin would simply be glad that the people were benefiting, because a true paladin works not for his own benefit but for the benefit of others. Ultimately you can't troll a paladin by being a better do gooder. He would simply be pleased that good was being done. He might even start looking up to the guy as a saint or something, but he wouldn't get pissed per-see.

y-you too, user

Oh, well i didn't mean that we would proceed to fuck, or that I would deal with the knoweledge that he was determined to be my rival by fucking (although that would be an interesting way to handle it. Challenge Kiba to a sex off.)

What i meant to say is that I am fucked, because there is no way in hell i would be able to succesfully compete with the guy. I'm just a lower middle class dude, the corporate giant would crush me like a bug, and i know that.

The only chance i might have would be to go back to being a MMA fighter and then get him in the ring. I could win there, because it's something his intelligence autism and money could go only so far in given the limitations of his body, but even if i did it would just mean i'd get fucked over after the fight was done when he ruined me some other way in retribution.

>real you or most recent character
Real me would just ignore him until he went away.
Most recent character is a Dark Heresy psyker, sooo do like Pegasus and read his mind/hand and constantly best him at children's card games.

Joke is on him! I don't enjoy anything! My life is an endless series of disasters!


>get him in the ring

>real me
>is my rival
>is beating me at all my video games I play.
I would get so mad but eventually I'd just stop doing anything and tell him to fuck off and that I'm done

I am the master of salt, he cant outsalt me

4kids censorship. All guns are fingers

The SETO KAIBA will take you under his wing, and guide you into the realm of a financially successful and emmotionally rewarding life.

And then, he will crush you at everthing you now enjoy.

>Grab him by the neck
>Start running
>Reach mach 3
>See what happens to him

>Thinking Dragons wouldnt be all over that

He became the worlds richest man by building an empire around card game ACCESORIES

Pretty sure Seto can't into genuine healthy friendships, so I guess I become a shonen protagonist?

Say I want to challengr him at a children's card game and then shoot him in the face.

I would argue he probably also prints the cards under license from Pegasus

But I'm not going to argue with Ultra-Mega-Satan-X, first edition foil.

>put your hands up, or we'll shoot you with our invisible guns!

My current character is one of the greatest carpenters in the world. Bring it on.

Not sure where you're going with this, but you have my curiosity.

>last session was Maid RPG
>character recently got children's card game as a maid weapon
>GM said he'd let me summon any foil trading card I physically own

>mfw every match between Veblina and Kaiba ends with Kaiba getting sacked by three NFL quarterbacks

bitch your a fucking blue eyes user. go fuck your self magicians are superior. but if you insist ...........

>my most recent character

you seek to beat me? you are truly foolish mortal. but come any battle field or wager and I shall win. but come why not that there card game you have.

[champion of the god of luck and the future.. come at me bitch]

>implying kiba wont just science your luck away
we are talking about a guy who makes blue eyes white dragon jets in his free time. The guy can science into other demensions and made a VR dueling game that can kill you if you louse a duel

he cant science what he don't know about. its my intention as my char to beat him senseless AS SOON as he becomes a problem. not giving him time to bullshit his way with some gadget designed specifically for me. and you also forget his actual rival yugi has the same abilities with luck. and in a game about luck of the draw I will win. no argument about it. and if all else fails I can see every move he makes because GOD OF FUTURE champ. like I don't know pegaus the other guy who beat him

This makes me wonder, does Furoticon have foils?

If no one else appreciates your comment - i do, user.

the only reason yugi was excempt from kaibas bullshit was because he had plot armor. Kaiba had the best superpower a man can dream off, money and some magical factory that can produce anything within seconds

not seconds, about a week. and the only reason he had that shit was...wait for it.... PLOT the same thing that stops him. and again I can see everything he can possibly do. I can see how everything possibly plays out if I go good enough with a roll. and finaly if all else fails I AM IN A PARTY WITH A MURDER OBSSESED DEATH CULTIST, A STUPID BUT PROTECTIVE BARBARIAN AND THE LITTERAL INCARNATION OF THE GOD OF WAR. he cant win in a fight. but anyway none of that matters because as said above hes a filthy blue eyes user, I am a magician both in char and in deck I will outst him with ease.

Smash him over the head with the prison cell door I'm carrying around as an improvised weapon/shield until he desists.

Veeky Forums if you or your last character were in a show like Yu-Gi-Oh what aspect of your personality/occupation/hobbies would to build your deck around.

As a pharmacist I would obviously have a bunch of medical-themed cards doling out buffs and de-buffs.

My last character was a romanticist/murder-autist from a noble background so lot's of knights and soldiers maybe some artists with self-sacrifice mechanics mixed in.

My character only cares about being the strongest in the world. Would Seto build a machine to be even stronger or would we see a super buff Kaiba?

I don't undertake or do anything really so am not sure what he'd do.


Fisticuffs. If she's losing, she'll just take it like a man, start an arms race of muscles and skill with him until neither can improve anymore. Or the detective pressgangs her into shoving him in the Sunset Cage until the vampire threat has been taken care of, and takes one of the six keys with him to make sure his operatives can't release him early.

>real me

Character creation contest. Three submissions each, tiebreaker fourth submission available. Submissions are posted on Veeky Forums for review and grading.

>kaiba tries to bribe the elegan/tg/entry
>no names, no addresses, good luck finding anyone.
>kaiba has employees sneak into the cavalcade of posters.
>assuming no submission starts a shitshow and mine is superior, employees get shouted off the board entirely.
>it's down to sheer OC creation skill.
>i have a shot, since Kaiba would probably go over the top in order to beat me, and make his submissions something Veeky Forums abjectly hates like kender or mary sues.


I challenge him to a game of pure and absolute chance

that way, even if he wins, he can't brag about it because it was sheer luck

You say that like he doesn't hire a team of analysts and professional authors to dissect what Veeky Forums loves in a character and then come up with things to hit as many notes as possible without going overboard. And a professional artist to draw a character portrait for each one.

>make his submissions something Veeky Forums abjectly hates like kender or mary sues.
He would make one in homage to the blue eyes white dragon which, despite being a mary sue, would capture Veeky Forums's heart because of the obvious time and love put into it, and then he would shit out two more that are still miles better than anything you could ever create.

My current character is in mutants and masterminds, and can make translucent temporary armor over anyone he chooses. For his super he just summons a giant glowing ghost knight around him.

I'd probably give him a defense based deck with lots of knights. Focus on stalling till the other person gets frustrated. i always wanted to see a deck based on almost pure defense. Probably exists, but i don't know of it.

Trump card would be his ultimate. 2300/3300 atk/def. Would raise the defense of all cards by 500, be immune to monster effects, and have to be destroyed before any other monster like ring of magnetism.

Wanna bet on that?

>implying Veeky Forums has one unified taste without conflicting buttons to press
>implying he isn't so consumed by his desire to beat me by the time i roll out my submissions some three months later that he doesn't go overboard trying to ensure his victory

He can't please everyone, and if he tries, he'll end up with either something bannable or a mary sue. I still have a shot.

>implying i don't spend the most time on my submissions simply because real life happened and i forgot the whole contest and just crafted OC for the fun of it.

That, and would homage still count as OC?

Real me is unemployed and I'm considering getting the family's vegetable patch growing next year if my unemployment holds. Sell some stuff at the farmers market next fall and make a small bit of money, and also allow me to put self employed on my next job application after the fact or expand the patch into a full on field. So by all means let kiba get West Virginia's shitty economy back on track by eclipsing me in the growth of something that isn't pot.

most recent character is a Wizard/knight who just got some new armor made from dragon scales and is gearing up for a war against a mad cult. So probably just throw kiba through a wall with magic as he lacks time for his petty shit.


This is fine. This is so fine it's hilarious. This guy can't widely express himself, so I can take him out using musicality over technique. At the same time, I'll use him to challenge my own technique-building, and abuse the publicity from competing with him to get my works published.

Not only does he not win, he just makes me stronger.

Nobody was aware of it until the series was already ending. Not even the Pharaoh.

Nuh uhh. He would totally beat you. I know because my dad works at YuGiOh.

On a serious note, he would be tougher than that. If he uses the same dedication he has for this card game, he would surely pose a larger challenge.


My character becomes a prostitute for shits and giggles.

There are some things it's not good to be the best at.

I laugh as he autistically spends half his fucking fortune completely foiling out a balls-out, max power Tazri Food Chain deck with the most expensive manabase and basics on the market, then gets frustrated as I tell him that he's stupid enough to do all of this over a fucking card game that's not even his favorite

Then some other Yugioh player steals his deck before he leaves the shop

A combo stax deck. Just like I play IRL. Chain Veil Teferi for the win.

Or I can be boring and play a contraption themed deck as I'm studying to be an engineer.

I seduce his brother.

However that plays out, he'll probably find another rival to annoy.

Seeing the future wont help you.
Kaiba actually dueled against a person who could see into the future, forseaw the entire duel and played accordingly in order to perfectly counter him
But Kaiba waifu'd his dragon so hard that he broke fate.

>ywn waifu-ize something so autistically hard that it is made real, twisting the fabric of reality just to make it happen.

Why carry on?

>He thinks card games are going to be non-lethal

Actually a good point with Kaiba involved.

What's worse? Getting threatened that you will get shot, or that you will get fingered?

>Twilight caste Solar Exalted coming up on Essence 3.
>Uses tech to compensate for being bad at magic
>Shy, but wants to improve quality of life for the world, usually with research

The only way I see this ending is with a utopia that makes the UC go "damn, son" and Kaiba exalting.

>That part in the recent movie where some fuckers obtain unstoppable reality warping powers and use it on Kaiba to erase him from existence but he just equips his duel-disk shouts "There are no limits when you're as brilliant as Seto Kaiba!" and stares them down.
>He literally fucking Exalted.

Kaiba becomes your character's pimp