Let's Make A setting Veeky Forums

>The world is on the brink of being engulfed by Hell itself.

The gates of Heaven are the only way to escape destruction, but the angels will only let in people who prove themselves in the battle against Hell. A battle that humanity is clearly losing.

Well, you'd need to figure out the effects of Hillary winning the 2016 election.

Define prove themselves. Are we talking effectiveness, valor, or both?

Because tell any human they've got nothing left to lose, and...

I'm thinking the actual requirements are vague at best. Most assume that you're supposed to fight the demons, but then you'd die and who knows what happens to your soul after that. So some people try their best to please the angels by helping the resistance however they can, and others decide to try sneaking into Heaven directly.

>As Hell comes ever closer to subsuming our reality, the very laws governing existence itself begin to bend and break apart, slowly being twisted into a horrid reflection of the evils of Hell.

A race of rat man merchants control the distribution of money.

>>It is suspected that the Rat Men are directly aiding Hell in it's spread and consumption of our world, but none can say for sure.

Ratmen and other beast folk are Hell's plan to replace humanity once they fully take Earth and reduce mankind to tortured puddles of suffering. They need something to rule over judge, right? So because of this, the beast folk generally reflect the qualities Hell appreciates.

Demonic Generals are campaigning all over the world to make the engulfing easier.

Each of the Demonic Generals has their own unique strategy for conquering and engulfing, based on the seven deadly sins.

>The Wrath General is the most traditional, destroying everything in his path.
>The Greed General uses economic manipulation in order to starve out the resistance while making those who surrender easily nice and rich.
>The Envy General manipulates resistance leaders to turn against each other and destroy humanity from the inside.


>The demons of Hell are not red men with pitchforks and horns, but are instead utterly incomprehensible forces that seem to act utterly illogically and do not possess any trait sthat one would normally call 'human'. Instead they seem more like objects or fragments of something larger, a part of a greater cohesive whole, instead of being their own separate entities.

The Rattenkönig is a mysterious hivemind being that is said to be infecting the minds of rats men creating a Gigantic Dragon made of the rotten corpses of Rat men. Rumours says it is part of the titans, Guardian beasts from Heaven.

I can dig it.

The angels are as incomprehensible as demons but instead act with pure pragmatism and each have their own personalities and huge egos.

Not all demons hate humanity. In fact, some demons like humans. They just wish that they would fully embrace the madness that they are capable of, and by engulfing the world, humanity will finally be "free."

"Real" Demons are incredibly rare and hard to fight, being seen as immortal by most. What humanity battles is itself, insane cultists and those twisted by hells demons.

So basically the Excrucians from Nobilis?

Shadow of the Demon Lord?

>Occasionally, an angel will come down to a human and demand they complete a task in the name of Heaven.
>Their visits are short and overwhelming, practically burning the order into the mind of who they've visited.
>It is often a vague and open ended task that can be interpreted in multiple ways, but for those who complete it, they are instantly saved and brought to Heaven.

In this setting, girls are nicer to guys who are maybe a little ugly


Considering the state of mankind and the fact that most people are going to wind up horribly disfigured, this shitpost might have some actual merit to the setting.


The World is contained within some sort of Bottle being held by God and the Devil. The Hand of God is Heaven while the Hand of the Devil is hell. Devils and Angels are born from the blood of their respective deities. Rumours has it that both are dead.

>It is theorized that Hell itself is 'alive' in a sense, the entire realm being a living mass with all demons but mere extensions of it.
>None of the demons of Hell have seen fit to truly support or deny this theory.

Yes. Super poetic and strange like that.

No angel or demon would ever admit to such a thing, and would likely destroy anyone who suggested it.

You guys ever see the American Dad episode Rapture's Delight? I think you'd like it. Anyways here's my thoughts

>the oceans are filled with deformed evil sea life, ocean shipping is nigh impossible, even the largest ships are attacked by tentacled leviathans or have their hulls cut to pieces by things with hundreds of teeth

Some demons claim that only by spreading Hell can they prevent the World bottle from Falling and Breaking

>Seeing as how Heaven isn't doing the same thing as how Hell is doing it, this is usually assumed to be a lie on the demons part.

Many factions have risen up, but there are four that most swear allegiance to.
The flag shown here belongs to The leviathan order worship Demons and do all they can to destroy what remains of humanity.

Despite the gut reaction of the apocalypse proving the Judeo-Christian belief of the afterlife, the exact truth becomes confusing when all holy symbols of major faiths seem to repel demonic forces at some level or another. Collecting holy artifacts from all religions is a common practice for those scavenging what remains of the planet.

*The leviathan order who worships Demons

If modern/ Sci fi, modern future technology attempting to harness the bountiful power of hell has malfunctioned, over confident scientists have brought down the wrath of Hell onto everyone.

If high fantasy, similar concept but wizards and stuff instead
I did just finish Doom, you are correct

They tried to harness energy and then drilled into both satan and gods hands, thus causing the destruction of the world.

Hell energy is a legitimate power source now that Hell is invading, though due to the chaos the world is in, only a select few are able to harness it, mainly those who have aligned themselves with the General of Greed or any pro-demon human faction.

>Some demons take on forms that appear almost completely human with seemingly no outward mutations or changes. The only thing that really gives them away are their truly alien mindsets, and the fact that their eyes are literal holes into the void.

Another faction is New Dawn, made by the remnants of scientists from the company that caused the cataclysm. They seek to study and eradicate any supernatural forces that come into this world, friendly or not.

With the forces of hell abroad on Earth, Hell is relatively unguarded. A being known only as Death climbed out of the pits of hell, with an army of the dead following him.

These souls escaped Hell and are beyond Heaven's light, and combat demons, angels and the living alike.

>New Dawn's sheer hatred for all supernatural forces including benevolent ones which seek to aid humanity in these trying ties, makes it an enemy to those who would wish to protect the world from Hell. It is even whispered that the higher-ups in the faction are being puppeted by the demonic forces in order to divert attention away from their machinations. Or perhaps this too is an elaborate lie constructed by some vile fiend from the abyss. None can say for sure.

A "faction" that has always been around from the starting years of the cataclysm is Starchildren, a catchall term for cultists who worship something they call "He between" who is said to be "The child of mans want"

>somebody spreads the rumour that a charitable enough act may buy salvation
>roasties start pity-fucking ugly guys in desperation

The first attempt at transdimensional space-travel was a success, but what came back wasn't the same as what departed

>The Starchildren are brutal and merciless to those who would dare blasphemy against their "god", but are fairly nice to those they consider 'kin'. But woe be onto those who draw their ire.

Men who die in glorious last stands against impossible odds are reborn in hell as skeletons who take the fight to the enemy.


I exist in this world
I am the strongest coolest guy with the biggest muscles
I am also immune to every form of attack and live forever

>Get's eaten by a giant vulva monstrosity full of teeth the moment he says this.

Sorry user, seems it's just not your day.

Not only do i live, but that's my fetish

Right or wrong this faction has somehow created a small but growing number of 'dead' or 'mundane' zones. Within these areas physics function completely 'normally' and no supernatural force or beings can exist. However any human that dies within one of these zones is lost their soul neither ascending to heaven nor decending to hell but instead vanishing into nonbeing.

Last Bump before sleep. Keep the thread alive folks.

Humans that have sneaked in heaven are said to have become completly insane from the things they saw.

>Hell collapses under the weight of the refugee crisis, they destroy the careful set up hierachal, lawful infrastructure and proceed to interbreed with the local demoness, Erinyes and Succubi populations who in turn breed Hell into an indescribable mess of indulgence and stagnation

Is this a thinly-veiled TORG thread?

Don't really know what that is. This is just supposed to be a world building and idea thread for the most part.

>Only massive city-ships that bear the resemblance the first world war Dreadnoughts are capable of crossing the oceans and there are only a handful in existence.
>a few people have managed to cross via submarines, but doing so is still incredibly risky

One of the only surefire ways to damage demon kind is to attack it with a weapon that represents absolute faith. "Holy" weapons representhing faith in heaven are often used in this way, but those who's ideals are truely mercenary have found wrapping regular weapons in money to be just as effective.

Both Heaven and Hell are violent and horrific places. In fact, Heaven is notably the worst of the two. None on Earth know this, however, and assume that the angels will be their salvation, and Heaven their paradise. Those brought to Heaven suffer a fate much worse than Hell....

So... Doom?

A massive citie stands at the Frontier of Demon occupied lands and human occupied lands. It is called Raven Moon and it is said to have been founded on one of God Nails and such it will only fall if Heaven falls.

>Of course, this statement came straight from the mouth of a notable demon lord, notorious for tricking people, leading them astray, and causing them to drown in maddened delusion, so take this with a grain of salt.

A Wizard ends up being GOD and a Psycker ends up being DEVIL

One of the human factions are fighting against both the angels and demons beliving that the earth is for human and no outsider should interfere. They are also opposing anyone who are trying to get into heaven beliving that they are traitors for leaving the rest of humanity behind.

>I'll take "Otherwise Good Games Ruined by their Art" for 500

Remember Czarnosc?


Eh, the art isn't THAT bad. I've seen -far- worse art. This isn't even in the top 500.

>The lands blister and swell with corruption and rot wherever the influence of Hell begins to seep in, the laws of physical reality breaking down and being subsumed by the madness of the Dark realm.

I laughed for a full minute, thanks user

>With the forces of hell abroad on Earth, Hell is relatively unguarded. A being known only as Death climbed out of the pits of hell, with an army of the dead following him.
>These souls escaped Hell and are beyond Heaven's light, and combat demons, angels and the living alike.
I really like this.

What does the Lust general do?

This baffles both angels and demons as they figured such an outcome would at least direct souls to purgatory.


For many of them, it is an almost instantaneous transition.
One moment they are killing em dead on Earth, they blink, and they are in hell, ripping and tearing.

How would children, the elderly, and other non-warriors prove themselves?

Rumors of a half demon half angel have also spread, but only through word of mouth, those who have seen it have been driven nearly insane and claim that it's ever present

In this new era of war the power of belief has proven to be a invaluable tool.
It's not even belief but just 'known' in truth.
Items like the royal jewels of various parts of the world possess powerful abilities over their countries.
Iconic props used in movies also have powerful abilities, the holy grail used in Indiana jones has healing properties for example.

Stand and be true.

As time and space has warped and broken, various factions emerge from the twisted depths.
One of which is the Caracinians, an organization of soldiers dressed in blood stained white robes. Their faces are rarely seen, and though they claim to be avengers from the future on a mission to rectify the past, they cause as much harm as the hellish monstrosities they combat, and their devilish laughs echo from deep within their dark hoods, no matter the blood being spilled.


Celebrities become demigods?

Imagine. Justin Beiber with super powers.

All is lost. The angels have been slain, left on the streets to be eaten and desecrated by the circling carrion birds of hell. Women are slaughtered and brutalized the in streets while their men folk's corpses, strewn upon the streets, stare up at their wives with cold, but agonized gazes. The citizens of earth have faced no greater peril now than ever.

Only one man can return hell from whence it came. In the distance, you hear a feint motorcycle rev under it's master...

Question, am I allowed to put my dick in that demon because damn

>Mentions the streets 3 times
>Twice in one sentence

Fuck is wrong with streets?

They're Jewish

Collector's items and autographed objects become relics, generations of careful maintenance giving them power in this new age.

Old swords of royalty cut a demon just as deeply as a sword drenched in holy water, or a Palladium coated bullet

A bat signed by Babe Ruth can knock a devil's head clean off regardless of how strong the wielder was.

It makes even some of the more mundame objects of the world highly sought after. Not just by humans, but the angels and demons as well...

The souls are actually being captured and stored in virtual afterlife hidden within these dead zones and this out of sight of both heaven and hell.

However, his notoriety comes mainly from the lips of the angels, who tell endless stories of the schemes of the demon lords. Who knows what humanity stands between here.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm of the opinion that if this was to happen, Heaven and Hell would be well and truly fucked.

They would be so focused on being ideologues of generic good and evil, that they wouldn't realised how but-fuck insane we become when pushed.

Just imagine how a group of angels would act when a 10-year old girl in rags limps pitifully up to them, staring up into their faces with blue, innocent eyes, before detonating the suicide vest hidden under her clothes?

How would the demon lord feel when he approached a city, only to find we had already laid waste to it out of spite in more ways than even he deemed necessary.

And what happens with all the souls of the previous generations!?

What would happen if every single human that died collectively said "Right, I've had enough of these bastards! Let's wreck their shit."

There's no barrier stopping them now and we've had a lot more practice at being utterly ruthless shitters than any supernatural ponce who has been swanning around the house saying how great and all powerful they are since the dawn of time.

I honestly don't think either realm stands a chance. Not at all.


What system would run this well?

Are me making Czarnosc again?

melting coins into swords also works. THE SHEKELSWORD

>Putting your dick in Rei
Sure buddy, hope you like cumming as hard as third impact.

That's not Rei

>so take this with a grain of salt.


you know if Hell actually existed as a physical place you could hook machinery to, it would actually be near limitless energy - all the writhing flesh and endless fire and moving earth

You would probably go insane and mutate into a nameless horror though.

A nameless horror with endless energy to boot.

think aboot it

all that Hellfire could boil an ocean's worth of water...infinite Steam Power, so many turbines turning! And imagine the wind farms being blown from the screams of the damned and the Hellstorms!
