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>How to Jumpchain
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>JumpChain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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How should I go about freeing Magnus from the mollusk?
>attraction To Gilgamesh
Mah nigga
What setting surprised you the most once you experienced it without censorship? What was it in particular that surprised you? What did you do about / with it?
Is there a list of food and drink type items in jumpchain ?
Well here's the issue with canon Magnus.
He's dead. His soul is gone. Poof. He's a Daemon Primarch now, not merely a traitor one, and the thing about Daemon Primarchs is that they're effectively Daemons wearing the former Primarch's skin. Everything that was Magnus is gone.
>Needing to genderbend Gilgamesh to be attracted to him
What are some jumps where you can get a gun?
Pokemon Trainer... for some reason.
I was about to suggest that it's a reference to that one anime episode, but then I remembered that the jump is for the games only.
Should I, uh, not go Daemon Prince in BC, then?
I thought the jump described it as a hybrid of the games and anime?
Either that or the gun is a holdover from when it was a standalone CYOA.
The jump is actually a fusion of the anime and games, because the games themselves would function like the 'real' pokemon world and not a videogame reality.
Red's said that you're ensured to remain yourself and retain continuity and blah blah
I don't think that means as much as you think it does. Pretty sure he's still more or less the same person, just enslaved to Tzeentch. And obviously somewhat changed by hanging around in the Warp for ten millennia.
I'm not feeling gay today, user.
>Not Scaroused
So disappointed.
Invader Zim. Hormones hit everyone kind of hard and things got weird. Especially since I convinced Tak to give up her insane vendetta and just settle down on Earth. Also the Horrorverse tried to invade almost every Halloween and that was way bloodier than I ever expected it to be. Mostly I rolled with it. Didn't have the power to make sweeping changes at the time. So we stayed inside on Halloween and installed extra locks on Zim's door.
Can someone tell me some ways to get power with The Power is Jumpers? I have no idea where to even start.
I don't think sulky the sulker is very much like the Magnus described in the HH novels anymore.
What exactly do you mean? You'll still need a way to get it yourself, it just enhances any attempts. God of Highschool and the new Solars jump (Zenith and Eclipse) have some good perks for sweetening deals, for example, and Ghost Rider has something to actually transfer power.
How would one go about removing someones ability to use magic? Like completely removing it so they're no longer a threat (using magic anyway).
Negotiate some Surrender Oaths with the 400 CP Eclipse perk from Solars. Cast a miniature anti-magic field centered around the target with D&D magic, and keep it permanently sustained with a method of your choice (Infinity from SDS is probably the easiest).
Sever Force from Clone Wars. There are a surprising amount of magic systems that rely on outside forces or entities.
I think he means some people/gods to scam.
I watch the sun set for the last time over what remains of Ura lands in the distance. The quiet hum of Burstone capacitors is the only sound around me; all else is silent. The tears have long since dried from my face.
Then, slowly, my vision fades to black.
"Well...that didn't go too well, did it, user?" I give no response, still staring vacantly. "But hey, you got some sweet toys, didn't you? Ehh? Eh?" He pulls the lone remaining Core from his hammer dimension and wobbles it in front of me for a few moments. Some distant part of my mind notes that Jump-chan can take things from my warehouse.
"Hm. Well, maybe not a video game setting for the next one, then. Cheer up, kiddo! I'm sure you'll do fine next time." He puts the Core away (hopefully back where it belongs), rustles my hair a little, and steps away. A familiar ring of images appears, and after a few moments, begins to spin, becoming a blur of light. After about a minute of silence, I reach out to touch it, and vanish.
(Roll 1d10 to choose a CYOA)
1: Death Note
2: Discworld
3: Dresden Files
4: Dune
5: Farscape
6: Once Upon a Time
7: Sherlock Holmes
8: Stargate SG-1
9: Trigun
10: West Wing
DND Spells are surprisingly really good for utility, like warming up the uterus for a few hours to mitigate period pains, which was a cantrip in DND.. I used the same cantrip to open up pores to deal with razor burns.
I also learned a similar trick using Nasuverse Magus Circuits (While they are technically part of the soul, using them increases the body temperature and Kiritsugu heat tracked maguses according to the wiki page).
As for sex shit, uhhh. You do not want to see muppets fucking. You really don't. Also there were vigors for sex (being branded as fertility vigors of course in Columbia).
So which Domain sounds better Observation or Clairvoyance? Trying to figure it out in Marvel Magic since my jumper has a bit of a theme of getting all the precog and see all know all perks.
Rolled 4 (1d10)
>Infinity from SDS...
Observation. Honestly, it depends what you need it for. I'd imagine Observation would allow you to do things like see the invisible and perceive forces, while Clairvoyance would probably just be a really big boost to its namesake. If you have good clairvoyance already, it's probably not as good an investment.
The Shai-Hulud are pleased.
Has anyone tried making a Jump for Over the Garden Wall?
Not that I recall.
Why do that when there are a bunch of straight up immaculate biology perks scattered around that make it so you never have to worry about biological functions ever again? Why not go full cybernetic/transhuman/superior life form? Why even allow that to continue happening and be forced to deal with it all the time when you could just as easily solve it forever?
I tried to make a Gauntlet of it (I never officially claimed it because I was't sure how far this would go) but I couldn't think of enough drawbacks or a good enough reward to go through with it, so I abandoned it.
I'm not gonna claim it, though. I have too many other projects at this moment.
>I have too many other projects at this moment.
How are those progressing?
Because this was early in the chain.
Probably because not everyone here is middle or late chain. It's not like people just go to Jumps for specific perks early on and then stick with that chain forever (at least not everyone). Some people start up new chains, do stuff early on because they like an IP and will inevitably face some problems that they have to figure out solutions too before they hit Jumps later that would have made those problems go away a lot easier.
That doesn't really change anything I'm saying though, since you obviously when to DnD at some point, and you definitely had the opportunity to ascend to a more convenient biology at that point.
Because not all of us are SBers.
Update for the user who wanted a companion import. Might have another update "soon"
Why would going to DnD mean they had the had the opportunity to gain an ascended biology without lady bits?
I sincerely doubt this is a jump of your design.
Not everyone might want to throw away their (physical) humanity at the first chance.
Archanea is slowly plodding along but it's getting there. I have two scenarios lined up for it. The Archanea series just doesn't really interest me as the other games because its really lacking in plot and interesting characters, even if it was the very first setting of the game
Princess: The Hopeful...has unfortunately screeched to a halt. I'm just not creative enough for the massive amounts of perks needed for customization outside of shit princesses can already do, and there's the fact that I have to give the dark magical girls two perk trees to compensate that they don't get normal powers. But no one else is willing to take it off my hands as far as I know, so I'm not gonna give up on it just yet.
Other projects are in varying states of completion, Captain Underpants is the only jump I haven't started on yet because I want to finish Archanea before working on it.
Because I became a gnome, that's why. Gnomes are the coolest DnD race.
Not that guy, but you could become a dragon and shape shift to human form. Don't even necessarily have to buy into being a dragon outright, I remember there being a way to become a dragon that involved a huge ritual.
Wait, I just realized it's completely impossible to get Nacle. Is this part of the meme? Because I'm not gonna lie, I now realize how much I'd want a pet salt elemental.
Well then they're frankly not deserving of the chance to JumpChain.
Actually, nevermind, I cannot into math. Disregard this.
DIO please go.
Oh, yeah. They were implying cybernetics and stuff so the obvious answer went over my head I guess.
The Stone Mask sucks and you know it.
Why? After a couple jumps you're already more like a ridiculous parody of humanity then you are an actual normal person, gaining the ability to control your form in such a way that you don't have to worry about how shitty and disgusting your biology is doesn't make you any less a human being; it can't, since you already abandoned your humanity when took the offer to go on an adventure across the multiverse for the viewing pleasure of a being beyond all comprehension.
There's tons of fantastical races out there and the Benefactor wanted a mundane human from our world. Sounds an awful lot like the one's who would trade out at the first chance are least likely to be picked.
Nah, I'm Bubbles. I just post user a lot. And by a lot, i mean almost always.
I mean, if you already have a pet you can now import it. But would you inflict that fate on your once loving pet?
Jumpchan is watching you masturbate
Salt miner and repeated arguments are the same?
That excites and stimulates me.
>implying I masturbate
Ignoring the implications you're implying here about the Chain as a whole that are only true in your headcanon... dunnolol. I'd jump at the chance to become a dragon or dwarf or terminator or you get the idea, but I've seen plenty of people here hold a different view.
I cannot remember what that is from, isn't that the bomb girl or something?
Shit, fixing.
Also, this is not my pdf. oi.
>implying he doesn't masturbate
Yes, she is the explosion girl from KonoSuba.
I won't lie, that's kind of creepy.
He hates it every time it happens, but he can't not see it. Jumpchan is all seeing.
>Someone is watching me masturbate
Great, now I have to masturbate again. God damn exhibitionism fetish.
Not sure what I'm expecting from this thread at fucking midnight, but here I go
I've been slowly trying to chip away at 40k's lore, but I haven't found anything regarding that Light of Terra thing that has like 200 pages or whatever. Can someone explain what the hell's up with that?
I can only find passing mentions of the name when I google it, and with minimal context clues to work with.
Two jumps shouldn't have *that* dramatic an impact, user.
It's apparently a scenario from one of the books mixed with shit from other random books.
Its someone's OC adventure based on 40K.
It's a fuckhueg ship that you can run a campaign in. Lost at some point during the great crusade, probably.
What matters is that it's a Gloriana-Class battleship with a load of hostile fuckers with sharp objects (and firearms) in it
It's just a basic spacehulk story with a few of the more eccentric 40k fields attached (orc races and such).
Pokemon trainer and Pokemon Dungeon. Two jumps, already a parody of a human being in any context.
Is this shitposting or autism? You're still human on the inside even if you're going on fantastical adventures and shit, dude. What do you define as human?
How do you handle meta-knowledge, and do you take it into account when writing? After just a few jumps, I imagine most of us will have forgotten a great deal without a perfect memory perk. Do you visit modern-day earth jumps to refresh your memory, use perks to cheat, gather info with supernatural powers, or do you enjoy working in the unknown?
Damn that jump, I want a gloriana class ship but it is so broken.
Deadlight grumble grumble REEEEE.
>Is this shitposting or autism?
I like hazy meta knowledge in the hands of my Jumper since it means they can plan and account for some crazy shit that might never have come up before, but miss other completely obvious things because they forget them while getting lost in the meta plans. It's a very different kind of success/fucking up.
What do you think parody means, exactly? Because I'm not seeing how being able to turn into a pokemon and back makes you "an imitation that falls far short of [a real human]", which is my closest guess to the definition you were shooting for.
My jumper picked up a precog ability for plot-relevant events, right around the time he was starting to forget the media he'd once been familiar with.
Same. The ship is cool but I have intention of loosing everything and breaking the Deadlight is a trap.
Hopefully someone makes a Rogue Trader jump that has a Gloriana as a scenario reward or someone makes a Great Crusade Jump and offers one as an item.
Different user, also with Light of Terra scenario questions.
Specifically, one of the Necron upgrades is an Eternity Gate that doesn't need an exit gate -- so you can deploy troops anywhere. Question is, can this be used to pick dudes back up?
I'm assuming it can't be used to telefrag random dudes, but something like a Startrek transporter's ability to beam the away crew back.
>Is this modded Eternity Gate a functional Star Trek teleporter or do I need to pick up dudes the old fashioned way?
Its going to be weird jumping KOTOR after jumping the Bane triology.
Meta knowledge is surprisingly less helpful then you would initially think. Aside from the basics about characters, powers, and the setting, knowledge of the plot becomes almost useless once you end up changing enough. I use my meta knowledge as a sort of basic guide, but I don't rely on it.
I think you need to pick them up the old fashioned way.
Didn't the author say that if you don't break the deadlight, your chosen faction just treats you like an escort mission and they'll win barring you going out of your way to fuck it up?
I refresh my memory by going to a modern day earth setting and doing a boatload of research of the settings I want to go to before I dive back in. It's like a small breather before I jump back in.
Of course, sometimes the fiction in those worlds are different from what happens, but eh.
Do you subscribe to the theory that jumpchan is your daughter and trying to create a stable time loop to ensure her existence?
>I want a gloriana class ship
Why? You could always just grab a Gloriana class elsewhere and use the Lost Odyssey item to give it fiat protection
Can someone please repost the New jumps that were posted between the fifth and today?
Light of Terra doesn't have fiat protection anyway. If it gets destroyed, it's gone for good.
What would you do if you were given unlimited choice points?
Would you take all the perks every jump or build to a theme?
What about drawbacks would you take them just for the challenge?
It's weird the other way around as well. Bane was inspired by Revan, so if you were a Sith Lord in KOTOR you might have been an inspiration to him or the other members of the Brotherhood as well.
I don't think so, I mean if you take the space marine or necron companion then maybe they could carry you but it is still an incredibly dangerous space hulk. With no powers you would have a rather low survival rate even the companion did everything.
I could have sworn it had fiat restoration at the start of Jumps.
So I just picked up the ability to create Raydrics from Ragnarok Online, Raydrics essentially being possessed suits of armor.
Where would you advise I go to better capitalize on this if I wanted to create armies of possessed armors?
I wouldn't take ALL the perks, some have significant inherent downsides and others just don't appeal to me. If I had unlimited CP I would probably take all the perks that I didn't find distasteful though.
Could you guys grow some balls and stop caring about fiat as much as SB?
Stick to a theme. I mean, I'd probably grab all the convenience perks and items, plus all the various 'Unlimited supply of X food stuff' items, but for the most part I'd stick to a main theme and focus on that.
As for drawbacks? I'd take the ones that would make the story more fun and interesting, while ignoring the less interesting ones.