Question on my mind.
Why do people like Mk 7 marine armour? It looks like a helmet with a damn frowny face.
GKs, and the new chaos marines though, dayum
Question on my mind
Correct, Mk 6 is the best
>Why do people like Mk 7 marine armour? It looks like a helmet with a damn frowny face.
Because it looks like a helmet with a frowny face.
>le beaky meme
Mk 3 is the height of space marine aesthetics
Mk3 is just a slightly better looking Mk2
MkX or bust marinelet
Agreed. Mk 2 is second-best.
I'll be a pleb and say mkiv is my favorite, and Tartaros is my favorite terminator armor
Primaris helmets don't look too shabby though
MkX axtually looks good
It's the most iconic and well-known form of Space Marine armour there is, a very distinct look, an honestly quite simple design, that even people who don't follow 40k will still see and think 'That's from Warhammer'
I think GW is making a mistake in ditching it as the posterboy-design of 40k
Hey guys, hows it going?
GKs are better anyway
Only person with taste in this thread.
lol beakies
Heck yeah beakies!
>That magazine on the third marine's boltgun
Frowny faces show how cool they are.
>ehehe amigo
>crimson fists incestors
I thought the Deathwing were the new Mariachi marines.
Fellow pleb here, I agree with MK IV. I only dislike the nubs and that there's no chest eagle on the breast plate, the helmet and legs (sans nubs) are god-tier.
In the grand scheme of things not the weirdest placement of a magazine. Not by a long shot.
Mark II and Mark IV best marks
But in general, best is the "Heresy" pattern due to it looking badass when mish mashed and battle damaged.
You mistyped MK 3 there bud.
Is it a problem that the ejection ports are never anywhere near in line with the barrel?
Those are mexicans not muslims
>ejecting cases
>from a self-propelled projectile
It's cool no big deal
It complements banshee masks.
Boltguns are gyrojets. The projectiles don't have cartridges, they just fly out.
>space marine taking some type of space tiki to the gas chamber where it belongs.jpg
He ain't gonna waste aeldari genes.
Well, that's kind of retarded. They're gyrojets with cartridges I guess.
They are mini RPG-7.
Bolts have both a case and self propulsion. In one Guy Haley book, a heavy bolter is described as producing two "bangs" for each shot
it's like the complete opposite of a bullpup.
You know, it's worth pointing out that the armor Eldar wear is hooked up to their minds; it hardens or softens based on psychic stimuli, in addition to kinetic. Just
Just thought I'd mention that.
t. manlet
MK4 is the sexiest MK
>>behold! The new sculpts!
Much suckage
The cartridge actually removes one of the issues with gyrojets... admittedly by adding complexity and removing the main advantage of gyrojets, but still
>It looks like a helmet with a damn frowny face
That's the point
The ejection port doesn't have to be in line with the barrel, see the F2000, but it's a bit convoluted when it was just a modelling mistake.
I'd like MkX better if didn't have the fucking MkIV fish face helmet, the objectively worst of all of them. If they wanted a throwback to the Legions the MkIII helmet would have been way better.
Purely based on this, Cawl doesn't deserve to be Fabricator-General.
I think it's more a case of "that was the only 10 Marine plastic sprue, basically unchanged, for a couple of decades".
I actually wonder how much of the "original" mk7 box is left on the current sprue. iirc they've recut the Tactical Box twice in the mk7 style.