What are some of the crazy stupid/powerful or just straight dumb weapons that you have run into or want to see happen?
What are some of the crazy stupid/powerful or just straight dumb weapons that you have run into or want to see happen?
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God I almost wish he would launch a missle at someone
the resulting world war (by which I mean, the world at war with NK) would be as bloody as it would be hilarious and brief
Once had a magic plastic fork that did 20d8.
The DM lost a bet to me, so I got the fork.
>hilarious and brief
Indeed. But after NK wins would the current Kim be Eternal President of the World?
Either way, I hope your North Korean is up to date, m8.
I'd love to see one of these weaponized, it's more or less a Metal Slug boss irl
Oiled my robes
>We will never have a WW3
>We will never see all those experimental weapons made in the middle of the war.
Fucking MAD ruined everything
>implying we won't develop anti-velocity force fields and strange ritualized nuclear procedures
>implying we won't go full Dune, thus allowing WW3 to be fought with knives and shouting
>Tfw you wont die starving and burning from nuclear fallout
>Tfw you just instead have to deal with whiney middle class and upper class cunts.
>You can actually afford a cup of hot cocoa and can buy a nice blanket instead of provision stamps
Feels real comf man.
Fucking leftist ruined the world.
If by ruined the world you meen avoided nuclear holocaust, I'm happy you are disappointed.
What? If those cuckolds had had their way we'd have disarmed in the 60s and the world would be Soviet.
Hmm. That might actually be an upgrade. Just look at how Russia deals with faggots and minorities alike these days. Maybe we should've let the Bolsheviks win.
What were those vidyas called, where NK Juche'd the fuck out of everyone and invaded the States?
We've had reason to believe that they have had nuclear capability for nearly twenty years. No reason to start panicking now just because they've gone public with it and even the plebs know.
And the world would be a boring, miserable shithole. Crawl back under your rock you brainless lump.
what do leftists have to do with MAD protocols?
That's not funny. A friend of mine is a Marine stationed somewhere in Japan.
If NK pulls some shit, he'll be among the first Yankies getting atomized by NK's nuclear coastal defense. Because you KNOW they'll use nukes defensively.
Nothing, the skinheads are just mad that some people are telling them to not be frothing assholes and kill everyone.
You mean.
>We'll never have never existed because mankind went extinct in the '60s because the NATO and Warsaw Pakt used cobalt-salted nuclear weapons that emit the total radioactive output of nuclear fallout over 100,000 years in only 100 years resulting in the COMPLETE sterilization of all life on the planetary surface.
Assuming they have them in significant numbers, and making a nuke you can store ready to go off is apparently a lot harder than making a nuke you assemble then use right away.
Also, I'd be very surprised if NK had nukes available and didn't use them offensively and immediately in a frothing display of sturm und drang.
Nukes are hardly a form of weapon anymore. The only crazy bastards that were willing to use them as they were intended were the russians and the americans, everyone else have them as a form of legitimacy. North korea wont use the one theatrics that will keep everyone on edge.
I'd like to see more animal-powered weapons, like that WW1 missile that was guided by pigeons. Maybe nukes guided by Bald Eagles for maximum freedumb.
Armoured and metal-clawed bears in a hidden underground pit that's opened by a tripwire, and the bears get auto-injected with LSD and cocaine or something. A bearversor assassin, if you will.
Load up some Asian Hornets with cyanide or Zyklon B, stick them in a bomb and use them as a terror weapon.
Kandiru fish in the toilet water supply somehow.
Ammo-carrying doggoes that can be used as allahu akbar suicide bombs in emergencies.
>making a nuke you can store ready to go off is apparently a lot harder than making a nuke you assemble then use right away.
As a side note.
The nuclear landmines we made for the Fulda Gap had a problem where the cold winters would damage the electronics too much, there was a possibility of accidental detonation.
One of the solutions we came up with was to keep a live chicken inside of it with enough food to last the winter. 1 adult rooster would produce enough body heat to keep the cold from accidentally disabling or triggering the device.
Man, they could at least have given him some chicken pussy to while away the long winters. And then you'd have some delicious fried chicken omelette if the bomb went off.
The ultimate cockadoodlefuckyou
Also the remake of Red Dawn.
That one was originally meant to be Chinese but the studio made them change it right before filming.
Think it was one of the first major signs of the Chinese market influencing Hollywood.
Is that what happened with Homefront?
I forget what it was called, but in the Cold War the US designed a special Nuke for if the USSR pressed the button first. It would be fired across the Pacific where the smaller nukes it carried would fire on major cities before the missile would strike Moscow. And the design included no 'insulation' of the radiation, so as it flew over Russia it was also irridating the shit out of it.
This development of this design was strongly supported until someone realized it would be impossible to test without harming the native population massively, it was that dangerous. Though there was the suggestion of attaching it to a pole in the middle of the Mojave and flying it like a swingball. This was rejected for obvious reasons.
Project PLUTO was a Nuclear Ramjet we played around with. Project SLAM was one possible implementation of it.
The point was it could fly around breaking the sound barrier almost indefinitely using its nuclear propulsion. Causing damage with the sonic booms and irradiating the shit out of everything.
IIRC both dogs and dolphins have been used as bomb carriers historically. No wide deployments, but there were some limited cases.
The Russians used bomb dogs against the Nazi's from 1941-1942. The first couple of times they used them they blew up Russian tanks because they Russian tanks in training
Finns and Ruskies used suicide bomb tank-hunter dogs during WWII.
Only the Fins managed to used them to some effect, since the soviets trained their dogs to recognize soviet tanks instead of german ones
Both the US and Japan experimented with implanting incendiary devices in bats that would seek out wooden structures after being released from submarines. Only casualty was one barn in the US, burned down by a US-deployed bat that got away early
There were plans by the west to bury nuke mines in the fulda gap that used eggs hatching into chickens as timers if the Cold war went hot
Does using a Imperial drop-fortress as a improvised ground-penetrating MOAB count?
Because our Rogue Trader group kind of packed one full of various artillery munitions and sent it down at terminal velocity at a heretek mountain fort that was sending out a signal that was making wibbly-wobbly warp shenanigans happen.
After a spot of eccelsiarcal cleansing and a relocated lake, the mountain crater now serves as a artificial hot spring.
>A war that would result in millions dead is hilarious
Sure is buddy. Get this, during the rape of Nanjing some Japanese soldiers gangraped a chinese girl, literally nailed her to a chair, and then took pictures of her before they killed her. The absolute madmen.