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Requesting a fantasy CYOA to get some advise and example for my first CYOA that is in the workshop
Thank you
Get in here and Vote folks.
What does this have to do with CYOAs again
I did my part for Big Green.
Make a CYOA about pagan Roman's then, I'm sure it'll be good.
looking for new things to add (along with editing and balance issues), the weirdest stuff you're in to.
>being this edgy
Anti-Deus Vult?
>Godhand: Divine Barrier
>Burning Deeps
Yukiko indeed a cute
Stuff to add to?
Ice girls are the best.
>none of the choices is one of the excessive lewd ones from the previous poll
>blatant overhyped anime rip-off characters instead
I.. I lost my will to vote anymore.
>instead of shit choose shit
oh no
look at all the animus i can vote for
I can vote for DBZ characters, shitty sounding OCs, and famous fictional character ripoffs. What fun.
If I don't vote for anything does that count as a vote against all these options.
>democracy was a mistake
/cyoag/, 2017
What WOULD you vote for then
Exactly. At least the former group would be amusing if done right and in a way fitting the CYOA. Shitty anime character rip-offs will be always tasteless though, unless changed to the point of not resembling the source material at all - and then, you could as well give them a different name and some interesting description from the get-go.
I admit that doesn't sound too fun, but I would totally vote for a Harry Dresden Traveller.
I'd rather you have picked from the start Highlander. Both because it would stop the whinging about voting and because I think you have a good vision for what fits and doesn't fit.
Democracy is a spook.
Pretty much. It could work if you'd be sure of anons but I am certain that there is sizeable group who just wants to fuck around and goes for "lolsorandumb" choices for shit and giggles, just because they could - even if it will bring the CYOA down.
Plus, at this point I question of the creator shouldn't move on and create something new and fresh. There's only so many new characters/items you can add to average CYOA before it stops mattering - and either some start showing subpar quality or some stop feeling unique and everything blurs.
>Trusting this place to vote on anything of even minor importance, especially related to your pet autism project
It was flawed from the start.
>create original character
>it resembles some anime character you've never heard of
This hurts me on some level I try to ignore, user.
Agreed, better for the threads to spare us this whining and a better finished product to boot.
Uninformed democracy doesn't work. Which is precisely what this is. We know next to nothing about these characters unless we go digging through the archives. Of course people are only gonna vote for things with the most marquee value. That is, references and things that sound lewd. That's what they know. Everything else is too foreign to consider or sounds dull.
Not posting their entire character card or at least a larger piece of information would have made this more palatable I think.
Who would make a better wife?
Arios, next question.
Whitey looks nice. I'll just have to feed her some cheeseburgers.
Loyal yandere vs cheating genki.
Ho-oh for me.
I basically never see anyone pick Persis when this is posted. I think it's because only thing about her is that she pure pure pure pure pure pure pure pure. Nothing else. She basically has every other waifu's kink line expanded into four.
Anyway, Nero is the best, unless you are into garbage, in which case feel free to pick Mox.
They are both yanderes. One is just obsessive while the other is possessive.
I always pick Persis though.
Left whose name I've forgotten would smile everyday she got to wake up on the dog bed next to your bed, follow you to the ends of the Poke-Earth, worship the ground you walked on, and kill on command. It is not the place of the weapon to betray its master.
Basically, she seems sweet.
>Not picking Chalice
>Hang out with your platonic female friend.
>Arios stalked you that day and saw you having fun with her.
>Re + (e x 10)
>Come home and get stabbed because you were "cheating" on her by having a female friend.
>Come home and find out she murdered your platonic friend because you were "cheating".
I would like to point out that, despite popular opinion, that half, if not more of the main Companions are anime/game/movie/book references, dumb jokes, and historical/mythological figures. This isn't anything less than par for the course, you know.
Arios is the better of the two, but Decadence is the best choice.
That's a good boy. Jane and that one Gardevoir lady were nice too.
Also, Dig is for protecting and lovingly raising.
>implying Cassiel and Link isn't the patrician choice
Arrgle is fine too
But user, I have no friends anyway
Chalice or go home.
>Underground shitters
That is some shit taste you got there. She is a sociopath who is only acting good to get into the pants of that Shaymin girl.
Then again all of the original 16 seat people are sociopaths. They committed genocide over "muh trust" because God was being autistic, and nobody in the world is really worried about them doing it again.
Underground is one of the best faction. Better than being an Imperial cuck who uses force to keep order or an Ragnarokfag who can't handle reality and wants to create a safe space.
There is but one way by which we might find recourse.
We must marry and fuck the God until they learn the NATURE of LOVE.
The only one with shit taste here is (You). But don't worry, you can have your fun while I rail God's first and greatest child.
>He doesn't hate all of them equally.
I really hope you want to ruin them from the inside, user.
Why follow the seats when it's shown that a good deal of them are incompetent or immoral. The only underground person who comes close to the worst seats is the psychic one.
>comes close
I will definitely agree that most of them are FAR better people, but the psychic one jumps the shark so hard it blows everything out of the water and goes nuclear on the "Not Okay" scale. I'd say he doesn't come close, but rather surpasses almost if not everyone in the setting in terms of being an asshole. Most of the other Warlords are pretty cute though.
>Good deal of them are incompetent or immoral
They literally built society though. How can one be incompetent and immoral if all of society was built by them.
King alone is basically their world's Aristotle.
I hate that they grounded him.
Psychic Warlord isn't that bad of a guy and doesn't do things out of malice. Slavery is just a natural business and its not his fault they didn't want to regulate it and he makes bank doing it.
user, being polite in personal conversation does not make an individual less of a "Bad guy", it merely shows refinement in one's social abilities. This is leading to an oft had discussion about the a myriad of topics ranging from the sanctity of free will, what it means and if it exists, and of the subjective or objective nature of morality. It is a discussion that would branch into too many subdivisions to keep track of, leading to nothing but annoyance and mild to above average frustration for everyone involved who feels strongly about the philosophies behind either viewpoint.
That is all horse-shit.
Do you honestly think there is nothing wrong with personality-death?
When your society needs a military police keeping dissenters quiet and splinter factions start popping up that's a pretty clear sign of incompetence on their part as basically governors. As for amoral you have Empty, Genesis, Decadence, D before his defection (and after), and Arios' sons.
>There are anons getting summoned to work as a janitor that aren't wiping away ALL the filth.
It always baffles me why people don't want to destroy all of it. It should all burn down. Wipe the slate clean and hope you don't have to clean the next one as well.
>implying Constel would let you kill her children
That right there is basically why the setting is fucked. Decadence at least seems like she can be handled by Color but Genesis would be a constant menace that can't really be stopped effectively due to Constel's protection and his time warping hijinks.
If someone kind find the winning combination of items, abilities, and types we could break the system by abusing the universe's own coding to find a glitch and surpass everything that would try stopping us.
Or, you know, tame the God with the janitorial Dick.
>When your society needs a military police keeping dissenters quiet.
The military according to the CYOA are the police and national army. Not only that, but there is actual companions who are from the military police and they show its not a bad job.
The problem going on is that you got the royal guards acting like the military police and are being asses to the vast minority. Because a lot of the companions who aren't Underground are okay with the government and the way its done. Hell even some of the Underground Warlords like communicating with the government they are suppose to be opposing and makes deals with them.
>Empty, Genesis, Decadence, D, and Arios.
Empty was having a philosophical crisis and needed it solved to help society.
Genesis and D did nothing wrong and were just trying to help people. Its not their fault their wish granting device made their shit backfire super hard.
Decadence is an ass along with Arios and her children.
You could always seal Genesis away, Decadence was banished for like centuries.
What CYOA are you guys even talking about? Going up the reply chain, all I get is a pic of what I assume to be humanized versions of Ho-oh and Lugia.
Those two were from a CYOA with about 37 pages.
A cyoa whose update we've been waiting for has turned us into skeletons.
Someone needs to post that "What I read, what I expected, what I got" image.
>not just having Rome turn him into a sissy fuckboi slave in after beating him into submission
Pasille never slept with the guy. She wanted the cock, but turned him off with her always being clingy.
>Giving that opportunity to someone who cares only for their own profit, pleasure, and power.
Thank me later.
I'd be sure to high five Decadence afterwords so it would be fine.
Literally everyone agrees that Decadence has been doing a good job since she returned from exile, and while she's condoning Cornelia's actions, she still has all of the Protectors under her thumb. There aren't many people better suited to the task of overseeing a group of insane self-righteous paladins than her, for better or worse, and she knows by now that she'll never actually get the chance to destroy the world so trying is a waste of time. And Genesis is still autistic.
Ah, I miss those threads.
Days and day of nothing but abject horror as I went through the day wondering how I could try and fix everything. So many pointless but amusing arguments.
You have my interest.
The royal family of the Gods was quite the mess indeed.
Don't worry user PPP+ soonever
The people who rule the Pokemon government are called the Imperial Thrones, the Original 16 members out of 46 are Arceus children and they use to marry and bang each other.
Ho-Oh and Lugia use to get it on as a couple until Lugia sperged the fuck out over her being clingy to some guy.
/u/ gets btfo by the cock when it didn't even plow the Ho-Oh.
>Literall everyone agrees that Decadence been doing a good job since returning.
Because she can't wait for the next big crisis + she wants that Shaymin pussy.
>She's condoning Cornelia's actions.
That is bad.
>There aren't many people better suited to the task of overseeing a group of insane self-righteous paladins.
Genesis created the group of paladins and lead them. Meliorate also lead them too.
I voted for all of them.
>Unironically trusting Genesis to oversee anything anywhere when he's willing to kill 99.999% of the population in order to achieve some nondescript "utopia"
>Unironically believing that Meliorate wouldn't kill anyone and everyone related to the Protectors as soon as he found out they tried to have the previous hero breed with Amew
Like I said, no one is better suited to make sure these retards don't step too far out of line.
>tfw Meliorate didn't bang any of his sisters or his harem of: Reshiram, Zekrom, his daughteru (Loli), his daughteru's friends (Latias and Latios), or Cornelia.
>Joker is losing
Boy I didn't see this coming.
I doubt the Travelers would let him live. They might keep him in a pocket dimension or something to use as a terror weapon, but he's probably just too malicious to fit.
>Unironically trusting Genesis to oversee anything anywhere when he's willing to kill 99.999% of the population in order to achieve some nondescript "utopia"
Again he was the one who created the organization and made them the zealots they are now. He was said to be a great ruler as well.
>Unironically believing that Meliorate wouldn't kill anyone and everyone related to the Protectors as soon as he found out they tried to have the previous hero breed with Amew
>As soon as he found out they tried to have the previous hero breed with Amew
Why would he kill them? The hero wanted to breed with Amew regardless of the protectors wishes, he couldn't because Pasille was being a clingy bitch and wanted him to breed her instead (Which he refused).
Even then. Not like they are going to kidnap the child of their god if she was bred.
I didn't vote for him because I thought they were referring to the Batman villain. I would have, had they called him Akira "Joker" Kurusu.
Authors, have you ever masturbated to your own creations?
Asking for a friend
I masturbated to the idea of a CYOA I never ended up getting outside of the rough draft phase.
Does that count?
Tok is going to appear and answer yes at any minute so might as well tell you that he probably does
Tok and friends don't count, they fap to anything. I mean normal authors.
Such a pure and innocent boy. I miss those threads.