Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Chaos is best edition

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>Designer's Commentary (FAQ 0.1)

>Latest news :

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>other MEGAs

>List Builder
Dead like Malal

>WIP Math-hammer doc (chart user doing god's work)

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>Vehicule have HP and can flee.
>Fabius Bile instant death on 2+ charge a squadron of Warlord titan
>kill one easily, the other 2 flee.

Wow surely its the most playtested edition ever fucktards..
Play 7ed unless you are actually on the spectrum

First for report /pol/ posting, then move on

Chaos minor races when? Also cant orks fall to chaos its just super rare?

Can we please, please, motherfucking please, have no RL politics this time? No lefty libtard SJW politics. No fashy, alt-reich natsoc politics. No minarchist libertarian ancap politics. No quoting this post and going "Yeah, those guys suck because they are degenerate cucks/dateless Nazis/idiots who hate roads". No. Fucking. Politics.

Pretty fucking please.

I really hate niggers and jews and gypsies and muslims.

>not hating spics too
Bruh are you even trying

As the main Taufag in /40kg/ I want to be usefull for once and tell you that pic related is truly the single best airbrush (or brush... for that matter, but don't dillute as its already extremely THIN) paint for dreads/vehicules/ and of course, Tau MasterRace Suits.
Given the high amount of GunPla poster of previous thread, i guess a lot of you are looking for thin satin finish paints.

I can't wait to bring out my BLACK LEGION on the gaming table

You would think that having 600+ paint references woth different consistency for each uses would be enough for Vallejo, but they actually improved and nailed AGAIN with the Mecha Paints

>I'll try to trigger every /pol/ster by telling them what they should not do!

Just Ignore and report, you are actually kicking the nest here

I don't dare buying paint pots from GW anymore because they dry up in a short time. I use vallejo now instead.

Is there any tricks to keep GW paint from drying up and becoming useless?

>Either incredibly good bait or supreme retard.

Has someone on Veeky Forums already made an attempt to reintroduce armour facings and improving/reintroducing blast/template weapons.

>reposting from the other thread since the exterminatus

it somewhat triggers me that the weapons in 40k called 'bolt' gun/pistol or whatever fire miniture rockets in the exact same way as the gyrojet.

Yet a gyrojet (or any similar self propelled) weapon does not require a bolt at all. None of them actually have one as a part. Thats the whole point of self propelled munitions, they require significantly less mechanisms and parts to fire therefore reducing the weight.

really makes you think....

>Also remember to report /pol/ posts anons

>warlord titans don't come in squadron
>even if they did you would need to kill 5 in 1 turn before they lose any to morale


Wet palettes for during work. Outside of that, chuck a ball from a bearing into every can and shake regularly and vigorously.

whenever i open a paint i havent used in ages i mix in water and stir it around...it should be noted that im currently searching for my paints that i havent since 2003 when i last played this game so it will be interesting when i find them...

fucking 8th edition making my come crawling back

Opinion on gunpla and gundam markers?
I picked up a set with some panel lining markers for my tau, was it a good investment?
Do I need to prime or if I don't does it work on models that have already been base coated?
Can they be used on things that aren't flat surfaces like fire warriors?

'Bolt' refers to ammunition they fire, not the mechanism.

I'm looking at his stats. By what mechanism does Fabulous Bill do Instant Death?

I hate roads and thats why I run only skimmers and jump pack armies.

he doesn't, he especially doesn't wound vehicles on 2+

that kind of makes more sense... i think what they're referring to as the bolt is actually called a sabot

but that still makes no sense when you consider that the projectiles are point detonated and sabot isnt..maybe i should just stop trying to make sense of GW

Alright you nerds, create your own specific sub-faction ruleset.
Make the format similar to 4th edition space marine chapter traits.
For example:

>Sub Faction name
Vostroyan Firstborn
>Trait advantage
INFANTRY can purchase Carapace armour (4+ armour save) at 2 points per model.
>Trait Disadvantage
Armies using this sub-faction cannot use units with the MILITARUM AUXILIA keywords

its an ""old"" meme from before 8th datasheet.
Basically Veeky ForumsGrognards thinks actual GameDesigner were that dumd.

Look, just treat it as in-universe slang for this specific type of projectile and calm thine spectrum.

Short answer : No problem ot will work much better than any GW decal.
Long answer : post here

fucked up link

How are Daemon Princes performing compared to the Chaos Lord variants?

Not sure if the body is worth the points, since I can either hang back and buff my dreadnoughts or have him support my khornate terminators in combat so the flexibility is kind of a factor.


anyone got some good paint/brush companies they use that are good quality but not as expensive as GW stuff? im looking at Vallejo paints right now based on what you guys have been talking about. Any other 'go to' companies that you guys use? Im just getting back into 40k and fuck paying GW prices for things that i can get for half the price

That's quite expensive carapace desu I guess that's fine.

Reminder that orks commit crimes only because they are poor and victims of arbites brutality.

>Sub Faction name
Auxilia Tempestus
>Trait advantage
units can take orders from Militarum tempestus officers and may embark upon thier transports
>Trait Disadvantage
Armies using this sub-faction cannot use units without either the Militarum Tempestus, Auxilia Tempestus or Aeronautica Imperialis Keywords

>Sub Faction name
>Trait advantage
INFANTRY (excluding Terminators) can purchase a chainsword at 2pts a model.
>Trait Disadvantage
I'm paying 2pts a model for chainswords

Fuck you GW and FW I want my chainswords

If, at the start of any given phase, your prince isn't suplexing fools or about to start suplexing fools, you've wasted points. They make a good second HQ though, being a beatstick that provides demon synergy and psychic powers.

Reminder that gorkslam is a religion of the choppa.
At least they're not morkmons, though.

You get psychic powers and anti vehicle punch. I suspect relics will largely fix this for chaos lords though. Also the high wounds and toughness makes small arms fire near useless.

Imma spend 200 points so my Carcharodons leader can hold 100 chainswords and have 100 extra attacks now. He's just a ball of chainswords and rolls on people okay.

You model 100 chainswords onto a single marine and I'll let it pass.

For paints i stick to Army Painter/Vallejo like most.
I tend to buy box sets because they're usually really well done.
for brush it depends. for small brushes I go with boutique custom "expensive" brushes, for wash I use my very very old GW brushes.

4 if those spooky reavers are about !

True, they are billions of billions of orks, if all of them were waaghadists, we would all be dead by now, don't put them all in the same basket, most orks just want to live peaceful lives, stop gorkslamphobia NOW !

Reminds me of my friend bitching about how they FAQd Trygons attacks down by 1 despite having three pairs of talons. I had to point out that RAW was "two or MORE pairs" were the same cost and if they didn't clarify that you could model a Trygon made entirely out of Monstrous Scything Talons for a Bajillion attacks.

.. .D-don't tempt me..

The Tainted DG subfaction
Chaos spawn, nurglings and possessed available as troops. Chaos spawn and possessed get disgustingly resilient, reroll disgusting near daemon princes.
Disadvantage cant take preds, vindicators, land raiders. Plague Marines revert to elite, even for death guard taken alongside them

How good are tauroxes and how should one gear them up? Primes and regular.

>Sub Faction name
Valhallan Ice warriors
>Trait advantage
Not one step back!
units do not need to make morale tests while they are in cover or their own deployment zone
>Trait Disadvantage
Armies using this sub-faction can only have 1 of any Battlefield-role for each troop choice they have.

>Sub Faction
Harakoni Warhawks
>Trait Advantage
Infantry may take Valkyries and Vendettas as dedicated transports as well as flyers
>Trait Disadvantage
May only take , and Tarantula units

So this isn't the only plague marine kit, right? There'll be an actual kit, correct?

But they waaaghdicalize the second a warboss shows up! We must continue our policy of assassination and preemptive exterminatus strikes.

I don't see any buff here, just take a flyer wing along with 2 batallions

I actually got the army painter start set for like $20 and that shit is a god send.

I was using a bunch of chinese dollar store paint and brushes before and it really doesn't even compare.

>Haha make your own Chapter traits guys
>Flooded with Guard Regiments
Guardfags, not even once.

primes are currently hilariously good for thier cost

either go 28 shot dakkarox for 96 points or 2 double autocannon and missile for antieverything for 140 points

cheers, yea ill probably end up using Vallejo especially since the /wip/ thread has the paint range compatibility chart. Any things i should know using their paints?

>Sub Faction name
Hive Fleet Kraken
>Trait advantage
Add 1" to all movement made by units using these sub-faction rules.
>Trait Disadvantage
units in this sub-faction reduce their synapse range by 1".

Yeah in like 3 months.

>Subfaction name
Dark Angels
>Trait advantage
DARK ANGELS units may reroll all to hit rolls of 1 during the fight phase against HERETIC ASTARTES. In addition, all UNFORGIVEN units automatically pass morale tests and reroll all failed hit rolls against FALLEN units
>Trait disadvantage
No models in this army may be included with any army that has units with the FALLEN keyword. In addition all units in this army can never fall back in the fight phase if the combatant has the FALLEN keyword.

That's the cheap 3 marine kit we had for a long time.

>Sub Faction name
Craftworld Yme-Loc
>Trait advantage
Exemplary craftsmanship: all wave serpents, falcons, fire prisms and night spinners gain +1 wound.
>Trait Disadvantage(s)
With the exception of swooping hawks and warp spiders, all INFANTRY must begin the game in a transport.
May only take 1 unit with the SPIRIT HOST keyword in each slot per detachment (e.g. only 1 of your 3 elites may be a SPIRIT HOST unit in a Yme-Loc battalion), and no more than half (rounding down) of the total choices in a detachment may have the SPIRIT HOST keyword.

Of course, this could be a bit pointless if Yme-Loc get official rules anyway.

I'd say you could get away with 1ppm, that's what grey hunters pay for a chainsword. (Well, actually it's free for them to take one, but they're 1ppm more expensive than tacticals.)

The new Death Guard tank looks amazing. I might get at least two. Tanks with dozer blades. More of those please.

Fuck off you'll get your own codex

Harakoni Warhawks
>Train Advantages
infantry can no longer die to grav chute insertion and units suffer no penalty for moving and firing heavy weapons.
>Trait Disadvantages
May only take and units

Make me faggot

way better, if you added ability to take bullgryns aswell that would be amazing

Don't make me suck your dick

Do it faggot. Put on a wig if you must.

Has there been a leak about the release of the first Codexes? I'm assuming that's around the time the first multipose models will be released and I want a vague timeframe to have stuff painted by


If you dont know what you are doing, only ever buy their Game Air(Mat) or Airbrush Mecha (Satin, for vehicules) Range.
They are made for Airbrush.. and so are EXTREMELY thin.
Try going into a modelling store to experience the difference youself tho.
If you know how to perfectly dillute consistently, and the difference between every dullution solutions, buy the standard range,theyll be cheaper

> units suffer no penalty for moving and firing heavy weapons
>Hover with a Vulture to BRRRT on 3s+
>Combo with a Master of the Fleet for maximum carnage

>Sub Faction name

>Trait advantage
Up to LEMAN RUSS EXECUTIONERS in this army may be given the SKITARII, ADEPTUS MECHANICUS and RYZA keywords, and gains the CANTICLES OF THE MACHINE SPIRIT ability

>Trait Disadvantage
Any models from the ORKS faction may reroll To Hit rolls of 1 against units from this subfaction.

>Subfaction Name
Kel'Shan Sept
>Trait Advantages
At the beginning of your movement phase roll a D6 for every damaged Battlesuit and , on a 4+ it regains a wound
>Trait Disadvantages
Only and units may be taken

Is this too OP?
Would it be fluffy though?

derp, "up to" should be "all"

You already hit on 3+ if you don't move don't you?

>Would it be fluffy though?

are the warhawks near any high gravity planet? I wouldn't be completely out of character to try and train some specialists units

everything is heavy so if you move you hit on 5+, strafing run makes it 4+ against non flyers

>Intercessor squad: each model is armed with either a bolt rifle, an auto bolt rifle, or a stalker bolt rifle (all models in the unit must be armed identically)
>Bolt rifle: 30" Rapid Fire 1 S4 AP-1 D1
>Auto bolt rifle: 24" Assault 2 S4 AP0 D1
>Stalker bolt rifle: 36" Heavy 1 S4 AP-2 D1
>enough guns in the box for all of these options
A man can dream, right?

why dont you want a 36"Plasma instead ?

Oh, forgot to say, inb4 this shit I just made up appearing on BOLS/faeit.

I meant if you can move and fire with no penalty why hover?
Warhawks are famous for being purely stormtroopers and special weapon squads with air support and using grav chutes, no Bullgryns anywhere in sight sadly.

i dont see why i would ever want the auto version over the rifle

Thanks user

I was hoping for a more concrete date, but that'll do

If that happens, I think you'll see 10 bolters which can be given scopes or box magazines (like with the Primaris Captain). I don't think you'll get 15/30 guns in the box.

you might fly off the board or summin

>I meant if you can move and fire with no penalty why hover?

vultures cant move and fire with no penalty

is their standard range hard to dilute properly? i never had any trouble getting GW paints to the proper consistency.

>Subfaction name
Forgeworld Mars
>Trait advantage
All armies with the MARS keyword are allowed to reroll a single failed morale test once per turn. In addition, all SKITARII RANGERS and SKITARII VANGUARD are allowed to take 4 special weapons in a 10 man squad rather than 3.
>Trait disadvantage
All NECRONS units may reroll hit rolls of one against MARS units. In addition, all C'TAN SHARDS units gain 2 Powers of the C'tan rather than just 1.

>Sub Faction name
Crimson Guard

>Trait advantage
Techpriests can be taken as either elite or HQ choices
All 5+ save infantry units are improved to 4+, for 1 PPM (this is not optional).
All units gain the adeptus mechanicus keyword in addition to the existing ones.

>Trait Disadvantage
>Conscript and Rough riders units cannot have the CRIMSON GUARD as their keyword.

Just to remain within 18" of the MotF

please read comment chain before posting
with a 20" move you can just do laps even on a 4x4 table (my local gw only has 4x4 since it's fucking tiny), no need to hover since hard to hit is too valuable

No, its not harder than GW paints

Because that wouldn't be a troops choice.

>not taking multiple MoTF to abuse air raids and putting them 6 lascannon vendettas for 4+ move and shoot ready to drop a MoTF to rape some poor unlucky sod just because he looked your flyer wrong.

>Is this too OP?
The rules would be auto-take for suit lists, but markerlight support would be limited to drones and Tetras.

Honestly that's a better solution anyway, and it's sort of what I want. Buy some other gear from, like, Anvil Industries to tac them out and make either Raptors or Emperor's Warbringers in full tactical operator style.

Good thing we dont need troop choice anymore

It's what I've been suspecting for a few weeks now. It's just too... logical not to be a thing?

But then again, that might be exactly why it won't be.

I mean, if you want more CP you do.

And there is the matter of cost.

since we can split wounds, we are looking to at most +1hp/suitteam / turn, and thats only ona 50/50 chance.

definetly not op.

>taking shitty models so that you can have CP to make them less shittt
>Taking only Strong option while still having CP(albeit, less) to make them do badass things