Is GURPS the only setting-agnostic tabletop RPG system worth mentioning? Does FATE count?

Is GURPS the only setting-agnostic tabletop RPG system worth mentioning? Does FATE count?

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Savage Worlds.

Yes, FATE counts, as does Savage Worlds (although it's a little less generic than the other ones.)

Hero System.

Yes, Fate counts.

Opinions surrounding favored RPGs are so wide and varied that there is no "Objective" opinion about what's good anymore, it's all subjective yelling about whose Dick is bigger. Anyone saying otherwise, that some games are just clearly "better" is either biased or trying to start Shit on here. It's like religion, except worse because we haven't learned about Tolerance yet. Just see what works best with you and your group.

That said, quite a few people on here are tentatively excited about FFG's Genesys, but then again, just as many people have dismissed it for being FFG, Special Dice, Etc, the same way other people have already dismissed GURPS for whatever bad taste it left in their mouth.

Captcha: (Sour) Grapes.

Looking into savage worlds now. It gets shit for being rules lite making it a game for plebs, but let's be honest here, every system has arbitrary abstractions at its core. The fact that it's rather rules lite actually makes it easy for a GM to come up with a battery of setting specific rules, skills or gear. However, I haven't tried it out too much yet, so I can only vouch for what I've read and prepared so far.

EABA and CORPS don't get enough love.

I swear, FFGs special dice are just them trying to make DRM for tabletop a thing.
Like the class cards for Warhammer RPG 3rd edition.

Cry harder, they work pretty well. Plus you can convert regular dice to their system if you're going to bitch about muh speshul dices.

It's good shit.

Oh, most definitely, they've even said so. However, I actually do quite like the Threat/Advantage mechanics, and it also has the major benefit of keeping everyone engaged during combat if you can get the group invested in helping you come to a decision interpreting the dice. It's the one system I've seen where role-playing doesn't stop when combat starts.

Neck yourself you proprietary-loving faggot.

No, it's not.

Yes, it does.

GURPS is great at being GURPS, but you don't have to be GURPS to be setting-agnostic.

Wow. What a sucker.

No, definitely not
This guy's an idiot
No it doesn't

Any reasoning behind your statement, or are you just shitflinging?

I enjoy running games in this for the most part.


Let me hit you with a scenario.

I'm supposed to be a great chef. I'm supposedly great at cooking delicious foods. In order to get into my restaurant, you have to prove that you haven't eaten in three days. When you get inside, I feed you a bunch of pot so you get really really hungry. Then I make you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. You eat it and it tastes pretty damn good for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

FATE is supposed to be an RPG about storytelling. It's supposed to be great at encouraging roleplaying. Then when you try to play it, you find out that it's riddled with mechanics that are intended to promote roleplaying but as you use them you realize that they are just getting in the way of roleplaying at every turn, forcing players out of character to make meta game decisions constantly and shattering their immersion far worse than the good old dice and dm's screen ever has. If you have players who have never roleplayed before in their lives and are really really hungry to play they'll probably like it, but in reality it's about 1/100th as good as an earnest shot at just playing an RPG.

Oh, I forgot, savage worlds is the exact same shit but instead of just the PBJ shit sandwich FATE gives you, you get the same type of shit sandwich with someone's shitty attempt at making homebrew RPG rules stapled on. At least FATE delivers the utterly terrible shit sandwich it brings to the table with some pomp, savage worlds is both shitty and really cliche and boring.

Then tell us oh great sage what the best RPG in the world is.
> In b4 le burning wheel fedora fag from portland.


Wow, looks like I hit a nerve. Sorry all those points were so unassailable that you had to resort to this childishness, cutiepie

Ok, now do the BRP system. More specifically M-Space/Mythras.

Not at all, you just sound like a smug shitposter, so I was hoping to get something constructive out of you. So much for that.

Actually, no, I'm kind of with him. A good argument not only deals with the opposing Points, but also provides a resolution to the problem. Besides that, anyone who's arguing this passionately against something must have an alternative.

FATE and GURPS, along with their variants, are enough to run pretty much any tabletop RPG campaign you could want. They're the ying and yang of PnP, everything one can't do, the other excels at.

>still not a single attempt at a counter point of any kind
Wow, people of color me surprised.

To be fair, that description sounds like most people's experiences with any game that gives players access to the mechanics - you want to do a thing, there's rules that govern how that thing works, if you're unfamiliar with how those mechanics are used, it's going to break the flow of the game and your immersion.

Weirdly enough, though, I'd say that FATE is designed to promote the players coming together to tell a story rather than necessarily having mechanics designed to promote roleplaying. As a game, it goes "you're telling a story by (mostly) controlling a character" and focuses on the creating-the-story element rather than on the getting-immersed-in-your-role part.

Less roleplaying, more storytelling, I guess.

>it's not really a game, it's a drama class exercise


Generic systems are universally mediocre by design. They'll get it done and come in basic soda flavours you like(granular, narrative, etc.), but quickly become flat and tasteless. Some people develop a preference for them though.

Eh, I'd still class it as a game, and a roleplaying game at that. It's just designed to satisfy a particular style of play (how well it does that is up for debate).

Although to possibly out myself as a drama class exercise loving twat, FATE is the Brecht roleplaying game. What wants is the method acting roleplaying game. Both types function as roleplaying games, but the latter isn't necessarily the only way a game can work.

What about Strike!?

That was your third, get out.

Right, right, because asking your opinion is the same as arguing with you. They wanted to know whatever the fuck you play if you don't play these systems.

It's like two other people suggest to someone else to get either McNuggets or the Jr. Bacon, then you come in and argue why each one is shit, then when we ask you what you'd order you refuse to answer and just gloat over how you won the argument that both items are Shit.

I mean, come on, if you're going to Shitpost, at least be clever about it. You could've enraged them both further by saying something like Risus, or, better yet, the PBTA systems are the best, then led into the classic Dungeon World Copypasta... actually, PBTA would've worked really well because each iteration of it is one of the top selling items in each genre on DriveThruRPG.

Now you just look like an idiot who's painted himself into a corner, because all you can do now is reply with "wow, great job NOT arguing my points, I win!"

I've never played any of these games and I'd still like know what you'd consider of an example of a good system, user.
It seems like it's hard to make counterpoints to your statements because they're qualitative, and lack concrete evidence.

What is the method acting rpg? I want everyone 100% immersed in their character. I guess there need to be some rules too or I'll just end up with an improv troop.

Oh dear, I hope you don't think we're mad at you, user. We just want to understand. Can you explain your point of view a little more?

There was a Jackie Chan movie where Jackie fought a mute guy who's own kung fu included throwing these suckers at Jackie.

>tfw some namefag posts and you will never ever read what they posted thanks to filters

My name is Wayne.

Right, and now you've got me to deal with. Right now you're using first level meta-bait wherein you merely mock each post rather than the content thereof, however you're using the Repetition method of trolling which pushes it to a second level of meta-trolling, however you're not doing a good job of it, since it's so blatantly obvious we're reacting to the stupidity of it.

Good Job! More people need to do this. Though in this case I'm usually only in a thread because it's gone to shit, and I'm here to make it even worse so that people know enough to leave.

>tfw you still have them filtered because they just couldn't help namefagging a little bit more

I'm just and , man.
I'm just trying to civilize the discourse.
For realsies.

Veeky Forums's rampant cynicism is really depressing. Regardless, I feel the D6 System is worth mentioning if mostly because it was made open gaming content when West End Games became defunct. It's an average game, but character creation is fairly fast and it's great for quickly setting up a game set in a book or movie universe.

Apocalypse world in a way with playbooks? Lots of indi/1 shot games have a fairly set cast.


Now at this point I'm merely hijacking the thread with stupid shit, using you as an excuse to ruin the thread to the point where nobody will use it. What I say doesn't matter so much as the end result of it.

Namefagging is cancer. Nobody wants Cancer. Ergo, I make sure the thread is not only ruined, it's beyond postable as well because I dominate the conversation with pointless bullshit and stupidity.


>apackofshit world

I'm playing the final session of my first campaign ever tonight.
I'm Fesren O'Hengriel, Forest Gnome Rogue 21/Deepwood Sniper 14/Shadowdancer 1/Fighter 1
My deity is also my adopted daughter. The mink is carrying an evil god in a box in his bag, and we've got to kill his sister and/or 'Reco the death dragon' tonight. Or else the sun will get eaten.
I've had SO MUCH FUN, but I think I might not like 3.5e all that much. We'll see.

LARPs are probably quite close to that end of the spectrum, though each game tends to use it's own system. A LARP with minimal mechanics during the game but some crunchy mechanics to handle downtime activities between games might be the closest you'd get without falling into "improv troop".

>Setting agnostic.
:>Doesn't know whether RPG settings exist, and doesn't believe you know either.

Yeah, sure, but you need to think of a better name.

>denoting or relating to hardware or software that is compatible with many types of platform or operating system.

It's based on the computing term.

GURPS is the only system worth mentioning, period.

>being this mad over dice

Restart let me start off by saying that you're technically correct which of course is the best type of correct. However while the game mechanics on paper work exactly as you described I have never experienced them as intrusive in session. I am the type of online homosexualsp who is never 100% in character anyway, so the little twenty second break I get when the game master compel my aspect does not get in the way to a meaningful degree the metagame decisions show up rarely in my experience. Same with Savage Worlds It looks childishly simple until it hits the table then It Feels so satisfying meaty

>I'm a fag so I like fate and savage worlds
Your words not mine.

I can't help but agree.

Well, like RPGs, people come in many varieties. So without having any information about the preferences of person you are recommending something to, you should present a few different systems.
Most famous are probably GURPS, Savage Worlds and Fate. Others (that I have no experience in) could be Fuzion or Cinematic Unisystem.

Why use Fuzion when you can play Hero? Fuzion is literally a "fusion" of Hero System 4th Edition with Interlock.

I do not have any 4th Edition Hero (that doesn't have watermarks anyway) but my gift to this thread:

Hero System 5th Edition!Ym5RHIJL!

Hero System 6th Edition!06Q2kY7I!

You two have good taste.

What about Dungeon World tho?

I will eat you.

If you need your hand held to be creative while role playing, your games are probably flat and tasteless even if you think they aren't.

You're not supposed to eat books, user.

They have a point though. At best it's snowflakism, and more likely it's just money-grubbing.

That might be true for people who concentrate mostly or entirely on the mechanics, but that's far from all gamers.

>all that Wayneshit being deleted


Strike! may count?


I hate Bennies = hp(soak) for balance and mechanical reasons, and the game is nonfunctional without it.

That's my biggest gripe.

I take minor issue with how improving skill dice makes you worse at some tasks, but there are several easy fixes for that.

Just use one of the free dice rolling phone apps for it. Easy.

Unisystem is really good for modern, fantasy, scifi, or historical. sucks for superheroes.

BRP is good for anything close to realism on the player side, like call of Cthulhu.

Yeah. I want to play a character, not a commity author.

Disagree. The scenarios where there is a good dedicated system that does it better than a generic are far from universal.

Is much rather use gurps or Unisystem to run urban fantasy horror than use a wod system, for instance.

>Is GURPS the only setting-agnostic tabletop RPG system worth mentioning?

I'd argue GURPS is not worth mentioning. It's a really outdated system that only has a handful of things it does well, making it far from its "generic" promise.

Look into Elegy larp. Iirc their rules are free.

I like gurps, but I would not use gurps to run a shadowrun campaign, or something I wanted to play like an srpg videogame (IE fft or disgaea), and I also wouldn't use it to replace high powered d&d.

Id also hesitate to use it for supers

>I hate Bennies = hp(soak) for balance and mechanical reasons, and the game is nonfunctional without it.

This, and it's a fine line for the GM to walk, between giving too many or too few.

The Dramatic Tasks rules seem kind of cack, and I think all the idosyncratic terminology the game uses is slightly irritating. Otherwise seems solid.

Some anons shit the bed over the exploding dice, with unarmed peasants one-shotting dragons being the usual crazy example given, but shit like this is extremely unlikely. On top of that you can always add in rules to stop it. Give the dragon the Heavy Armour trait that means the peasants literally can't hurt it, or just house rule that Extras can only get so many Aces. Normally I wouldn't defend a system in those terms, but generic systems are practically designed to be house ruled in the first place.

Shadowrun is four bad systems stapled together with little to no interplay between them, so I don't know why you would use it over GURPS which has unified mechanics for most everything. Don't see how it couldn't do a game about a band of mercs when you have tactical combat at your disposal, unless you mean emulating the game mechanics, to which I say: play the fucking video games.

Can't comment on high powered D&D, since that's a level of brokeness you really couldn't do in GURPS without a lot of hassle. Supers work great in it, but most GMs are bad at supers.

"action movie realism" is a pretty big genre.
Everything from monster hunters /supernatural to buffy to to game of thrones to a d&desque world to wuxia to the witcher to most scifi.

I might not use it for pulp, I wouldn't use it for capeshit, wouldn't use it for starwars, and wouldn't use it for both powered d&d.

It could do shadowrun in 2070-2075, but it would take work to assemble that than to just use sr4 or sr5, which I feel work just fine for the purpose.

>but it would take work to assemble
Dunno, there's Cyberpunk and Technomancer already.

Id use shadowrun over gurps because it would take too long to build the missing equipment and race lenses and assemble a comparable magic system and build matrix combat.

It's a specific setting, not a generic cyberpunk theme.

For generic cyberpunk gurps is fine.

I also probably wouldn't use gurps for forgotten realms or eberron, same reason. Setting appropriate mechanics/content could be done, but the campaign prep work would not be worth the effort.

Really, when there's a specific setting you want to do and very rough approximations won't suffice, those are the times gurps might or might not be worth the effort.

They'd be the starting point, but by the time you've built/selected the races and the major tech and the magic and the monsters and a matrix combat system and sort range telekinetic hacking rules, you'll have written a 70 page gurps supplement.

Im sure that supplement would run great. But it's a lot more work than grabbing sr4 and telling everybody to make characters, and imo, sr4 runs well enough. Not perfect, but well enough.

It's like, I probably wouldn't want to use gurps for an old Republic star wars campaign.

Could it do it? Sure.

Would it be worth the effort involved? Probably not.

But for something simple like buffy, you can just grab monster hunters and powers and build a couple lenses and you're good.

> GURPS Supers
> When Champions already exists

Some people think gurps is good for everything.

I've also heard others say champions is terrible, but I've been wanting to try it out.

>The fact that it's rather rules lite actually makes it easy for a GM to come up with a battery of setting specific rules, skills or gear.

Meanwhile you can look up the specific rules for GURPS, or just roll and shout and look it up after the fact.

This is very insightful!

>I like gurps, but I would not use gurps to run a shadowrun campaign,

Gross, I'd use GURPS for Shadowrun before I used Shadowrun for Shadowrun

>or something I wanted to play like an srpg videogame (IE fft or disgaea)

With you on Disgaea, soso with FFT

No system is for everyone but Hero/Chamois is just as strong a universal system as GURPS, Fate, or Savage Worlds.

I posted a couple of troves upthread to spread the word.

This. Shadowrun among other systems are shit at doing what they are supposed to do. Meanwhile GURPS can run a cyberpunk game with fantasy races and magic very well. I know it is kind of unfair to make the comparison as saying a game is better than Shadowrun is setting the bar low, but Shadowrun is hardly an example of something that GURPS can't do.


Completely forgot about Over the Edge. Good game. The system itself is well suited as an introductory rpg, now that I think about it.

Not that guy but
>defending any company

You are a consumer, a someone they want to take as much money as possible from, while spending the least amount of money.

They're still standard sizes (d6, d8, d12) so you could just hook them up with an appropriate table.

GURPS has a lot of distinctness in play. Avoiding being hit is emphasized to survive, or wearing armor. A typical weapon sword, axe or club might do 2-7 damage, enough to take out a player character in two hits, while armor doesn't make you harder to hit but does directly reduce the damage you take.

This makes getting hit in GURPS feel like a proper event rather then a chip out of a HP pool that might take 6 to 10 hits to reduce.

That's okay, I like their products enough to give them that money. Welcome to capitalism.

You're a cuckhold. Recognize the battle of influences inherent to capitalism instead of surrendering because you like the things they give you. If you punish underhanded tactics, especially when executed by the companies you like, you can nip them in the bud before they become an industry standard.