Warhammer 40k General /40kg/

Be excellent to eachother edition

Whining about units makes them better somehow sub-edition



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Dead like Malal

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serioisly no politics this time

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Is it me or are Bloodcrushers massively buffed this edition?

>I play Tau

Reposting cus curious
Weren't Tau like ultra savage violent warriors that made Death Korps of Krieg look like pussies until the Ethreals came along and pacified them with their mental stuff?

Did you just call the Imperium a paradise?

It's a bit curious how these guys went from having a 3+ armoursave to having a 6+ armoursave back to having a 4+

They're obviously armour-confused.

Wonder if we can make energy out of how much Marx is spinning in his grave right now.

No matter how grim the darkness, the light of the greater good (and metric fuck tons of plasma) shall illuminate the stars.

Just ultra violent savages that preferred to kill each other than talk things out.

Nevermind Marx, it's amazing that Stalin hasn't come back to life as a zombie yet.

That pistol the guy in the foreground is toting looks pretty top-heavy.

>3 attacks AP-3
>3 MORE attacks AP-1, S7 on the charge
>plus all the bullshit charge bonuses Khorne Daemons get
What fucking idiot came up with this? These are horrifying, especially if you use Command rerolls to make their charges more likely

So, with running a dread heavy list, I'm torn between going normal Astartes and using Ironclad vs going BA and using Death Company Dreads.

The latter have slightly less damage but more attacks and potential wound ignoring, plus the consolidate and charge boost vs vehicles. Former have more damage and the assault launchers that are a nice source of mortal wounds.


>that made Death Korps of Krieg look like pussies
they weren't some badass warrior race

just retarded primitives

But they have a 8 inch move. Guess you could summon them in but eh. Like yeah, they're good but pricey and difficult to actually employ.

What do you think the profile of the weapons of this tank will be?

Presuming the main cannon is a demolisher cannon but not sure about the middle thing or the sponsons.

Also wounds and toughness and stuff?


Thanks for the hearty laugh, user, haven't seen something so great in a while.

the thing that bothers me with most 40k art is "how the fuck did they get that close to the super dakka bot, without being blown to bits from far away?" i mean, none of those fucking things deep strike, so what the fuck?

No. I'm saying is that in the SETTING, everyone thinks their society is the bestest ever (or says as much, at least) while in reality they all suuuuuuuuck.

The problem is a fair portion of Tau players missed this, and I can't blame them considering how poorly their lore and books are written. What should be a cold-hearted soviet police state is portrayed as the idealistic Star Trek-y world we all want to live in. That's what messes with the setting.

Ya get what I mean? We're all brothers in grimdark

BA dreadnoughts also move 8'' compared to regular dreadnought's 6''

Since you have fuck all buffs to pass around between them, why not both? Take some Ironclads from the chapter and Libby Dreads, Death Company Dreads and Furioso Dreads from the Blood Angels

Its not a demolosher. Its a plague mortar or something. Guessing las or autocannon on side, not sure on hull gun.

Xth for itty bitty Guard Armies

>queer socialist
I wonder if this people actually know what they are talking about or they are intentionally trolling.

The Admech is breaking through their line maybe?

>Presuming the main cannon is a demolisher cannon
it definitely isn't

As unrealistic as it is to see riflemen, tanks and walking artillery blasting away at each other from point-blank range, it's just looks better than drawing them a more serious space apart

It's a real thing. Somehow.

>a newshit ''empire'' that just came to be should be able to put up a fight against a hardened galactic regime

Guess it would all be viable under the Imperium or even Adeptus Astartes alliegence but seems cheesy to do.

Good point. Hmm... my heavy support are going to be Mortis Dread with twin missile launchers and cyclone launchers. Sit a captain and lieutenant next to them if I don't go pure dread.

>cold-hearted soviet police state
>people have good lives
>ai is a thing and it's adorable
>the empire actually wants you live unlike the imperium that doesn't even see you as a statistic
It may be bad by today's standards but by the 41st millennium it's a paradise.
If you are in very real danger of space elves coming to kidnap you to take you to their rape dungeon of shit not even /d/ likes then the giant killer robots are more carrot than stick.


Well DG aren't allowed to take Vindicators so its kinda natural to assume its a Vindicator equivalent. And Demolisher cannon is quite short and stumpy like this so, seems about right.

The sponsons look to me like multi-meltas or lascannons but not enough of either. Could be plaguespitters?

How many different sides would be fighting over who gets to kill this person?

Eh. 8" move plus 1" to Advance and Charge moves from the banner. So 9+D6" turn 1, then 8" and 2D6+1" charge with a Command reroll if necessary. Unless the opponent deploys way the hell back that's a turn 2 charge.

Pretty sure that ain't a Demolisher. It looks like a big Frag Cannon and thanks to the angle it clearly fires indirectly.
Like 36" S7 AP-2 D:D3 Heavy D6, reroll 1s To Wound, can fire at targets that are not visible to it
What perplexes me are the sponsons, because they look like Plaguespitters and what the hell is an artillery tank going to do with 2 gunk flamers?

Guard players must find it pretty easy to fill out a Brigade detachment even at 2000 points with such cheap but still effective troop units available


Spoilers say its a plague something. So thats not a debate really.

How's colored primer vs just spray paint?

I was thinking plaguespitters yes
no clue about the hull mounted gun, could be anything from a heavy bolter to smoke launchers

Which gives time to focus fire them down.

Reposting from previous thread:
I've been thinking about how a lot of my GW paints are drying up, and now I notice all these paint posts. Anyone own pic related? I can get it for about 100 bucks, would this pretty much take care of all my painting needs for the next few years?

Paint is also paint, right? If I still liked a GW color that I have a good pot of, nothing like weird crossbrand reactions would happen? And if I paint something in all Army Builder paints, I can still douse it in Devlan Mud at the end of the day?

Oh god.
It reminded me of our local: "Anarcho-Communist-Nazis"

Every single one with common sense. Same applies to every single other socialist and marxist ever.

They look like bigger versions of the plaguespitters on the Foetid Bloat Drone. So my guess would be something like heavy plaguespitters

(though, given that plaguespitters are Str User, they could just use the same weapon profile and give the tank a higher Str)

And the Ethreals are non warp psykers?

No. Just pheromones.

>Pask in a Baneblade
WTF? is that even real?

Oh my god fuck off with politics posting.

The front of the vehicle looks quite killy, maybe it'll have a decent attack and WS value too?

Now I'm sad.
I just wanted to bitch and moan about plastic toy soldiers and now I had looked into people willing wanting to get fucked sideways by a barbe wire telephone pole and call it "freedom" or some shit

No, it will release a sedative that messes your painting and then gw lawyers send you a lawsuit.

Dude you can do one in just over 500pts with Guard

Remember, this is what TRUE freedom looks like. Now go pick up your rations at the welfare line or you'll get reeducated.

>actually this dense

Ok, I don't know if you're trolling, but what you're saying is the point. The Tau Empire is TOO HAPPY. The fun of 40k is that we're a fuckhueg universe where literally every corner of the universe is going to murderize you, even (and especially) friendly territory. That's what the whole 'grimdark' thing is about, wherein there's no hope and everything sucks.

When first released, Tau fit in quite well- dark soviet state like I said before. But for whatever reason GW refused to give deep insight into the lore, and consequently OC snowflakers flocked to Tau as the noblebright empire. GW being who they are just wanted money, so they've played down the evilness of Tau to nonexistent, which is dumb. They're definitively good guys in a universe where everyone should be bad guys.

Now do you understand the point in making?

Yep, why do you think people dislike new Tau lore. They activily trash other factions lore just to make them look good

I think it may be more like a Medusa

Seems possible. Would still pose a bit of a dilemma, because while you're in combat you're not firing that fuck-off big gun.

You are the dense one, I like being the good guys is all.

Not any more real than bastions having mulitlasers instead of heavy bolters (in other words a black library fuckup).

That pic is a joke right?

I fucking knew it.

Back to /pol with you!

Then pick another setting, Star Trek or Wars of Warmahordes or wherever.

In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war. And in these wars, there are no good guys, only winners

In this day and age I'm not even sure anymore.

Let's not even get started in the assassin situation

With the Radical left most likely not

It actually isn't. The site at the bottom is where it's from.
>stop making fun of my retard ideology reeeeeeee

Why does KNIGHT COMMANDER Pask only issue orders to tanks?
Goddamnit GW

Imperium Index 2 is a clusterfuck of questionable rules

Nah, they're unique in 40k got not falling for the pre-amble. And they have mecha.
I'll stay here.

And these are all squirt bottles? Which makes them better and less likely to dry out than GW's pots in every single way, right?

Army painter paints are great.

AP Strong Tone wash is pretty much 1:1 Devlan Mud anyway

not quite you'll get them drying up on the nosele but can be fixed with a pin

>m-m-muh good guys
>being a slave to a race that treats you as a second-class citizen at best
Good riddance. Xeno or xeno whore, all die the same.

Oh I see, sorry for misinterpreting your post.

I'm the guy you replied to btw, not that other guy.

Yes, but the tip can clog up so you need a needle and some toothpicks to clear the way.
Their advantage is in getting as much paint as you need without a brush.
Still a p3 fanboy myself.

What's the best Legion and why is it Iron Warriors?

I switched to mostly Droppers except for what GW paints I have left over. It has been much cleaner and I find I use less paint.

That's such an obvious joke holy shit.

Why is /pol/trash so dense?

A second class citizen is still a citizen and not a disposable source of production.
You lose again gue'la.

In terms of color scheme? Salamanders.

Pick other game, this game is about factions fighting for the own life because if not they die.

>merely pretending to be retarded
I'm sure pic related was just a joke too right?

Thats not how you say Word Bearers.

Very nice.

That sounds good, I can definitely deal with that.

Thanks guys, I'll probably buy a box next time I have the money to throw at it.

Remember when the lore was grim dark and not grim derp?

Back in 3rd only hive worlds were shitholes the bulk of the Imperium livid in civilized worlds that was pretty much modern day earth first world countries with 40k splatted for religion and other stuff.

Now new grim derp lore is everything is edgy and bad all the time

>submitting to chaos instead of binding it to use as a weapon and power source

>implying the good guys aren't also fighting to stave off the tide of evil that wants to kill them while bringing the light of hope to the galaxy

Now that is perfectly fine, not "even in civilized worlds people live in poverty and are worked to death in blessed service to the emperor".

>Symbiosis is submission.


So have people been playing with the new deployment types, or just defaulting to long edges or short edges.

I've actually rather liked the new ones, and having a 50/50 chance of having a 18" distance at one point has been need.
Diagonal line deployment continues to be my least favorite. It takes the longest to set up the lines and adds really nothing over the other 24" inch away deployment methods.

You mean the only truly Chaos legion, right?


New Duncan.

About 'Raptors'.

Also a reiver.

Brother of Patrician tastes, a Blessed One indeed.

>STILL no pictures of Mortarion

Ok cool, glad to see people understand. I have no problem with some idea of 'good guys' in the sense of a moral compass, but such a thing has to come with a cost.

Lamenters or Blood Angels are grimdark good guys done right, Tau just keep objectively heroic and good standards, win flawlessly, and people that disagree in lore are ALWAYS villains. Sounds sueish, doesn't it?....

For example, is farsight was a good man who just wanted to protect his people, but had to harness the dark powers of a cursed blade and unleash (and in part become) unspeakable evil in doing so, that'd be awesome. Instead we just get tactical genius that always wins, no question. It's lame and really sticks out like a sore thumb in the setting

>disposable source of production
Depends on the world. People in Ultramar live better then any tau cuck.

Useful as I'm planning to do Warbringers and its basically the same.

i could fill a brigade at 1000, hehe

>being this new

Didn't you see the pictures they posted a couple of days ago?


>all their women are taken by Eldar men

>and all their men take Eldar women
I see no problems here, cutedar must get