What do you guys do when you wanna play a Roleplaying game but there is not a single friend available ?
What do you guys do when you wanna play a Roleplaying game but there is not a single friend available ?
Plan the game I'll never get to run.
I feel you so much, i've like 4 games plan for about 6 month, never been able to play them.
Lurk Veeky Forums, hunting for material that could get me ideas in making material for either characters or campaings.
That one user's Self-insert Solo Adventure seems like a good place to start.
>Last week, I started a sort of solo adventure using the Mythic Game Mastery emulator, along with several other tools like a random encounter generator and a calendar and weather table. I'm
also using random name generators and random fantasy language generators from a website called Chaotic Shiny.
>I was also using published adventures that I had copies of, but hadn't read. That way there's a sort of ongoing story that not even I'm aware of.
Play online games that mandate some roleplay.
Go to Gamefinder.
Search through Roll20.
I often find myself in this situation since I don't have many friends and I'm too shy to just approach a table at my store.
I usually make some characters and read the rulebook to make sure I know everything and then I usually end up just playing a videogame or something.
Some day I'll get to play.
roll 20
Cry about it on Veeky Forums
Languish in crippling depression.
That sounds pretty good. Can I join you?
I go to the CYOA general here on Veeky Forums and shitpost.
Read more systems/supplements.
At least where I live, there's plenty of RPG events. You just show up on time and ask to play. I hadn't roleplayed in years and that's how I'm getting back into it. You could see if there's anything similar in your area.
I'll be writing about my setting's lore, mechanics, or campaign
Roleplay as a person that has a gaming group and then post fake stories on Veeky Forums about how much fun were having.
Work on a campaign, character, story, and/or game world.
Shitpost on Veeky Forums about games.
Find a group on roll20 or TTS.
If I'm super desperate, go play an old RPG like Darklands or something.
The biggest one: try to figure out how to make more friends as an adult man. They never tell you that shit.
>try to figure out how to make more friends as an adult man. They never tell you that shit.
Most adults find new friends through a) work and b) hobby associations of various kinds (sports clubs, gun ranges, golf clubs, etc.).
Decent job, but you're kind of metagaming now and it's time for you to post another That Guy thread wherein you complain about a spergy player that only wants to play nazi reptilians, mate.
Wallow in my own misery, as I do during 90% of my waking hours.
The remaining 10% is masturbation, right?
>What do you guys do when you wanna play a Roleplaying game but there is not a single friend available ?
The usual:
Start working on developing my Quest idea, give up after 5 min into generating content, and then waste hours surfing on Veeky Forums.
If I get the itch to roll some dice but everyone's busy or something, I'll either do prep like some folks have said, or play a solo game. Yes, they exist, they've existed since before RPGs emerged from wargames.
They fell into obscurity in the 90s RPG scene, but are making a bit of a comeback lately. (They're still going strong in wargaming, as always)
Have some links compiled by a helpful user:
And some hybrid RPG/wargame stuff with solo support that I've uploaded:
The Department (not-Blade runner. One or two players co-op. Play as detectives tracking down robotic criminals on the mean streets):
Two Hour Wargames (One player, two player co-op, or regular head-to-head) Core rules are Chain Reaction 2015 under free stuff, everything else builds on those):
Make friends...or enemies by announcing at your local nerd store that you are playing said roleplaying game.
Make a tulpa and play with hallucinations.
This guy knows what's up.