How do you develop your character?

How do you develop your character?

Pick a race and class, some abilities and gear, throw them to the dungeon. If they survive on second level, they'll earn personality based on how they made it.

During play, in accordance with the system's rules.

A line on general appearance, two or three lines on backstory, personality, and motivations.

Having seen this thread previously, I know this will be the point where someone will come in to tell me I'm cancer. Go ahead, fuckers. Fight me.

>conceive of rough idea
>tailor it to what I know about the setting and other PCs
>throw almost everything out in the first session because the group dynamics never turn out the way I assume they will
>settle into a definite identity around the fourth session
>finally start filling out background details, trying to seed personal conflicts that don't derail the overarching story

>If they survive on second level, they'll earn personality based on how they made it.
People like you are the cancer killing traditional games.

People like me -were- the traditional games, newbie, until you fucks came along and filled it with your "story-based" garbage.

Go play Rogue you goddamn rollplayer

I don't. I just roleplay him, and if he changes in the game - he changes in the game. Otherwise, he isn't.

>What class/specialization seems fun?
>Ok, where are they from in the world? What were the conditions of their upbringing?
>What kind of person do they want to be and desperately protray themselves as?
>What kind of shitty person are they really?

By this point I have enough to play with.

In play exclusively.

>>throw almost everything out in the first session because the group dynamics never turn out the way I assume they will

Nope. Once I roll up a character, depending on what the dice look like, I have a concept. Between the character creation session and the first session I flesh out the concept and create some backstory before the first session, and I never abandon it regardless of what the other players do.

I am who I am, and the group will just have to accept me warts and all.

That just isn't true. You are a "kind" among real TGers and you are hated for your cancer and lack of creativity and imagination.

Misleading title for image and thread.
That's a character CREATION checklist, which is for preparation before the game begins.
Character DEVELOPMENT, on the other hand, is what happens to your character as a result of their in game experiences, both in terms of skills and talents gained (leveling up), and changes in their worldview/ personality.

Race/class add some developments and details as the world unfolds (no sense being a sailor on Arakis). Outline future adds, but stay flexible

>how to spot the Dungeon World playing Koebelites who first picked up the hobby in 2016

We probably have different expectations of the game, then. My group is big on collaborative storytelling, so most of us are open to making a few concessions in the interest of keeping the narrative consistent. I'm not suggesting everyone should play the same or have the same priorities as I do.

>I am who I am, and the group will just have to accept me warts and all.
Again, speaking for my own group: if there's no in-character reason for us to hang out with a PC, then we very well may just tell them, in-character, to fuck off. Making concepts work together is a two-way street.

>Sex and/or gender

You are a relic of a bygone era, that's all you are.

>how DARE people not create eight pages of back story for a character who, odds on, will die in less than an hour

>it's a badwrongfun thread

I genuinely wish I had more players like you.

>How dare people be unwilling to waste time creating a character that's just doomed to die soon anyway
There's a reason they no longer play your kind of games, old man.

I can't imagine trying to feel superior over when you first started playing a game of pretend with elves lol

What's your 1rm bench? What's your IQ?

>Hair/mane color

Maybe the character is a robot with male programming, like C3-P0.

>It doesn't matter when I started or how long I've been here, we're all equal!
>Y-you're just being ableist!
They made a book about this. It's called Incompetence.

That mental flailing was all over the place, kid. You might want to stick to one point next time. I mean, really?


Stop lying. Especially to the young and impressionable.

>meet with GM and group and build characters together, working as a team to create an interesting story.
>but whoever dies or retires early is determined by rng.

Come up with a reason for them to have whatever skills they should have with their class. Come up with a reason for them to be traveling in an adventurer lifestyle. Build on that.

>If someone doesn't like to have roleplay in their characters they are doing it wrong


>I can't imagine trying to feel superior
Trying to feel superior is a mistake. Do, or do not. There is no try.