Holy fuck just change it to /40k/ already

Holy fuck just change it to /40k/ already.

What games do you play if you aren't a warhammer player?

How often do you get to play it?

Other urls found in this thread:

abarothsworld.com/mini manufacturers.htm

>What games do you play if you aren't a warhammer player?

Kings of War and Warmahordes.

>How often do you get to play it?

Just played a tournament during the weekend, but now I don't have that much time left. If I'm lucky I play 1 day a week (If I play KoW I can play lot more matches and some mordheim).

> What games do you play if you aren't a warhammer player?
I have never played 40K or Fantasy before. I play Flames of War and Malifaux.

> How often do you get to play it?
About once a week, a little less than that if I am busy.

Battlegroup, Ronin and Battletech come to mind off the top of my head. At least for the games I own. There's a bunch of games people I know own that we play, mostly historicals.

Bolt Action, KOW, Osprey wargames.

>what games do you play if you aren't a Warhammer player
Age of Sigmar

Kings of War and Deadzone. Could play actively Warmachine and Frostgrave.

I don´t play very often, but that applies to all Veeky Forums stuff. Don´t have the time with school and family.

I don't get out to actually roll dice much lately, but I collect, build, and paint:

Infinity (I have playable forces for four different factions at this point and a lot of these can and will be used for Shadowrun/other Cyberpunk tabletop), 28mm WW2 (and have the rules for both Bolt Action and Chain of Command kicking around as well), various 28mm fantasy stuff, (a big bag full of Reaper Bones and some old school metal dwarfs that I picked up including an old gyrocopter, and some other stuff) some that can be used for RPG games.

I'm probably going to sell my 40k stuff. I just can't even begin give a shit about that overproduced up-its-own-butthole game anymore.

40k jumped the shark a long time ago.

Just because 40k is the most popular doesn't mean it's the only one, other games are important too

Just not as important

Dropzone Commander, Dropfleet Commander, Warmahordes, Infinity.

Warmahordes has the largest community at my LGS but I get to play the others pretty often.

>He doesn't know why Veeky Forums was created

>Dropzone Commander
I like the scale and the idea of this game, but I don't like the models.

>I just can't even begin give a shit about that overproduced up-its-own-butthole game anymore.

This pretty much encapsulates my feelings for 40K, in that there are none anymore. It's gone downhill both as a game and as a setting to the point where there's just no point in wasting any effort on it anymore. I checked out 8th ed on a whim but it's just more of the same awful design, in some ways it's even worse than 7th and 6th.

X-Wing by sales is the most popular game though.

Yeah the art deco sorta feel probably isn't for everyone.

I'm not a fan of a lot of the Scourge stuff but I find the PHR and UCM units aesthetic as fuck, as well as the Resistance tank units. The walkers in particular are great.

I've really been enjoying the WW2 stuff. It's so much classier than anything GW has ever produced.

Is that a new Tau vehicle?

>Holy fuck just change it to /40k/ already.

40K was entirely the reason Veeky Forums exists, be gracious that God Emperor Moot extended his benevolence to all traditional games.

Ever since they went public...

My LGS owner was trying to get me enthused about 8th ed the last time I was up there, the day before the official launch party day, but it just about turned me off from going back there...

Mostly, I'm not into competitive tryhard wargaming... It's actually just an excuse to build models.

A Tau vehicle would have ungainly chicken legs and, instead of a tail, the main gun would be mounted on some kind of huge blocky upper torso thing with massive jump jets attached on either side.

>buy some Dropfleet because ships look nice
>PHR starter set
>every potential local player hoards PHR, bar lone Shaltari player

You can never see all the cool mechanical stuff on Tau units. Also, not enough random box-shaped shit all over the place.

Never played 40k, desu. Could get Infinity games several time a week if I bothered, now it's just couple of times per month. Have some more obscure games too, some I have never played, but love the models themselves.

Poor luck.

PHR are the most popular faction on account of looking too cool for space skool, but we get a fair amount of UCM and Scourge people here. Only ever met one Shaltari player, though, at least for Dropfleet. There's a lot more of them in Dropzone.

Fuck me, the difference in quality here is astounding.

If someone asked some uneducated rando which one was the 10mm game and which was the 25mm game, they'd answer incorrectly every time.

Maybe it'll grow on me for when I get that urge to build my next game. I'm still in the middle of my WW2 scenario. I need to get some weed so I can zone out and paint.

I do appreciate this ROY G fuckin BIV chart, tho.

Don't bother. The moment 40kid sees a model from scifi range not done by HIS precious Games Workshop, he searehes the closest matching colorscheme from 40k and calls it a ripoff.

Yeah and Dropfleet is drop dead gorgeous. It makes BFG look like shit, and I kinda liked BFG...

Wow... really awesome.

Warmahordes, X-wing and infinity, sometimes firestorm armada and planetfall if I get lucky.
I haven't played much in a while though but I've been making terrain for most of my vacation to compensate. The communities are here however if I want to get some games in.

It looks like a Tau Brass Scorpion user. BLOOD FOR THE GREATER GOOD!

>individually painted purple dots
someone please tell me there's a quick way to do this, because this model haunts me just at the thought of the patience required for that.

I think that was only for one quarter back in 2016.

I play Malifaux as well as 40k. I also play and run RPGs; we're playing Black Crusade at the moment but before that we played Apocalypse World and before that D&D. I also play the odd board game, most recently Dead of Winter and Betrayal at the House on the Hill.

We RP every week; I play Malifaux every other week. We play board games when somebody can't make RP night.

No, it's still current

>What games do you play if you aren't a warhammer player?

Now remember that DZC is like 6mm scale IIRC

>I think that was only for one quarter back in 2016.
Since 2015

My group is made of oldfags who got fed up with 40ks bullshit years ago. We make and play our own games.

>What games do you play if you aren't a warhammer player?
I don't play games, I just lurk, browse and sometimes I shitpost for fun.

I've been here for the past 10 years, first hoping I'd get back into some Veeky Forums hobby, back in 2007.

Now I have dozens of .pdfs from D&D, W40k and WFB to some obscure systems that only Veeky Forums would know about and I still haven't played a single game or session.

But that reminds me, I do play board games, so that's why I'm still here. Almost all of them I got because of Boardgames threads, so thanks Veeky Forums. You brought me the pleasure of loosing several games of Catan to my mother-in-law, who said didn't want to play and complained that she does not know the rules.
Fucking lawyers man, I think she even cheats when nobody is looking.

Not many KoW, some Song of blades and heroes and gods and mortals, some rpg. I started with the LoTR, and I want to play some space fleet game.
I'm used to nearly never play too, partly my fault to like more obscure games.

A lot of us play other games in addition. 40k is my main game because it's the one that got me into wargaming, I have a large collection for it, and it's the most popular in my area.
But that doesn't stop me from getting in the occasional game of Bolt Action, Xwing, or Dropzone/Dropfleet.

>tfw you're safely ensconced in your non 40k generals and don't have to pay attention to Veeky Forums throwing fits over 40k

These may be dark days for Veeky Forums, but at least there are still good places.

it's either 40k or D20/that GM/that player/martialsvsmages threads... And I will mention filename because it's now nothing but reheated garbage every thread, with even less Veeky Forums related content every time it regenerates.

>Mfw I blew that up from full dp with 4 free riders before nerf
Why are Resistance models so great?

>No scourge
Absolutely degenerate.

bolt action, saga, infinity, team yankee
once a month if i'm lucky, i live where there are a lot of wargamers but who are all lazy

I play World in Flames. I play once a week for about 4-5 hours, and am looking to start up a second game, which I have time and interest for, but not necessarily the energy.

I'm here for Infinity and /awg/ and rarely stick my head out of those threads.

I actually made a list of games I play and/or have models for a few days ago:
-Alkemy: A new addition for me, managed to have two games in two weeks.
-Bolt Action: Played a bunch a year or so back, hasn't had much playtime of late.
-Dystopian Wars: Once in a blue moon nowadays.
-Firestorm Armada: Probably my main game? Alkemy and Infinity have taken over recently though.
-Firestorm Planetfall: Played once? Cool models though.
-Gruntz: Impulse bought a 15mm force a few months ago and never played it. Hopefully in the next fortnight I'll have a game of it though.
-Infinity: My other main game aside from Armada. Could play once a week if I wanted to, but too many other shinies.
-Konflikt '47: It's basically Bolt Action, so buying some heavy infantry didn't take much.
-Urban War: Love it when I get to play it. Which is very rarely.

Oh, and I guess I'll have Shattered Void and Age of Tyrants when those kickstarters finally deliver.

>when those kickstarters finally deliver.

No it's not, that pic was litteraly 1/3 of GW salses in just NA VS practically all of X-wing sales. Fuck off with this retarded meme

Pleb, please

>practically all of X-wing sales.
>source: my ass

>Everyone likes X-wing
>Nobody played wings of war

I fucking cry every time.

>warmachine (don't really play anymore)
>bolt action

Plus, with all of the other stuff that constantly tempts my playgroup I don't think we would have time for 40k.

>What games do you play if you aren't a warhammer player?
A bunch of historical tabletop games and RPGs. I research, design and publish historical tabletop games so mostly play them because they're fun and exactly the kind of games I want to play. I haven't played 40K in 7 or 8 years.

I play D&D every week and historical wargames every second sunday, sometimes more often - especially when I'm playtesting a new game I'm working on.

>What games do you play if you aren't a warhammer player?
FFG games

Fucking traitors, Get the fuck out, your cancer ruinning the hobby!

>What games do you play if you aren't a warhammer player?
Is all of them an acceptable answer?

>How often do you get to play it?
Every day if I can with occasional alcohol breaks to get stuff painted.

>What games do you play if you aren't a warhammer player?
Guild Ball, WMH, Malifaux, Infinity for non GW (blood bowls a favorite)
>How often do you get to play it?
Been doing 1-2 GB games every week for a bit now, WMH soon now that I have cards, Inf/Mal like once a month (I could get more inf if i tried)

(you) and stuff. But realistically, could you actually back up your accusation with any arguments of why playing non-GW stuff is ruining the hobby?

>Is all of them an acceptable answer?
I guess not because there are likely hundreds of rules systems. You can never have the time, nor brain capacity to learn and play them all.

>why playing non-GW stuff is ruining the hobby?
Because you supporting:
- Bad models quality
- Bad gamedesign
Basically you just dumping down product's quality in industry.

GW is the poster child for bad game design though. They put profits over game design every time.
Their miniature quality is nothing special. About average. Hundreds of manufacturers have quality on par with GW.

> hundreds on par with GW
> hundreds
user why you spread lies on the internet. You don't have to like GW to admit their models blow all but like maybe 2 companies completely out of the fucking water

That was probably so 10 years ago, now there are a fuckton of companies than do better minis, even in plastic like Kingdom Death, and if you like resin or metal the options are endless.

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I'd love to play Bolt Action but no one around her plays anything other than 40k and a couple of AoS players. Closest exception is one guy who's into Blood Bowl. Basically it's either GW or bust.

I'll probably at least collect or buy a 2 person starter box and bug my roommate until he tries it.

>GW is the poster child for bad game design though. They put profits over game design every time.
u wot

Have you even played a GW game outside of fantasy battles and 40k?

I played BFG, Inquisitor, Blood bowl and space hulk. While there are a few exceptions in their golden years (BFG being pretty damn good), their leading games generally put profit over game design. Regularly releasing new, more powerful codexes to sell miniatures and the codexes is never good game design. It's decent market strategy - keeps the profits coming in - but it isn't conducive to good game design, especially when they aren't well play-tested.

Notice how they left their one good game design (BFG) in the dust probably because it didn't make enough profits? yes, that's putting profits before game design.

abarothsworld.com/mini manufacturers.htm

>28mm only:

>like maybe 2 companies
Corvus Belli
Ragging Heroes
Avatars of War
Already more than 2

>Have you even played a GW game outside of fantasy battles and 40k?
LoTR was only good GW standalone ruleset, but they killed it with War of the Ring

user why do you weigh in on conversations you know nothing about?

If you think GW produce better miniatures then all but 2 producers, you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Try to research your post next time and try not to make assumptions. The starting point of your position should always be "I know nothing" rather than "I know everything"

Monopose kits with no customization possible out of box - truly a competitor for multi pose, kit bash friendly space marines

>Monopose kits with no customization possible out of box
So just like all last GW releases?
Also, it's not hard to kitbash some details to metal models

>Notice how they left their one good game design (BFG) in the dust probably because it didn't make enough profits?
It had rather active and comprehensive support for five years (more, if you include the pre-BFG space fleet rules and the post-GW FW stuff, though I wouldn't), and the main reason it petered out was because the guy who made and maintained the system left the company.

Anyways "their one good game"? How about warmaster? titanicus?
epic? aeronautica imperialis? advanced space crusade/WHQ? man 'O war? mordheim? necromunda? the entire warhammer ancient battles line of rules, which spawned from the LotR system?

GW's most known for fantasy battles and 40k, but as far as tabletop wargaming companies go they are all over the fucking place in the variety of games they decided to make, and a whole lot of it was quite good.

The worst thing about war of the ring, after killing the skirmish system, was the fact that it would have been an excellent game...... in 6mm.

Do I have a bridge to sell you...

Most of those games were abandoned years if not decades ago and have since been surpassed by more modern creations.

>epic? aeronautica imperialis? advanced space crusade/WHQ? man 'O war? mordheim? necromunda? the entire warhammer ancient battles line of rules, which spawned from the LotR system?
What about their living games, not some legacy of old times?

I play 40k. 2-3 games every two weeks or so.

First point is fair enough as for converting and sculpting it moves the goal post a bit as in that respect most models can be converted with green stuff and artistic vision

I know that marinelets are going the way of the dodo - that doesn't change the fact that gw are relativly alone in releasing multi part plastic kits designed in a way where you can mix them together easily dark eldar kabalites Wyches and scourges for example or how all old marine torsos are the same structurally. That the company is now putting out Monopose non mixable characters and dual kits doesn't suddenly remove all the great gw plastic kits 4/10 made me write an excessively long reply

>and have since been surpassed
That's questionable, and being abandonware doesn't make the rules somehow worse.


Holy shit

I used to be a hardcore warmahordes player, scoffing at the 40k players and their vague, shitty, badly written thing they call a 'game'...

but now mk3 is terrible and I have found myself with a 40k army, enjoying how free form and less restrictive 40k is, and the superior models.

I also play with ex warmahorders who actually want to enjoy their hobby, but also to have some consistent rules, so we often homebrew whatever vaguarities we encounter into something more sensible.

>how the mighty have fallen.

>most models can be converted with green stuff and artistic vision
So as the metal models (dude I reposed vostroyan IG).

>dark eldar kabalites Wyches and scourges
5th edition.

that was my point yes? that saying that the metal infinity models can t-totally also be r-reposed!!! like an autist doesn't make the comparable to the older GW kits, and its part of the reason GW still rides on the (dying) reputation as one of the best minimakers in the industry.
still available.(for now)

>still available.
Yes, they avaible, but looks like now GW switched to monopose (and I really don't know why).

haven't they said that the new kits comming out (right now) are just the Citadel Miniatures (TM) Easy to Build (TM)(C)(R) Kits.(Patent pending), until we see the primaris marine tactical box equivalent your opinion is just hearsay. I've already complained alongside you people about the monopose overpriced character models.

I am talking about 7th ed. releases.

>Literally wins the Charles S Roberts Award
>Bad Game design.
>Hex and chit games
>Bad models.
Were your mother and father brother and sister? Or are you just a run of the mill GW fanboy tard?

Varitiy is the Spice of life.
40K isn't the only game in town and you're missing out

>Already more than 2

only CB that actually gets sold in stores.

GW has a ton of bad models, terrible game design, and is actively torpedoing their fluff.

They couldn't even fix something basic like you move past you go I go.

The best thing they have done for the hobby post 5th edition 40k was sucking so fucking bad that it made room for other companies to make better games.

Infinity about every other week.

Dropzone and Dropfleet are two of my favorites!
Bolt Action

I try to get a game in once a week with one of these.

GW as a company has kicked out its original designers, and post-Chapterhouse has increasingly taken on the stance that you can only play with models they actually make. Aka, no Asdrubael Vect, Looted Wagons, etc.

Their game has increasingly become less about being a game, but selling kits. Their kits have become less about looking good, but maintaining MAXIMUM Copyright. The whole thing is rotten to the core, and a cheeky FAQ saying "come on, this is the new Games Workshop" isn't going to change the fact.

10 mm

How did he let you get that close?

The issue with a lot of GW games is the had great concepts or ideas, but on the whole they all suffered from serious problems and not just from balance.

The thing is they were still fun. If GW decided to keep working on them they could have been great today. But all they did was murder them.

>only CB that actually gets sold in stores.
So what? We talked about manufacters who making better than GW.