Casters vs martials general

>Fighters and many other martials still in the class list

Why does the game have these trap options even in 5e? Are the developers such martialfags that they'd still insist on giving the kids such shitty options even though literally no one is dumb enough to take it?

Other urls found in this thread: key

>5e is ivory tower game design

I miss having quest threads on Veeky Forums.

Hmm... posting a secondary thread while the first one is up... time for me to intervene.

Imma fuck that shark.

Same, M. Night Famalamadingdong.

Alright folks, I'm here, I'm autistic, annoying, and I just won't quit. Thread is over. Sage.

Fuck you Wayne.

No, no, Fuck You, the pleasure is all mine.

This is stupid

Ah, but soon it will all be that shark's.

It's about to get stupider.


September is about month and a half away... just keep reminding yourself that.

Try harder. This is embarrassing.

Summer is a myth.



>Casters vs Martials general

Holy shit, I legitimately haven't laughed this much in weeks.

>cancerous Tripfag turns out to be redditscum


It used to be fun to browse the shit posts while waiting for quest updates. Now it's like there's no reason to it anymore. I'm just browsing shit posts for no reason.


>newfag poses as experienced poster
that guy doesn't use a trip, friendo

>newfag mistakes namefag for tripfag
laffs: had

>confusing a tripfag with a namefag

One is slightly less pig disgusting. Both deserve to die in a fire, though, no matter how pure this one's intentions may or may not be.

This is actually a good solution. Mods won't crack down on this shit unless we elect to create a containment thread.

You know what I miss? Erp threads. Those were fun, those should come back

Bring back quests and smut. Let us make our own fun again, without being cracked down on by overzealous mods, without enabling raging autists who don't like anyone have the wrong kind of fun.

Their zealous rage has killed Veeky Forums.

Those were fun, but if I had to pick one of the two, I would choose to have quest threads back on Veeky Forums.

We already have this thread.

Fuck no. Glad to see them gone. If they couldn't follow the rules of the board by posting smut it deserved to be kicked.

They're better in /soc/

>Play a fighter who hates magic
>Party consists of people who use magic

That was a fun game

I'd rather have quests than the same terrible arguments five times a day. The same idiots who complain endlessly about D&D only stop to complain endlessly about Fighters. Either fix caster supremacy or play a different game.

Ah, but the thing about namefags is they can be hilariously impersonated whenever they show up.

Because there is a place for characters that have enough "meat-points" that a twisted ankle doesn't require amputation of the entire leg, followed by its replacement with an enchanted artificial limb...

Is there a place for such a character? How would the enchanted limb make things worse?

having to explain that you're such a pussy that you needed to literally chop your foot off because you stepped on a twig the wrong way

Just all play Men-Of-All. Nothing beats the Gnostic wizard-knights of Plato's Republic.

I miss "Elf slave - what do?" threads. Yes the premise was sickening but some of the responses were genuinely funny whether they were meant to be or not. Plus - lots of elf cheesecake posted.

>Newfags pretend to be oldfags by sperging out about semantics

wew lads, sure showed me

>I was merely pretending

This is a very sad attempt at save face.

-Replied from the frontpage, don't bother replying back, I don't click bait threads-

Lack of elf cheesecake is the real problem we now face.

Too many rules, too many things forbidden.

I haven't followed a single quest since Ruby. I thought the majority of the smut threads were an eyesore. I rarely bothered to read the writefaggotry. But if we banned things based on someone out there disliking them, we'd have nothing left at all on Veeky Forums. I support the posting of content even if I personally dislike that content, and much preferred the state of Veeky Forums back when all of these things were allowed.

For even if I didn't like the content being posted, I liked the people posting them. I liked how many sorts we had back then. I liked the diversity and the variety, the color and what we all could manage.

Now it's all just a single bland pile of shit.

It's like moving from 3.PF to 5e. Sure, it sort of works now with worst of the things being rid of, but it's just so fucking boring.

Never come here again

Thats vary sad attempt at a NOT THE SAME GUY BUT-post
Samefag pls

>much preferred the state of Veeky Forums back when all of these things were allowed.
Same here.

>Now it's all just a single bland pile of shit.
You know I wanted to use the words ''overtly political correct'' but I guess BLAND fits it too. Killing Quests took all the Writefags away from Veeky Forums and killed its creativity.
Before you could have the same threads but they would turn out different every time.
Now you have the same threads and every time its the same discussion with the same regurgitated arguments.

Its like I am stuck in a groundhog day of blandness and thinly veiled SJW shit masquerading as STOP LIKING WHAT I DONT LIKE.

Why are you still on Veeky Forums?

Hell, why am -I- still on Veeky Forums?

Nice low quality bait. Here's a (you) for your effort.
Everyone else, this thread is officially retarded and therefore over.

I miss Veeky Forums getting shit done. Have we had any collaborative projects lately?

> Killing Quests took all the Writefags away from Veeky Forums and killed its creativity.
Oh please. I get that you're probably talking through regurgitated memes, but "writefags" have effectively not been a thing on Veeky Forums for many years before /qst/ was ever created, and that was because of almost entirely unrelated reasons.

Because I have been here for 10 years. It gives me comfort and until two years ago it wasn't THIS bad.

Faux liberal Janitors and Mods are the cancer that is killing Veeky Forums slowly but surely.

>Now it's all just a single bland pile of shit.
I'm sure you being ten years older has nothing to do with that.

>Hell, why am -I- still on Veeky Forums?
I keep asking myself that for a while. The games I used to play changed beyond recognition. The games I do play still are so niche they it can't sustain a General. The noteworthy OC coming up from boards as a whole is dwindling.

>allow me to change the history of Veeky Forums and pretend that X didn't happen, so I can claim that its not that bad

No, fuck you and fuck off.

There was that chaos-worshipping Shangri-la 40k thing last month, and Kulmorost Divided a couple months ago. There's still a couple 40k AUs going. /osrg/ still occasionally makes slivers of OC

Why does everything have to come down to politics user?

Why can't people just be shit without trying to throw liberal SJW strawmen in there?

No, I am telling you that you misunderstood whatever hearsay you're basing your views of the board off and somehow blended nazimod and /qst/ together in some confused blur of buzzwords until it was at exactly the right consistency to suit your views. I'm not going to argue since I know it'll be pointless

Because he gave up broadening his horizons at 15 and is left with only that lens to view the world through.

So what you're saying is that I never actually were here to see what it was like at the time?

Were you here? Can I not make a similar claim of you being a newbie?

In my case, it's mostly the trove and the piece of inspiration that shows up once in 50 threads or so, plus the thread about a more obscure system I like that shows up once in a blue moon. I could theoretically move to 8ch, but it's slower with about the same rate of good idea to trash, plus a more politically-charged atmosphere. Other than that, what's left? /r/rpg?

Don't forget: you're here forever.

Because muh skeleton war.

More falseflagging and autistic screeching from Rectally Ragnarok'd questfags.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with casters being better than martials

Stop whining

Same here

>Why can't people just be shit without trying to throw liberal SJW strawmen in there?

Because you can clearly see the SJW and their white-knight behaviour on Veeky Forums.
You see the quality going steadily going down due to reddit-tier topics and people have been using MAGICAL REALM-Screeching as for whenever they act like the prudish sex-negative brigade SJWs simply are.
But instead of simply bitching how its misogyny and and sexism which would turn most of Veeky Forums against them, the tumblrshits adapted and instead scream MAGICAL REALM! for anything they do not like.

Is that why you are stuck with your perpetual white guilt and your liberal saviour complex? Have you considered that there are people who do not want to be represented by someone like you?

>No, I am telling you that you misunderstood whatever hearsay you're basing your views of the board off
As I said, I have been here for 10 years and you can take your HEARSAY shit and shove it right back up your ass where it come from. No matter how hard you pretend to be one of ''old guard'' I can easily tell by the retarded shit you say that you are not.

>My world-view is so simplistic that there are never multiple factors contributing to why something is shit so I'm not going to argue since I know it'll be pointless
I agree on the part where its pointless to argue with you. Feel free to keep up your oldfag-pretend game.

This. It's painfully obvious that this is reverse-trolling by /qst/ards trying to shit up Veeky Forums.

>buzzwords, slippery-slopes, wild exaggeration and a massive dose of anal-annhilation

Seems like people would prefer quest threads on Veeky Forums over the way the board has gone downhill in the last year or so.

Not to mention what a graveyard /qst/ is since the bulk of the people who played quests only followed one or two of them, so the board is just six really popular threads and ten pages of dead ones in autosage.

>Seems like people would prefer quest threads on Veeky Forums over the way the board has gone downhill in the last year or so.
I for one would prefer everything to be back.

For the life of me I can't imagine why someone would not, apart from being ridiculously butthurt over the presence of something they might not like, and being for some reason unable to hide it even though the tools are given to them. We were so much better off with all the weird shit we've now been denied.

Friendly reminder that only people from outside Veeky Forums and always and without fail the ones getting triggered about /pol/ for no reason

You can't really deny his point though

I've been here since 2005 and the amount of newfags who have spilled onto the rest of Veeky Forums from /pol/ since 2016 are really annoying.

It's like, everyone is at the soccer game blowing their vuvuzelas and having fun, and then they leave to go play D&D but one guy just keeps blowing his vuvuzela over and over and over and nobody can kick him out because this scenario is just a metaphor for the state of Veeky Forums at the moment. Sure you can ignore him but most people have the urge to yell at him to stop blowing his vuvuzela, but that just makes him blow it harder. Even for the best players it's still an annoying distraction.

Questfags are pretty much universally reviled. They were chased from /a/ and /co/ and exiled here. Eventually Veeky Forums got sick of their NARP asses and thus we have /qst/.

I've been here ever since Ruby and all I've ever seen is a few mouth-frothing, irrationally angry retards such as yourself. I bet you've been crusading to have the quests removed ever since then. I bet I could look into one of those few early Ruby Quest threads and pick up one of the "Not Veeky Forums" trolls, and it'd have a good chance of being you.

I haven't followed a quest since, but I'd like to have them back just to spite you. You need real problems in life.

If everyone on Veeky Forums hated quest threads, why did they take up 90% of the board?

No, see, 5e solves the martial/caster disparity by making martials die in two hits, one if the monster rolls well or crits. That way casters die in one hit, so it's """balanced""".

Do casters ever actually get hit, though?

Yes. Things that ignore to-hit are mostly gone (and completely gone from out-of-turn), and the monsters get retardedly good to-hits.
Everybody gets hit, everybody drops like flies, 5e combat is garbage for an entirely different set of reasons than 3.fuckup.

Of course, casters still rule non-combat with an iron grip because
>giving martials out-of-combat abilities
is apparently too much of a mental leap for Retards of the Coast.



No shit, all the good posters leave and the shitposters take up the slack.

So whats the verdict. Is this a new form of shitposting that the man is taking up since his threads burned out of steam after however many days, or was it always a ploy to try and falseflag about quests one way or the other? How tinfoil hat is this?

Considering the third post is "I miss having quest threads on Veeky Forums." I put solidly in the realm of questfags false flagging. There has been a guy who's been going at it with that exact phrase since April.

But in which direction? Trying to make it look like shitposting got worse once they left or trying to make it look like quest fags are all shitposters so they stay gone?

Same group who has done this shit for years.

They find a topic and beat it into the ground until people finally hide their threads and no body responds. When they get no teaffic, they find a new way to make people pissy. This time they struck gold.

So a unpopular board doesn't get much attention?

Fine by me. Darwin's law of message boards

Allow me to provide you with this simple dichotomous key to deal with martials and casters in the same party.

Question#1: what metric does your system use to measure power? (Hint, many systems use levels, though 2e had uneven levels but balanced based on XP totals.0, and there are others as well.)
>If your answer is "my system doesn't have one" then go to Conclusion#1.
>If any metric is given, go to Question#2

Question#2: Are the players of equal, or ball-park comparable measures by this metric
>If no, then go to Conclusion#2
>If yes, then go to Question#3

Question#3: Are the party members contribute comparable value to the party when played effectively? This does not necessarily mean they contribute the same thing, but if they don't show up, is the party missing roughly as much in each case? E.G. hackers and magicians in Shadowrun do not contribute the same thing, but the party can be equally fucked for not having on given the circumstances of a run.
>If no, go to Conclusion#1
>If yes, go to Conclusion#3

>Your system is shit, and you have shit taste
>Your DM/GMing is shit.
>Sounds like you have a functioning game.

>I don't click bait threads
but I do post in them

This guy knows what he's talking about.


>three outcomes

Who is this cat?

Veeky Forums always had shiposters. You know what Veeky Forums didn't always have? Motherfucking quest threads. Fuck, the best time Veeky Forums had was back when nazimod was still around.

Jojo fan art of this. key