Horus Heresy General /hhg/

Rolled 25 (1d26)

Titan Guard edition.
Competitive lists subedition.

Last thread the CCR fans formalized their legion, the Admech half-assed some heraldry and Prospero continued to not be exploded. Titan loadouts and shiny paint schemes were discussed and some anons planned HH short stories. The Reductor continued to be canon WAACfags and Skitarii have a past in the gangs. All this and more in the last thread >Thread FAQ

>Official HH 7th Edition Errata (not updated since January 2016)

What to include in a HH list, how to format it, what makes each legion special (crunch), tactics, Tutorials for Heresy-era minis and more
pastebin.com/Tm2P4QLp ()

>HH Books, Novels and Rulebooks galore
pastebin.com/k9uvqsub ()
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.docdroid.net%2Ffz1OuHK%2Fcrusade-imperialis-army-lists.pdf.html
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.docdroid.net%2FZTK72gs%2Flegiones-astartes-age-of-darkness-army-list.pdf.html
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmega.nz%2F%23F!BxI1HSgI!0tKymKh9RZTzGpgIA5EyCg

>/HHG/'s Legion demographics

>/HHG/'s allegiances

>Primarch Popularity Poll


>Crimson King

>NEW Mega Folder

Which legion has the most superior tank rules?

Iron Hands

They are also buddies with robbuts, right? This might be on to something.

Did forgeworld ever address that thing where superheavy tanks aren't "Tanks" and so don't get certain legion bonuses? If not, do you think they'll remember to fix it with their 7.5 ruleset?

>Tank's name is Zarathutrax

Aren't most non-Malcador superheavies brought in a special LoW detachment and thus don't benefit from the special rules?

Ultramarines, because Ultramarines have the most superior everything.

Go home Ward, you're drunk again.

No, and no. They had plenty of time to answer everyone's questions and really don't seem to care. I do have a sliver of hope, but I try to hide it.

Yup. Head of the Gorgon is great - aside from outflanking tanks (that's where the super-heavy question comes up), they get cybernetica maniples as elites.

Legiones Astartes rules don't affect tanks, but the IH get that piece of wargear that gives you a 1/6 chance of repairing a hull point per turn, for 10 points. Not that great by itself, but you'll probably have an Iron Father who can do the same on a 5+. It adds up.

And it stacks with IWND if Ferrus is there, doesn't it.

A doubt of all this, but one thing remains true: house rules exist.

Cheers, I'll check out the Iron Hands.
It's probably a good idea to convert a good lot of the marines, isn't it?

>playing marinelets: the game in 2017

Yeah, a lot of 3rd party manufacturers (e.g. Anvil Industries, MaxMini.eu, PuppetsWar, who knows what else) make bionics bits for space marines. Not sure FW has anything other than its IH head and torso kits, but they're good too. Use liberally.

I've seen surprisingly few Militia players using plastic Cadian models, so it works. They tend to go third-party or even use old metal IG minis. They look fine next to marinelets. Solar Auxilia are fine too, nice and small.

The only scale problem in 30k is Sisters of Silence - they're huge.

>playing guilliman vs chaos gods: the game in 2017

Any of you guys working on anything neat? I'm sitting in front of a bunch of unassembled shit I can't motivate myself to start anything. Motivate me.

Doesn't their art make them look tall as well?

As for Cadians, I'm planning on using them mainly because that's what the art for Malcador's Chosen makes them look like. Just give their armour some gold trim and shit. They'll make a nice Militia detachment for my Talons for an all out Imperial war host of all the top players from Custodes and Sisters to Knights-Errant and Malcador's personal bodyguard.

For Pert!

>only one set of hazard stripes
That's a decimatin'.

Not done yet. Though I like subtle and practical application of hazard stripes. Not too much, not too many.

Shame my desk lighting is so shit.

Working on these guys. Painting the one with the blade resting on his shoulder, to be exact.
Had a lot of fun converting the fuckers. The base concept was to have them look unhurried and relaxed.

I'm curious how they'll perform this Saturday.

If you have any serious concerns, they will absolutely slaughter everything in their path. I am very surprised you did not take a gauntlet but that's all personal taste anyway.

Be aware that they will need support in the form of decent covering fire or distractions if you want them to win absolutely.

Also if you can avoid it do not put your Tribune in there unless you want that squad ripped apart immediately.


Just do it user!
Having your models painted is pure bliss.

What legion and which unit?

>the traitor Mechanicum call themselves the Dark Mechanicum
What a bunch of edgelords. That's Brotherhood of Evil Mutants tier naming.

That's a nice Iron Hand you've got there :^)

It's afroamerichanicum, thank you very much :^)


It should be illegal to work this fast

Well, I mostly avoided the fist to keep their look consistent. I'm already peeved that I can't give the vexilla-bearer a paragon blade.
As for the support, I'm still in the early stages, so I have just six Sentinels, six Guardians, these guys, three agamati and a tribune. Not much going on in terms of fire support yet. I'm still waiting on the Repulsor to convert as a stand-in for the Choronus, since I'm not too fond of the custodes' vehicles.
One of the regulars at the flgs routinely plays Perty and four beep-boops, which is a matchup I'm really interested in.

This is more recent.

The building is always my favourite part. I just find it difficult to motivate myself to paint anything once I'm done

RIP Ferrus

What legion dude?

If someone could point me in the right direction please. I'm looking for the new Crimson King novel and the Leman Russ and Magnus book.

Can't find them in the mega archive.

Crimson King link is literally in the OP. Check the new mega folder (last link) for the other two.

Do yourself a favor and pick up 5 more Guardians, honestly. 10 in a standard force is a really good balance.

Also fuck the beep boops. Hit them with plenty of Ap2 rape train pieces and a gauntlet to watch them collapse

BTW when are we going to get Angelus? And 8E 30k?

I'll be perfectly honest here: I think Guardians are total shit when compared to Sentinels. Their charge bonus is hard to actually make work without proper Assault transports, the points saved are marginal, Lightning Blows barely ever procs and the guns are fairly underwhelming. If they didn't look aces I probably wouldn't even have those six.
When compared to Rending, rerollable invulns, -1 to hit, improved Overwatch and the ability to provide cover I'll gladly pay the paltry additional sum.

Sometime during M03. Hard to be more specific.

Early to mid 2018 and never, respectively.

Ahh a chaos warhound. I hope to see it progress!

nice, purple looks cool, but maybe go a little easier on the turquoise gemstones and blue blades, it gets a little over the top

The trick for Guardians is to honestly use them in decent numbers, have the Sentinels take a charge, and then throw the Guardians in. Failing that you can also lob a few of them at an enemy just out of reach with a Coronus or deep strike and force them to back up into a dense pocket. Getting them to have the charge requires lots of precision.

Guardians require a lot more finesse to use than Sentinels to the point of where it doesn't seem worth it, but if you play them right they end up being way better overall.


two wound three attack 2+ 4++ fearless FNP 4+ blade of double wounding furious charge WS 6 sanguinary guard when

The same time we get Sanguinius with his triple wounding bare fists.

Never's a bit harsh but it'll probably be years off alongside an 8.5 or 9th edition. The rules need to evolve eventually and I really doubt FW are going to keep trying to iterate upon 7th.

Is Sanguinius Kenshiro?

No, then he'd do 7 wounds per hit.

Hmm, interesting. I'll keep that in mind for the future. Though I hope you don't mind me having some doubts. So far, I haven't really encountered a problem that the Sentinels couldn't handle (apart from a case of ten Iron Arm'd Cataphractii) while I had a number of cases where Guardians flundered badly. And more than six would necessitate either a seperate transport or deep striking, which I am wary of (too many mishaps over the years, not to mention reserves not showing up for ages).
I'm convinced Guardians only would need one change to make them comparable: Grant them the S+1 AP2 bonus on any first turn of combat, not just when being charged; raise their points to match Sentinels if need be. I imagine charging into a wall of guardian spears should be about as unpleasant as being charged by them.

Yeah, well, never underestimate FW's capacity to stick to their retarded guns. I mean, we all know the volkite butthurt and the subsequent AdMech shittery, which still hasn't been resolved.

I wish I had so many of those eagles just lying around that I could make a bunch of shields out of.

>we all know the volkite butthurt
That was before my time. Please enlighten me.

What's this?

FW apparently threw a shitfit when GW made the AdMech Magos have a volkite gun, on account of those being no longer a thing in 40k. Apparently a large chunk of the 30k mechanicum stuff had rules ready to go for 40k but that got delayed for forever.

FW decided that volkite weapons are 30k only and wasn't gonna import any volkite weapons into 40k. Then GW gave a volkite weapon to the plastic Admech magos thing and tartaros terminator sergeant. People say FW was butthurt about it, though I haven't seen any official statements.

FW got bootyblasted when GW let an Archmagos take a Volkite Charger in 40k.

It really upset me too, because FW's anal agony meant that there was no chance DA would get Volkite instead of Grav like I had been hoping.

Hilarious if true, I am wondering if this means that FW will go full "Fuck GW" and start fixing 7 while taking some good elements from 8th.

>getting angry that an archmagos has old tech
If true then FW are a bunch of weak assblasted faggots.

>though I haven't seen any official statements
Somebody on here said they spoke to some FW guy about that at the Amsterdam event a year or so ago and the guy apparently got really upset about GW doing that behind FWs back.
Take with some salt, obviously.

>I am wondering if this means that FW will go full "Fuck GW" and start fixing 7 while taking some good elements from 8th.
Oooh I wish, but I don't hate that much hope left.

Eh, not really. Fucking over gamers over personal grievances is literally Cruddace-tier. See also: the mycetic spore debacle, nobody thought GW were cool for pulling that shit.

The spore was not a matter of personal grievance, but of law.

GW had written about the spores, so they had a legal claim for the name in written form, but Chapterhouse made models with the name, meaning they could claim ownership of the name in miniature form. So, instead of risking this, GW renamed their spore pod miniatures.

Anybody happens to have Lorgar? (Gav's new book)

The swords and shields on the unpainted dudes are not the standard stuff, right? Where are they from?

Looks like spare vexillas.

Okay, so maybe GW had to do that. FW are not under any legal obligation to hold back rules that gamers want, they're just being prats.

Any of you faggots planning on converting the new Death Guard thing for a Medusa or some such thin in 40k?

GW's also under no legal obligation to not put Tau and Tyranids into 30k.

I think it's just one butthurt employee, maybe some more. But what the fuck did they think was gonna happen? This is't the first time GW has taken something FW created and put it into 40k. GW owns the studio, they can do whatever they want with it.

As for delays, I think it's just assumptions by people. FW is known for their slow ass release schedule and now they have to make their books in 8e.

I'm a fucktard and wrote 40k instead of 30k

Hopefully the sponsons are optional, so I can use my Medusa in 40k using that thing's rules.

Looks like what happens when a Minotaur and a Colossus fuck.

Poorfag's typhon

How do they see out from inside?

Will we ever get a Space Marine style 30k game? I want to be able to use a jump pack and stab everything with a power spear. That's all I want.

No, we get Drop Assault and Battle of Tallarn.

How many spess marhens do I need to buy before GW grants me my wish?

If nobody had bought recasts ever and instead bought official Forge World models we might have seen a proper game.

So, I'd guess about 25 million should do it.

You're a sick and twisted soul.

I feel no guilt over buying a recast Ixion Hale while living 11 hours away by plane from the UK.

Other items... a little bit of guilt. I'm going to keep them to a small proportion of my army, like the outrider bits on attack bikes and mk II dudes on bikes and jetbikes.

>mk II dudes on bikes and jetbikes
They make those?

Hey /hhg/, got a few quick questions for you. Might be a question for /wip/, but it's a grey area.

I'm painting up my nerdy boys and need your input on which style of bolter looks better for thousand sons:

Standard black and steel parts
White casing and steel parts
White casing, steel parts, gold ejection ports
Or white casing and all brass/gold parts like pic related.

Secondly, I've heard of many people using the 40k sekhmet tartaros terminators with the bird motifs shaved off as 30k sekhmet, but can I do the same for rubrics?

Would the crests and armor be time-appropriate if painted red? I was thinking of using them as veterans with the soulreaper cannons ad stand ins for suspensor heavy bolters, but only if the models would actually wear that style of armor through the heresy.

White casing with steel parts.

They're significantly taller than standard marines but they're in mk IV.

There's plenty of old official art of BoP-era TS wearing the crests. I'd personally use it for sergeants and/or artificer armour.

No I'm buying Mk II Marines and Kromlech rider legs to replace the Mk IV riders.

I'd do white casing with steel parts. All-gold can work too, but I think it's a bit much. And yes, the 40k rubric marines are closer to primaris size than FW marine size. It's a little weird. The styling itself is perfectly acceptable, TS went all-out on their decorating even before their fall.

Hopefully never for the latter.

This is what fw needs to do.

Looks like absolute shit.

Guess what kind of place they're going to.

Isn't that kinda what FW said they are doing?

They may stay with 7th but they're going to fix fuckall.

Do you think FW knows anything about their fans? How we think their rules are either hit or typo-ridden SHIT?

They seem pretty oblivious when asked about it.

>gets sent cakes with a couple FAQs written on them
>post the cakes to social media and eat them
>never acknowledge the FAQs

>"They think our rules are so great they made us cakes!"
>send mail bombs instead
>"They think our rules are the bomb!"

>Send anthrax by mail
>"They think our rules are so sick!"

>send nail bomb
>we nailed it!

>Send sharply worded letter.
>rejected by the Royal mail due to the words being a weapon of murder.

Such is the life in the United Kuckdom.