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Painting a sexy Inquisitor on your vehicle is heresy but it's totally worth it edition

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>Designer's Commentary (FAQ 0.1)

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>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:

>Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

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>List Builder
Dead like the thousand Psykers it takes to keep the Emperor alive each day.

>WIP Math-hammer doc (chart user doing god's work)

First for gay Dangels

2nd for non-chaos renegades.

We should probably just drop the list builder thing from the OP links at some point given, you know, it's not actually a useful link.

Pic unrelated.

Nth for Perturabo and the Iron Warriors, fuck the Imperial Fisters!

Game turned into a 2v2.l where he got crons and I got yiffs. I REALLY needed that objective.

>only space wolves to not be covered in pelts and other wolf related items


Is it true that Duncan got squatted?

Nah. You got squatted, user.

No he just cross dresses from time to time, its cool

>Squat yourself famalam

Start collecting Thousand Sons when?

He cross-dresses as an asian?

40 meters snipers Tau Suit when ??

>he doesnt cross-dress as a different race

Are you some sort of queer?

Isn't that the stormsurge?

Stormsurge Caliber is wayyyyy to small.
I just want a suit basically wearing IG shadowsword guns.

Stormsurge is neither a sniper nor even technically a suit. It's an anti-titan firing platform.

Remonder that FFG is non-canon.

Considering he allowed the absolutely evil rulers of Nuceria to stay in charge since they bowed before him, i'd wager that yes, there were some pretty evil fucks in charge.

How do I know when my paints are thin enough?

Wanna paint Raptors; FW recommends Loren Forest and Duncan used Castellan Green; none really seems to fit imo.

Pic related

>being this low level of cross dresser
pff, git gud scrub

That's called a Titan.
If you want to play with titans, play imperium. The models already exist.
Stop trying to make Tau all about suits.


when you need multiple coats to cover the base layer

That skitarii with the plasma caliver has been playing too much doom.

Wait, wut?
Did you cockblock a troop of immortals with TWO (2) landraiders?
The fuck was so important?

No those are my opponents land raiders...and my soon to be very dead Scions.

Tau is nothing but suits. The allied races are just retard cannon fodder that always need help from superior manta deployments

You trying to meme me son?

GW has never said that, and the 8th edition galaxy map has the Calixis Sector labeled, so I'm going to call bullshit.

Never. Remeber that amazing Exalted Sorcs kit? Yeah its boxed with three Sorcs meaning the sprus cant be used properly for a single HQ.
Besides 1 TSon HQ and a 10 man rubric squad is what 450 points? Nothing else fits.

Is it worth it to find chinaman or is M.I. an alright alternative?

So your opponent wanted an objective so hard he was willing to throw 2 landraiders (and whatever wrecking crew he had on them) AND a squad of immortals to shift you off?
That better have been the most important statue in the sector.

So I've read a lot of Aaron Dembski-Bowden. His work is generally of pretty solid quality and as a CSM player I enjoy the successful Chaos aspect that most 40k books lack.

I just finished MoM and I don't know what the hell happened. The Emperor gets half killed by the sword Abby carries around? The part I couldn't stand though was the "I don't know" followed by an afterward that was basically "Chaos wins herp derp, Horus doesn't mater." I feel like the Custode saying "Well we'll just kill Horus and build a new one." made way too much sense and the Emperor just kinda pouts. The fuck?

Alright anons, what's the best LoW Chaos can take?

>Chondax, Deliverance and Medusa aren't important enough to appear on this map
>Rynn's world is

this enough for ya?

Not gunna lie, Emma is super cute. I wish i could apply my skull white in 2 thick coats to her if you know what i mean

>stop trying to make Tau about the best thing about them

>Stop trying to make Tau all about suits.
Do you actually read the lore ?
Of course not.
Suits is what give T'au their battlefoeld superiority. Without siit T'au get heavily BTFO both inlore and on the table.

>Rushed into deployment after the success of the R'varna battlesuit, the XV109 Y'vahra is a Class 10 battlesuit designed for devastating shock assault. To facilitate this role, the Y'vahra is equipped with a triple barreled phased-plasma flamer capable of vaporizing even hardened ceramite, and a massive EMP Discharge Cannon designed to incapacitate enemy war engines. The complex vectored thruster array incorporated into the Y'vahra's impressive armor allows it to traverse the battlefield in long graceful bounds, slamming into the greatest concentration of the enemy and reaping a heavy toll in lives before jetting away.[1]

>The Y'vahra battlesuit originates with the same Earth caste engineer as the R'varna, Fio'O Ke'lshan Sho'Aun, infamous for his resistance to the will of the Ethereal Council as much as his genius at weapons design. The Y'vahra represents a disturbing paradigm shift in the tactics of the pragmatic Ke'lshan Sept, in whom long years under near constant attack by alien forces has bred a stubborn pragmatism and siege mentality. The new XV109 is clearly a design intended to carry the fighting to the enemies of the Ke'lshan, perhaps marking a new stage of expansion on the Tau Empire's neglected eastern border

Who's the fat chick?

Stop shit-stirring faggot.

In case you are actually clueless, Emma is the poor replacement who does videos when Duncan has more important shit to do. For example for one of the AoS releases Emma did the boring infantry while the Dunc-Meister did the gianormous centerpiece model. Then they let her do a giant centerpiece model once, all hell broke loose and now she's back to sideshow material.

m8, she is barely THICC let along fat

Does anyone have the Death Guard booklet from Dark Imperium in PDF? (checked the MEGAs but couldn't find it!)

bitch, there used to be more types of fighting vehicles than there were types of suits. The further that shifts towards suits the worse the faction gets.

Aaron's father was a drunk who beat his mother, so he takes it out on the dad character of 40k. He's also a self admitted chaos fanboy.

Armored Core called, they want Nine-ball back.
Calixis is labeled because it was created by GW, not FFG. Every other sector was, tho, so they don't appear.

Its good indeed.
They should make a suit wielding only this weapon as a much cheaper alternative and its basically what I ask for.

>vendetta down to 1 wound after opponent's shooting fase
>he charges it with a dragoon
>1 lascannon hits for 4 wounds on overwatch
>vendetta crashes and burns after melee
>dragoon suffers 2 mortal wounds and dies
>all 12 occupants survive the crash and secure the objective nearby objective , granting me a vp and denying the enemy 2 as he had to hold that objective for 2 turns
>unload into his backline with plasma and hot shot lasguns in rapid fire range
god i love the imperial navy

Why do they even keep him if he's just going to keep splerging?

Thousand Sons
>Sorcerer in Terminator Armour
>Chaos Spawn

shh, let the virgin think anything that's not as thin as his animu waifus is a fat pig.

>finding the several un-painting riptides on reseller webpages

have you read the lore?
The one where they think the idea of the huge slow moving Titan is stupid and antithetical to the way of war.

The fucking new lore that's 'suits suits suits' is the bullshit.

Suits are meant to be fast response support units, with even the broadsides supposed to be deployable from transports. The giant slow walking machines loaded with guns are what imperial titans are.
Adding them makes Tau LESS unique. They're just titans, not even different styles of titans like the CW eldar, just imperial titans. Big slow walkers loaded down with guns.

When it's water.

Probably asked before: In 7th edition a HQ on bike (Space Marines) could make bikers into regular troops. I cannot find any mention of that in 8th edition.
So I guess that is history? Or did I miss something?

So I'm planning to make a Stormtrooper army, to go alongside my existing guard. Lots of Tauroxes carrying hot-shot volleygun squads and deepstriking suicide plasma/melta.

Question is, so I use the regular minis, or buy Solar Auxilia from Forgeworld as proxies? They're heavily armoured enough to pass, but I've never bought resin models before, are they really delicate? Is the fat kid at the store going to snap them in half when he picks them up with his cheeto'd fingers?

Despite being Forgeworld, per model, it actually works out slightly cheaper to use the Auxilia than the five-man Scion box.

Even the first big suit was spoken of in fluff as some monstrous waste of resources that was built on the down low by a rogue engineer.
Most of BL's writers are chaosfags, that's why.

Iron hands not having, well, iron hands...Nut that yellow if IF looks amazing.

That is no longer the case.
Now, you take the detachment that allows for an outsized number of fast attack slots.

No, you can't do that anymore. But since there is a detachment that requires Fast Attack instead of Troops, you can still make a legal army out of only Bikes and a Captain of Bike.

Not a T'au player (or fan of the fluff) but shouldn't all battlesuits like crisis suits have BS+3? Seems weird that crisis suits are BS+4 and Commanders have BS+2, don't all the suits have advanced optical systems?

And they loved that suit.

>>Not a fan or player

Get out.

Honestly, commanders should likely be BS 3+ but very few HQs get non-2+ right now.

The advanced optical systems generally are represented by the fact a suit will be firing multiple weapons at full accuracy.

They still got retard eyes

No, they almost had the guy executed until they found out that it wasn't a failure.
However, on the table, it would be like IG becoming nothing but tanks and infantry elements disappearing, it makes the army less fun and rounded.

the meme is like skim milk, but really it's when it flows smoothly off the brush into any recesses and around any edges without obscuring the details, but not so thin as to not still coat the outer layers.

>most HQ's are bs 2+
when will they buff the guard ? all we get are 3+

>STILL no Mortarion pics

Honestly I play Necrons but frankly want to get an Deathskulls Ork army for 8th Edition. Incidentally both factions will likely crush the T'au when you look at the galactic map.

Tau use their suits to support their main force, not to be the main force.
Shitty FW writing doesn't change that.

>Stop trying to make T'au about suits by wanting Ultrafast sniper gundam in T'au!!

>Gets BTFO



>Calixis is labeled because it was created by GW, not FFG. Every other sector was, tho, so they don't appear.
Please show me a single mention of it before Dark Heresy was released.

the only one whose gun matters is Pask, he's BS2+.

Isn't that the two ways to play IG, overwhelming infantry or a wall of mobile steel?


>tfw it's either that or 2 xv9's
Will probably be the y'vahra, but they're just too cool.

It's great isn't it?

your HQ is also 1/4th of the price of every other race hq, whole making you skip the whole morale thing

It is weird thing that has to do with how markerlights worked before

Eh, Keels, tides, and Y'Vahras aren't slow walkers though
The SS is really the odd one out

Thanks! I really need to read

What's the fluff reason again, T'au eyes can't dilate like ours? Wouldn't that cripple their vision during daylight?

I had two cards for it and he was miffed I dropped right on it. He neglected to move close enough to block me previously.

You know that Dark Heresy was created by Black Industries, which was a partner to Black Library, and own by GW directly, right?
That GW literally owns all rights to the Calixis sector, being created by an inhouse studio?
It's not an FFG construct, it was made by GW, and GW has full rights to use it.
Also, it was mentioned in the Eisenhorn series.

>new tau suits are shit and don't fit the previous fluff.
>uses the fluff from the new tau suits. Not the previous fluff.

If you want giant skyscraper sized piloted walkers, those already exist in 40k. You do not need new models, they are already made.
Search under "40k Titan model" you will find plenty of options.

Next time you ask for new models, ask for models that don't already exist.

Yes, it really hurts that your Commander's Las Pistol only hits on 3+.

Why they have blacksun filters, too bright.

Even though they're from a desert planet.

Tau have advanced, prepared to see zaku formations and space mech battles.
Beats being "guard but better".

>Every RGG and GGA game Ive ever seen is their fully painted Regiments against basecoat or prime armies.
God bless you Guardfags, everyone.

Tau are, physically, rather a joke of a race. They'd be likely served better by getting rid of the Fire Caste and training other races to use their equipment.

Now talk away infantry entirely, or relegate it to "hey, you can do this, but why would you ever, since it is barely supported in lore OR in rules?".

>fast mobile firing platforms don't suit the tau at all
Wow you're retarded.

Consider myself corrected.

Still, everything is still canon unless GW declares it non-canon or it conflicts with new fluff.

>tfw i can't use him cause i don't play cadians
shame to cause i have the model on the far left and he'dd make for a nice pask


And I don't really hate the Ghostkeel, it's also a fast response unit and too small to be a true vehicle.
The Tide is pushing it, it's basically just a hover tank, and tau already get hovertanks, give Tau a new hovertank.
The Y'Vahras... even the fluff they pushed out states that it's contrary to the Tau style of war.

>>new tau suits are shit and don't fit the previous fluff.

Cite the previous fluff then. I'll wait.

Yeah eyes that can't dilate despite being born on a desert planet makes no sense.