Background art thread

I'm looking for pictures of vast empty deserts or wastelands, with patches of technology scattered about here and there - small hive cities, tall towers, shipwrecks, anything like that. Bonus points if they're wrecked and abandoned.

I don't know why, but this sort of a landscape always returns to my mind if I give it a chance, and is just the sort of a place where I'd like to set a story or a campaign in. But they seem pretty rare.













Came from a Stellaris thread.



My name is Ozymandias...






I have a few, Tell me about your world and I'll tell you about mine




The two main races, Humans and Orcs were originally angels that came to the earth. Human angels went to the plains which were uncorrupted while the Orc angels went to the swamps that were taken by the Abyss.



Decades since a rogue AI ravaged the solar system, Earth and its former colonies are crippled but still rebuilding. With many things wiped, abandoned or forgotten about during the crisis.

Does pic related count as desert?



































what is this, a giant skeleton for ants?
























This looks like it has been drawn by a child both conceptwise as well as techniquewise, it's so fucking shit and dumb please remove it from your folders.

wow i liked these a lot they're awesome


You must chill. Not everything here will be your cup of tea. Try not to give yourself an aneurysm.

I refuse to chill.



Great thread. I've been able to save a lot from here.




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