>GM or Player
>Time availability
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
Game Finder Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Posting this in the new bread:
>GM or Player
Rogue Trader
>Time availability
2:30pm EDT on Mondays
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
This will be an All Dark Eldar game. Most details can be found on the roll20 listing. Important for you lewd folks out there: some lewd is allowed, but no full on ERP during the actual sessions. Apply here: app.roll20.net
>GM or Player
GURPS 4th ed.
>Time availability
Sunday, monday, wednesday, thursday, any time from noon till midnight GMT
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
Tokage#8219 on Discord
>Additional Information
New on the system: read the books on and off for years but never actually got to play.
Kinda would like to do one of those weird games where mostly anything goes, where you chuck plenty of different shit together to get everything out of the "universal" in GURPS. Like Infinite Worlds, except with less parallel dimensions and more aliens.
>GM or Player
Into the Odd (rules lite OSR game, loosely based on Original Dungeons and Dragons)
PLEASE NOTE: I’d rather you not read Into the Odd if you haven’t already. Some familiarity with old school D&D is a plus, but not a requirement.
The game is simple enough that you can pick it up as we play.
>Time availability
I’d like to hold Session Zero this Thursday, 5:30PM CST (GMT -5). We’ll assign characters, chat, and get in an hour of play if we have time.
>Text or Voice
Text only (via Discord)
>Contact Information
Joe Oddman#2893 on Discord
Contact me and I’ll send you an invite
>Additional Information
This will be a short campaign with randomly selected premade characters. If things work out, I’d like to keep the group together and keep playing this or something else.
Would you sooner trap a staircase or a fight?
>Prior: → →
Trove: pastebin.com
Game finder?: discord.gg
Blogosphere: pastebin.com
In-Browser Tools: pastebin.com
>GM or Player
Willing to try anything. Proficient with DnD 5e, know DH, OW, WoD.
>Time availability
GMT +0, 90% availability every day between 3 PM to 3 AM'ish. (Depends on how tired I am)
>Text or Voice
Text only. No compromises.
>Contact Information
Miro / Panda#9181 on Discord.
>Additional Information
As stated above, willing to try any system. Able to handle any kind of mature-stuff (That includes ERP of most kinks, PM for details?), and am mostly interested in RP-Heavy games.
There's no such thing as a trap, only information known and information hidden.
No one requests contact info at all. The only reason these threads exist is to advertise games for the GMs. As a frequent GM, I can tell you I've never once recruited from player listings here. Apart from first contact on whatever medium is being used, the best advice I can give you on getting into a game is to
I can't make my fucking PCs leave this fucking castle alone. They've spent 130k gold on it so far and they keep trying to turn DCC into ACKS and won't even play ACKS. I actually reduced the entire thing to ruins with a massive giant attack and they were like "Oh man this must have something really valuable in the catacombs if a giant army wanted it." And rebuilt it. Dragons blow up towers and they have them rebuilt. They've been doing this so long they're on their third set of PCs, with around 19 level 10 pcs that just sort of wander the fuck around being walking demigods. I have this entire world built and all they want to do is hang out in this castle and "investigate the mysteries." I made the fucking mistake of having one of them, after 10 sessions of digging into the god damn ground, actually find a hidden chamber with a shitty +1 sword and now they've got armies of craftsmen in there, tunneling, holing out and making a small subterranean city. Had them bump into a dwarven thaig or whatever and get invaded, ruining all of their progress. Fuck it, we got lots of gold let's build it all again but this time with more shit. I can't fucking handle this anymore. My players. Will not. Leave. This castle.
If they make the castle big enough, the rest of the setting should fit inside it.
I have actually gotten... Five, I think? Five contact-adding from here. Besides, I an of the higher opinion that it's better to see player ads than drama about user being a bad DM.
One of the players are wandering around the castle, and they see a button on a wall. If they press it, unseen but gargantuan cogs far underground begin turning, sending rumbles throughout the land. The earth it self churns as unthinkable, impossibly scaled walls, towers, halls, etc rise from underneath meadows, mountains becoming one with ramparts, woods reduced to gardens in this great, new yet ancient fortress. All birds take to the sky, squawking, perhaps blocking out the sun in some areas, animals run wild, foul creatures flee their once secure hovels, etc.
After days of rumbling, most of the continent is The Castle. It's soon flooded with angry, hungry, thirsty peasants, beasts and monsters. The Castle spans hundreds, thousands of miles.
The Castle is no longer anywhere near safe, and difficult to leave.
That is an oddly aesthetic slice of plain cake.
While I would say it needs Something on it, I have to also say I would enjoy that cake as it is.
Wholesome image, user.
I swear, if any of you fucks ever complain about the "quality of /osrg/ these days", I'm just going to point to this and laugh.
>GM or Player
>Time availability
PST weekends, preferably late in the day
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
This sounds like a fun premise that will surely be ruined by edgelords and creepy bastards. I wish you luck.
That's why I'm making people do apps instead of just taking whatever rando adds me on discord. Helps weed out the non-desirables.
Not OSR, but there /is/ a system for that.
>GM or Player
A pair of players
DnD 5e preferably
>Time availability'
Evenings EST
>Text or Voice
Voice preferred
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
Not many preferences on setting or campaign style. We're flexible, and tend to fit well in groups. (That is to say, we don't just do our own thing separate from the group.)
>GM or Player
Looking for players
Exalted 3rd Edition
>Time availability
It's a weekly game that runs Saturdays at 5PM CDT.
>Text or Voice
Text only.
>Contact Information
[email protected]
>Additional Information
Full disclosure, there's going to be a fair amount of screening. We just need one more player, and I'm willing to take my time in making sure someone is right for the game.
I need a player who's reliable, not a jerk, and is decent at characterization/roleplay. It just makes it more fun for everyone involved if all players are decently agreeable and nice to each other.
To anyone who's applying, I need you to be really patient. It's gonna take a while before figuring out if you're the kind of player we want.
So, send me an e-mail, and attach a summary of a character you've made, whatever you think is your best character. Also attach a an RP log so I can see what your style is like.
After that, I'll give you my discord, and we can chat about what you enjoy in a game, and what my game has to offer, and generally it gives me a chance to get to know you.
So, it might take 2 weeks or more before I let you know whether you're in or not.
I know this comes off as really snobbish, but I just wanna make sure that everyone in the game is a cool person.
Thanks, please send e-mails.
Sent an email. Regardless of what happens, I hope you find the player you're looking for!
I have some questions.
How bad is idea to GM a campaign with English as primary language, when you are not a native speaker?
Should I join such campaign as player before trying to do it on my own?
I think I'm pretty fluent, but I'm not sure if my vocabulary is enough for handling roleplaying on the same level as I do on my native tongue. I've always wanted to try it, but I'm reluctant because of aforementioned limitations.
It depends somewhat where you're from, most northern europeans i've met underestimate their english and are perfectly understandable. Some accents can be difficult to parse, certain indian accents are notoriously difficult, but i've met americans I couldn't understand easily so that is by no means an issue for just non-native speakers.
Your best bet is to just try chatting with a native speaker, probably about tabletop games. If you can do that you'll be fine, even if you struggle with vocab most native speakers should be happy to help you find your words. Most people aren't looking for literary expertise playing ttrpgs, just as long as you can get your meaning across.
>GM or Player
GM (rather not but can be) or Player.
Any, although I'm most familiar with Warhammer 40k, D&D 5e, Pathfinder.
>Time availability
GMT+1 7pm on Wednesdays.
>Text or Voice
Either or.
>Contact Information
PinkNoise#4766 on Discord.
>Additional Information
Nothing lewd.
>>GM or Player
Player. Too "Newfaggish" to be a gm.
I've played Pathfinder and D&D (3.5) But It's been some years.
>>Time availability
Gmt+1 (Continental europe) no Thursdays evenings.
>>Text or Voice
Voice preferred.
>>Contact Information
[email protected]
>>Additional Information
I've played many years ago. I probably need a refresher on some things.
Pretty chill to whatever.
What castes do you already have? What region of the world is the game taking place in? What essence are the player characters right now? What style is your campaign, an action anime kind of thing, a more serious Romance of the Three Kingdoms kind of feel? Or something else?
Sent ya an email
Bit hard to make a character without knowing these.
I read it as you send a character you've made before, regardless of game, do they know what type of character you make.
How successful are games from these threads? I'm comfortable running games for people I've met before, but I'm not too sure about random people from Veeky Forums.
>>GM or Player
GM + 2 Players: Looking for another player!
Deadlands Reloaded
>>Time availability
Contact us for time
>>Text or Voice
>>Contact Information
Message this guy on discord: bedis#5665, plus we'll be watching this thread pretty closely.
>>Additional Information
North American players only, for scheduling purposes only.
People who flaunt their writing (or speaking) ability tend to be really bad GMs since it's all style over substance. As long as you're not speaking/typing in actual broken English, I'd rather have the GM convey things in simple terms rather than dump paragraphs of bullshit on me that doesn't mean anything.
don't need a game, but have a bump anyway
I've only had great experiences personally, but perhaps that's due to the niche games I choose to run and play.
What's the worst thing that can happen? You waste some time?
I've had nothing but fun and good times. Despite the "people from Veeky Forums meme", people here just want fun games to play or someone who wants to DM their story to an audience that likes and understands these kind of games.
The worst thing that could happen is you waste some time.
>not just deciding on the game's schedule and putting it in the post
>person to contact is implied to not be making the post
>arbitrary region lock when a listed schedule that a player must abide by would be sufficient
Gee this sounds like a game that won't fall apart
You find people for niche games here? What exactly is your definition of a niche game?
I have used this thread before but I don't need it now. I am a player in two games, and am running a third. All full of 4channers.
The systems are Eclipse Phase, Mutant Epoch, and Hackmaster 5E. I also played (and likely will again) in a Delta Green game. I'd say they're all pretty niche.
This is a little outdated but gives you an idea of the popularity of games. Ignore the player percentages because those simply list what people place on their profile, not what they're actually running or playing.
Oh shit are you playing Mutant Epoch? Been looking for a game in that system since forever! You would't happen to be accepting new players would you?
The group already has like 11 players and runs at weird hours due to the GM (and the player count obviously), but I'll ask him.
Discord is Jaso11111#3615 btw.
>GM or player
Every other Friday or Sunday, 6:00 PST.
>Text or voice
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
I ran a few sessions of FATE years ago, and this will be my first attempt at running a campaign in earnest so there might be a few hiccups along the way. I started DMing with 3.5e, and and I've also run CoC, Savage Worlds, Into the Odd, Stars Without Number, and Dungeon World.
FATE Core wants game creation to be a collaborative process, so I don't necessarily want to fix the game to a specific genre/setting yet. If going into a game with a bunch of strangers and creating a setting seems unappealing, I can come up with something and repost.
I should also add that I don't care if you're new to the system! New players are more than welcome.