>the villain sets up a magic twitter account
>all of his updates are just to piss people off
The villain sets up a magic twitter account
How is everyone going to read the magic twitter?
Like trump? ( not calling him a villan but people lose their mind with his tweets)
>>the villain sets up a magic twitter account
>>all of his updates are just to piss people off
>the sheer smugness alienates some, but lure in many more
Why is he squinting?
Yes, that's what OP was unsubtly getting at and thinks himself hilarious for it.
But fuck /pol/, there's something far more interesting here.
If there's Twitter, there's some kind of information network in place. Not necessarily as extensive as the modern internet but there still has to be some way of spreading his tweets to people who want to read them.
How would the existence of Twitter affect the standard D&D-ish fantasy setting?
Because he's always looking toward a brighter future.
Because his future is too bright for shades.
Twitter is a crudely electrified recreation of 1700s pamphleteer culture in America and Europe. All you need are printing presses and a horse-messenger or coastal transport service.
>but there still has to be some way of spreading his tweets to people who want to read them
You mean like... Town criers?
>minions hand out strips of paper with annoying tweets on them
>villain pays people to shout his tweets
I love this setting already
the information network is realized as an army of tiny invisible demons permeating the nation. you can whisper a code word into the air and a demon will fly next to your ear and whisper codewords for general twitter menu items (read, write, follow). if you follow someone, the demons will remember who, and notify you when that person authored any new tweets.
>How would the existence of Twitter affect the standard D&D-ish fantasy setting
Wouldn't affect it at all. The mystical "locked in faux medieval times" curse counter-acts any attempt at innovation.
In one Rogue Trader campaign this cunt psyker kept insulting us telepathically.
Though he was only a subordinate of our primary enemy.
So... what I'm hearing is that I should get a Twitter account?
*In fact it was a whole astropath choir under his command transmitting his slanderous filth over half the sector to anyone who cared to listen, so it was kind of like tweeting if you think about it.
Replace "People" with "Elves and Duk'zarist" and you got Barnabus from Anima.
I once had a character who was in a letter exchange with the villain. They'd keep trying to piss each other off. All her letters were rigged with Explosive Runes.
Her gambit was to kill a friend back in his home village. But he trumped her by fucking her sister.
>sucking cock this hard
You practice on bad dragons only to be dissapointed it's only as big as a baby's thumb.
Unironic what did he mean by this.
One of my characters has his own Twitter account. I mostly update it with adventure hooks and character updates all from his perspective in a world I created.
Scrying stones, duh.
Reminder pic is a devil and his daughter.
I'd be more shocked if it wasn't his daughter.
>journeying beyond physical reality to the metaphysical pillars that hold up existence just to scrawl an inflammatory message that anyone with even meager magical awareness will see underpinning the very land they walk
What a dick
Projection of unfulfilled sexual desire.
Really, best revenge would have been a threesome.
What if i told you my setting had magic trains and metal men?
>The campaign is about reputation management
>After you craft a certain image of yourself in the eyes of others, that image can be called upon to help you
>If enough people believe you're as pure as you make yourself out to be, you can reach that purity if only for a time
I think my favorite thing about Rogue Trader is how easily it lends itself to grand galaxy shaping enterprises and inane personal peacockery. My Rogue Trader group once spent two months IRL burning down vinyards favored by an enemy Rogue Trader. The preceding month dealt with them tracking down someone that vandalized a statue of the party's Rogue Trader.
Well, if I know my anime, it's meant to be a visual cue that he's a bad guy. Large eyes are for innocent or heroic characters. Narrow or small eyes are for villains. I think it's a trait that anime picked up from Disney.
This isn't an ironclad rule, of course, there are times when the villain has big eyes - Nui Harime from Kill La Kill, for example. But overall, narrow eyes indicate a villain.
>I think it's a trait that anime picked up from Disney.
It's because people are hard-wired to think shit with big eyes (and heads), neotenic traits, are cute.
>TFW you will never suck trumps 3 inch penis
>GM'ed a Shadowrun campaign a few years back
>Did a little AR rp, where we all set up twitter accounts and messaged eachother back and forth with me playing the rival/bbeg
>Shitposting each other in character during the week and then playing on it during our weekend session
>Normies started reading it and getting upset and reporting us
>Forced to close down the accounts
It was fun while it lasted
> Still gets elected as king
>The real villain is normie sensibilities
>the villain paints graffiti about the king's whore wife
Omnipresent magic field, that responds to the user's subconscious.
Once you mentally "subscribe", whenever the person tweets a small blue spirit bird will appear before you and loudly read the tweet aloud.
In crowded places, this can become quite deafening when beloved or controversial figures tweet.
it's not yours, it's Keith Baker's
>It's also an advertisement for the villain's play
>Which is a 2 hour event with beautiful costumes, music, and a plethora of insults towards the king's whore wife, the king's whore self and his entire whore court
crystal balls made by a very rich guild, mostly composed of gnomes
Anime is actually heavily inspired by Disney, specifically the amazing Scrooge McDuck comic line. The same comic line that went on to inspire Indiana Jones
Elections of a king? Like in Poland? Those nobles always had a bad taste at kings to elect, so it's unsurprising.
On an unrelated note, fuck that cunt.
Plus, weren't most of their kings in the later period basically chosen by the russians? Their last one was literally Catherine the Great's fuckbuddy.
Trump's the hero though.
I really want to fuck that cunt.
Use her drills as handlebars since she's bid farewell to arms.