Why is khan the best primarch

Why is khan the best primarch
>didn't expect parental support from big e
>second only to the alpha legion at things not being known about him
>hit and run tactics
>beat up moterion, burned fulgrim, friends with Magnus
>was cautious with the warp, unlike Magnus
>earned the warrior respect of russ

That's not ferrus though

>Why is khan the best primarch
All the reasons you listed but more importantly nothing was established about him until recently. Chris Wraight had free reign in his books and didn't have to reconcile decades of conflicting fluff.

Ferrus died like a bitch

Ferrus manus didnt do a lot of cool stuff but he IS most loyalest primarch since theyve been cloning and trying to corruot him and decapitating him when they fail for 10,00 years with not a single incidence of fallen ferrus

You're a bitch in real life so you can relate.

He drowned a necron construct in lava.

>necron construct
Nice headcanon.


He's one of like three primarchs(vulkan, saguneius) that behaves like an adult.

Number 2 is the most important one, because instead of seeing the emperor as a father, he saw the emperor for what he was a brilliant scientist

>giant metal wyrm
>ferrus' hands are said to be coated in living metal
>necrodermis is a living metal
Are you really this autistic you have to have it spelled out for you?

Why are we talking about this halfwited mongolian themed biker ? It is clear that he is far inferior to the true primarch Raboute Gulimanamnananana :D

He's in the top three, above Dorn, below Sanguinius.

No one has any strong feelings towards him or the White Scars. So he's able to be seen as a character instead of an idol.

I like the white scars


Plus some of the primarchs make a bunch of childish decisions, on both sides. The khan looked at things with the logic of what his father intended for the rest

Best Primarch coming through.

Well, obviously they have their fans, but not nearly enough to chart alongside the rabid fanbases like the IW, SW, etc. For example a few codexes ago the limited edition, only 1000 made, White Scars version didnt sell out for a week while everything else was gone day one.

Oh, there are a few out there who like the khan and his outriders.


any one got that quote where Khan completely btfo Morty?

>golden boy gets shown visions of the future by beings he has no reason to believe
>wtf I hate the Emperor now, time to burn the galaxy down
Literally the worst Primarch. His motivations make no sense.

>wasn't a father to his men
>completely forgettable
>hit and run tactics
>had like one friend
>convinced that he and he alone knew how to safely use the warp

It legimently makes no sense for him to be a father to his men, he's a general not a father. Most of his men wanted to be with Horus, not him he was making the worst of a bad situation.

Plus if you are a low powered psyker, you are safest if you drink sips.

Hit and run tactics

Being boring isn't a flaw, plus he was mongol general, he did his job as a prime arch better than any of the others

>It legimently makes no sense for him to be a father to his men, he's a general not a father
Literally THE distinction between a good Primarch and a bad one.

Wow. You're a retard.


Pic related is best Primarch


He's the best primarch because nobody cares about him enough to ruin him with shitty characterisation.

Until recently

Do I even want to know.

Angron was a daddy to his men.

>Tried his best to be loyal
>Cool Egyptian themed legion
>Pretty colors
>Reasonably flawed, not school shooter tier or a moody bitch like the rest

>blatantly disobeyed direct orders from the emperor on a consistent basis
Yeah no. His intentions may have been noble, but he was given more than fair warning about the dangers he was messing with. It's what makes him tragic. He tried to do the right thing but he also thought he knew better than everyone else. His hubris got the best of him and he knows it. Magnus apologists who think he did nothing wrong don't read the fucking lore