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Looking to do more work on the Rings.
Its not completely up to date with the code I have. I'm interested in new content (your weird interests), spelling/typing mistakes, and balance issues. The big remaining project I was looking at before posting the new version is a rewrite of Strange World, expanded by its various flavors, I could use help figuring out what that should look like.

also I didn't appreciate how quickly this board moves, I stop looking at it for a day and two full threads cap.

I choose berb

Is the Damsels and Devastation guy here? I have a question.

No. He didn't repost his cyoa in the next thread, which clearly means he killed himself.

>also I didn't appreciate how quickly this board moves, I stop looking at it for a day and two full threads cap.
There's a general running in /trash/:

which I'm trying to avoid out a probably unjustified paranoia that /trash/ is a big mass ban trap

>which clearly means he killed himself.
I seriously hope not...
He was nice and really understanding about all of my mistakes in understanding his CYOA.
And it was a lot of fun...
Please don't disappear on us, D&D-san.

If it was, I don't think off-topic threads from other boards would get moved there at all.

from what I was told, it was made to house things removed from other boards to cut down on confusion of people who had their threads removed. However its also been over run with other people making actual threads there, since they started directing undesirables to that board officially, it looks even more suspicious. Its mostly failed at what it was for already

also only the paranoid survive and I'm not sure if my connection is static or not and I'm 6 months from relocating, I'd rather not risk it.


In response to the hunter cyoa

power level: great hunter
specialization: mariner
- improved lung rank 2
- beast eye rank 2
- strength rank 3 (11)
- regeneration rank 2 (8)
- endurance rank 2 (3)
- stealth rank 2 (0)
- megalodon x2
- babe
- weapons rank 4 (electric trident) (8)
- net rank 3 (4)
- weight belt rank 2 (1)

I'm a GH in exile. I've got a small one man sailboat and I sail around where ever I want, being led by or leading my two megalodons. I'll make a point to visit all the coastal towns I can, helping clear out any monsters in the region and if any ships are traveling the same route I am, offer to escort them; however I don't want to stay anywhere too long lest I get into needless trouble with the local government for being an exile.

as an aside it seems to be very difficult to find a good water themed fantasy character online...

Always remember: democracy is a mistake.

Yes, I personally prefer dictatorships but for some reason they're rather unpopular.


Are you in some place that will kill you for browsing /trash/?

berb a shit


Fight shit posters with CYOAs!
Back! Back to the depths with you!

If I finish my CYOA, you'll get your wish. And the responsibility to prove it. but I'm working on it since September and only half-way done



no, but I don't get a lot of entertainment off this site and I might not be able to ban evade until next year.

also this is getting off topic, I want to know what weird sexual things you'd like to see in this
its the only reasonable choice, the others all have really obnoxious behaviors


I think he's referring to that one time when moot made a furry board and banned everyone who posted there.

5 Matchsticks? But you only need three.
>Choose a form of Escapism (-3)
Obtain an idealized form of omnipotence, as defined by your own personal opinion on what that would be.

purple and orange

>someone spots your flashdrives sticking out of your computer
>they disappear

Red and orange, but...
Learning of their existence could be as simple as glancing at them -- after all, the person would then know that they *exist*.
Keeping that in mind, White.

I like this.
I wish the girls had more personality, but this is still damn cool.

Nice interactive thing. I'm Feeling Lucky/Full Random needs some code work, since it's trivially easy to break the point tracking with those, but otherwise it's really effective.

Fixed Job seems to be missing (it's still referenced 3 times). I'm going to hate myself for saying this, but "Not By Myself" interacts with "Voyerism" and "Forced Reflex" in an exploitable way. The text of "Not By Myself" only excludes options that FORCE you to masturbate, not options that simply trigger WHEN you masturbate. By taking Forced Reflex on Not By Myself you cannot masturbate, and therefor any option that triggers when you masturbate (IE voyerism and its sub options) can never affect you.

I would say purple and orange, but I'm a sucker for mystery boxes....

I'l go with Anafenza, Elspeth, Traxex, Angelic Overseer, and Iomedae :^)


am on fone
someone post final genie cyoa

I didn't write the baseline code or even half the things in it, it was pretty developed when I got it. The built in calculator is fucking cool though. Unfortunately its a piece of the code that I don't understand well so I'm not sure how I'd get it to say incorporate the extra points automatically, but its something I'd like to do.

>fixed job
oh yeah I think that was actually removed or dealt with by the person before me, I should probably clean that up.

I'll take a look at the not by myself thing

It was reposted a few threads ago.

the second half doesn't exist

I bet the person who posted it doesn't even have the mystery box.

So how do you guys feel about heavy text cyoas with little to no pictures? I was thinking about making one, though it might take me a while.


You're more likely to get banned here than /trash/, you'll also find a more receptive audience.

Gimmie 'dat 2nd mystery box.


Hit or miss. You're Highlander-level or close, or you're forgotten.

I personally like them, but in general people click on them less, especially if they're pdfs.

I think pictures are a great book to a CYOA, especially as mixing image and text is one if the strengths of the format. But there are some nice text CYOAs out there, so it's not the end of the world if you don't include pictures.


Someone should repost Damsels and Devastation.

there the risk is a perma ban here it would be a day or two if I accidentally get lewder than is allowed.

this is also a temporary solution while I get this version done and decide where I should set up/if I'm going to continue working on this

Box B!

Blue and Orange. Smallest chance at getting caught in my life while providing the best benefits for things I could want.


These folks are already going for Box B so I'm going for Box A.

Trash has existed for a long while, user. You're just retarded, as you first suspected. It's either there or bust, because you're not going to get very many responses related to your CYOA here.

I guess I'll pick B too. Y'know, join the mob.

/trash/ is pretty new

Also the main thing I wanted to do, the strange world upgrade, this might be the better board for working that out since its a little more conventional of a cyoa thing

>Text only CYOA
I strongly prefer CYOAs with pictures. There are some great text only CYOAs like Enchanted Rings, Handler, Altering History and Lavender, but the majority of text CYOAs are ultimately forgettable and very dry to read, there are a lot of text CYOAs which I have started making a build for and then just quieting half way, because it got boring.


i just wanted to let you know that i love you all, /cyoag/.

I'm doing my best to improve it. Thanks, user.

>heavy text cyoas
So like Traveller and Order.

I love them.

I don't read them because if the author couldn't make himself find a dozen of pictures for his cyoa and combine them with his text in something as basic as paint net, he's probably a lazy fuck who didn't put a lot of effort into designing and writing his creation.

I can't say I feel the same.

Dude ... finding pictures is the hardest part. I prefer quality content to shiny design.

Be safe, friend. And God's blessing to you.

No, it only takes time and effort. Hard has nothing to do with it. And I prefer both, but shiny designs will always catch my attention first and helps immensely with immersion.

Thank you all for taking the time to answer. Also holy crap, Tokhaar Gol responded to me! This is a great day!

Ahem, anyhow, I guess that means I'll most likely end up using pictures for most of my cyoas (provided I actually have the motivation and creativity to make them, though they'll probably be pretty crappy, and it's possible I might not even make any.)

Thanks anyways though!

>because you're not going to get very many responses related to your CYOA here.
Considering most people are probably too retarded to figure out how to save the paste as .html, plus the fact that most people will be looking for image posts here, I think it's a decent number of replies.

H-hello sister, is that your natural hair color?
Dying hair is vanity and vanity is sin, you know!

"Y-yeah, you too...
I gotta... I gotta go take care of something..."

yeah I don't want to post the actual image I have given the lewd subject matter (its also less refined than that pastebin link).

I'm aware finding pictures can be very time-consuming. When I see a cyoa with good-looking pictures (not just pretty, they have to fit the theme of the cyoa etc.), it makes me hopeful that the author put some effort into his work. A wall of text in pdf format doesn't achieve that.

When I make my own stuff I get frustrated when I waste hours on finding suitable pictures. I need to justify wasting that time somehow

Just because she's a ginger doesn't mean she's soulless.



If I have success, can't I have literally everything else? Besides what's in the chest, of course.

>True Love
>Chest of Wonders
I'm going for the goddamn mystery chest! What's inside the 3rd mystery box?

Clearly the chest is worth more than success.

Success in...?
Because if it's as open-ended as I want, then I stick with it, and if it's limited severely (to like, business) I pick the Chest of Wonders.


You shall not covet the possessions of others, sister.

Matthew 6: 5-6. I understand.

Do not be tempted by this devilry!

I'm taking the box!


alright, i've gone far enough
i'll take the amazing chest

Black box! Time for the 4th mystery box.

Rolled 51, 40, 48, 52, 64, 53, 96, 62 = 466 (8d100)

To be honest, Success was the first choice that popped out to me. Does that count for me taking it?

>Do not be tempted by this devilry!
Are you talking about the boxes? Because I'd totally go for the boxes.

Follow the chest line from the beginning, dork

CYOA authors shouldn't feel bad if they don't want to waste all their free time finding pictures so that even the dumbest, least imaginative anons can enjoy them.

>Any wish I want from an ancient obelisk
>A nightmarish flesh box that screams in agony
Flesh box it is!

So I end up with Raphaelle, Eileen, Buratiel, Estrith, Brenda, Cecilia, Meghan and Christa. My group seems to have a lot of strength.

I wish that the obelisk is required to interpret this wish exactly as I intend it to be interpreted, and for total omnipotence in an easy-to-understand/control form.
I also remove everyone else's prize and any other similarly abused routes to omnipotence.

Do I get to keep the screaming flesh box after opening it? If yes then hand it over

You would deny us the flesh box? How could you be so heartless user?

>INT 3
>REP 1
>APPEAL 2 (3)

>Normal School


>Lone Wolf
>Overflowing Spirit



...I have to take the box, of course!

Awww yeah


Weird school
Normal hair

Not a Robot
Love Triangle
Really Bad

The Freddie

Tennouji, Having, Yamaguchi


Just a regular guy, the hottest girl in school, and a lot of weird stuff.

The obelisk turns out to just have a speaker recording, no wishes are granted

>Free Gabe Newell and finally get Half-Life 3
>Damn Gaben to eternity to get the Box of the Ancients
Time to get the Box of the Ancients! What's inside that 6th mystery box?

Video games are for fucking nerds, I kick caleb in the face a few times before grabbing the box