/qtg/ Quest Thread General

Before the Hiro-approved metathread was deleted, a number of people suggested allowing a Quest Thread General on Veeky Forums to help keep /qst/ from dying due to lack of posters. This is that general.

If you are running a quest, drop a link here to let your players know about it!

Other urls found in this thread:


Huh. I thought the previous threads were just bait, I'm surprised this is the real deal.

Well, at least now we'll know whether it will work or not. I hope it'll bring more life to /qst/, but I seriously doubt it.

Prediction: three hundred posts of whining about how even this thread is shit and should be deleted for breaking the rules, maybe another hundred about how it's doing nothing at all to /qst/, and about three actual quest links. That is, if it too isn't deleted.

Guess it wasn't so approved after all, huh?

You might be right, but I'm going to drop this link to FUNTRON SPACE ADVENTURE:

I'm not the QM, but it's hilarious and image-based

What Hiro says is allowed on his site and what's actually allowed on his site are often out of sync.

>no discussion prompts

ded or shitposted to death

If I were to guess, 404 within two hours.

To everyone who wants to bring quests back here:

Let's assume, for a moment, that you don't like anti-questfags harassing you every step of the way. Crazy, I know.

How about we take all the things we like tg for, worldbuilding threads, trivia and tidbits, character art threads, and put them on qst? Make qst more offtopic, because that seemed to work with tg just fine?

Yes, that doesn't solve the whole "exposure" issue, but it will give people a reason to stay on the board even if the one quest they like isn't currently running.

We can even do a more focused spin on some of the bait threads to cut down a bit on shitposting. How do you make choices with physical combat as varied as they are with spellcasting? What mechanics do you use for guns in quests? How do you track health or HP in your quest?

Let's just build a new community, fresh. We won't get people like KM or Gropey anytime soon, but this is something we can do without waiting for mods. How about it?

I'd be fine with having those other meta threads you mentioned on /qst/, they're applicable topics for quests. A number of topics of Veeky Forums can be considered to overlap with /qst/, depending on the quest.

>How about we take all the things we like tg for, worldbuilding threads, trivia and tidbits, character art threads, and put them on qst?
It's hard enough to maintain a Quest Thread General without it being deleted. The mod is pretty strict about /qst/ being only for quest threads as they fit the description in the sticky.

Honestly though, I enjoy running quests with the temperaments of the people on Veeky Forums. People who are on Veeky Forums just seem to enjoy roleplaying more than people who are on other boards and get into the spirit of the game more. In the years I ran a quest here, I only had a troll show up in two threads, and both times everyone just ignored him until he ran out of steam and left.

It feels like it'd get a bit hard to tell which threads would go on /qst/ and which here.

I'm all for CYOAs and Field Kit Inspections and other such forum games being dumped there, but with the rest, I don't know.

It might work if we figured it out, but to be honest I still think we should keep it all in a single board, quests included. We'll survive and thrive better as one than as two. A split only serves a few whiners who can't come to terms with seeing things they don't like.

>It's hard enough to maintain a Quest Thread General without it being deleted.
Excuse me? That's more an issue of nobody wanting to make the qtg rather than some mod pressuring us. I really don't see why you feel this.

Hell, I don't even notice qtg dropping off in time to make new OP questions, which is why we keep getting all these bland ones.

The intent is to make people more engaged about roleplaying in general.

Having a really hard time believing generals from other boards are allowed here.

>It's hard enough to maintain a Quest Thread General without it being deleted.
Yeah, it's not the /qtg/s being deleted, just nobody bothering with them. Worldbuilding and similar threads tend to get redirected from /qst/ to Veeky Forums because they already exist there.

And yet we get Veeky Forums threads all the time!

Here's a question. Have you guys ever used material you've picked up from a quest in a traditional rpg group/campaign?

Piss off everyone who wants to qst is already on qst stop trying to attract autists who invest in playing actual real life ttg to your crappy text adventures

I've occasionally had the desire to run something inspired by Ruby Quest, but never gotten around to do it.

Fuck off back to your containment board already.

Take us back. We have to rub our shoulders with degenerate scum that don't bother to even skim Veeky Forums.

Do you have any idea how frustrating it is?

“Satan has his companions, fellow-devils, to admire and encourage him; but I am solitary and detested.”

by the way, Heavenly Child Quest

I miss Decu.

I don't. Everything he ever did reeked of "muh sekret club," including his quest and his drawthreads.

I don't know anything about him except that once he drew a picture I requested in a drawthread and I was disappointed because he was the one drawfag I didn't want it from

We are of one mind on him

So this is a thing now? Neat, I'll shamelessly shill my quest before the next installment Saturday:

Saiyan Conqueror Quest


Quick summary of the quest:
You're Karn, a Saiyan pre-Planet Vegeta's destruction. You lead your squad on genocidal missions for the glory of the Saiyans and Emperor Freeza!

>Trying to keep /qst/ alive
Why? No matter what you do, you're supporting the Nazi mods agenda of getting quests off of Veeky Forums. /qst/ is a graveyard and will always be a graveyard. You're better off moving to any of the other quest sites to support them rather than the corpse that you're kicking at right now.

It would be easier to just close /qst/.




These are great. Keep going.

