Standard is so bad now that we won't allow netdecking anymore cuz we cannot do a balanced environment anymore

>Standard is so bad now that we won't allow netdecking anymore cuz we cannot do a balanced environment anymore
Is desolator magic in charge of R&D right now?

Other urls found in this thread:

>people at fnm always butthurt I'm playing netdecks because YOU'RE JUST A COPYCAT BUILD YOUR OWN DECK THATS HOW MAGIC SUPPOSED TO BE PLAYED REEEEE
>these are the people wotc have capitulated to

the funny part is even when I do bring my own homebrew I get accused of finding it online because yknow people gotta find a reason outside of themselves why they suck and lose all the time

It's a marketing ploy to make non-spikes think tier3 decks have a chance of winning so that they'll buy those cards just to get demolished at FNM.

>Be playing 20lp Duel Commander competitively.
>EVERYONE plays Zurgo netdecks because lel 20lp
>Build Karlov because lifegain and pro-red shit like Firewalker, Warmth, etc.
>Hey user where did you copy that deck from?
It's like these niggas don't have the ability to think, just simon says their way through life.

Or they know they don't have the experience or knowledge needed to build a competitive deck.


I can't believe magic is over 20 years old and people still are complaining about netdecks. I'm here to play a game, not be a special snowflake who crated my own shitty deck of junk rares like you. Casuals should get back to the kitchen tables where they belong.

The people mad against this are actually complaining because hiding decks makes deckbuilding harder on everyone who isn't already a sponsored silver spook kid with a whole store's worth of cards to pick from and a team of people dedicated to push them to victory.

They know what the metagame looks like because they make the metagame, and now we cannot anti-meta because we've being given false information about the cards people are playing.

This pretty much guarantees we will never again see a constructed GP, PT or WMC winner who doesn't belong to a big store's sponsored team.

>implying people get their decklists from WotC and not from Mtgtop8 or Mtggoldfish

The problem is this is following the Aetherworks Marvel ban, a ban that was NOT needed. The deck had bad matchups, and didn't even have that great of a win percentage, but because of the feedback loop being generated (Pros win a tournament with a deck, people copy it, Deck puts up more results due to sheer number of people playing it, MORE people copy it, people start claiming the format is solved, people playing the deck complain about mirror matches, WotC has to ban something).

We can even see the feedback loop occurring in Modern RIGHT NOW with people calling for a Death's Shadow ban. Seriously, /Death's Shadow/, the card that a year ago Modern claimed was jank and the people playing it were retarded because they should just be playing the """best""" creature, Goyf (which has now completely fallen out of favor).

>People actually mad at netdecks
Why not just play draft or sealed?

>the funny part is even when I do bring my own homebrew I get accused of finding it online because yknow people gotta find a reason outside of themselves why they suck and lose all the time


They'd be mad no matter what they played.

what the fuck.

People do competitive underwater basketweaving

Times change.


>That spoiler
I know how you feel mate. Fuck, I get that sometimes when I play casual with friends even though they do it themselves. What the fuck is with that?

>The way we've been presenting decklists from Magic Online is particularly prone to pushing metagames toward becoming homogenous or "solved" extremely quickly.
>While we acknowledge that many players would like in-depth statistics on the metagame, providing that level of detail can quickly lead to the perception of a stale or solved metagame

So does posting decks solve the metagame or not?

It gives people the impression that it's solved, which makes people flock to very few decks very quickly because they don't want to lose.
It's a player psychology problem.

There are going to be best decks, but people "agree" based on statistics, which crystalizes a metagame that might've gotten shook up a few times otherwise.

Yugioh does this too. I fucking hate that they do that and now the cancer is spreading to magic.

If the format isn't solved then somebody will solve it. Not every single player will netdeck.

It's brought about by companies being able to track what people are saying online. And now with reddit being a super forum, most things have only one or two other major sites so gathering data is easier than ever for a company. However, online there is the 99-1 rule, which states that 99% of all content online comes from 1% of the userbase. So those methods of gathering data are freakishly skewed. Wizards does do polls on their site, but only like once a year.