/WMG/ Warmachine and Hordes General

The Old Witch of Khad-I mean Trollbloods edition

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Warmachine/Hordes Books, No Quarter, & IKRPG
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Theme Forces:
files.privateerpress.com/op/errata/Theme Forces.pdf

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Lexicanum Iron Kingdoms Fluff wiki:


Warmachine/Hordes Army Creator (WHAC) .apk

>Mk3 Trollbloods Command

>Mk3 Protectorate Command

>Mk3 Circle Orboros Command

>Mk3 Cygnar Command

>Mk3 Legion of Everblight Command

>Mk3 Khador Command

>Mk3 Cryx Command

>MK3 Retribution of Scyrah Command

>Abridged Mk2 Lore




>"Northkin" CID
>includes themes
>and Cygnar
>and now Skorne
This is bullshit

First for Get That Bitch an Arc Node. Bitches love Arc Nodes. Personally I'm aiming for FM: Channeler or Soul Slave.

The Trollblood CID, brought to you by Mercenaries in theme forces and surprise OP Skorne theme

>pic related when PP keeps posting to social media with the "NOW TESTING NORTHKIN" picture and none of the links or topics have anything to do with Trollbloods/Northkin

Would you rather not get new things in your faction? There are more factions than just trolls

What's Cygnar in this? This is SWEEPING THEMES CHANGES and also a new Skorne theme.

and maybe Trollbloods if we have time, we'll see.

The point is let's actually CID Northkin for a few days before we clutter it up with all this other shit.

Trencher CID didn't have all this other shit added on
Don't try and pull this shit

>my nigga


>Welcome to the Northkin CID cycle!

>Welcome to the Northkin CID cycle! It focuses >on, you guessed it, Skorne theme forces and >overall theme force changes for the entire >game! A pesky overpowered >Mercenary/Minion model has wiggled in to >dominate the discussion as well!

>Trencher CID didn't have all this other shit added on
Right, just Kraye and stormlances and Warjacks and so on

You can do both user. At the same time even! Or not at all, CID is totally optional

You know what I meant jackass, not other factions

Whatever, test the stuff that interests you. The other stuff doesn't matter if you're not interested

For the anons talking about WMH books or whatever the ones by that beast hunter author are ok. I think the latest one is called Into the Wild or something like that.

>It doesn't matter lol
Oh piss off

It doesn't? Like, at all? The rules your bitching about are in testing. They have zero impact on the actual game until they go live

If you don't like CID, don't participate. The whole thing is optional

I don't even play Trollbloods (I mainline Legion so no new releases for three more years! Wheee!). I just want stuff to be good. Kolgrima has a fiddly feat but a decent spell list and currently misses out on not having an arc node and not having an upkeep to get for free on a Northkin model in the theme. Hence why I'm angling for Soul Slave.

I just want everyone's stuff to be good user.

Into the Storm and Into the Wild by Larry Correia are both good, and Blood of Kings and the Acts of War are pretty alright too.

Blood and Iron, The Butcher, and Instruments of War aren't bad either. The Butcher in particular is a pretty nice read.

>no new releases for three more years! Wheee!
You'll be pleasantly surprised in a couple days.

That's right, thanks. He's a professional writer as I understand it for something like, modern fantasy? Urban fantasy or whatever?

The Butcher story was pretty cool if you don't mind the usual tropes being employed. Personally, I think that the IK works fairly well as a classic sword & sorcery setting with some laborjacks kicking around. It's a completely different scale and tone from the main WMH fluff.

What would a smallish retribution force with a lot of warjacks lead by Helynna look like?

>smallish with a lot of warjacks
Here's what I've got I guess, though Helynna really wants a unit of Dawnguard Sentinels or something to keep her jacks from getting jammed hard
Retribution Army - 50 / 50 points
(Helynna 1) Magister Helynna [+30]
- Chimera [8]
- Discordia [18]
- Manticore [14]
- Manticore [14]
- Sylys Wyshnalyrr, The Seeker [4]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
House Shyeel Arcanists [7]
House Shyeel Battle Mages [10]
- Soulless Escort (1) [1]

>I just want everyone's stuff to be good user.
That's going to take time and it's not going to happen all at once. PP never could have done it without some kind of CID or community beta test. We'll get there within the next year though.

(Morghoul 2) Lord Assassin Morghoul [+29]
- Agonizer [6]
- Archidon [10]
- Blackhide Wrastler [16]
- Blind Walker [12]
- Cyclops Brute [8]
- Cyclops Savage [7]
Mortitheurge Willbreaker [0]
Paingiver Bloodrunner Master Tormentor [0]
Farrow Brigands (max) [15]
- Farrow Brigand Warlord [4]
Farrow Brigands (max) [15]
- Farrow Brigand Warlord [4]
Paingiver Beast Handlers (max) [7]

Reminder that Skorne's new theme offers such huge benefits that you may as well use it for every list you make. Want infantry? Brigands with Morghoul2 and an arc node. Want beasts? Naaresh with a Wrastler and as many Savages as you can field.

To be fair (judging by the concept pics), northkin are getting half of what the trenchers did, it's only natural they'd fill any extra 'space' with other stuff

Get a Shaman in there, user.

>Also Naaresh may not be the best rage-missile warlock, as his broken shit requires being inside his control range at the time

>Madrak 1 is legit the worst caster in the game
>They make one change to one of his shitty spells

Literally wtf

I really like Borka.

Thoughts on these lists? I wanted to try Bearka semi-beastbrick and Borka1 BoH, but Northern Storm just does it so much better with access to the Hooch Hauler

Then take Archidons instead, they have long leash.

Dorf player moderately butthurt that our traditional bear allies have sided with the trillion. Some ol' bullshit.

Ice troll and raiders are absolutely useless so you might want to switch them out for something.

another basher and a unit of fire eaters?

More Bears
Those things are insane

Watching Minion players lose their minds over Disciples has been hilarious

Is this game even still alive or it realy rolled over ? What do you play with cygnar now ?

>Swamp Horror still won't see any play


>Is this game even still alive or it realy rolled over ?
Depends on your local meta. Some areas have shrunk, others have grown. Veeky Forums is always ultimate doom and 40k shilling

What do you play with cygnar now ?
Pretty much whatever. The two best lists are storm division and heavy metal.

>Swamp Horror still won't see any play
I think it'll see some action with Morghoul 2 and 3

Really? What do they kill?

Pretty much anything except for like, Khador jacks due to Gang.

will the Grymkin be available on Warroom this weekend?

Yes, probably tomorrow

So they kill single wound infantry? Or they can kill one jack then die in return?

>PP Starts Troll CID on Monday late morning, they are on west coast
>Closes dev talk 1.5 days later

Wew, glad we got some play testing in to give meaningful feedback in the dev forum

>his broken shit requires being inside his control range at the time
Not with your free Willbreaker, user. I'd probably bring a max unit of Nihilators with him just to have a nice Blur target that gums up the board, and for that free shit.

"We care about your feedback tho!"

Even if they only kill one heavy that's a decent trade for 9 points

It's an even trade. That's not a decent trade, you want to trade up in Warmachine.

Nah, you need to stay inside his control range for his feat.

... In what faction are you getting 9 point heavies?

10 point heavies, Khador and Menoth

That's why you bring a Boneswarm for Swarm. With a Krea nearby he can go up to DEF22 against shooting, DEF17 against melee. Naaresh can play pretty far upfront now.

>people are actually going to start using Bonestorms

Is this real? Am I real?

>Feed him Handlers

first, you can't get corpse tokens off your own models with the boneswarm

second, naareshs feat affects living warbeasts only

Only wanted to bring it for Swarm in the first place so whatever nerd.

Is the mercs in theme bullshit going to stick?

Because the idea of running Reinholdt in Winter Guard Kommand sounds broken af.

Goodbye Spriggan, you overcosted waste of plastic.

>Warmachine factions get all kinds of crazy bullshit solos to bring in theme
>Hordes factions get basically nothing

I'm confused about themes. Isn't the idea you take a restricted list and get free points and rules because your list has some weaknesses because it's restricted? So now they're effectively mandatory because you get free models, rules, for almost nothing

The Skorne one is a pretty egregious fuckup honestly. Far from being restrictive, it opens up an entire other fucking faction to you, solving a lot of your faction's problems, and then it rewards you for doing so. Wanna spam beasts? It accommodates. Wanna spam infantry? It accommodates. Wanna play an actual game of Warmachine? It accommodates. I'm not seeing any reason to play anything other than this theme right now.

The dev talk covered him partly, they're thinking of giving him back his necklace and Hand of Fate

Anyone in the CID mind posting the art that's up?

You think they're going to do more Trollkin CID at lock and load or will that be Theme Forces only.

hey guys,
I'm running a IKRPG campaign set in occupied Llael for a new group. they are heroes of the Resistance based in Merywyn.
what adventure hooks would work for them? I'm kinda blanking on ideas.

assassinating the Kommandant-Governor will be one of the main objectives of the campaign, but I want to build up for that.

help a fa/tg/uy out

alright updated my plan, thoughts?

>Collecting weapons for the resistance from someone who may or may not be a kayazy.

>Seeing if it's possible to find unusual allies who might not like Khador there any more than the Llaelese (main thought is local blackclads).

>A Golden Crucible alchemist makes a chemical that is completely harmless...unless mixed with khadoran alcohol, where it becomes a deadly toxin. Find a way to get it into the khadoran supplies.

>Try to trick the Northern Crusade into attacking the khadorans for you (just have a back up plan if they start asking questions).

A few quick ones.

these are good. thanks.

one thing that I can't get my head around is the scale of occupying forces in Merywyn. the KNG book says it's the HQ of the 1st Army's 2nd Division, and there are about 70k soldiers stationed in all of occupied Llael, but if I count however much are said to be garrisoned at other cities, it still leaves Merywyn with 60k, which seems astronomical, and almost futile for the Resistance to try to dislodge.
I'm aware that it's mainly the Highborn Covenant that's handling military operations, but still...

>Stopping a Greylord led operation stripping cortexes from stockpiled Llaelese jacks, and finding a way to deliver the remaining jacks to the Resistance while the Khadorans close in.

>animus already in faction on a better warbeast
>no warlock synergy

Either you're honest to god retarded or that was the saddest backpeddling I've seen in a while.

That propaganda poster makes no sense.

why not?

>>Stopping a Greylord led operation stripping cortexes from stockpiled Llaelese jacks, and finding a way to deliver the remaining jacks to the Resistance while the Khadorans close in.

actually I thought of something like this. my idea is that they would be smuggling warjack cortexes put in laborjack chassis under the guise of a kayazy contractors coming for the rebuilding effort.

I might be combining the two somehow.

>why not?

It's carrying off some random Llaelese citizen. Doesn't look like a bad guy or anything so it just makes the Khadorans look like what they are: invaders.

it looks like a noble. llaelese had a problem with corrupt nobles. I think it represents that.

THISThe Llaellese nobility was corrupt as fuck. Hell, a major part of the reason that Khador steamrolled them so easy was that the Llaellese military was horribly under equipped and underfunded due to rampant corruption in the government.

Very limited warlock selection, and Brigands, while that good, aren't *that* good.

But sure you can make a whole lot of pairings out of it. But it hardly invalidates the rest of faction (although it might be strictly better than playing the Paingiver warlocks any other way).

Traveling across country to do reconnaissance on a Greylord installation for another faction's (ex. Cygnar, Convergence, Ret) subsequent raid. Possibilities for a favor to cash in later, a sometimes ally, or a betrayal.

Locating, hiding, and smuggling out a noble. Possibilities for a double cross to secure house assets for the resistance, instead of just sending the poof/chit on to cygnar with a properly worshipful expression and they just blow it maintaining their lifestyle in exile.

Fencing military salvage. Bonus points if its to a Koldun.

Progress is being made it seems.

Is it generally useful to use Dirty Meg as a jack marshal for a lower-focus caster?

Generally, no, jack marshals in general are a hard sell. Jacks aren't nearly as useful without a steady supply of focus, you miss out on any battlegroup spells the caster might have, and you're still paying full price for a jack that's not reaching its full potential.

That said, if you like her, play her, people make good use of ranged focused jacks when they're marshaled, especially if there's a movement based drive involved.

Well, I think Morg2 gives up the most for this theme, and the other three warlocks had no reason to get played much at all anyways, so the theme is a big step up.

is... is Soles actually being personable this time around?

I can see why he wouldn't have been during the Grymkin CID since they were his baby and none of us like people criticising things we're proud of, but holy shit. I think this is the most agreeable I've ever seen him being.

Brigands become much better when you have a Juggernaut arc node to cast Mortality through. And don't forget that you get free solos for bringing those Brigands. You could bring a Taskmaster to act as another UA for them or a Willbreaker to make Mortality land.

People never change, you just learn more about them.

The dev talks only last 1 day dumbass. It's so that the playteating isn't just focused on one thing.

Free solos in Skorne just isn't a thing, much less an egregious thing. It's a Willbreaker, who was getting in anyway, and is effectively just sneaking the warlord into the list. For variety, maybe a master tormenter. Counter-intuitively, maybe Orin.

>maybe a master tormenter
No user don't. The PGMT is trash. Go look at Strider Deathstalkers, the Legion equivalent.

Im the guy who was banned for a month. Honestly I feel like kinda an asshole now.

We should all cool our jets and just relax.

Don't feel bad user, if I didn't use /wmg/ for all my venting, I'd have gotten banned before I came around to him too.

>Wanna spam beasts? It accommodates.

But what if I don't want any of the Minion Warbeasts?

Aren't Skorne Warbeasts superior to most of whats in Minions anyway?

Plus, even though Disciplines of Agony lets you take a Minions Battle Engine, I'm not sure I want any of those over the Siege Animantarax.

Is it wrong if I laughed for a few hours after hearing about the Northkin's "Hooch Hauler"?

>I'm not sure I want any of those over the Siege Animantarax.

Truly the day has finally come.

Someone else is posting on his account. I can't imagine PP being dumb enough to actually let him get his hands on the keyboard again, so they have someone actually personable speaking for him to try and make people forget what an insufferable prick this guy is.

>tfw someone else accomplishes what you were trying to do for months of failure

And here I thought this was the warjack edition

>Veeky Forums is bad at warmachine

between the Borkas, who is better for beast bricking? who is better for infantry? Why?
I was originally thinking that Borka1 would be better for infantry and Borka2 would be better for bricking, but taking a GK and B2 with a Hooch Hauler, Rok, and infantry doesn't seem like a bad idea. And taking B1 with a beast brick doesn't seem terrible because of his Feat and his Shroud ability allowing him to get his guys into melee

Grymkin are up at war room.

So is old Witch 2

Can't hack the Strahk

I haven't gotten the chance to test them out yet, but Mosh Pit standing up knocked down models is a really good thing if you got a bunch of infantry.
Beasts can just shake it, but infantry love not having to sacrifice an action or movement.
Also, infantry getting knockdown means you can knockdown a ton of stuff.