/btg/ BattleTech General

Still standing, edition

The OF are dead, long live /btg/!

Old thread: =================================

BattleTech video-game Beta gameplay


>BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFs

>Overview of the major factions?

>How do I find out which BattleMechs a faction has?

Unit Designing Softwares
>SSW Mech Designer
>MegaMek Lab

>/btg/ does a TRO:
builtforwar.blog(not spam)spot.com/

>How do I do this Against the Bot thing? (old)

2017-03-03 – (Against the Bot)

Current 3.21 rule set is included in the mekhq package

>Map of /btg/ players (WIP):

>Rookie guides

>Sarna.net - BattleTech Wiki

>Megamek - computer version of BattleTech. Play with AI or other players

>BattleTech IRC
#battletech on irc.rizon.net

>PDF Folders

/btg/'s own image board: - (2017-07-09 - Still getting worked on & now has 13605 pics!)

More goodies! (Rare manuals, hex packs, TROs, discord server, etc.) Last updated 2017-06-06!

Our /btg/ Merc Unit! 2017-05-01

Other urls found in this thread:


hold haha, butte

Spoke too soon, OP: the OF are back, kind'a. They're basically read-only at the moment - a lot of people who've tried to post have hit "session timed out" errors - and the admins and data-wranglers are still sorting out some more technical issues.


oh no

people can't post more bullshit and bad ideas on the OF

how will the series ever recover


Not bad on the Albatross feel, but it's a little too heavy on long-range fire I think. The Alby always seemed to be a wide mix of 'do a bit at every range' to me.

All mech regiments should become divisions and every major and minor power should have at least a bunch of light WarShips, even in 3025

It's a modern version for the new FWLM, who focus too much on long range combat.

I don't disagree, user, because I like space-battles and Kursk-scale fights as much as anyone else (and more than many, I suspect). But do yourself a favour: don't try to fix FASAnomics. Too many others have already disappeared down that rabbit-hole; not many have escaped it again, and none of them were ever the same (or completely sane) again.


Inspired by earlier casual racism, and the Zeus X, here - you have to be at least 200% Lyran to be able to afford it.

>reverse jenner

I see what you did there.

There he is. There he goes again. Look everyone! He sent it through their HPG once again! Is not he just the funniest stravag around?! Oh my Kerensky.

I can almost see your pathetic freeborn frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your HPG station, giggling like a little surat as you once again send your little truce message away and
pay the C-bills. Or maybe you do not even pay the C-bills. Maybe you are such a disgusting little FREEBIRTH that you actually joined ComStar so you just choose your ComGuard assignment. Oh and we all know the ComGuard. The epic
"Truce" guys quiaff? I imagine you little stravag laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your field rations on the floor but it is okay, your Precentor will clean up in the morning. Oh that is right. Did I fail to mention,
quiaff? You live on Tukayyid. You are a honorless freeborn freebirth, so she is probably so sick of it already. So sick of having to do everything for the Inner Sphere, for a honorless freeborn who spends all his time on the HPG network
posting about a stravag truce. Just imagine this. She had this battle, and then she thought you were going to be a bondsman, or a Clan Wolf Khan or something grand, and then you became a FREEBIRTH. A pathetic Trucefag FREEBIRTH.
She probably cries herself to sleep every day thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes the Star League could just reappear. She can not even try to talk with you because all you say is "I REALLY REALLY LIKE THIS TRUCE."
You have become a parody of your own self. And that is all you are. A sad little freeborn laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he is done a million times now. And that is all you will ever be.

Is there a navy seal pasta for BT?

I assume yes, cause thats one of more more popular ones, but havent got around writing one.

What about that copy pasta of the guido named John with his blond bimbo gf? How on earth would that fit in BT?

As long as someone doesn't make a BT on the old fanfic My Immortal...

Is it bad if I'm actually interested in seeing that?

>Enoby Ker'nyksy Mesothelioma Mattlov Pryde: WHY KERNSKY CUDNT MAKE ME A LESS GOOD WARRIOR

So Preps are Spheroids, and Goffs are Clanners?

I guess. I just cant stop shitting on the insignia thief wank falcons.

That was funnier than it had any reason to be.

Are we still posting shitposting memes?

As a Liao player the only Successor State crisis more destructive than the 4th War was to the Confederation was the inexplicable break-up of the Free Worlds League in the Jihad. And even that was due more to shitty writing forcing TPTB to connect the timeline with WizKids garbage adventure that was the early Dark Age. The Confederation in 3028 was simply too weak to survive a large-scale invasion.

Literally all the Confederation has done since then is to crawl back from the abyss, and only now, over 100 years later in canon and over 20 years later in RL, have we gotten back the worlds we lost.

So yes, the Capellan people have been stepped on more than other houses save for Marik (because lol marik!).

Right. The Ghostbears and Wolves invading the FRR was nowhere neeear as bad as losing a few Cappie worlds.

Remember Chesterton and our ancestral clay, right?

FRR was never a real faction.

>have we gotten back the worlds we lost

>Implying you ever deserved to get them back
>Not shitposting about your Andurien worlds the same way
>Implying there is any good justification for having three times the forces in 3130 as any neighboring Successor State

The FRR was a rogue province. The FRR and the Clan Invasion were devastating to the Dracs. Man, the dracs. Talk about some people that can't catch a break. Even their successful Fedsun invasion gets like 90% of the credit laid on the Dragoons for talking the reach all by themselves.

70% credit to Caleb for being a fuckup, 25% credit to the Dragoons, and 5% credit to the actual Dracs.

Caleb wasn't a fuckup. He just let his dick get too far ahead of him.

>Bang the woman your dad was banging
>She's a clanner but genuinely loves you
>Stays with you over three times as long as your father and stays loyal
>Let her find out you raped a Capellan princess after you started a relationship with her and still think about that Capellan princess as much as her

No wonder she sperged out and dropped a fleet on his head.

>He just let his dick get too far ahead of him.
More to the point, he forgot that the Victor routine only works when the princesses are tripping over themselves in their rush to get the dick

Besides Natasha Kerensky and any genetic descendants of hers, are there any famous redheads in BattleTech?

the red corsair.

I always pictured Phelan as having dark red/auburn hair in the books for some reason. I think it was the same for all the Kells. Honestly I don't remember what colour his hair was.

Black with a widow's peak, I think. Or maybe that's Vlad.

Closer to straight brown from all the art.

That sounds like Vlad. But skimming one of the books again it seems it's black hair.

Sometimes the art seems off.

>Goddamnit Vlad
>Is this Trueborn serious?
>I wish I was in Grinner
>...I wish I was in Ranna...

Evantha Fetladral.

He's got brown jewcurls going on in all the CCG art; styles might be different, but the color is consistent. Dunno what more you want.

>>...I wish I was in Ranna...

>He's got brown jewcurls going on in all the CCG art; styles might be different, but the color is consistent. Dunno what more you want.
What do you mean? I'm saying what the art shows is different from the book descriptions is all.

What jewcurls? What is that? There are no curls here:

That's because that's not the CCG art I posted. You alright there user?

What is Shia LeBouf doing in Battletech?

Chill out, dude. You made a comment without posting an image so all I had to go off was the one image posted. My point stands on the inconsistencies.

And I don't know what "jewcurls" are to you but even in that pic Phelan has some pretty mundane Celtic hair. Reminds me of Stephen Mangan.

>Sometimes the art seems off.
Character's appearance in art is about as consistent as mech scale in art.

Probably because they play up the Irish thing with the Kells and Irish are stereotypically redheaded.

What if character art was done by the same people who did the TRO 3055 art?

>And I don't know what "jewcurls" are to you but even in that pic Phelan has some pretty mundane Celtic hair.

I think he's combined the jewfro and pe'ot (side curls) into one mental stereotype hairstyle.

For all its flaws, Sarna's not bad for finding some basic pictures of BT stuff. The booru is better, but it's a bit harder to sort through.

The Davions actually have a history of being redheads (though typically leaning towards darker shades like auburn).

Used to live right next to a massive jewish neighborhood; it's a thing.

I am currently a Jew; you've got your stereotypes mixed up.

>currently a jew

...were you ever not?

He was probably lured into the devil's fold by the promise of a tight jewish pussy.

That's an ethno-religious question.

Born into it.

That was so cringe my gyro jumped into the next solar system.

It -is- a pretty compelling argument.

the gals are ok but I prefer having my own country that no one can take from us

5 C-bills to whoever can guess what faction is most popular in Israel btw


If it's Marians I'd giggle.

But do tell and how did you find out user?


>but I prefer having my own country that no one can take from us

You already had america, why did you need israel?

Well? You gonna tell or not?

FedSuns would be my guess simply because of overall rate of popularity..

Tbh, they arent even that popular. They are simply the viewpoint faction of the setting. Everything is told through their eyes and even if they arent in the focus they stand in as the straight man to crazy asian bastards and autistic furries. They are simply the yardstick every other faction is compared to. Add in how much of a great story Hanse Davion and his exploits make and no wonder why they are the most popular.

looks like not

jewed again

>Tbh, they arent even that popular
>no wonder why they are the most popular.

I can only reconcile this with the conclusion that B-Tech is not very popular.


Sorry, was busy watching a video about the upcoming BT computer game.

>faction known for mercantile prowess is preferred by jews

Fuckin' knew it. Amusingly, in-canon the faction also has a large Jewish population.

while we're on the topic, what would be a good name for a jewish/Israeli-themed mercenary unit?

Jewish Inner Sphere Defense Force

Clan Sea Fox.

Yeah, meant to said they are relatively not that popular.

IIRC one of the clans has a religious hat and it has jews, christians and muslims.

So what you're saying is that they aren't popular, they're just made with the intent of being the most popular faction, and actually are the most popular... but they're not that popular?

Next you'll probably tell me they're the underdogs.

What, are you dumb or something? Jews in space! youtube.com/watch?v=zUnSGz8vW0U

>Next you'll probably tell me they're the underdogs.

Davions are underdogs. Look how much military they have left after Palmyra. They stand just as much chance of survival as a state against the Combine, as the Capellans did after the 4th Succession War.

Luckily, the Capellan survival sets a precedent, so we don't have to worry about claims of author fiat when the Davions survive, too.

Well, now that you mention the... modernity, as much as I struggle to even remember the latest step ahead, you are in fact correct. I stand corrected.

I still can't help but expect that surprise flip that's inevitably coming. Whereas Combine and Confederation both survived on grounds of "Hanse Davion blinked", I suspect it will be a case of normal secondary faction incompetence and dashing strategic mastermind to the rescue-routine this time.

Sometimes I wonder just how FedSuns became so repugnant to me. But then I remember Hanse Davion and Wolf's Dragoons graciously saving Luthien, and all that.

>I suspect it will be a case of normal secondary faction incompetence and dashing strategic mastermind to the rescue-routine this time.

Well, the head of the ISF is keeping Dykelord Dieron in his own personal sex dungeon and Coordinator Yori actually likes Julian and wants his Davion halfbreed children so I mean not exactly unforshadowed the sort of things that are going to happen.

>so we don't have to worry about claims of author fiat when the Davions survive, too.


>pic related


>Well, the head of the ISF is keeping Dykelord Dieron in his own personal sex dungeon

All of these. It's clearly getting set up how the Davions will survive, and it'll be 100% bullshit the whole way.

Nothing short of the total annihilation of the faction and everyone in the BT universe bearing the Davion name or bloodline is going to make me feel like the Davions aren't getting unreasonably saved by patron authors.

Further reminder why just ignore everthing in the lore after the Great Refusal.

>ignore everthing in the lore after the Great Refusal.

You mean "ignore everything in the lore after the War of Davion Aggression", right?

Please refer me to the source of this madness. I must read it.

>It's clearly getting set up how the Davions will survive, and it'll be 100% bullshit the whole way.

Half that setup is old DA novel material from before the Jihad books were even written in real life. They're old plot threads, not new ones. Like somebody who never read the novels would think it's some kind of magic that Julian gets called back to be First Prince but Gavin Marik-Davion dropped the whole file on Prince Caleb's craziness and the files on Harrison grooming Julian as his true heir as far back as Fortress Republic.

Julian just pussied out and pulled a Victor back in 3135 instead of confronting his cousin who he loved like a brother.

>He doesn't know why Ramadeep Bhatia is nicknamed the Mamba.

The very first scene you're introduced to him, he's fucking one of the pure Pillar of Honor girls that's his double agent and he mentions how the only two things he likes better than having dark secrets to control people is good food and a good fuck, and that he has a personal dungeon that even the rest of the ISF doesn't have access to where he can do things to people even his own goons would balk at.

Ironic since he was kind of like Warlord Sakamoto in that way but with discipline and not a hopeless druggie.

Then FM:3145 tells us he's keeping Katana in there.

meant for Daughter of the Dragon I think? One of the edgiest battletech novels. That's the one with the DA Bounty Hunter making snuff films of prostitutes because that's the only way he can get off anymore.

Oh right, Katana Tormark. Well, that's one character that should languish into anonymity in some dark pit in a dark hole on a dark planet circling a dark sun, and so on.

>Daughter of the Dragon I think? One of the edgiest battletech novels
>That's the one with the DA Bounty Hunter making snuff films of prostitutes because that's the only way he can get off anymore.
can we just delete the fucking DA already

The way her fuckbuddy Chinn dies is still one of the best moments of the Dark Age.

>Tries to shoot down incoming enemy ASF and crowing about tagging them with her Thor
>He fails the lawndart roll too low to eject
>She barely has time to realize it before the man kamikazes into her
>All her lancemate has to say is "I guess aerojocks are samurai too."

I haven't laughed that hard in a long time reading a battletech fight.

Did I mention the Bounty Hunter's crippled brother that looks like a circus freak from spending all his time in 0G on their personal jumpship who can only get off by hacking into his brother's snuff film collection and watching his brother fuck women to death?



That's what you get for hiring low rent rape fantasy erotica // schlock horror writing authors like Isla Bick.


Speaking as a Jew, I've noticed just about all the houses except I think the Liao has a bunch of Jews.

And then you have stuff like that nobody Battlecorps writer who wrote the proto short story compilation that was the Wolf Hunters novel and it was fucking amazing since he actually knew all the cool shit about the universe.

>Fighting on a hostile atmosphere planet with all the cool dome shit and clean culture
>Enemy mercs in old reliable mech chassis and surplus castoffs like a Sentinel and a Cobra
>Real mercs on Galatea
>Accountanttech downgrades of old FCCW and Jihad machines into grogtech zombies
>Fighting underground
>Hunting Blakist remnants
>Literal Elemental waifu
>Clanners not being retarded
>Zenith shipping yard crew
>Actual old school DS/ASF space battle
>Fighting on that one world that got thrown out of orbit
>Technical shenanigans and mech DI

I got a hard on just remembering it. I can't believe that was the only book they gave him. Best DA novel I've read so far.

And I hate to say it, but you know who gets the silver medal? Coleman. When the man is writing the Republic and the Davions instead of the Capellans, he's actually pretty good. Randall's FWL books are pretty great too when he's not pulling the occasional SJW oddball bullshit.

>Wolf Hunters
literally the only good DA noverl

I am sorry, /btg/. I resisted for long, but I can abate the morbid curiosity no more. I must enter the other side, to witness truth with mine own eyes. I must open the Books. I am going to read one of the dread Novels.

Expect no further communiques. It was an honor to serve with you, gentlemen. Lock the books away again once I am gone.

We need a Haggard Mech.

>Attempt no landings
>Anticipate no communications
>Expect no exceptions