/GURPSgen/? /GURPSgen/!
Remember to check the PDF if you're new!
/GURPSgen/? /GURPSgen/!
Remember to check the PDF if you're new!
How would you stat a living drawing?
>Remember to check the PDF if you're new!
You're not supposed to spoil the surprise, retard, now we can't gotcha the newcomers.
Are there any dogfighting rules? How would dogfighting work in GURPS, anyways, in general GURPS assumes you won't be switching Z-levels very often but aerial games probably require it. Is horizontal motion more common than vertical motion? If so, one could just switch GURPS to a side-scroller view and make the Z-level the horizontal movement. But it's probably the dirtiest most bullshit hack I've ever suggested for any game.
Shadow Form (Can Carry Objects, Light, +20%; 3-D Movement, +20%; Light Insensitive, +20%; Finite Thickness, -50%) [55]; Vulnerability (Corrosion x2) [-30].
In my setting I'm making, PC's are called creators and can imbue objects with life.
Objects can vary, books, drawings, sculptures, you name it.
Here is my general template for creations, did I miss anything?
>Tactical dogfighting
Oh god. No, the way GURPS handles it is abstract. It uses the same rules as chase scenes from Action; every "round" (which is long enough for something cool/significant to happen) is a quick contest of Pilot with some modifiers, mostly the vehicle's handling and its max speed. Winning the quick contest affects range as normal and set you up to fire at the other plane.
This is covered in full detail in "Eidetic Memory: Dogfight Action!" in Pyramid #3/53 Action.
"Animating Your Life" in Pyramid #3/101 Humor gives a 205-point racial template for Animates, or living drawings. You can probably tone it down a bit, as the racial template fits settings like Who Framed Roger Rabbit, where the toon-ness is pushed to the extreme to let them survive things like falling pianos, rampant steam rollers, or getting diced to bits when launched through a propeller.
Gotcha, newcommer! There's a pdf in unofficial sourcebooks about dogfighting.
t. OP
Homogenous might not always be a for-sure thing. If the object has internal moving parts (vehicles, firearms, etc.), it should have Unliving instead.
Actually, now that I think about it, Injury Tolerance shouldn't be included in the template at all. The object should already have the appropriate form of Injury Tolerance; it doesn't make sense for that to be granted by a Creator. Same with Immunity to Metabolic Hazards--it's not like the china cabinet can catch the flu before being imbued with life.
You strange.
>Z-level shooting described in B.
>Tactical vehicle combat described in B.
> If its not enough there spaceships book about small fighters in atmosphere. With math.
If you had hard time to summarize those like 1+1, try less complicated system, not gurps, like d&d or fate.
People miss shit, dude. No need to be a jerk to him, even if he isn't a beacon of politeness to begin with.
GURPS doesn't exactly have the numbers where we can just shit on random people. Be nice, draw them in, and get them hooked on GURPS.
What would you recommend to a new GURPS player where I play a sniper/scout/ranger in a ww1-2 setting ?
What sort of recommendation are you looking for? Book recommendation?
If it's books:
>Basic Set (duh)
>High-Tech (for guns and equipment; also ask if the gm is using any rules from here)
>Tactical Shooting (ask your GM if he's using any rules from here)
If it's character ideas, we're going to need a point total.
If I want my insubstantial ghosts to be affected by silver weapons, how do I stat that?
Accessibility limitation.
Depending on how many ways to deal damage there are in setting, it can be just -5% at best.
So that "intangible (except to silver)" would be about -5%. This would not just make you vulnerable to silver weapons though, a person could also trap you in a silver cage.
Awesome, thanks!
Just as an alternative, you can use rules for Environmental limitation or Achilles' Heel from Unkillable. They mostly relies on description instead of strict math, which can be more useful in some cases.
>I have to play an overcomplicated system with hard math instead of a simple system like FATE, WoD, or D&D, just to feel superior
God, gurpstards are pathetic.
Anything that from does kinds of books.
I already made my charecter but am looking for ways to improve him.
Current I have an SL of 17 for guns (rifle) and a bunch of other things which include the talents Outdoorsman, Survivalist and Stalker.
I did find something called "Single Minded" that seems great for high value targets, is there anything more that would be good for a wilderness sniper kind of thing ?
Phone post, sorry about that
>I have to suggest GURPS over all other systems whenever anybody asks for suggestions and disregard all other options and arguemented opinions
I mean I'm legally contracted to, so yeah, I do.
They have my family user please help they aren't monitoring me so closely because this is a GURPS thread this is my only chance please help.
>So, I wanted to play Shadowrun-
>lol play GURPS, it does shadowrun better than shadowrun itself xD
>In my D&D game I have-
>user, why are you playing D&D? Just play GURPS, it does D&D better than D&D
You guys are unbearable. The worst playerbase.
>Playing tabletop RPGs? Why yes, I do play them. I play GURPS, because I can do math and calculus, unlike those *smirks* D&D players
>So you be saying you play Dark Heresy? Can you do halfswording in Dark Heresy?
>No, it's completely irre-
>Sssh. I don't want to listen to why your inferior system disregards such common techniques
Thanks, saving these for later.
Wow you're very good!
How to make BrĂ¼tal Legend style weaponry and musical attacks with it? Combined gadget from instrument, melee weapon and most related gun [which is just for statline] fine?
Like combining guitar, axe and carbine, into guitaraxe, with shooting mode.
I'm trying to avoid using [advantages] [Innate Attack] as much as possible from pure gadget things, like, "this shit is not for just You, it's allowed for everyone in setting, they get it without spending points". (so, yes, I'm that guy who allows buying cyber implants with just money in his games)
And will RPM be a good magic system choice for spellcasters here?
World war 1 or 2? You said both, and unless you are going to play hard-ass grandpa that seems somewhat unlikely.
From High Tech, the camouflage shirt is a solid choice. Light armor from High Tech might also be worthwhile for your character, it's very light but can be a lifesaver vs pistol rounds and shell fragments, and does take some of the edge off of getting hit with a rifle round.
In general my advice for a shooter at long range in GURPS is to set up shots before you fire. Whenever you can spot the enemy first, get into cover, brace your rifle on cover, aim for three seconds, then fire. Make sure your friends do the same, each picking a different target.
Once the fight is started aim for one second before you fire. This slows down your rate of fire but really ups your accuracy.
Shotguns are surprisingly viable in a world war game. Buckshot gives you a bonus to hit and can fuck up people at much longer range then many videogame inspired rule sets allows for.
If it's equipment common to the setting you can build it as a bit of combination equipment.
For example:
Ax Bass. Cost $1500. Weight 10. This tool of the Old Gods of Rock may be switched between three different uses with a Ready action.
As Melee Weapon: Two handed axe/mace skill, damage swing+2 cut, reach 1,2
As ranged weapon: Rifle skill, damage 5d pi, range 300/800, magazine 60+1, acc 3, ROF 10, Recoil 2, bulk 6
As Bass: Internally amplified five string bass. +1 Grimoir for Path of Bass magic. May be connected to an external amplifier, increasing it's power. Power 1/B 3 hours, but generally powered by a bottled Damned Soul, providing eternal power.
This represents a Good but otherwise unremarkable Ax Bass, as a garage hero might wield to defeat Disco Goblins. The weapons of Great Heroes are often Fine, Very Fine, Ultra-fine and may be Vibroblade, Ultradense or both.
Does an action count for Trademark if it's performed as part of preparation, not execution? Mixing tobacco into explosives, for example.
Thanks man, the game is set in a setting inspired by both world wars though mainly the first one so most weapons are bolt action.
What I am mostly looking for are advantages that would be best suited for the role of a stealthy sniper
Kind of.
In this case, it's the very distinct residue you leave when your bomb goes off/gets disarmed and analyzed that counts. It makes it easier to trace your work and thus slightly increases the risk you are taking.
That said it only counts as a very minor one, given that it doesn't take any extra time on scene, so I'd say you are in quirk territory around 1 point. If you always leave tobacco-laced explosives behind, even if it's not necessary to blow anything up, that would be a much more serious trademark.
Smoking kills.
Is there a way to use a shield as cover instead of blocking? I had someone with 4 archers aiming at him and we couldn't find a rule but the GM let me kneel behind a large shield to take full cover behind it.
Nothing hard and fast, but the cover rules work fine with shields; the GM just has to make a judgment call on what hit locations are covered. I think there's a rules nugget on TBone's blog that spells it out specifically if that's what you want.
So even if they are characters they don't need to pay for it?
How does that even work?
They do pay for it. It's just not granted by the Creator. It's something they would possess beforehand, like their HP and DR values. A table doesn't breathe, doesn't eat, doesn't bleed, and lacks any sort of vitals; this is always the case, so it's part of the table's native "racial" template. Once a Creator imbues it with life, then it ALSO gains IQ, movement, etc.
Well then how would you do it?
How would I do what? The ability to Create? Affliction that grants ths Living Object lens that includes ST, DX, and IQ; removes Basic Move 0; and adds a couple fringe benefits, and give the affliction a boosted duration.
Living object lens sounds just what I am looking for, what book is it in?
What book are the item templates in?
Item's should crib heavily from the Machine meta-trait (p. B263) when appropriate and subbing Homogenous for Unliving where necessary. DR will need to be eyeballed, but there's a table for HP on p. B558.
Sadly, there is no Living Item lens (to my knowledge, at least), so you would need to make one up. On the other hand, this is something you may not need to do. It makes sense that every Creator makes a different sort of object. Some Create things that are near-mindless brutes good for manual labor and guard duty but little else while others make things that ooze gracefulness or are positively cerebral. This approach takes the burden off your shoulders and let's the players further customize their characters and let their Creations reflect their Creator.
Are Mars Attack and Discworld already out?
Is their dominance lacking slave mentality?
What is the cost for adding a template?
The... cost of the template? Templates and lenses are just packages of traits. Voice is Voice; it costs 10 points whether you buy it normally, get it from the Elf racial template, or take it as part of the Bard occupational template.
To add a template with an affliction
Ohhhh, my apologies. I've priced it as an advantage or a disadvantage depending on the total amount the package costs. For example, a 100-point template is a +1000% enhancement because advantages are normally +10% per point of granted advantage; alternatively, a template that comes out to [-50] is a +50% enhancement because disadvantages are normally +1% per point of inflicted disadvantages.
That's actually annoying, if I wanted to add a template that costs 0 it would cost me more than if I just made a template that only helps.
>I've priced it as an advantage or a disadvantage depending on the total amount the package costs.
>total amount the package costs
A template with 150 points worth of traits and -50 worth of disadvantages costs 100 and is a +1000% enhancement, not a +1500% enhancement for the positive traits and another +50% for the disadvantages.
So a template costing nothing, costs nothing?
Yes. If you balance every positive trait with a negative one, you get a 0-point template that is a +0% enhancement to Affliction.
Where is the official ruling for this? That doesn't sound right to me.
How do I make an affliction cost hp to use?
Costs HP limitation
Wow, I feel fucking retarded. I managed to forget an important step.
With the Affliction, your give your target an appropriate Alternate Form. Just like Affliction (Warp), this granted advantage takes effect immediately and is forced on the target; they don't get to switch back and forth, and they're stuck in their AF until the Affliction's duration end. This is canonical (see the Frog curse on p. P143).
So yeah, the template itself does come out to 0 points, but the Affliction itself will still have +150% due to Alternate Form costing 15 points + (90% of the racial template). I'm sorry about the confusion; I've been running realistic/no-magic campaigns for a while now, so I'm rusty on some of the more mystical character options.
Remember, kids, it's easier to double-check before you post than eat crow later on.
>eat crow
Our mystical magic birb in Grimwyrd is named Memory
I see and do this type of activity a lot in /GURPSGEN/, where a poster flubs the rules then corrects them (usually as a meaty explanation why, with citations) in the same thread. It's quite nice to see.
Infectious Attack.
A question for the noble GMs that have run games for people completely new to GURPS: What sort of stumbling blocks did the players come across when it came to actual in-game play? I know chargen is basically a game unto itself, and there's a variety of ways to tackle that (lenses, templates, building characters for them, etc.), but what did people have issue with during the game?
Remembering all the different methods to attack. All out Attack, evaluate, move and attack, parry, ect.
what edition should i use? i saw some old people saying that 3e with the compendium was way better than 4e and how 4e had some really shitty books like magic, is that true? also, if i wanted to play gurps with people in real life, would I be able to go someplace where they host D&D stuff and ask if I could do GURPS there?
Shitty books can be ignored, if you play a campaign with no place for them.
how can i tell if a book is shitty? would it be obvious, like it making no sense or being inconsistent?
There are two generally not-so-good books for 4e: Magic (which is a haphazard 3e book conversion) and Ultra-Tech (the tech in which is less generic that one might think).
4e's magic is shit because it's 3e's magic. 4e is streamlined and basically superior in every way other than sheer volume of splats, and most of those splats are good because of the fluff/background intel, not the crunch, and the crunch is easily convertible anyway. GURPS is not D&D; different editions are improved and refined versions of earlier editions, not entirely different games with the same brand name slapped on it.
As for finding a group, in theory, yeah, just go up and ask at FLGSs, but in practice, it's not the most popular system, so you're likely going to struggle with finding a group.
GURPs newcomer here, I'm planning on running an occult 1920s game centered around investigation and hwhatnot
I have a pretty good idea of what to do but do any of you have any recommendations as to what rules i should include? Im trying to work out a sanity system similar to Call of Cthulu (I would just play CoC but I'm not a fan on d100 systems)
So one of my PCs in a supers game, is using the illusion power as his main gimmick, but he feels like he's basically hit the upper limit of Illusion, and instead of just raiaing the raw strength of his illusions, he wants to upgrade it with the ability to make some of his illusions corporeal. What would be the best way to represent this?
Multiple opportunities here. Snatcher? Creation? Summonable Allies?
Fear rolls provide a solid framework for most COC style sanity checks, but if you want a more complicated sanity system I think Horror has one.
Thought and Memory were Odin's ravens, that where you got it from?
Nobody plays 3e anymore, and for good reason: 4e is an across-the-board, significant improvement. The only books you need to be weary of are Magic and Ultra-Tech, both of which are known issues to the GURPS community at large. There are many magic systems available, though, so the first isn't much of an issue. Ultra-Tech is pretty much all we have, so it's a much bigger issue.
Glad to see you're checking out the system. Fright Checks should be good enough, but there are two other sanity systems that I know of: GURPS Horror and Pyramid #3/103 - Setbacks - Mad as Bones. The latter seems to be better to me, although I've never used either so I can't say.
Depends wholly on the illusion he's making. This could be a good spot for alternate abilities. Some examples off the top of my head:
>Illusionary wall made physical: Innate Attack (Crushing) with Wall modifier
>Illusionary fireball made physical: Innate Attack (Burning)
>Illusionary person made physical: Ally (up to the GM to make this)
>Illusionary gold made physical: Create Gold
What's the max someone should pump terror?
I want to play a super that uses this.
What should be the cost for DR(after injury tolerance?
Demiurgy from Powers: The Weird. It's based off the Illusion ability but expands it to the point that it's basically reality control.
Horror has a Corruption system and a Stress/Derangement system, but "Mad as Bones" from Pyramid #3/103 Setbacks has a more robust system that covers everything from sanity-blasting horrors to the more mundane insanity from day-to-day stress.
I will recommend, as always, Action, because Action is the more streamlined fast-paced GURPS which is great for new groups. You don't need to use the templates from Action 1, but the rules from Action 2 should be exceptionally useful.
The base fear system is one of my favorite things about GURPs, but the way described Mad as Bones is exactly what I was looking for
I came across the Film Reroll podcast and fell in love after seeing just how universal it was
You should stick with 4e. Use some of the 3e books if you need help with a setting or something (like WW2, Cops, or Traveler), since proper 4e books haven't been made for everything, so some of the 3e books have a use. The stats of any creatures can be ported right over pretty easily (using common sense or GURPS Update), and equipment is pretty much 1:1.
Magic isn't that bad if you know how to apply it. :V
>Demiurgy from Powers: The Weird. It's based off the Illusion ability but expands it to the point that it's basically reality control.
This sounds like it's definitely worth looking into thanks.
And thank you for these suggestions, I'll consider them as well!
Is there really an upper limit for the potential strength and utility of an illusion type power in concept? I think there are probably more interesting ways you can power it up before going for just making things corporeal, but maybe that's already been done?
Well, he's already expanded a fair bit, with increased range, bonuses to his rolls for it, etc. He could hypothetically branch into other stuff, like Mind Control, and the like, but due to his character concept, those aren't as fitting as him expanding to making things real.
Talk with your GM about Terror, not us. We don't know your game and you don't give us any details to work with. The better way to handle papercuts that get past IT(DR) is to make it cosmic, which you can find on P118 under Invulnerability.
As far as I know, Damage Resistance costs the same unless you apply a Limitation to it.
Does punching someone going super fast boost damage?
To both of you, unless you've also bought a shitton of DR.
Slamming them would, by RAW
So then how do you play a speedster?
By moving at speed, and attacking in ways that won't shatter your bones. IE, hurling projectiles like rocks, bottles, street rubbish.
Or just suck it up and buy the DR like a big boy if you can't think outside the box a little.
Could someone explain the difference between having a Cultural Familiarity and Savoir-Faire for the culture?
One of the basic newtonian laws, user, any object exerting a force on a second object will suffer a force that is equal in strength and opposite on direction as a reaction. How a speedster super avoids breaking their bones when they punch someone is anyone's guess, in GURPS terms they might just have an extremely limited form of DR in their fists.
Anyone here tried Conan with GURPS? Just wondering if it felt right with this system.
It'd have to be their whole body, as force does transfer, or a cosmic DR on their fists that doesn't let momentum/shock propagate.
I did say 'in GURPS terms', user. Force transfer already seems to be mitigated by DR considering how location damage works normally (getting hit really hard in a protected foot doesn't seem to break your lower leg, for example, your foot might still suffer if you use blunt trauma rules). The speedster would need to mitigate the knockback, though, if only to make it work like in the comic books.
Honestly, I'd either consider cosmic DR or...hmn..
Probably a bit of a superscience gauntlet that fucks with inertia. Get a Patron or Ally mad scientist, or work with one on your team if available.
Cultural Familiarity is base-line knowledge of another culture. Savoir-Faire is knowing the ins and outs of a specific subculture. SF takes huge penalties if you lack the appropriate CF.
Example: CF is knowing how and when to use dining utensils in casual settings, and SF (High Society) is knowing the difference between a salad fork and a desert fork and which goes where (SF (Servant) is also knowing which goes where and subtly guiding your master if they're about to make a faux pas).
Depends how you see Conan. If you want the world, kind of a gritty, fairly low- and a little dark- fantasy Hyborean world then GURPS is pretty perfect. Lots of cultures based of real life and TL 1 through almost 4 stuff, can put all the Low-Tech books, as well as the mass combat rules to work. Love it.
If you want to focus on the "larger than life" awesome hero of awesomeness aspect of Conan stories, GURPS is less good as you probably want a more narrative game, take a peek at Barbarians of Lemuria.
Lets me use this pic this week though!
Hmm, ok. I'm in a fantasy game as a human wizard and am researching some plot stuff in elf lands. I want to give a positive impression so I can get what I need from them, so trying to decide where to put the points.
I wonder if I could take "Savoir-Faire (Scholar)" + Elf Cultural Familiarity and those points could be put to use later in the game.
Is it smarter to focus on damage or taking an enemy out of the fight?
What are the best ways to take an enemy out of a fight?
Savoir-Faire (Scholar) would give you the ability to move around in academic circles, so it'll probably be very useful throughout the campaign. Elven CF is only a point, so even if it's only useful once, you're not really losing out.
I'd consider them solid one drops. A single point in skills like that can be very useful, especially if the GM lets you take your time and carefully improve your chances to succeeded.
Yeah, emailing the GM about that now. Sounds like the best return for my points. Thanks!
I know theres GURPS Space & Mecha, but are there any good/fast rules to run Fleet Scale combat in GURPS without substituting Full Thrust or Spartan rules for large scale starship combat?