Why the fuck would EVERY "Knight" be given to feudal worlds?

Why the fuck would EVERY "Knight" be given to feudal worlds?

Why the fuck wouldn't you have Knights that were disciplined, modern soldiers who followed orders, not moody knights who fight whenever they feel like it and are constantly worried about their petty noble feuds?

Because that's the way the Imperium does things and if you don't like it you can fuck off to the Eye of Terror.

the world isn't necessarily feudal. some are on forge world or imperial worlds or whatver.
But the Mind Impulse units imprint the ideals of loyality, honor, pride, etc into the pilots.

>why would the adeptus mechanicus do stupid things

Have you actually read any lore

because the soldiers would be given a shadowsword instead

Unironically, in the 40k world that's probably the mentality that actually gets a lot of people to defect to chaos in the first place

Because then they wouldn't be knights.

Knight Worlds aren't exactly normal Feudal Worlds. They have the necessary (And mildly uncommon) technology needed to properly bond Knights. They don't even have normal Techpriests, they get Sacristans.
What's more is that the people who become Knights aren't just bumfuck idiots brought in off the streets, they're literally nobles groomed from birth to become pilots from families that have been piloting Knights for generations upon generations.

The way hereditary knight interfaces work lends itself to feudal systems. It's not that knights happen to be on fuedal worlds, their presence creates the feudal world.

>The people of the far future are mentally very different from those of today. They have a way of looking at things in which twentieth century ideas of efficiency and morality are irrelevant.
GW answered your question in 1988.

>why doesn't this 40K thing operate on my 21st century modernist sensibilities?

But I wasn't even alive then!

You can have whatever the fuck you want user, thats the fucking point of 40k, to build YOUR stories.

Want a house that has defended its hive cities with professional armies of Knights? Go for it.

My Knight house isnt a feudal world, its a giant corporation made of several freeblades that banded together into an organization thats constantly buying other freeblades into their House/Corp, selling their services to the highest bidder and expanding into non-military ventures.

A few reasons.
1. Not just anyone can pilot a knight. The bonding process that links man and machine and imprints the machine upon the pilot's soul, takes a special type of person. Knight Pilots are carefully bred, and raised for this duty.

2. This coupled with the typical battlefield role of a knight, lends them to becoming a leader, a general or warlord quite often. They are also by the martial nature of the imperium thus given social rank becoming one of the rulers of the planet.

3. Knights tend to be disciplined, warrior elite, who give orders, and lead the modern soldiers who obediently follow orders into battle.

>making sense

Freeblades confuse me

Who is maintaining their armor? How do they get from planet to planet? Where do they get their ammunition from?

>Who is maintaining their armor?
Their Sacristans and/or whatever Techpriest(s) they can get to follow them

>How do they get from planet to planet?
They may or may not have their own transport. If they don't, whoever's got access to ships and an interest in having a fucking Knight tear through the enemies of the God-Emperor/Omnissiah. That's a whole lot of people, by the way.

>Where do they get their ammunition from?
Whoever's got access to a crap-load of ammuniton and an interest in having a fucking Knight tear through the enemies of the God-Emperor/Omnissiah.

Rogue Trader?
Themselves like some sort of archaic future Tony Stark?
A proper Mechwarrior merc group?
Bankrolled by a rogue techpriest?
40k man, lots of options.

>They may or may not have their own transport

A single freeblade owning his own warp-capable ship seems a little gratuitous, no?

not really considering they own a knight and use it to vanquish the imperium's enemies

they probably get one on loan

The best freeblades are the ones that have basically become ents or nature elementals. Like the one guy who has trees growing on him and wanders the forest, or the other who is the only living thing on a nurgle invaded world that just walks around stomping on zombies that eternally resurrect.

Individually knights can have a major effect on any given battle because of their power. The guy in the can needs some Independence, the ability to judge the battle himself and to sieze the inititive. That just works better with the Knight mindset.

TLDR knights are we're better when they can make decisions instead of just follow orders.

Some of them owning their own ships doesn't seem that far-fetched to me. Not any of the big guns, obviously, but I could see a freeblade, or a group of them, being gifted a small vessel after helping out some magos with whatever or helping save some forgeworld. We have to remember that these guys have access to demi-god machines and are more than happy to use them to solve their problems and those of others.

>Why the fuck wouldn't you have Knights that were disciplined, modern soldiers who followed orders, not moody knights who fight whenever they feel like it and are constantly worried about their petty noble feuds?
you mean, the regular Titans in the universe

sounds awesome, actually

It's the fluff for two of the canon freeblades they mention by name. Should be in 40k wiki, white dwarf, or the knight guidebook.

Mars has its own Knightly House.

Also, this.

My Rogue Trader group ended up keeping a Freeblade on the payroll. There are a lot of problems that can be solved by an enormous physical manifestation of the Emperor's might.

>Why the fuck would EVERY "Knight" be given to feudal worlds?

Knights aren't given. They're relics of a past age. Something to do with the way the machine and pilot operate make them develop a sense of conservatism, and notions of honour an nobility.
Over the years and isolated from other cultures during the old night this led the Knights to form noble houses.


Also, on any planet less advanced than a forge world, the knights are likely to be the most powerful thing around. Of course those families are going to take over and institute a hereditary system that keeps everyone in place.

>moody knights who fight whenever they feel like it
Are they also teenaged Japanese boys with crippling antisocial disorder and spout anti-war phrases but somehow are the only one who can pilot the Knights?

generally no

Because if the Knight decides you aren't worthy, it will FUCKING KILL YOU

If you aren't pure 100% genetic human, it will detect that and FUCKING KILL YOU

If you aren't 100% in it to win in alpha chad fuck haters kill for the Emperor, it will FUCKING KILL YOU

Now Titans.... Titans that's a maybe, but only if you can overcome the Titans machine spirit

Underage ba-

Oh wait a second

lmao @ u

God, that hit me in the fucking chest man.

>If you aren't pure 100% genetic human, it will detect that and FUCKING KILL YOU
Unless you're an Ork, and an Ork Mechanik has Kustomized it.

Then if you aren't sufficiently Orky, it'll detect that and FUCKING KILL YOU. ;)

Ork ability to loot anything not withstanding

>Get in the fucking robot Shinji!

Yes, that is the reference.

or the obsidian knight, a freeblade who has dedicated his life to murdering the tau whenever they try to invade imperial territory, he's pretty cool.

Mostly because a knight is usually a 10k or even older machine, with an internal AI made out of the collective ghosts of all the previus pilots, who all come from the same family (pre imperium stuff, but even there makes sense as in the daot people would be ok for the same people using the knights, just like the martial families of today), so basically the AI wont accept new pilots who are not from the family, and thus creating knightly bloodlines

another thing is that a knight is a very powerful machine, and giving it to a random guy that would run away or even worse switch sides at the first problem would be a bad idea, instead they choose to give them to people who are breed to pilot them, and raised in a environment all about honour and shit like that, making it unlikely that they would run away screaming the moment a lascannon shot hits the shields, or simply switch to chaos because "that demon has tits"

Well, Titans aren't exactly obedient little mounts. In Titanicus the Titan Legion Princeps Majoris Lord Gearhart was slowly losing his sense of self due to so long spent fighting with his Titan, he was terrified of ending up like the last guy who was removed from his Titan ranting and screaming having gone completely insane. There was a Moderati (assistant Titan pilot) who suffered severe memory and cognitive damage when his nerve plugs ripped out his skull and he's now just doing menial gardening in a temple, and is only vaguely reminded of his past when he sees kids playing with a toy Titan. Nothing concrete, just "inklings that he should know what this was about".

Titans be grimdark, just like everything else.

Did you forget what the rest of setting is?
Go, go away, heretic, and take your disgusting "logic" with you, and never return.

I run Sisters of Battle, bought a knight mostly because the store owner left a brand new for US$100 (I'm from SA so the closest GW I have is in Miami)
Since my entire army theme is "Penitence" and female models (SoB and all that jazz) I'm trying to find a fluff justification for a Knigh to be a huge version of a Penitent Engine.

I have 6 spare pilots from the bloody things and replacing the head of the Knight with one sounded way too silly not to do it.

K. What if the Blood Ravens stole one?

Knight turned renegade for a little while, but is super regretful about it. Some radical inquisitor has the brilliant idea to mix a penitent engine's "OH FUCK HURT ME MORE" interface with the mind impulse thing as a fitting punishment. I mean they are both emperor approved techs so its not REALLY heretek riiiiight? As for why he didn't just give the knight to some household or a freeblade, pilots are rare and this inquisitor was really just looking for an excuse to do crazy shit like this. Afterwards the knight naturally found itself fighting alongside the sisters of battle, since its now a faith crazy violent fucker desperate to kill the enemies of the emperor in the name of BDSM.

dawn of war was a mistake

Literally anyone can hijack and steal a titan, provided they understand how to pilot it. Their machine spirits are little bitches and bow down to whoever jumps in. Unless they changed that in the last twenty years.

they did tho

To be fair, they were the only ones who saved that House, even if it would piss off that inquisitor.

>Get in the fucking Wraithlord, Ronny!

Well that makes sense for my army.
After all even the psykers are bound. They don't need hands to shoot mind bullets.

>Their machine spirits are little bitches and bow down to whoever jumps in.
I'm not sure you've read any titan fiction ever

>Armored Core Hive World

I've read SPESS MAHREEN, the only 40k book worth reading. It has eating the brains of pregnant aliens. In it 5 scouts take control of a chaos titan and immediately defeat 3 other titans.

>mental domination fetish
Please tell me the Titan didn't had a girl pilot or name.

Some how BL loves to add mental domination when ever they can, specially if there is a woman in the story.

In this setting the emperor, the smartest man to ever live gives Angron his own fucking legion, and doesn't see a problem with him forcibly implanting butchers nails in their heads.

Titans and nights are too different things their machine spirits work differently.

I know but im replying to a post that mentions titans at the end.
Don't remember anything like that, but the main character does have some masochistic tendencies considering he starts willingly meditating in the pain glove after getting used to it from being disciplined in it a bunch of times.