The DM...

>The DM, at his wits end from endless questions on how centaurs wipe their asses and wash their rumps declares that they can all extend their arms to between 2 and 3 times normal length and swivel their waists 180 degrees.

How do you react to this new tidbit of world building?

Stretchy horse fights.

I'm laughing but also mildly horrified

Centaurs don't need to. There's a copypasta based on how horse anus is a miracle of self-cleaning biological perfection.

Besides, it sounds like you just read Titan by John Varley.

See, if your GM went to Veeky Forums more often he'd know all about horse anuses, and why they don't need to wipe

> on Veeky Forums
> unaware of the physiological marvel that is horse anuses

newfag detected

Well... I'm interested.


Just came into this thread to say I have never seen a centaur in riot armour until now

Read Centaur Worries, you'll see so much more.

I'm well aware of the miracle of horse anuses. But I figured you'd have trouble cleaning the rest of your massive horse body with normal sized human arms. Hell, imagine having an itch on the small of your horse back. Your can't reach it with your arms unless you have a stick and you can't just rub up against a fence because it's in a weird place and grinding on other peoples' property is rude.

WTF. How dare he be ignorant of the similarities between equine assholes and ketchup dispensers?

What's next? Don't tell me he never heard of No-Dick Rick?

Or the headless mongol horses?

Also read Centaur Worries, the manga OP image is clipped from. Literally the second thing it covers is how a centaur wipes it's ass.

>update never

Man I wish my anus could do this. I'd pay an unreasonable amount of money to not have to wipe my ass again.

> wonder of evolutionary biology
sure it is. Sure it is

Flexitaur huh?

It does update, but it got licensed.

so, the average american uses like 50 rolls per year of toilet paper. average family size of four means 200 (250 if there are 3 women lets say) rolls for an average family. common price for decent toilet paper is around 8 bucks for a 12 pack of the good stuff like cottenelle aloe. thats like 160 bucks a year savings, possibly more.

>thats like 160 bucks a year savings, possibly more.

I'd be willing to pay all that and more just to avoid the unpleasantness of the act.

I agree. The unpleasantness and unclean feeling after a bad poop is absolutely terrible.

I like how licensing is basically a death knell to manga.

I thought the translators dropped it because the story went snooker loopy

Only to fan subs.

Paying for manga is retarded, user.

'Snooker loopy' is another way to say crazy. I guess? I'm not the one who said it got licensed, ask that guy.

>another way to say crazy, I guess?
Yes. It went straight up X Files with ayy lmaos and shit. I have no idea how any of that affects, or involves, Hime and her friends.

just get a bidet, it's not even an unreasonable amount of money.

>Literally the second thing it covers is how a centaur wipes it's ass.
It's actually the third. The very first thing it covers is "how does horse pussy look like?" and the second is "can monstergirls love monstergirls?"
"It's kinda pretty" and "yes", respectively

You still have to dry your ass.

Most animals don't wipe their asses.
Humans just kinda need it because of their plump butt cheeks, fecal matter having a tendency to be stuck here.

How is that more retarded than pay for movies, videogames or books?

>Paying for those things.


>they can all extend their arms to between 2 and 3 times normal length

I play a centaur monk and MUGEN PUNCH everything forever

We've had this discussion before. Horses don't need to wipe. They have guillotine asses.

>Model Citizen Converter
I will never fail to laugh at that

>Centaurs don't need to. There's a copypasta based on how horse anus is a miracle of self-cleaning biological perfection.
It's sad that OP either didn't know this, or he made a thread just to get someone to post it.

That's what the ass dryer is for.

Always makes me angry when I see people using it to dry their hands like savages.

What's this image from? Google's not giving me any leads. Why does bathing suit girl look so nonplussed while the horse girl looks so happy? It's usually the other way around.