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What do you want to see in SoP's Death handbook?

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So do you think we'll get reviewanons for Iron Gods? I know we didn't get them for ensoulment because of protag, but... Come on

>What do you want to see in SoP's Death handbook?

legal LG necromancers that won't raise eyebrows from the locals or swords from the paladins

Options for kludging together undead to make even freakier undead, as well as options for combining with the Life Sphere for cancer magic. Also more options for controlling different kinds of undead, or possibly consolidating and sacrificing lesser undead to make even bigger/badder ones

Basically, I wanna be able to play like I'm using an MtG Zombie deck

>LG necromancers
>posts Mercy

That is technically possible since nothing in Spheres has an [Evil] descriptor. In fact nothing in Spheres has a descriptor except for Blasts.

Isn't she, though? And isn't she implied to have something to do with why Reaper is an undying mutant? Seems like necromancer business to me.

Reviews are cancer. Fuck off with your APPZ APPZ APPZ bullshit

By RaW, SoP undead don't have alignment in order to keep it fluff agnostic.

However, the SoP main campaign setting says otherwise, since they're allowed to do that, and they've left it to being setting specific how the undead is handled

Also, you can easily and more efficiently replicate having skelebros with the Enhancement Sphere instead, so there's that, and without any of the issues with desecrating the souls of the dead or other evil Necromancer things that you faggots try to deny. Plus with the goodies from the Enhancement book you can even get your animated bones to help you with casting, skills, and other stuff, and you aren't religated to just undead either.

I asked this towards the end of the last thread but School Savant Arcanist or Wizard?

Doesn't life have cancer magic now? And a thing to heal yourself while using Death?

Orin is cute!

desecrating the souls of the dead or other evil Necromancer things that you faggots try to deny
I mean it's objective fact. Necromancy doesn't do shit to someones soul unless you create an intelligent undead.

Wonderful. Just what we need "NECROMANCY IS GOOD" shit all over the threads.

oh boy, maybe next we'll get someone asking how to cast off of strength

Since you'll be fighting undead a lot, and your worried about losing exploits, then you may as well investment in a Wizard with Hallowed Necromancer, and some rifle-scrolls. Take Enchantment and Illusion as your forbidden schools

>Can't even quote properly
As expected of Necromancers, the edgy dropouts of the magical community.

Did you not read the image? It's explicitly saying the act of raising the dead is evil "no matter how many orphans you may rescue with your orphans to justify it"

yeah, but that's not the problem.

>By RaW, SoP undead don't have alignment in order to keep it fluff agnostic.

THAT'S the problem.

>durr hurr you made a typo so I'm not going to address your argument

Oh. he addressed it just fine.

Your still creating an entity who's primary function and animating force compelled it to torture and destroy all life and to spread entropy with no regard for the balance of life and the universe, and does so not out of a need for survival bit instead purely for the sake of the destruction of said life

Okay I'm starting to doze off but I finally got the Half-goblinoid page finished for the DSP SRD. That one happened to be THREE races compressed into one entry. I'll toss up Half-Sahaugin and I'll likely update when I'm 100% done with Bloodforge and Bloodforge Infusions: Esoteric Energies. Y'all have a good night now, stay safe.

If you weren't going to even bother reading the image because of your own illiteracy, then you retarded Necromancers shouldn't even date to call yourselves wizards.

Seriously, you guys are the Black Mesa of the magical community

>Did you not read the image? It's explicitly saying the act of raising the dead is evil "no matter how many orphans you may rescue with your orphans to justify it"
In the setting book they made for Spheres of Power which, if I recall, is literally "just an example" of something you can make using Spheres of Power. The entire point of Spheres is being fluff agnostic.
No he doesn't.
>who's primary function and animating force compelled it to torture and destroy all life and to spread entropy with no regard for the balance of life and the universe
Entropy IS balance and inevitable. The presence of life is neither good or bad. And mindless undead aren't "entities" they're tools.

Are necklaces of fireballs evil because they can kill things "needlessly" if mishandled?

>If you weren't going to even bother reading the image because of your own illiteracy
His image is irrelevant because it's a Third Party book about a non official setting to go with a magical subsystem, that is SPECIFICALLY WRITTEN TO BE FLUFF AGNOSTIC.

How do I make him in Pathfinder?

Unfortunate caveat in that I can't have a mount, so if it's Cavalier it has to be an unmounted archetype

In PF, mindless undead have wis 10 and cha 10, meanign they have instincts and the self awareness to act on them. Just like mindless vermin, mindless oozes, and mindless plants.

WExcept unlike the others, the only motivating force they have is their alignment, which is invariable evil upon creation. That means, yes, they are self willed entities with only the desire to do evil, and the simplest form of evil is to kill everything alive that isn't itself.

That means they're entities and deadly. They also do not die unless destroyed. that is wjhy every single animate undead spell is "Evil". Because you are making malevolent entities whose first act when uncontrolled is to kill anything it can find.

>how do i make a character wit the power to summon a fucking army of soldiers


Obviously that part would be toned down.

congratulations, you made a big dude with a sword.

Its a fighter.

The soul weaver strikes me very much as being a necromancer, and they don't have to be evil at all. Plus, one of the archetypes even refluff their undead as servant spirits who willing obey them.

>In the setting book they made for Spheres of Power which, if I recall, is literally "just an example" of something you can make using Spheres of Power.
Wrong, that is World's of Power specifically. This book was the bestiary that accompanies the Magic Academy module that's for the DDS mainline Skyborne campaign setting

Also, Entropy may itself be part of the natural order, but the Undead are not Entropy itself. They are entropic forces ripped away from their origin and twisted and perverted for personal use. The undead are not impersonal balance robots, they are entities being powered by pure and raw malice and malintent, which has perverted the natural order and balance of Life and Death, and Energy and Entropy, attempting to wrench away one and force it into a false fascimile of the other.

While the bead of fireball can cause destruction, on its own it is incapable of harming anyone, as it is an inanimate object that requires a willing hand to activate. Undead though, no matter how "mindless" they are, do not rest on their own and need not a hand to guide them, for the malice of their own creation compels them to acts of evil and destruction, disturbing the balance of reality and forcing the unnatural and unholy reversal and regression of all that is meant to be in reality. While a bead of fireball is akin to making a gun, making undead is like creating a basic AI that feels malice and has a subroutine to kill and destroy all when not currently being currently tasked with running any other .exe file at the moment

Metacreativity Psion.
Spheres Conjuration Specialist.

A Fighter with Leadership.
Or Warlord with Leadership of PoW is allowed.

What adventures can a level 3 gestalt Hidden Blade(Rogue)/Evoker and a Ranger/Druid of Lurue have in a fishing village in not!Greece?

They're stuck there for a week waiting for allergy medicine to distill.

Does anyone have a map of Druma that looks like this?

Is there a link?

I meant to reply to OP.

I'd prefer to keep the links private for now, until I have at least Bloodforge up and navigable. As it stands right now I'm filling out content and THEN getting it easier to navigate, which is gonna be a pain in my ass in the future. I'm gonna crash soon anyhow.

Fuck OFF Vult.

>How to have a Skelebro without being a scumbag Necromancers
>Learn either Animate Object, or specialize in the Enhancement Sphere and take the animation options
>Take a Skeleton, either real or artificial, either separated or connected with wires/hinges
>It's an inanimate object, so animate that shit, either all as one thing or as multiple individual pieces
>Congratulations, you have a bonebro
>Dip some in Creation, and limit your abilities to "bone" or what have you, and now you can do all kinds of crazy shit with them like spontaneous skeleblades, or bonewheels, or turning them into self driving bone bikes or carriages, or anything else really
>Or maybe dip into Telekinesis or Alteration, and have flying death skellies
>None of which is actually Necromancy
>And because it's not undead, it won't be killed by healing spells and channels and shit.
Jeez, that wasn't so hard, now was it? The only other quibble to deal with is how your culture/society views using the remains of the dead, but even that can be circumvented using animal bones and skeletons instead, or making fake skeletons out of wood or metal or what have you.

Dude that's not even Vult.
Has "Vult" just become a byword for weird lewd bullshit? Like "Judas" for traitors?

>implying it's not a Vult sockpuppet so he can get off on more PC rape
It's clearly just PLD "lite" to sucker more lewdfags in so they can fucking shit up the thread more with their goddamn logs.

Animated objects aren't mobile skeletons like an undead. They're just bones ragdolling everywhere.

You ever think all these lewd games will just lead to people thinking using DSP stuff is a massive pervert.

But the primary rape game doesn't have any DSP


Not just rape just Lewd in general. I guess that extends to third party stuff in general. You're first exposure to Legendary Games via a game where "monsters drag your adventurer body off to do very NSFW things" will leave a good impression on most people.

I mean, I don't apply to these games because honestly, while I don't mind lewd fuckery on the side, if it distracts from the game then wahts the point

All pathfinder players are already perverts.

But either way, being mindful of the reputation of 3pp companies isn't something that should stop players playing what they want among themselves.

This spell:

>While the subject is fascinated by this spell, it reacts as though it were two steps more friendly in attitude. This allows you to make a single request of the affected creature (provided you can communicate with it). The request must be brief and reasonable. Even after the spell ends, the creature retains its new attitude toward you, but only with respect to that particular request.

How long does it take for the implanted request to actually wear off? Is the request something that has to be fulfilled within hours, minutes? Rounds, even? Because I'm a little confused as to whether that effect ends with the spell's actual duration, or whether it might persist for longer.

>Implying it wouldn't be unsettling to fight a QWOP Skeleton
All holes aside, what makes you say that? Animate Object does not say how an object moves, only that it does as appropriate and controlled by its master. So if your concentrating on the effect or if you specify it when you spend the spell point, you can have it fight as a meat person would if your want.

Or, you.can take full advantage of having an animate collection of bones, and have them move around and fight like either a blender of bones and blades, or like Monsoon.

And don't you pretend that it wouldn't be rad as fuck to have a Monsoon Skelly, which is something you ain't getting with the normal Necromantic variety

Seriously, this way is superior in every way to the vanilla necro Skelly, synergizes better with other spheres and tactics, and has none of the usual baggage associated with it. Time to get with the times, and join the Enhancement Master Race.

Plus, if smelliest aren't your think, you can easily do the same with with stuff like puppets, mannequins that look creepily slot like your sister, suits of armor, vehicles, Taxidermy, Crosstitch, A giant paper machete and wood replica of some popular children's storybook character, the remains of that golem that I sto-borrowed from your friend before he died in that unfortunate alchemist fire incident which totally wasn't my fault quit asking about it okay before I turn you into a toad, or anything else really. Sky's the fucking limit, all you need are the cajones to try and fuck said sky

We already had a huge autistic argument about this months ago. Just look at the bestiary for examples of animated objects.

I wasn't here for that discussion, and considerimg this is being animated via Spheres than the usual means, I don't see how anything in the rules would imply an animated sack of bones would do nothing but ragdoll. If anything, it sounds like complete hogwash that a suit of armor can be animated and move properly, as can weapons and such, yet a cadaver cannot. So I must say that I think you are absolutely full of shit

Tell me, /pgg/, have you ever started with a basic concept and had it develop into something more? An idea that was simple at first, but evolved into something crazy, and quite possibly awesome?

I just finished doing that. I was initially just going to have some basic werewolf huntress out in the middle of nowhere. But, with wanting to amp up my character's power, I went with OD Warder (for wisdom synergy), and the Greater Werewolf Prestige Class, and since I was going with a shapeshifter anyways, I figured I'd pick up Chimera Soul as one of my disciplines.

Originally, my character was just supposed to be a person out in the wilderness, minding their own business. Now I have a priestess of a flesh-shaping goddess who sees her shapeshifting as a way to join the ranks of divinity, who obsesses over adding more to herself, and will pursue any new creature she finds to drink its blood, eat its heart, and add its power to herself. I probably would have ended up going with an Ungermaw if Gonzo was available, but alas, I got this crazy shit instead.

Fear the Old Blood.

Isn't there an SoP Shifter Archetype that gets initiating? This seems like it would be perfect for this idea.

Also, Vicar Amelia is best girl

If there is, I don't know it, and I'll admit I'm not too eager to take it; I don't know SoP, and it's a pretty robust subsystem that I just don't have the time to learn.

So /pfg/
Lets say I have a robot dog
That I can give the martial training feats
What disciplines do you suggest

Fair enough, just to let you know though that everything you described for the character is basically the modus operandi for the Shifter class for SoP and most all of its archetypes

Primal Fury is an obvious choice. Though Fool's Errand would be kinda cool for it.

Gonzo allowed?

Oh boy oh boy, can I be a Storyteller or is that shit too broken for you?

Legend of Old (Su): At 3rd level, the storyteller can summon a legendary figure from the tales of old. The storyteller selects a particular figure that remains constant throughout his adventures. The legendary hero takes the form of a character of any class, whose level is equal to the storytellers level +2. The storyteller can only call upon the power of the legendary figure for so long. At 3rd level, he can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 8 + his Charisma modifier. At each level after 3rd a storyteller can use legend of old for 2 additional rounds per day.

Summoning the legend of old is a standard action, but it can be maintained each round as a free action (as a storyteller must dramatically describe or otherwise narrate actions taken by his legendary figure after he has done them). The legend of old cannot be dispelled, but it ends immediately if the storyteller is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action to maintain it each round. The legend of old is easily distinguishable as a fantastic being, appearing semi-translucent with striking and sometimes exaggerated features.

The legend of old always possesses average hit points per hit die, and his health and daily abilities remains constant between summonings. He regains hit points and uses of his abilities when the storyteller rests for 8 hours. When summoned, the legend appears with gear whose value cannot exceed the value shown for a character of his level on Table: 12-4 Character Wealth by Level in Chapter 12 of the Pathfinder Core Rulebook. These items have a fantastic look to them, and are melded with the legend of old; no other creature can wield or use equipment the legend of old brought with them.

Let's say that I am either a gestalt or multiclass dread who is using broken dreams style with devastating touch. What's a good secondary class to pummel those streetfighters to dust with my psycho power?

Either Steelfist Commando Warlord or some kind of Zealot. If only MC and no Gestalt, then take the Awakened Blade PrC

I thought about Chimera soul too, but I'm fairly certain that would mix poorly with the chainsaw i plan to mount on it

If you wanna give him a chainsaw, then Black Seraph, Cursed Razor, Primal Fury, and maybe Eternal Guardian are what you want

Primal fury is looking like the most fitting choice.

Scarlet throne would be neat too, but is probably less applicable

Why do I get the feeling a Wizard made this post?

A steelfist commando's fists count as manufactured and natural for the purposes of feats/spells. So they could get masterwork transformation cast on their fist. They could also then get it enchanted like a weapon. Then they could get the transformative quality put on for ten thousand gold and turn their fist into other weapons.

Though I think anyone can do the last one with an amulet of mighty fists and transformative.

Sorry if this sounds silly but is there a guide or something that explains how Power Points work for DSPs psionics?

I should finish that soul-power PrC I was working on a while back.

scroll down to section on power points, read in entirety.

It's simple
You have a pool of points, as denoted by your class.
Each Power has a point cost that you need to spend to use the power
You can also spend more points than the normal cost to activate ways to improve said power, as listed in said power.
You cannot spend more points per power than your manifester level (only 1 point at lvl1, 5points at lvl 5, etc)

Power Points are regained when you rest.

This helps a little. I dont know if I am just tired or too dumb to get it right now.

No, but I came to the conclusion that all Veeky Forums games are shit.

Undead naturally organize themselves into militaries to destroy all life. Even mindless ones. If that ain't evil I don't know what is.

New Pathfinder player here.

How important is rust protection for Martial classes and how can one obtain it?

There is an alchemical creation that protects it. It normally doesn't come up unless you're fighting a creature that induces rust. The alchemical item is cheap so keep a few vials around just in case.

Basically worthless. No sane GM ever uses rust monsters

I'm fairly sure Adamantine weapons are immune, and I'm certain silver ones are

Ah, Silversheen right? I'll get some of that!

Is there any other weapon material that is worth using? Adamantite doesn't seem worth compared to just upgrading your weapon to +4 instead

Most DM's concern themselves with rust so you're going to want to enchant your armor with corrosive resistance the first chance you have the gold to do so. You're pretty much boned if you don't have a way of protecting yourself from rust.

Depends mostly on the campaign. its always a nice back up, but generally a few wooden weapons won't do you any harm.

Clubs have no GP cost. take as many as you want.

Generally material matters more for armor than weapons. A 10 ring sword + weapon material master can be interesting.

Silver helps pass DR.

Adamantine weapons are amazing. Ignoring hardness 20 has a lot of uses

Thoughts on the Dominions applicants?

There's an item called a Rust Gauntlet. It lets you rust something away once a day I think, and also gives you immunity to rusting, if I recall.


I have high hopes.

Self shilling time?

Go for it!

Is that really of any use to builds that don't use sunder that much?

You don't need to sunder in combat to make use of Adamantine.

Locked chest? Cut the hinges off.
Constructs with hardness? Enjoy dealing full damage,
Need to break any material with hardness less than 20? Adamantine cuts through it like butter. You can stab through stone with an adamantine sword

I thought Hardness was the same thing as DR when it came to constructs? So that a magic weapon would go through it


Things that work on DR don't work on Hardness.

Reviews aren't cancer, they're generally a pretty positive way to find flaws and improve on writing. What's cancer is the fanboys who obsess over specific apps, and spam threads with toxic garbage about how x person is a shit.

No, hardness works the same way for constructs as it does for objects. A lot of constructs have DR in addition to their hardness as well.

What with all the fetish campaigns going on I've been kicking around the idea of putting out a campaign that isn't fetishy... Well okay it's probably somebody's fetish but I digress.

The basic premise would have the players being called on to act as the Dominion of the Black's earthly vassals/heralds and would follow them growing in power and incluence, stomping out heroes and adventuring parties and preparing the world for gross body horror alien invasion. Is this something anybody would be interested in?

Personally, not really, I like start of darkness style campaigns, but the body horror aspect is what loses me. Though I'm sure there are plenty of others looking for such a campaign, there was something conceptually similar on Roll20 a few months back with a somewhat similar idea, including body horror, that had a fair number of apps.

Magic weapon plusses or type-composition other than Adamantine only deal with DR of the non " X/- " variety.

Adamantine specifically ignores hardness BELOW 20: that is to say, it does not reduce hardness 20 or higher AT ALL. But what does that leave us?

... Anything.
Damn near anything.

Any material softer than adamantine is getting its hardness ignored unless it has +3 (hardness 15 types like mithral or some skymetals) enhancement bonus

Any material roughly equivalent to steel doesn't stand a chance unless it's been enchanted to +5

Any material SOFTER than steel or bronze is sliced into for full damage unless it's gotten the Impervious enhancement along with at least +3 (for stone) or more enhancement bonus.

That means a warrior with a big fat twohander made of adamantine can open doors almost anywhere, no matter whether or not there's actually supposed to even be a doorway there.

It's even worse if you get a nice big autofire or line-striker weapon like a Railgun or a Maxim with adamant bullets: as long as it's not stopped by DR/Hardness, by the rules (so if it deals at least 1hp) the weapon continues downrange... Which means you're now capable of digging *corridors* for the party.


A magic lightning sword that summons a flying lightning chariot pulled by lightning oxen.

Links to current games that haven't started yet?