Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

When a dreadnought turns the corner, fucking run edition

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>Designer's Commentary (FAQ 0.1)

>Latest news :

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:

>Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>other MEGAs

>WIP Math-hammer doc (chart user doing god's work)

What are some good places to get spare bits?

I really like this model

Black astropaths now rule over this thread.

If any of you know this place I feel sorry for you

Will the C'tan be relevant again or are they gonna
continue to be buried by GW?

Nth for we need a new guardsmen kit with regimental options.

It is really nice. But I fear it has not aged well.

Nth for bring back stormtrooper operations

Sup Veeky Forums. I decided to bring Captain Valentine to his first 8th edition game today. 100 power points of SM versus Necrons. He had a few of the forgeworld necron characters, one of which was able to instantly gib the entirety of my 10-man tactical squad.

I need help Veeky Forums

Trying to think of something to paint for my standard and I'm having difficulty coming up with something that I could actually paint

Post whatever banners you have to give me inspiration, bonus points if its something you actually painted

how bad is it? the skin I mean, the rest isnt started aside from the cloth.

As long as no one trying to introduce any tricknology into this thread, I see no problem here.


Hey guys,

I'm looking for some advice.

Its been a month since I bought Dark Imperium, and I'm finally done building and painting my Deathguard models.

I want to try them out in some games, but I don't really know anyone.
As such, I am thinking of just going to the LGS and hoping to find people to play with. This will be the first time I will be going to the LGS other than when I went to pick up the dark imperium box, and I don't really know anyone at the store.

As such, I just want to ask for some basic etiquette advice.

1) Should I just bring my army to play on my first trip to the LGS? Or should I just go and introduce myself first?

2) I still have the loyalist side of the Dark Imperium set which I am honestly not too interested in playing. I was thinking of giving it away to my brother to try when he comes back, but I was also considering looking for someone to sell to. What would be the best way to go about doing this at a LGS? Would it even be appropriate?

3) I am brand new to the game, and quite frankly, not too familiar with the game even if I've tried to read the rulebook a few million times. Whats the best way to keep a game going smoothly while still trying to figure out the rules as I go?

4) I would like to expand my army if possible. I Know the Death Guard in Dark Imperium coems up to about 900'ish points. How would I find someone to talk to regarding what models I should look at buying next in order to buff the army up to about 1500 pts?

5) Anything else I should keep in mind?

Unfortunately I ended up tabling my buddy at the end of turn 4. Some good plays had my venerable dreadnought charge and wipe a squad of destroyers, while a combination of my Land Raider Crusader and the Deredeo wiped out nearly all of the left side of the board.

The rest of the game just had me sweeping from left to right, wiping out squads as I went. With the MVP of the game going to the LRC and my tartaros terminators. Being able to engage and destroy 3 targets simultaneously with just a single unit is hella great.

Maybe some more highlighting, but otherwise it looks fine to me.

>4) I would like to expand my army if possible. I Know the Death Guard in Dark Imperium coems up to about 900'ish points. How would I find someone to talk to regarding what models I should look at buying next in order to buff the army up to about 1500 pts?
Look through the index and the GW catalog and decide what looks fun or interesting


That doesn't sound right, neither of the cron forgeworld characters has anything that can do that.


Is anyone actually excited for Mortarion's release? He's one of the most pathetic cucks in the 40k universe.

Either call up the store and ask if someone wants a game, tell them you're new or just show up with your army and ask store owner to help you out
2) Just ask in store if anyone wants to buy it, alternatively ask the store owner if he knows anyone who wants to buy it, as long as it's on the sprue it should be fine
tell opponent you're new, they'll understand, or ask store owner and he might supervise the game and help you out
depends on what playstyle you want
do you have your own dice/measuring tape?

there is highlights but the camera is shit they are a soft highlight hard to pick out. hmm I dont know but painting freaks me out I always feel it isnt good enough

I believe it was "The Stormlord" or something like that. He ended up dying to a Reaper AC volley, with a nice follow-up of 5 relic blade attacks.

This game was pretty strange, both of us simultaneously forgot our dice, and we didn't have enough money to buy a dice cube. So we both downloaded some kind of physics-based dice simulator on our phones.

>Chaos warrior in spess

I don't care about Mortarion but I'm looking forward to plague marine and terminator boxes.

Honestly, if it looks good to you now, just go with it. Cameras are very different than seeing a mini in person. I learned long ago that working too long on a mini can do more harm than cutting things a little short. Most of us always feel it's not good enough, but you might think differently when you have the whole squad lined up on the table.

Good luck with it, user.

I may not have any good ideas, but props to painting the space wolves something other then the dumb ass blue they want.

That's exactly why I like him.

Oh, he's a regular cron character.

I keep buying more and more plastic army men to try and fill the void in my life but it isn't working.

Also someone is tampering with my mail but I don't know who or why. A package of butanone arrived today that I ordered quite some time back, only the box had been ripped open. The glue still seems to be there, but who would tear open the box like that?

I have no friends and the only game store that does wargames is prohibitively far away, and does 40k only one night a week (so they can have mtg be the rest of the week)

yeah I pick the perfect armies for myself all the ones focussed on obsession. slaanesh, the emperor's children and the eldar I feel their pain kek. hell it isnt even finished still need to paint her armor and hair

Yeah because after he gets released we might get Angron

Sounds like you have a hard life, user.

Which plastic army men have you been buying lately?

buy plastic army tanks

Is it worth taking Power Mauls over Power Swords on Death Company?
I was looking at the mathhammer and they just seem so outclasses when compared to Power Sword. They're better at taking out GEQ and light vehicles, of course, but not by a significant enough degree to warrant taking them over Power Swords (which are better at taking out both TEQ and MEQ infantry as well as medium and heavy vehicles).

Should I make 5 Power Sword guys and 5 Power Maul guys or should I just go all in with 10 Power Swords? Bits are no issue.

He did have another character that managed to take 7 wounds off of my Ven-Dread, and when it was killed in turn, it had some ability to self-resurrect on a 4+. Although it did fail that roll.

What the best armor Mark for Black Templars?

Mk3, Mk4, or the standard Tactical Marine box?

Swords are better than mauls this edition. Used to be the other way around.

I'm going to get a box of scouts to make Neophytes for my Black Templars. How should I kit them out? Bolt Pistols and Combat Knives, Shotguns, Boltguns, or some kind of mix?

sounds like the government
you're on a watchlist now

BP+CCW if you're going to charge things, bolters otherwise.

Well, Mauls do better at dishing out more D. At 2 over 1 they are better on guys with one or two attacks base to give them an advantage for having less attacks. (example: in all my squad leaders for my wolves getting them because the damage out put outclasses the the extra -2) It also all comes down t what you are fighting

Standard Tactical Marine box. If you can find Knight helmets that works too. Black Templars are second founding so most of their stuff is post heresy from what I've seen.

pick armies that have some qualities you reflect well not perfectly obviously. the models are your friends your family. think about stories of them and paint them with the love they deserve.

That doesn't sound right either. Trazyn can res himself, but only be replacing another non unique character and on a 2+.

Mk III for shooting, Tacticals because finding chain swords for them is easy and you dont need forgeword help

mk 4 for regular guys mk 3 for sword brethren

Last thread said terminators were op and that tartaros were monsters.

Whats the loadout for them all claws?

dark angels mostly, a few orks, a bit of used tau off ebay to strip and repaint, some sigmar even...

I haven't played a game in a very long time so I collect and paint whatever I feel like at this point. If I painted everything I'd probably have some 10000 points of mixed space marines, plus another 4000 or so chaos marines from when I was younger. I've thought about selling old stuff just to be rid of it, but it isn't worth enough to go through the effort. Collected over the course of 15 years or so.

tried that too. I have a vindicator still in the shrink, five rhinos that have been stripped and repainted a few times, two land raiders in different stages of completion, a razorback, two really old whirlwinds

buying plastic welding agent gets you on watchlists?

I tried that, only I made the mistake of posting those stories once. A few kind anons wisely told me not to post them any more.

Confirming If a captain is inside a land raider crusader it does not reroll 1s

however if he is next to it and not inside, then it does?

Thats fucking stupid

My favourite model I own... It's been awhile since I played.

That guy was full of shit, but Tartaros is the best loadout for all LC since they're the fastest. Cataphractii 4++ is really clutch for any unit, especially assault ones, but the move speed penalty is crippling.

I would not run all LC TEQ if my goal was to be competitive, but I know RG or Carcharodon players are going to want to spam their claws.

>buying plastic welding agent gets you on watchlists?

If you live in America or Britain, Yes.
Who else would snoop through your mail checking your chemicals

why is it covered in hairs

>inside a tank, cant see shit, cant talk to your guys
>outside tank, next to squad, can freely see whats what and give orders
its not that hard to get, user

im sure they arent that bad hell most of mine are filled with fetish degeneracy. All of my hq are female my eldar autarch, my dark eldar succubus and my keeper of secrets. I love all of my armies lore wise and obsess over them it keeps the bad thoughts out and keeps the imagination sharp I fill my head with lots of lore and stories to keep myself sane kek

the first time it happened it was just some crappy video game. I thought maybe one of my neighbors accidentally opened it or something

Then it kept happening

tfw my claw/bolter Tartaros are no longer legal

Go away Esdese

Dust.I have no idea why it looks hair-like.

Hey guys, I found out how to stop Knights as Orks!

Non-shooty tartaros are bad. The best loadouts for them are
> 1x Plasma Blaster+Grenade Harness on the sergeant
> 1x Reaper Autocannon
> 3x Combi-bolters.

If you want chainfists, they should both go on the Sergeant and your Heavy, so that leaves your 3 'squadies' as ablative wounds. Also works really great with a Land Raider to get them into a prominent location.
> Get into prominent location after your LR gives you an opening
> Shoot 3 completely different units with 3 different weapons. Combi-bolters+grenades at infantry, Reaper AC at an Elite/heavy, and Plasma Blaster at another Elite.
> Then charge a 4th unit and wipe it off the board.

You don't get this upsurd utility with Lightning claws, as you can only target and break a single unit.

I really hope the AdMech codex comes out relatively soon. The meta for them has quickly devolved into just, shooty Kastelans, Neutron Onagers, Electropriests, and Cawl. Maybe with a squad or two of skitarii for snipers or a charge screen. Everyone I've talked to considers everything else in the army utter trash.


We get it, you're autistic and schizophrenic. Stop shitting up our threads you tranny fuck.

>feitsh degeneracy
it was nothing like that, just really crappy and bad writing.

You could repost that for basically every army, word for word, just swapping out unit names. Everyone says the same thing

You've got a mystery in your life to solve

Can anyone here tell me what year the meta is in? Like how long it has been since the Ultima Founding?

>tfw my semi renegade viking space marines now don't sound as bad.

Shut up, Carnac. You don't own these threads.

Not a chaosfag, mr "ver violent"

>This was a fucking month ago
Where does the time go?

Most postage processing places have sniffer dogs. If the smell drugs or heavy chemicals. They may search it, especially if the package isn't labelled as containing Haz chems.

>>tfw my semi renegade viking space marines now don't sound as bad.

Nigga that's just Space Wolves

that wasnt me but I think ill leave as not to shit up another thread

I've been out of the downloading scene for a long time. Anyone know where I can grab either audiobook or pdf's of the somewhat recent Dante and Mephiston novels?

112 years, but because of some errors Guilliman discovered in the calender system, the date got moved back to 999.M41. If we followed the previous calender it'd be like 110.M42

At least now we aren't going though 8 threads a day with 80% of each one being shit posting.

Please do and preferably never come back. Fuck off to /qst/ or something since you love LARPing so much you cancerous tranny.

>[CSM] tryhard edgelords who suck at everything but have a cool secret hideout
>[CSM} tryhard pirate renegades who were setup to fail and now fight to survive
>[StD] barbarians in a swamp
>[DA] dangles brooding and doing edgy teenager things like they normally do

future ideas
>[SCE] slow melee sigmarines in a cool fort built into a canyon
>[Tau] some tau live on an imperium dump world and make stuff out of garbage
>[CSM] edgelords on space ships that are falling apart
>[CSM] tzeentch raptors with plasma guns

Also the ordo chronus are at war with themselves as to what date it is.

>yfw grav weapons are 4 years old
>yfw 6th edition was 5 years ago

Can both portions of a combi-bolter be fired in overwatch? Can't find anything that says they can't be, but I may have missed it

This is the type of people Discord attracts.

>but because of some errors Guilliman discovered in the calender system, the date got moved back to 999.M41
aka GW pulling some shit

the fact is that there is too much warp-fuckery time distortion for there to even really be a canon date anymore. Characters can literally be in two or more places at once in the galaxy.

A few days ago they sperged out because their shitty invite link was deleted from the OP and essentially spammed the shit out of the thread with all sorts of garbage. Those fucks really are mentally unhinged.

>mfw famous marine character talking shit and arguing with himself over the long range astropaths

I don't see why not.

Toying with a Dread List.

Well sooorry I hate having someone dumb put the world wolf in front of every other word in the fucking codex.

I'm not usually anti-Eldar, but there is something really satisfying about seeing them losing their shit in this picture.

paint your models

Yeah but the negative modifier will still make you kill yourself on a 2 if you fire a combi-plasma.

only if they over charge it, and their wouldn't be much reason too

I mean he respectfully left why bash him?

The guy behind Trazyn....IS THAT VULKAN?


>not overcharging your plasma always

What are you some cowardly Tau?