Witch Academia

Does anyone have a good system for pic related?

Looking for something that will work well for relatively low-stakes magical drama and hijinks. Has anyone run something like that?

Other urls found in this thread:

mediafire.com/file/oma98131893ylui/Night Witches RPG.pdf



Ryuutama, Golden Sky Stories, or Chuubo's Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine?


I'm being completely serious.
I really am.

Champions/Hero system is pretty much as versatile as GURPS without needing so many splatbooks. Just need a lot of GM interaction when character building so you can say "No, I'm not letting you do that."

Just refluff it so that "skill" is "magic skill" and the master is the headmistress. Bam, done, you're welcome.

Like I said, I was being completely serious.

I believe Ars Magica was the Recommended system for Harry Potter, so it should to quite well here.

would this do what you want?

Thanks, senpai, this is pretty good. Got any more info on the system? Is it original Veeky Forums content or what?

This is definitely the kind of thing I'm looking for.
I hadn't considered MAID, but I've read the book before and it seems like it might actually work with some minor changes. Ryuutama and GSS definitely have the right low-stakes magical drama feel, but I think either would probably require character creation to be completely rewritten. I haven't heard of Chuubo before, but it looks really cool.

I'm having a hard time seeing how you could run Harry Potter in Ars Magica. Unless you're running it more like a "magical grad school" similar to The Magicians.

>Twin Indian girls

That's a bit blatant, isn't it?

>Is it original Veeky Forums content or what?
Yep. The designer has a discord where they're taking input on a version 2.
Though to be honest most of what I saw suggested ruin the charm and levity of the game. Hopefully Cashmore takes it with a grain of salt.

There's also this experimental "playtest patch" update.

As much as I like Ars, it's a very poor fit for games about a magic school. I'm tempted to make some houserules for it, but I'm a lazy cunt so it'll probably never get done.

>Fuck it, just throw in some PBtA mechanics
Not that I'm complaining, the dice mechanic seems like a definite improvement.

The world becomes more developed (i.e less of a Potter ripoff) in the series.

Could you provide a link to said Discord?

I've never been so interested in MAID.

>inb4 someone posts Witch Girls Adventures out of spite


mediafire.com/file/oma98131893ylui/Night Witches RPG.pdf

Fate Accelerated? I remember a few of the exmaples in the book were "vague totally not Harry Potter" so you could go from there or something.

You basically want a light, narrative game for this: Microscope and Munchausen are as light as possible, as is MAID with the lewd stuff (and stress explosions) taken out. Maid Powers would probably need reworking. I'm not a super big fan of Chuubos', because it hits a level of overstuffed that makes me want to step up to Fate Accelerated for actual rules.

Ryuutama would work very well for a more adventurous version of the setting, but everyone would probably need to have spells hacked in. GSS could work, renaming the henges into various bloodlines/character archetypes instead.

If you hated yourself and stripped out the fetish shit, it'd work about as well as MAID, desu.

Microscope would probably work, but I think part of the fun of a magic world is getting to experiment and play around with the magic rules/setting. You don't really get that feel from a collaborative world building game.

FATE is fine, but I can't stand the narrative crunch mechanics.

I wonder what the best way to do the archetypes would be. On one hand, ut could be built around magical abilities: The Spirit Meduim, The Alchemist, The Chosen One, The Technomancer, etc. On the other hand, you could use character concepts: The Klutz, The Bookworm, The Goth, The Diva, etc. Maybe do both and have every character pick 1 of each?