Modern General

Wizard's STILL managing to fuck up edition

Playing, Hating etc

>Current Modern Metagame


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Tron lands ban WHEN?



>fuck tron
>but not my tron

How much is Ponza disrupted by targeting the mana dorks?

Same question for Elves.


This card is infinite damage if you have solemnity and a persist/undying creature.

Yes, as is Viscera Seer/Solemnity/Redcap and others. Solemnity's effect is nothing new.

The sacrifice outlet dealing the damage is a more efficient way to do it, since you don't need specifically damage-dealing creature for it to work. Although Seer does tutor your win con anyway.

What decks would you guys consider the most "interactive?" And why are they interactive?

Grixis Death's Shadow

Thoughtseize away your hand then don't let you resolve anything, and if it does then they kill spell it.

You're so fucking salty that it's dehydrating me through my screen.

Probably Abzan midrange because of their answer cards that can be played around, grindy playstyle, and value creatures that don't always have a 3 turn clock when they finally come down and can be reasonably dealt with. Not sure what interactive means to you though. Interactive as in sitting down across from a player who isn't going to employ bullshit like 7 mana turn three or 10 spells in one turn to win? Or interactive as in stack wars and removal spells until rev for 15?

Why would you use that when you can run Gerafs Messengers or Redcap in a coco deck?

What if you don't want to run messengers or redcaps?

Teysa, Orzhov Scion and Darkest Hour/Painters Servant does it too

Then you're fucking retarded and purposely shooting yourself in the knee because walking is too easy apparently for ya.

I'm not salty I'm being legit. Grixis shadow is one of the most difficult to pilot tier 1 decks in recent history

Colorless infinite sac+damage that works with any recurring minion, vs b/r and/or b that when recurred works with any infinite sac outlet. They are two completely different options with different requirements, why are you getting mad?

>How much is Ponza disrupted by targeting the mana dorks?
you have to kill the lands they enchant

>Same question for Elves.
you have to shut down the heritage druid, then survive multiple collected company, chord of calling for silver bullets and eventually craterhoof behemoth or ezuri.

But user, if everybody does that, how will I cheese Shadow players with Baneslayer Angel?

>baneslayer angel

I run it off and on in the sideboard of Esper Control. Sometimes it's great, sometimes it's a flop.

>at FNM
>playing against some guy's brew that's between burn and rackdos midrange
>lose game one to a triple guide draw, side as if he's on burn
>ready to slam Baneslayer on T5, but I have a Clique in hand so I decide to be safe and clear the path first
>end step cast Clique, target him
>reveal a hand of things that don't kill Baneslayer
>let him keep it all
>he bolts Clique
>next turn cast Baneslayer and pass
>he draws, looks at his hand, reads Baneslayer, and then points a Terminate at it
>next turn I draw a Logic Knot
I just about tilted into a fourth dimension.

Last local Modern event I went to I had to mulligan in every single game I played and keep mediocre hands. Half the time I had to go down to 5 and had to pray for lands off the top because my only land was an Island in Esper.

I wish there were a card that just let you cheat out 4 mana enchantments and/or artifacts for free. All the fun combo cards are 4 mana enchantments.

>not cliqueing yourself to draw the logic knot


Is it wrong to find playing Turns fun? Seeing if I can squeak by and draw the next extra turn spell is pretty exciting.

There is nothing difficult about playing GDS. The deck is such a well oiled and efficient machine it plays like fucking clockwork.
Playing AGAINST GDS on the other hand is probably one of the most skill intensive thing there is in the format right now.

It's never wrong to find any deck fun. Play what you like and fuck all the haters.

I've put some Mind Sculptors in my Esper deck to test tonight so I can show the cucks at my LGS that he isn't busted in Modern. He has some pretty sweet synergy with Bob too. and his -1 is excellent against delve creatures.

I sort of agree with the guy your responding to, and to an extent with you. GDS being so interactive, you can, with smart play, stop your opponent from doing anything threatning. At the same time, if you make a bad play or mistake vs aggressive decks like Burn or Merfolk you will get run over before you have a chance to stabilize. Or vs other highly interactive decks you need to be really smart about what you thoughtsieze, what to save counters for, and be wary of removal/blockers for Shadow. I agree though that GDS is so well oiled that against many decks you can just auto pilot to victory.

I don't think he is busted in a vacuum that much. Dies to bolt or a wide board, then again, you have access to board wipes and not every deck can bolt him, and if you can make him stick he can take over a game. I'd like to see an unban just to see what happens.

I want to make a goblin tribal deck that isn't tier 3.5 budget trash like 8wack
Not sure how I should go about doing it though.

>goblin tribal deck that isn't tier 3.5 budget trash like 8wack
So you want to make a worse deck?

Are you sure you're in the right thread? The "forcing tribal against all reason" Commander thread is over there.

Pretty sure 8whack is the only way goblins are playable.
Maybe a zoo shell, cutting things that aren't SSG, BTE and GG, still splashing green for atarkas command?

4 blood moons 4 vials some rabblemasters some lords some instigators and whatever playable 1-2s there are
Will still be far worse than actual tribal decks like fish and elves

Playing UWR thing ascension. Does anyone have some spicy tech or other fun, predominantly red, decks?


I always wanted to make Drowner of Secrets/Merrow Commerce work as well, so if you do end up testing the deck and get some good results, let us know. The only advice I'd give is to focus more on the control aspect. Lord of Atlantis feels like you're splitting your deck's attention between being mill and being aggressive.

>Mountain, swiftspear, attack 1
>Mountain, 2 more swiftspear attack 3
>Mountain, triple bolt attack 12
Gotta go fast

what the hell is this pile

The new meta buster to stomp GDS and E Tron.

It's trash. That's what it is.

Complaining about vials and caverns is dumb. Honestly caverns are mostly irrelevant in the current meta, it is instant and sorcery spells people seem to counter most these days. And quite frankly I've gone dozens of games without even drawing my vials. Fuck, go the blue moon route with fish and you can slow down your opponent enough that you don't even need vial and can run janky shit like coralhelm commander.

come back when this guy is reprinted

Honestly 8whack isn't as bad as people make it to be.

Maybe it's not SANIC fact like infect but it can regularly kill t3-4.

what the fuck am I looking at

has free win red changed in the last 6 months? does it now play chandra the mind sculptor?

Anywhere I can download high quality cards to print so I can play with friends? seems to have the highest resolution available.

thank you very much, user!

Google. There are good high quality scans out there in torrents.

yeah but sometimes that just 'happens' and there's nothing you can do about it because 'variance isn't a bug, it's a feature!'

So? You are playing magic that is broken that way. Your hands are completely in hands of rng jesus for praying you get optimal amount of lands.

though i highly doubt he had the mana to play the slayer and logic knot in the same turn

If you mean skred, then yes Chandra TOD is played. What's changed? Not a whole lot, some lists have a Hazoret or two now, decent beater and can turn extra lands in hand to 2 damage to face. Some other lists run a very spicy plan of ramping out Koth+Chandra as fast as possible to cast a T4 Apocalypse to fuck with everyone. Other than that not much else. Red still not getting anyway to interact with the stack or any decent card advantage. Maybe one day... Red Elemental blast reprint when?

Harsh mentor still not played in Skred? God I wish that card did damage to planeswalker activations.

>If you mean skred
no I mean free win red
>legal rituals
>turn 2 bloodmoon
>turn 2 ensnaring bridge
free win!

>T1 mana dork/Utopia Sprawl/whatever -> T2 Viridian Emissary/Primal Druid -> T3 Eldritch Evolution for Solemn Simulacrum -> Untap T4 with 7 mana possible
>T1 mana dork/Utopia Sprawl/whatever -> T2 Viridian Emissary/Primal Druid -> T3 Evolutionary Leap, praying for a ramp creature -> Untap T4 with 6-7 mana possible
>T1 mana dork/Utopia Sprawl/whatever -> T2 Grisley Salvage -> T3 Footsteps of the Goryo for Viridian Emissary/Primal Drud -> Untap T4 with 6 mana possible

Am I retarded for not just ramping with Sakura-Tribe Elder?
Evolutionary Leap is pretty bad, but EE gives me some acceptable toolboxing and the similar redundancy lets me open with one. Neither works with the Elder.
Footsteps/Salvage is some jank, but Eternal Witness is already worth running.

>attempting to play the long game against Eldrazi Tron
I know. This is FNM shitbrewing.

What site has tix for the cheapest?

There was a Skred/FWR hybrid that put up a couple 5-0s. Ran a core base of Skred with Ensnaring Bridges and Ratchet Bombs instead of mind stones and A few other cuts. Looked interesting, I might try it out.

got a list? sounds spicy

>T1 Arbor Elf
>T2 Utopia Sprawl, Garruk Wildspeaker, Utopia Sprawl, Blood Moon
I've done this multiple times now. 9 mana of spells on turn 2, you untap with access to 11 mana on turn 3, and you have a Blood Moon in play so your opponent can't do much.

>not T1 Arbor Elf
>T2 Utopia Sprawl, Kiora Master of Waves, Garruk Wildspeaker, Genesis Hydra revealing Oath of Nissa

As an ~~~experienced~~~ skred pilot the problem with Harsh Mentor is that it eats removal and then they fetch anyway. It's hard to justify a straight 2/2 in the 75. Every threat needs to be impactful and hard to remove, and while Harsh Mentor can be the former it will never be the latter.

If it hit planeswalker abilities it might sneak into our sideboards in LotV heavy meta.

If he hit planeswalkers he would be so fucking powerful. Played against someone and initially thought he did, and with the damage redirection in theory would have made playing planeswalkers practically useless.
>Garruk will never ult, becomes 4cmc 3/3 Beast Token
>Jace becomes a bad Fact or Fiction
>Gideon only gets two tokens before being cleaned up
>Chandra/Lilly minus is a clean 1for1
>Nahiri will never ult

The card is good enough, maybe not in this format currently, but in other playing fields he's great.

I think you mean Obliterate

>tfw this will never be printed in Standard
>you will never suspend Greater Gargodons, Pardic Dragons, Sand-Mages and Keldon Halberdiers in Apocalypse.dec

How useful is Mana Tithe in Modern these days?

It isn't to be quite honest. Its a great "gotcha" card if you are on the play, stopping a T1 Thoughtseize, but after turn 3 it gets progressively worse and worse.

Right faggots give me your spiciest Ponza meatballs because standard lists aren't midrange enough for my tastes. I want your best 3-5 mana goodstuff.

Once I used Primordial Hydra for fun, my opp was playing counters company, after the moon in the field and some LDs, the Hydra got in as a 4/4, hit next turn for 8/8 and he conceded as she would 16/16 trample him next turn. Inferno titan would be better in that situation though.

Is GB the best version of Elves or is Abzan better for the white sideboard?

Sees play in Bogles if that's your thing

Shit like this is why Wizards won't report meta percentages anymore. You have your preferred Elves, I have mind. As for the best way, the correct way, it doesn't exist.

I personally run GW because all I want is that sideboard and Selfless Spirit. Shaman of the Pack has its merits, but I dislike three-colors because I do.

Bogles isn't even Tier 3 my dude. It's way too slow, and folds to discard like paper to a vice.

I personally run mono red elves, it's just as good as any other elves build. They're all just equally good, exactly the same with no clear advantages.

Stop for a second and ask yourself about why you're posting this. Why you're pretending to be retarded. Is this were you wanted the conversation to go?
Did you come here to post this, just for someone to ask why you're pretending to be retarded? That's what's happening right now.

Titan Shift

Myself for not knowing how to properly side board

anybody got any tips or guides to sideboarding better

It's sin is losing to Liliana of the veil and deflceting palm. Both which are played a looooot.

What do you mean by sideboarding better? Knowing what to put in your sideboard or knowing what to bring in for certain matchups?

>Shit like this is why Wizards won't report meta percentages anymore.
Nah, it's more due to them withholding winrate data in the first place and then getting mad when the average person can't see a metagame properly based on only metashares. Now we get even more info taken taken away because that's gonna somehow solve the problem. I for one, am glad WotC thought up such a brilliant solution to this problem that not only benefits them but the players as well.

Yes, this is exactly where I wanted this conversation to go. Anyone who thinks that one build of a deck can't be the best is retarded. Anyone who thinks wizards stopped posting meta game percentages for any reason but to hide how absolutely awful their standard is is retarded. If you don't want the discussion to be steered towards people being told they're retards then please stop posting any time.

pretty much, sometimes its hard to figure out what to take out in certain matchups

It comes down to matchup experience really. When you play enough of a certain matchup, you figure out what cards are dead that you need to take out. You'll even start to get a feel for what your opponent's are going to take out so you can out-sideboard them by putting in cards tuned to their sideboard.

If you're ever at a loss, look to the weakest cards in your deck for a given matchup, and then look at your sideboard and see if there are any cards you'd rather have in your 60. Then swap. It's not an exact science, it's more about your gut.


I see no problem with this

Holy fuck user. You're a real life retard

I wish Modern was that diverse, unfortunately we only get to play GDS mirrors in this format until people start catching on. Hopefully that'll change once those 5-0 lists start getting pumped out. I can't wait to see all the wacky and cool brews that are ready to tear up the modern format!

So, how's this an issue?

>want to sit on karn and hope he hits $90
>mild paranoia that wizards will do something nutty like ban Karn and his price will tank

>clique'ing yourself to maybe draw a counter for an answer your opponent might have
>not clique'ing the opponent to strip whatever answer they might have

Of course, wasting the resources is always the better play, it always works out!

Remember Golgari Grave Troll?
Wizards is still in the mood to kill critical cards if they so please.

Fuck anyone who actually thinks this way.

>tfw opponent kills your emrakul with big game hunter
How do you even explain that flavor-wise? Motherfucker dives off a cliff screaming WITNESS ME and just goes HAM on big E?

Is there a deck running Big Game Hunter?

So I've bothered sitting down and thinking about Garruk Wildspeaker vs Chandra, Torch of Defiance in Ponza, and here's what I've come up with.

- Card advantage
- Ramp
- Removal

- The shock part of the card advantage +1 is basically dead because Ponza is NOT a grindy deck
- If there's nothing to Flame Slash when she lands, she can't do anything
- The best deck in the format's relevant creatures don't die to Flash Slash

- His ramp is MUCH more relevant and potentially explosive, working crazily well with Utopia Sprawl
- A 3/3 token per turn is no joke
- Most creatures that die to Flash Slash trade with a 3/3 too, but the 3/3 is board presence

- Very simple and one dimensional, supports your hand rather than sculpts it

In short, if your Ponza list is more tuned towards midrange play (less Bonfires, maybe drop a BoP), Garruk is WAY better. In my testing he's out-performed what Chandra would've done in the same situation by a metric mile. If any of you kids play Ponza, take your Chandras out.

I'd like to try modern but start out with something affordable (I know). The Izzet Blitz archetype could possibly offer a super fast and combo-reliant deck, something, I'd like to give a try.

2 Apostle's Blessing
4 Artful Dodge
4 Assault Strobe
4 Delver of Secrets
2 Distortion Strike
2 Gut Shot
10 Island
4 Kiln Fiend
4 Lightning Bolt
7 Mountain
4 Mutagenic Growth
4 Nivix Cyclops
4 Serum Visions
3 Slip Through Space
2 Swan Song

what is your price range?

why aren't you running swiftspear?

get monastery swiftspear and some Temur Battle Rage

spell pierce might be something to consider

Isn't this a Pauper list?
Colors in Modern are roughly G = B > R > U > W, and UR is honestly not good. It has no way to actually beat damage in and win, because in Modern delver, delver is the worst card in the deck.
UBR/Grixis is valid, because you do have some good creature options (Death's Shadow, Tasigur, and Gurmag Angler come to mind). You also actually have hard removal and targeted discard, since Blue is awful in Modern and basically only provides library manipulation, except Green does it better if you're looking for creatures, lands, or enchantments.