Tolkien is boring as fuck

>Tolkien is boring as fuck
>GURPS is unfun
>D&D 5e is actually great
>Sandboxes are the pinnacle of role-playing games everyone should aspire to run?

What other retarded things has Veeky Forums memed you into thinking?

Judging by the massive Tolkien threats Veeky Forums has every so often, I doubt most people find it boring.


try not to be so dumb and gullible in the future

Weak bait, I'm pretty much taking pity on you.

>wh40k has great lore
>gw miniatures are pinnacle of miniatures
>coop games are fun
>every rpg-setting must be leftist-friendly
>world/chronicles of darkness was/is good

Basically everything. Speaking from experience, Veeky Forums has taken a drastic downhill turn since the election year, and really doesn't show signs of getting better. The entire social climate has shifted towards being even more cynical than was normal, and that was pretty damn cynical.

You'll get a couple of gem threads and discussions every so often, which is really just the bit of hope that keeps people on here, but otherwise, take everything the board says with... well, there's already enough Salt around, so how about a bit of logic, reasoning, and compassion for one's fellow man?

I've always been staunchly anti-Cypher system, even before the namefagging, and I'm finally starting to realize that maybe the memes Veeky Forums spouts about the system are the same as the ones they spout about 5e, of which my only complaint is that I've grown tired of it.

So... right now I'm sitting down and working out how to convert Cypher System to do a Bioshock setting, using Cyphers as Plasmids/Vigors... and I'm actually having quite a bit of fun doing it.

>Bioshock setting

Soon, actually. Wayne is going for good... just trying to figure out how to make a big deal of it before slipping back into anonymity.

Though to be fair, when I posted a "Bioshock Utopia Gone Wrong Jungle Setting" there was quite a bit of good feedback.

On one hand the idea itself was kind of shit, but at least you are doing something. Gotta say though i preferred you when doing something meant doing your small part to make good things for the board. Good luck making wayne's death big. My advice? Go to a public place, like an internet cafe or something, and then shit post so much that you get the ip/name perma banned. Do a one man raid, every single thread all of them, full of wayne shit posting.

Heh. No worries, that poster will be back soon, with a more grounded effort to improve the board. I was actually thinking I'd go one step bigger: rotate my Dynamic IP Address and spam the board with individual threads, getting the mods attention. Although I'm 90% sure that that can be labeled as a felony against the site and subject to lawsuit and is therefore the last thing I'm going to do.

Still, it'd be nice if SOMEONE could get the Mods to sit up and pay attention. You know that /pol/ gets better moderation than us simply by being bigger and more troublesome, thus requiring it? Squeaky Wheel gets the oil and all that.

That a crime? Really?

It would be regarded as intentional spamming and could be labeled as an attempted Denial of Service attack. Besides, any Mod could simply plug in an IP Address and they'd know my approximate place of residence, or at least get my phone number if they requested it from my service provider. It's that easy for them as a web-based business to do it, basically doing the same stuff that's done to locate torrenters.

I get away with all of this by being a small enough target that they can just ban and eventually range-ban me. If I actually tried to exploit the flaw, they'd crack down hard.

This is also why I'm not giving out VirtualOptim's e-mail address.


Always traceable in some way if I do it myself with limited resources, and any good, free VPN has already been range-banned.

wayne even if you give up the namefag never give up bait reviews, they're too good

also how'd the fetlife rpg go? i was the curiousest user

Wait he did what?

he recruited for a local irl rpg off fetlife lol

i had to sleep so i think i missed the end of it

there was talk of fuggin tran girls

The fucking madman, damn I wanna know too now.

right? good-ass content.
idk why people so genuinely hate wayne. having a namefag in residence is good luck. he writes compelling posts of superior length & quality. cussing and spitting on namefags is a bad meme. i say greeting them nicely for good luck or something should be the new one but what do i know.

Oh give it up Wayne, we welcome namefags if they actually post quality content.
like based Scriptarius ;_;7

I'm not Wayne I'm just a loser waiting up at 6am to hear if our lucky namefag got lucky with his fetlife d&d group

tfw the reply will never come

Just arrange a day where we can all pretend to be Wayne and have a blast with it

Don't do it, faggot. The last time people did that (with 40k shitspamming), it brought in the Dark Times. It brought in... the Nazi Mod.

Fuck off Wayne

>world/chronicles of darkness was/is good
MtAw isn't just good, it is amazing.

You mean it improved Veeky Forums infinitely? Strict moderation was great for the board.

>Inuit shoemaking site known for its lax rules and anonimity
>Namefag wants stricter rules
Literally you are the problem

I'm going to be honest here, Wayne. There is some truth to what you are saying, and I don't believe people should get mad the way they do when you show up. For all it's worth, you manage to get some laughs out of me and should keep working those settings.
I don't understand why there is so much shitposting going on on Veeky Forums or why so many people take the baits so damn hard.

Motherfucker if I had a scroll of Summon Nazi Mod I'd be trying to use the damn thing right now.

Stricter rules got rid of the NARPers

>t. idiotic Millennial

This is exactly what someone who has not fought in a war would say. Wish they were dropped in the battlefield and then shot like the whimpy bitches they are.

Yes, because that's why soldiers make the ultimate sacrifice: to protect off-topic shitposting on Veeky Forums.

>waaah, it's not what it used to be ;_;

Point is that someone says "If I could I would nuke the jews" promptly forgetting the dire conditions of civilians during WWII

You say you want nazi mod... but you'll regret it 100%

>the thalmor are after the towers
Glad I got redpilled eventually.

Yes, because that's exactly what WWII-era anti-semitism was about: encouraging off-topic bait threads to drown out all actual discussions of traditional games.

All of those are true, OP.

Except the GURPS one.

>namefagging for no reason in a random thread

Fuck you, I'm stealing your name.

/pol/ does most certainly not get better moderation. It's just easier to remove non-politics stuff than it is to remove non-Veeky Forums stuff.

The real issue is that Veeky Forums is not in unanimous agreement over what should be on Veeky Forums. So stronger moderation is not possible unless we want more constant complaining like we see from questfags for everything that gets kicked out for being obviously non-Veeky Forums but has been here for a while.

Quests should be open across the site, and then restricted based on board-by-board basis back to Quest. That's all I have to say on the matter.

Alright, here's my case FOR a Nazi-mod, assuming they would actually be as bad as you say:

A Nazi-mod is subject to rules, shitposters aren't. Additionally there'd be unanimous hatred towards him, which would get the board united under one flag for once. Basically, the taking care of the cure after we've taken care of the sickness would be better.

Unfortunately, the group promptly fell apart when the girl dropped because of scheduling, and Oddball dropped because he's running for mayor of the town(I'm not even joking, he's running for mayor as a left-wing politician in a right-wing town, planning to "disincorporate.")

>A Nazi-mod is subject to rules

No they are not. In fact, they're so NOT subject to rules that complaining about moderation, the lack thereof, or the inappropriate application of which, is a bannable offense.

But if you disagree, tell me, feel free to tell me these mythical rules of moderation.

The problem with Veeky Forums moderators has always been that they have almost zero accountability, which is great when they do things you like, and terrible when they do things you don't like.

>Tolkien is boring as fuck
Who the fuck even says that beside kids who have never read anything more ambitious than Harry Potter? I was always under impression that 99% of Veeky Forums loves Tolkien, or at least has a fair respect for him

>only play a character of your gender
>3.5E casters are balanced
>murderhobos are bad
>spears aren't good adventurer weapons

This, I also followed it closely? Have it never took off?

>Veeky Forums has taken a drastic downhill turn since the election year
It's just the internet in general.

At least anything outside of particularly niche spaces, like the Morrowind subreddit or something.

>casters are not better than you

>biting the Wayne bait
Dude it's been like a month or something.

Just because everybody on Veeky Forums likes something, doesn't make it interesting. Just because Tolkien is famous, doesn't make his work interesting.

The GURPS one is doubly true

I find it hard to believe that a whole community liking something could at the same time repeatedly tell and convince OP that it's boring.

See here: I swear, I'm half thinking my legacy should be finding a way to Shitpost that thread into oblivion.

Atlantis Atlantis Atlantis!
Maybe not Atlantis?
So, if not Atlantis, then....Unknown Armies!!!

Yes, truly top-tier.

Combat vet here. I'd like to have a "Nazi" mod that nukes bait, meme, /pol/, and other off topic shit. In addition you can fuck off with wishing conflict and death on innocent people. Crap like your attitude does nothing good for the world. Go back to /k/ if you want to cry over wars you never got to play hero in.

Are we talking about the same nazi mod that saved Veeky Forums from drowning in a never-ending flood of furry porn and anime threads?

Fuckin rest in peace
Such a good idea too :*( the world will never know

>Veeky Forums has taken a drastic downhill turn since the election year
Veeky Forums has taken a drastic downhill turn since the election, or a little before.
You know what I think it is? Demography. Back when I was younger, first starting out as a lurker... Lo, t'was more than ten years ago... I was an edgy teenager, and part of the counterculture. The counterculture was broadly a left-wing supposedly-nonconformist pseudoanarchy thing. The Veeky Forums corner was a nihilistic, jaded version. The guy in the rebel base who looks like the French Resistance agent, smokes wearily and says "well, why not, we're all going to die anyway."
We forget how much cultural difference a decade makes. The counterculture has found itself swinging the other way. It's right wing, authoritarian (either on a large scale by loving Trump, or a small scale by favouring armed homesteading over collectivism) and very conformist in an open way. A lot of the irony has drained out of Veeky Forums's racism, and now the weary rebel has been replaced by an eager bully.
Veeky Forums is worse now, because what we're with isn't "it" and what is "it" is strange and scary to us.
It'll happen to the newfags too, in time.

timely (read: any) enforcement of existing rules =/= stricter rules

It'll swing back again too, given time. Veeky Forums is like a woman, cyclical, unforgiving, prone to stealing shit and pissing, bitching, and bleeding everywhere.

Sometimes she has tits, other times she must get the fuck out.
So was it written, so always shall it be.

You know 4cham has changed when a thread about goth culture is filled with people claiming goths and punks are hard conservatives and even as teens loved the Republican Party.

>ITT nostalgic newfags from 2014 reminisce about a mythic age that never existed, when Veeky Forums was an even more left-leaning version of Reddit.

Nah, it was an utter shithole, with even more shitposting than now, but it was a quality shithole because everyone was used to being on /b/, and knew how to ignore bait.

It wasn't left leaning in the sense of identity politics (which also hadn't blossomed into stage 4 cultural cancer). It was very liberal, and much more collectivist/anarchist.
As the other user says, it was a shithole. It was just my kind of shithole.

2006 actually, when Veeky Forums was full of "lol u 2 xD" and I could still access it at school because the network admin had no idea what it even was.

I've seen more than a few people claim, with all apparent seriousness, that Tolkien was more groundbreaking for fantasy as a genre than he was good as a writer and a storyteller.

And to be honest, when I was a teenager, I more or less shared several of those opinions. There's a LOT going on in Tolkien under the surface, and if you're just reading it as an adventure novel to see the Good Guys play out their heroism and defeat the Bad Guys, there's better stuff out there.

To really appreciate LoTR, let alone the other stuff, you have to read it the way that a college professor wants you to read any given text with a dissecting knife, and that takes a lot of time and energy, which most people aren't going to put into their reading.

What is true is that GURPS is anti-fun. Maybe being an autist overgod who has been running GURPS for thirty years and knows all of the sourcebooks like some Quran scholar makes it as fun as Veeky Forums claims, but I'm not at that level and I hope that I will never reach that level.

Go to any veteran forum or Facebook group and you'll see a bunch of people jerking off into their open mouths about how amazing and brave they are, unlike those pussy civilians. Most of them ever saw combat, they were basically janitors with guns. I can also guarantee that they complained about their hours, pay, and everything else while they were enlisted because everyone does.

The military is an expensive joke, no need to idolize it, trust me. This is coming from a veteran.

why didn't tom just kill sauron????

>D&D 5 is great
i hate this meme and im glad whenn it will die in a few months

It made me go from indifferent to disliking 40k.

No, D&D is Just Ok. In fact, that's why it sells. It's so utterly middle of the road bland D&D that it's become the quickest possible intro to the hobby, and that's what's making it sell to normies. It's the most Milquetoast Edition ever.

The one benefit from this is that eventually you get tired of it and move on to better games.

Look everyone on tg hated it as it cames out, but as it was widely accepted that it is bad ( and it still is) people got tired of hating it and trolls started to push it. Now lots of people "like" it. The truth is most people on tg doesent even play d&d they just like to argue with other neckbeards.

Wait what? Are you saying that the Thalmor aren't actually trying to unmake Mundus?

>Tolkien is Art
>GURPS is good for everything
>D&D 5e is bad
>Sandboxes are lazy unfocused trash

That's not really accurate at all. 5e was fairly well received here when it came out