EDH/Commander General /edhg/

"""wake up you lazy FUCKS""" (and fuck discordfags)(also don't make me make an OP on phone it's shit) Edition

Last Thread: RESOURCES

>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.
Thread Question:
Thoughts on decks with self-imposed building limits i.e. pauper, peasant, all cards are sub $1 etc.

Other urls found in this thread:


>90% meta
I hate all this "%" meta bullshit. It doesn't tell you anything about the power level of decks. 90% what, skeleton ship? What's the 10% you are missing?

I understand that usually when people say "75%" they mean not competitive and not craw wurm.dec, but the number that comes before the % doesn't really have any meaning that you could communicate.
I wish someone would come up with a better term, as is we get asshats that say they have an 86% deck and get upset when you can't gauge whatever their power level is when you want to play.

I assumed everyone knew what it meant, I don't personally use it but I thought I'd use whatever autism edhg is accustomed to.
What I mean is "our decks have almost all the cards we need except for a few very expensive cards we haven't gotten around to buying yet"
Calm your chromosomes fagot

I don't understand the percentage at all. I would assume that they're talking about the stupid "synergy percentage" edhrec gives, but I have no idea how is it counted and how is it relevant.
Only way to see a deck's powerlevel is to know the decklist

Also the way I interpret it is >how many cards/100 are sub optimal in the deck
At my lgs when we sit down and play we ask (roughly translated) "how autistic (or how county) is your deck?"

How cunty*

>using a thread topic as a name
Jesus Christ dude.

>I assumed everyone knew what it meant
Then please, enlighten me. What is the difference between a 90% deck and a 92% deck? What about an 82.46% deck?

Does it matter what the general or actual power of the deck is? Is it just a measure of how much money you pour in?
Or doess the number before the % hold no real fucking meaning whatsoever, which is what I was saying. Whatever % you give tells us nothing, just something along the lines of "it's not FCT and it's not draft chaff".

Synergy Percentage is simple. Take the percentage of decks with a certain commander and a certain card, subtract the percentage of decks with the color combo and that card. Rhys the Redeemed has +55% synergy with Parallel Lives, with 83% representation, which means that while 83% of Rhys decks run the card, only 28% of Selesnya decks do.

The percentages get stupid if you do anything besides 75% and 90%, yeah.

But I see 90% often as a way to say it's almost competitive, but just doesn't have the really $$$ stuff.

And yeah, it's money. (Although a 90% Skeleton Ship deck is a bad joke.)

Isn't the whole concept of 75% edh decks bs? They will slaughter casual decks but will get absolutely wrecked by actual competitive decks. I feel like the people who play them have never gone up against comp decks before and think their friend's Narset is god tier.

Literally Vintage singleton.
As above, but not including anything on the price tier of, say, Tabernacle.
Made room for a some pet cards that are still good, both in a vacuum and in the deck, but may not be perfectly optimal. May have one or two self-imposed restrictions, e.g. "No MLD."
Usually wants to win in a particular way, e.g. grinding Oloro instead of (insert Esper combo here), that isn't optimal. Probably doesn't run MLD.
Slightly tweaked precon

That's how I tend to read 'em.

>75% self restrictions
I should add "that aren't core to the strategy" there. So a 75% Daretti stax deck will almost certainly run MLD, but a 75% Isamaru aggro deck may not.

That's how it turns out most of the time. The proper way to play 75% decks is to actually have two decks with slight differences, one of which can compete at a high level, the other of which isn't quite as good or consistent, and to swap out the relevant cards based on table strength.

>the proper way to play 75% decks is to actually have two decks with slight differences, one of which can compete at a high level

Why not just use the same deck and make suboptimal choices when playing with a more casual group? Instead of a T1 Entomb for Iona or Norn into a T2 Animate Dead, why not go for an Acidic Slime and nail that player's who thinks he's good and always stacks his deck Sol Ring? Or something like that.

>Literally Vintage singleton.
With 40 shit cards. But with the current vintage banlist all the sweet decks are basically singleton already.

thoughts on vincent price and the sdcc promos? nissa and gideon are nice

>75% edh
what a retarded concept, why are people in EDH so fixated on maxing other people play shittier decks instead of improving their own or metaing stuff out?

If they aren't incredibly fragile I will be interested.

Pauper Commander plz no bully


How is Nettle Drone+Retraction Helix+Ornithopter infinite? You can tap to bounce or tap to do damage, but not both.

You need another enabler, like Impact Tremors or Golem Foundry. You can also bounce a 0 mana artifact like Tormod's crypt for Golem Foundry or Firebrand Archer

Also they only have Timetwister out of the P9, but have access to most of the broken vintage stuff besides that. People who play with actual competitive EDH paper decks are incredibly rare in my experience, which leads some people into thinking that their battlecruiser decks are competitive.

>Why not just use the same deck and make suboptimal choices
The point of a 75% deck is that you can still play all out rather than having to go with one hand tied behind your back.

Because not everyone wants to end up in the "stax to hell or t2/3 combo" wasteland of top-tier, tuned, cEDH. It's the exact same """"problem"""" casual has had since time immemorial, it's just that casualfags finally have a format to call home.

>look up random commanders on edhrec
>find this guy
>kind of want him for my collection
>the english version costs 15€

Well, the reserved list sure is...something.

Look up Angus Mackenzie.

Everybody has their own prefered way to play. The 75% thing is a meme but I think it's also the way that I've played EDH for many years. Total casual games end in clogged board states that stall out the game and truly competitive games usually end extremely fast. I'm on board with the 75% people in wanting games where each deck is trying to do some things while also bringing disruption and win conditions (casuals don't) but not using the most brutal win conditions.

They look retarded because the artwork is at an angle instead of being normal to the card frame.

Yeah, the panorama looks much better thanks to being head-on

rofl what kinda of fake money is that lmao

>Thoughts on decks with self-imposed building limits
please dont
>all cards are sub $1
thats not a bad thing at all most of my decks are like that, but for the most part self imposed limits are going to make unplayable decks

>Thoughts on decks with self-imposed building limits i.e. pauper, peasant, all cards are sub $1 etc.
retarded imo. its sorta fun to brew the deck but actually playing with it is boring as fuck and never any good. id rather just do 200 dollar budget deck and actually have room for fun and strong cards that actually give me the ability to win. i will say though that some mono red decks like zada or krenko can be put together for cheap and are still good which is the one minor exception to the rule

Hey, OP, you put your thread title in as your name, you know that?

>Self-imposed challenges
Not a fan of Pauper Commander. I know the big point is budget/accessibility but in addition to having expensive cards that make competitive decks run rares also have most of the bizarre effects that make less-than-competitive decks fun. Especially when you also ban uncommons, it's hard to do more than a couple interesting things, most efforts will end up as bad "goodstuff".

Total budget and/or budget-per-card is more fulfilling. Depending on the numbers it will often force you to leave the typical "Safe"choices behind, but magic has such a vast cardpool that there's a lot of impactful, entertaining shit that has never commanded much of a price. Try these deckbuilding rules on for size

>Normal commander
>Total deck, including your commander, must weigh in at $100 or less
>No single card in your 99 can cost more than $5
>It bears repeating: your Commander is exempted from per card price limit but your deck must still be inside the whole-deck limit with whatever your commander costs

End result: You can play (pretty much) whatever commander you want. The budget limit is pretty tight; you'll be able to splurge in a couple places but you'll have to carefully choose where, and a lot of top-level cards are going to be barred to you so get creative.

Veeky Forums EDH General Discord

Besides the Nest of Scarabs and Blowfly Infestation how else do I win with The Scorpion God.
I threw Tree of Perdition and Master of Cruelties to help a bit.
More combos that work with counters and creatures would be cool.

The list is for the "mid tier" of my group that exclusively plays multiplayer (3-5 players)
2 Players are building the other two bettergods so this needs to compete with those playstyles the most.


is scorp less consistant than hapatra? I feel that without that giant fear of having a board of death touchers, it wouldnt be as strong

You can run Sorin Markov.

Resolve a Rise of the Dark Realms.

fuck off

75% is the only term that has been widely adopted and the goons in this thread don't seem to understand it.


Any other percentage people are throwing around in this thread other than 75% or 100% is just fabricated bullshit.

Tbqh I would and probably will build Hapatra

The main thing Scorp has on Hapa is he turns control into card advantage which is kind of my thing.

Forgot about Sorin but I need to lower the curve of the deck a bit as it is.

why are you all so buttblasted about discord?

someone in a previous thread was talking about making Sek'kuar scorp and hapatra, with both black/green black/red wither cards.
wonder if its good

That would be perfect in my more casual group but I already have Jund and don't have a golgari or Rakdos deck.

Don't even open that can of worms. This thread can't contain his autism.

Run more hate cards.

I'm serious, Rakdos has access to quite a lot of cards that will slap down certain strategies. Erebos or Forsaken Wastes nukes life gain, Stranglehold nukes turns and tutors. Omen Machine or Possessed Portal will turn off drawing (and with it the Locust God) while Eater of the Dead is simply my janky fave out of black's surprisingly robust selection of grave hate for fun and profit. Scorpion God can operate under some fairly oppressive conditions, so get out there and oppress!

I mean you could just run basic combo shit. Mikaeus and triskelion or sanguine bond + exquisite blood can go in any black deck.

>one of which can compete at a high level, the other of which isn't quite as good or consistent, and to swap out the relevant cards based on table strength.
This is what I do with my Melek deck. I've got like ~25 cards sleeved, ready to swap in for various power levels.

I am pretty sure I have one just sitting in trade fodder, that isn't a bad idea but I have to lower the curve of this deck and I am not sure where to fit Rise in.

Mikaeus is a bit out of the price range for the deck or I would. Sang and Exq are too boring these days and this deck doesnt really gain life.
Thanks though.

Yeah I was originally going to build Mogis Groupslug but then Scorp King was dropped. That looks like a fun idea. I have a Grafdigger's Cage and Torpor orb sitting around too. Slowing them down may be a good play

>The 75% thing is a meme but I think it's also the way that I've played EDH for many years. Total casual games end in clogged board states that stall out the game and truly competitive games usually end extremely fast. I'm on board with the 75% people in wanting games where each deck is trying to do some things while also bringing disruption and win conditions (casuals don't) but not using the most brutal win conditions.
This. There's definitely a sweet spot where things are happening but the entire table isn't just sitting on counters to stop everyone else from immediately combo'ing out to win.

>thread question
Pauper and peasant are so restrictive that they work against themselves. There are only so many decent ways to win a game with those restrictions so they become homogenized or total trash.

Blocks are a more thematic way to limit a deck. I have a Scion of the Ur Dragon deck made exclusively from Time Spiral block cards and that means that is seriously low power compared to conpetitive or "75%" decks but is fun to play and has some powerful cards. I think the next deck I build like this will be Gisa and Geralf and include cards from both Innistrad blocks. Friends of mine have a Kamigawa block deck, a Ravnica and Reten to Ravnica deck, and a Weatherlight deck that is restricted to only Dominaria/Weatherlight-crew related cards and they're all also low power but cohesive. It's a much better theme than one based on price.

Is there a cheaper cmc version of open the vaults? I think replenish exists but its only for enchantments right? is there one for artifacts?

For artifacts, off the top of my head is Scrap mastery. A bit more niche then open the vault as it removes your current field.

Alright friends, I plan on building a powerful Neheb mono-red deck, and I'm in the process of ordering some cards for it.

I already have a caged sun, but I plan on picking up a gauntlet of power, a Fork, a Reiterate, and a combustible gearhulk. I cracked a comet storm way back whatever modern masters that was, and I have a bunch of generic red cards, but are there any mana sinks I should think about getting my hands on? Budget really isn't an issue, but if a single is over $50, I'm going to have to think real hard about it.

All I want to do is get secret commander hidestugu put with Neheb, nuke everyone's life, then immediately blow them up with a fuck-huge spell.

make sure you have a backup plan in case neheb gets meddling mage'd or nevermore'd
heartless works as a decent backup plan but make sure you can close out a game without your commander
that being said you can include a lot of storm support cards + extra combat cards (including the two that go infinite with neheb) and then run past in flames
im building the same deck my first few runs with the prototype didnt go so well because I have a loud mouth and people hate playing against storm so I got hated out really fast

Bonfire of the Damned, Doubling Cube and a bunch of extra combat turns would be worth looking at.

Get all the red copy spells and more X spells.

What are some good Scarab God zombie mill/control cards?

>Isn't the whole concept of 75% edh decks bs?
in the whole "playable against every deck" type of way yes, it gets absolutely trounced by competitive tables and instant archenemy against craw wurm tables
that being said 75% decks where you do not abuse tutors/ad naus/ doomsday/ hermit druid/ candelabra etc. are much more fun to play imho
though I still keep a turn 3 viable selvala deck around because cEDH is actually super fun in small doses

undead alchemist

I think Mono-Brown Neheb might actually be the best bet, particularly since I have a Blighsteel, Goblin Welder, Darietti, and a Doubling Cube just lying around. That way I can actually use the mana for something, though I'm not sure what at this point. I'm a reanimator/ramp into value kind of guy, so this is a little uncharted territory for me, despite having a pretty stalwart feldon deck. I have literally no idea how storm works, other than "cast a bunch of shit then dragonstorm" or what have you, and that doesn't really seem like my schtick.

Now seize the day is already going in there, because it's far too spicy not to, and I'm planning on running Flamerush Rider with a bunch of Eldrazi Titans/Bane of Bala Ged to cause all sorts of fuckery, and perhaps hamletback goliath and a few fling cards so I can dump a bunch of red mana into something cheap with firebreathing, then instagib someone who isn't paying attention. I already have past in flames and hellkite charger, though I can't say I've used either card.

Bonfire of the damned seems fantastic, and I'm looking into getting Hour of Devastation to use with Blasphemous Act and Arcbond for all sorts of fuckery. I just can't see this deck winning in a multiplayer game, unless I do it all at once in one turn, because in order to do damage to people, I need a threatening board. Maybe rouge's passage and the like can help me out a bit.

If I do wind up going the artifact route, I could always set up an MLD lock, using Neheb to generate all the mana I need with Darietti as backup, but that seems kind of... cheesy.

Where does tasigur sit on the power scale for commanders? I pulled one the other day and i'd love to build him but i dont know how much hate he would draw or if it could handle being arch enemy all the time.

BUG is top tier, objectively the best colour combination. Recursion is also fantastic, and having him in the commandzone is a sure sign you want to combo off.

So, to answer your question, somewhere between Zur/Narset and Iona.

Build him as shaman tribal. You'll be fine.

I know custom cards and their makers are supposed to stay in their containment thread and usually I respect that but those threads hardly exist anymore and I need some feedback on this particular card

This was made in made for something like a Commander precon, fairly strong because it can't be used anywhere but EDH, meant to give a tribe that's fairly decent the support it needs (like what C17 is going for).

Mono green to restrictive to be a proper Treefolk Commander or do you think the beatdown would be good enough?

who actually plays her as a commander?

well at least it sucks
as far as I can tell you cant abuse those triggers very easily or at all, maybe with smokestacks
the requirement to turn them into attackers is pretty high too desu
also 6 mana

>the vast
what relationship does she have with kaalia?

>Mono green to restrictive to be a proper Treefolk Commander
We got our first GB Treefolk in Apocalypse, and when we got treefolk as a proper tribe it was GWB. Treefolk are Abzan.

Dedicated Mono White Stax with Iona, Linvala, Hokori, Eidolon of Rhetoric, Thalia.

It's a pretty casual playgroup that's looking into custom commanders, I didn't make it to be the most cutthroat I could.

It was meant to be in relation to the spreading of forests and treefolk into a vast new ecosystem of killer trees

>Dedicated Mono White Stax with Iona, Linvala, Hokori, Eidolon of Rhetoric, Thalia.
yeah but who in their right mind would put her in the command zone?

Stay in your containment board with your horribly designed cards.

>Thoughts on decks with self-imposed building limits i.e. pauper, peasant, all cards are sub $1 etc.

I mean, that's fine if you want to do it, and I'll pull out my weaker, jankier decks at first. But I'm not always gonna want to play those, so if you don't have something that can keep up, don't get mad. And I'm not even talking tier 1, just like, good tribal shit.

Is that the actual art? That looks like fucking garbage.

So the percentage is entirely reliant on your commander and the amount of people play it? Doesn't that mean that for example 100% Experiment Kraj decks still don't function without the commander and are doomed to get all the shit cards that are reliant on your commander to work, such as Novijen Sages?
Or other comanders for that matter?

I feel that the greatest self-imposed challenge is building the deck true to flavor or some originally unimpressive gimmick, which will turn even the 20+$ into something mediocre, but I'm all for that

>So, to answer your question, somewhere between Zur/Narset and Iona.

>between Zur/Narset and Iona.

So it falls somewhere between almost the best and almost the worst?


That's not even a dig, it's just a better place to post this stuff.

It's an idiot's choice to play a powerful deck in a casual table intentionally badly. It's retarded to intentionally make dumb as fuck plays, like playing with a narset and leaving all extra turn or combat cards in exile.
I'd rather play an unoptimal Lammasu tribal deck than tie my shoelaces together for a marathon

Yes, if you go on EDHREC both percentages rely on the commander. Let's use your example. Experiment Kraj has 324 decks on tapped out. Novijen Sages is in 99 out of those decks, or ~30.55%, rounded up to 31%. Novijen Sages is only in around 4% of all analyzed Simic decks, on the other hand, so its synergy with Kraj is 31-4, or 27%. On the other hand, Cytoplast Manipulator is in 75% of Kraj decks and only 7% of Simic decks, for a synergy of 68%. It also works the other way around. Coiling Oracle is in 21% of Kraj decks but a full 48% of Simic decks, so its synergy with Kraj is -27%, which means Simic decks like it, but Kraj doesn't.

Money that has more Value than the dollar :^)

Says the guy with toilet paper in his wallet

>he has cotton toilet paper
What the fuck.


I took a control approach. With almost 1/5 of the deck being wraths, you can just smash people ftw.

>playing a fucking 9 drop in a command zone that can't even be cheated in because of command zone
>stax playing 9 drops even at all
What's with everyone saying that "card x is a stax card", even though the card never fits in any real stax build. Just because the card says "your opponents cannot x", doesn't make the card a stax card.

Is there a place where I can download Xmage EDH decks?
And what would be a good deck to get a feel for EDH (on Xmage)?


I have a Kruphix deck made (and I love to play)

I made a Zurgo, Helmsmasher voltron/boardwipe deck, played it twice and took it apart.

I made an Anafenza, the Foremost counters matter/rally deck, played it 4 times, took it apart.

I'm thinking about Vial-Smasher//Kydele or Thrasios? Will it be different enough from Kruphix? Or should I do Keranos?

Well, that's fucking stupid

Nah man they look really sweet actually

No it's not.

what are you trying to say
how is that adding to this conversation
what does that dragon have to do with any of this aside from the fact its a white commander who does staxish things?
who in their right mind is going to play Iona in the command zone?

Pics or it didn't happen.


I have a nigger roommate to pick it for me

How is it good? It enforces shit tier deckbuilding, not to mention that garbage deck is garbage, even if it's "100%"

Only if you assume that the average magic player is bad at magic, which makes no sense.

>Only if you assume that the average magic player is bad at magic
>which makes no sense.
Oh honey...

No, I assume that average /edhg/ poster is bad at magic, so it makes perfect sense. I have never seen anyone talking about percentages besides here

Yeah. The average magic player is average at magic. That's how averages work.
EDHREC doesn't look at edhg.
You're saying that EDHREC enforces a loop of bad deckbuilding, which assumes that it starts with bad deckbuilding. Which it doesn't. You're not going to find any sleeper OP cards on EDHREC, but you'll find the average.