Exalted General - /exg/

What is Exalted?
An epic high-flying role-playing game about reborn god-heroes in a world that turned on them.
Start here: theonyxpath.com/category/worlds/exalted/

>That sounds cool, how can I get into it?
Read the 3e core book (link below). For mechanics of the old edition, play this tutorial: mengtzu.github.io/exalted/sakuya.html
. It’ll get you familiar with most of the mechanics.

>Gosh that was fun. How do I find a group?
Roll20 and the Game Finder General here on Veeky Forums.

Resources for Third Edition
>3E Core and Splats

>Arms of the Chosen Previews
dropbox.com/s/15xddoahzedtkwu/Arms of the Chosen Preview.docx?dl=0

>Dragonblooded Charm Previews:

>Other Ex3 Resources

>Resources for Older Editions

New NPCs and a Behemoth rework

Other urls found in this thread:


A question to hopefully get the thread going: have you guys ever visited Malfeas in your games? How did you or your ST present the weirdness of that place?

There was one time a silent choir drahhed a screaming demon through the streets, skinned the demon alive, and the demons in hell thought we were odd for staring at it.

Bumping with the newest version of Broken Worlds; I'm sure someone who looks at OP's pic will want it.

so I'm not sure if I'm remembering right but in 3e there are charms to become a raveing war beast right? what was the name of them again, and any suggestions how to mix into combat since I think they were simple or something limiting like both can't be turned on at the same time.

You mean Bloodthirsty Sword Dancer Spirit? Usually players spend the first round powering up, activating form charms, and the like.

>have you guys ever visited Malfeas in your games? How did you or your ST present the weirdness of that place?

Yes, and I'm the forever GM. Oddly enough, they just got back from Malfeas a little bit ago. So, here's what happened.

Player had a Lunar (2E rules), total combat monster, biggest one in the group by a mile. Big fuckoff MA Lunar with claws and all that shit. Ends up fucking up at a critical moment because he decides not to perfect. Now, I'm not a hardass, I don't try to rocket tag my players and they understand to not rocket tag back, because otherwise everything devolves to shit. But this was one of those "really should've perfect'd" sort of moments.

They're fighting during a big flood with a bunch of demons breaking loose and all of that bullshit. Turns out an Infernal is just making a big push in Creation, just wanting to wipe out a port town and fuck up trading for an entire region. So he's got sea monsters, demons, the whole works. Big ol' fuckin' sea monster swimming around, just breaking shit. Lunar goes full retard on it, with a bunch of shit. Tears the shit out of it, it understandably doesn't like that. So he gets eaten by a big serpent, more or less. Ton of damage because this thing could bite a building in half pretty easily. Ship eater kind of thing, you get the idea.

Now, here's the thing. The Lunar has a lot of shit, poison, whatever. Heavily invested into these claws. He actually wounded the serpent pretty heavily, so it's dying of poison and shit. Everyone else is busy with their own stuff (War units trying to stave off demon hordes, everyone else cowering in those War units). So no one's kept track of the Lunar who fucked off to go punch a sea monster to death.

End of battle comes...Shit! Where's the Lunar? Did he die? Is it even possible for the guy to die?

So, while everyone else was busy fighting, they kinda lost track of the serpent. It fucked off back underwater, with the Lunar in it, glowing and pissed and...Totally unconscious. Because he hit Incap at the same time he got eaten. So hes sizzling in the stomach acid, but his natural regen Charms fix the acid damage. Life sucks, right?

Well, the serpent dies out at sea. Serpent was trying to reach the Infernal, who could've healed it to a small degree...If it didn't die of the Lunar's poison. So it basically got halfway, more or less. So the Infernal's like "Fuck, my big ship eating bastard died, let's go see what killed it". Since, y'know, it did make it partway back, maybe something could still be there? Maybe his enemies were using it as cover or something?

So he gives it a thorough checking, and finds, whats this? An Exalt in it's gullet. Lunar. Seeing it regenerate and get burned by the acid. So, hey, the Infernal decides FREEBIE time. Let's take you back to Malfeas, since my plans seem to have gone to shit, maybe my crazy masters will like something to kick around for a while, if this guy's resilient ass is any indication, they'll have something to play with.

2 years pass. Not IRL, I mean, in game.

Now, a bit more on the Lunar. The Lunar was in cahoots with another player's character, in both plans and romance. All over each other, you know the type. So this player's character (who is also an Infernal, though of course she didn't exactly explain that to them) is losing her shit. Where's her boyfriend Lunar? How could he die? Is he even dead? There's no body! Since, by this point, the Lunar had the reputation of being the biggest, toughest, strongest, whateveringest motherfucker around, since, all things considered, he was actually built almost as well as you could make a Lunar. So he was a total brick shithouse and the players were generally convinced the guy was as unkillable as could be without the game resorting to rocket tag levels of absurd damage.

But seeing as none of them could figure out what the fuck happened to the guy, they just assumed he was dead. Investigation was not their strong point, both in the literal sense and in the Ability sense. So they decide what they want to do with this port since they basically fended off a demon invasion (lot of collateral, but it happens), so they go to work fixing it up, instating themselves as whatever, etc.

So I just handwave 2 years. Thats about what it'd take to get their plans up and running, the place all fixed up, etc. Many rolls were had. Just the usual Exalted downtime, you guys know the drill.

And thats when the Infernal lady gets a message one day. Now, her character had been in mourning the whole time, she legitimately loved the Lunar. But she was playing up the whole "Oh woe is me my hubby is dead" etc angle, which is funny, because they weren't married at all, and at one point the Lunar totally scorned her by banging the bajeezus out of some NPC chick who claimed she was nobility because he was a failed noble striving for some legitimacy. But she got over it, just in time for him to "die". Except...He wasn't dead.

That's the one, I'm still a bit new at this so simple charms have been making the flow of combat a bit odd to me at times

She, like any good Infernal, had contacts in Malfeas. And one of them stumbled across something she might be interested in. An Exalted slave...For sale. Wait, what? Slave? Exalt? For sale? Ok, thats...Not too uncommon. They did it with Dragonblooded all the time, because fuck those guys, right? But this was different. She got a description of this one. And it matched someone she knew very dearly.

So of course, she did the smartest thing she could. And ran right off to Hell all by herself, to go grab what she believes is her beau. She's an Infernal, so she knew a few ways to get in an out, and off she went on her merry way, full of piss and vinegar and mind racing with lovely thoughts of her now raging murder/vengeance boner.

So she gets to Malfeas, and this is the first time she's formally "been" there, like, during "On screen" time. So I'm going over the burning electric neon haze that was the sky, the arid sands that reminded her of the deserts that seemed everywhere, the patinas of rust and rot everywhere, the corroded metals. Basically, a fairly rusty and unkempt looking place overall, and the throngs of...Everything.

See, Malfeas is alive. Not just in a literal sense, but it's where demons live. And not just demons, it's a place others come to get things they couldn't get anywhere else...If they're powerful or canny enough to get in and negotiate for safety. So we've got a few mortal sorcerers, some willing, some not, we've got Dragonblooded here shopping the Hellmarkets, whatever. Dangerous people in dangerous places doing dangerous things is a theme here, but it's "orderly" enough, in it's own way. And so it is she makes it to the markets where this slave was being held. And she finds out slaves in Malfeas aren't exactly the best kept things-Especially when they're Exalt's. And Exalt's known for regenerating.

She finds him in absolute shambles. Hung in a rotting iron cage suspended by a chain of brass, with strange chains wrapped around him personally, wedges of brass melted into the back of his legs. Yes, melted. Same on his wrists, fused into the flesh. His eyes? Gone, replaced with brass balls. Ears? Spikes of bronze, melted in to stopper them. He was deaf, blind, and hobbled, in such a way even his natural regeneration (ie: the regular Exalt kind, not the Lunar kind) wouldn't let him recover really. Malnourished in the extreme, and basically damn near dead as he could be.

They like their slaves docile, you see, and whoever spent time breaking him in was damn thorough.

And before him is the current owner of this slave, who, unknown to the player, only very recently came into acquisition of this one. Of course, she didn't do the smart thing, like, I don't know, try to bargain, or question this slave keeper. Nope. Went straight to full retard. Opened right up with her Charms in a crowded, multi-level, spiraling underground marketplace that was described from the onset as looking much like a burnished copper drill bit twisting down into the hellscape of desert and rust.

Everything around her goes fucking nuts. Because of the Charms she used, I forget which exactly, but it sent the demons literally running in fear, and she tried to murder the sales girl. Which didn't work out as well as she expected, because she ran like fuck and got herself lost in the tide of screeching, running demons, causing chaos in this entire section of Malfeas. She literally began a riot, in Hell.

Sometimes players don't really think things through very well, I've noticed. Then again, she was a follower of good ol' Aku-I mean, Ebon Dragon, so she didn't really give a shit, and the ol' ED was probably rubbing one out to the mess she made by this doing this.

Anyway, she grabbed her "hubby" (again, they're not married in game or out) and ran.

Did they get out with no problem? Will all of this have repercussions, or is it just another day in Hell, with the strong doing what they will, just as they should?

>Did they get out with no problem?

Yes, because by making everything in the area flee, it created a clusterfuck of a traffic jam/riot, more or less. You had the demons fleeing in literal terror due to the charm, crashing into the wall of demons just outside the radius wondering why everything was going bugfuck crazy and there was a living tide of demonic flesh trying to stampede over them.

>Will all of this have repercussions


>or is it just another day in Hell, with the strong doing what they will, just as they should?

Also yes.

Okay this is a good place for me to ask mine. For the life of me I cant find the book that details how to get to malfeas from creation or back over, how do infernals move back and forth?

So, what's everyone's new favorite part of the beefed-up creation and why is it the Dreaming Sea?

They walk for for five days usually

>Rich will not even say there is a good possibility they will get Arms out by August
>has a shitfit when someone just wants text

How hard is it to get shit art of artifacts into the book? Nobody gives a shit about the art because its going to always be subpar.

when gsp says "MINE" they can probably get away with it.

on the other hand, anybody who owns a lunar should be big enough to kick up a fuss. I wouldn't expect anything less than a big 2nd or tiny 3rd circle to be allowed to keep it

and none of those guys are likely to hesitate to just roll right over a traffic jam to get it back


As someone who backed the original Kickstarter when they were 19 and just now got the Ivory Edition at 24, I've learned to never underestimate how much time and how much teehpulling-like pain it takes getting any crunch from the crew

theres a ton of ways in and the infernals have an innate power to sense them(like how solars know what time it is) so they can almost always just handwave trivially finding one.

other exalts may have a bit more trouble tracking down an entrance. either way it's a 5 day journey minimum (regardless of speed) cecelene can stretch this out indefinately for noninfernals but probably doesn't, although noninfernals might or might not get lost for a bit on their own

Monday meeting notes comments.

Bro, that wasn't a shitfit at all, he explained why they wouldn't give out the raw text to people. He's thrown shitfits before but don't misrepresent people just because you don't like them.

>How hard is it to get shit art of artifacts into the book?
I'd guess more difficult then we think given that one of the artists for artifacts in the core literally stole art from soul caliber

A five day journey just in general? Like pick a direction and start walking and five days later they're there?

In RY672, a Wyld Hunt Terrestrial unit was sent to prison by a Court of the Realm for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Lookshy underground. Today, still wanted by the Realm, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire... The Jade Team.

>and none of those guys are likely to hesitate to just roll right over a traffic jam to get it back

Well, it did create a riot, like I said. She used the confusion to escape, pretty much, because by that point you had about a thousand demons turning the street into a mosh pit.

>on the other hand, anybody who owns a lunar should be big enough to kick up a fuss. I wouldn't expect anything less than a big 2nd or tiny 3rd circle to be allowed to keep it

Not that any of my players know this (partly because instead of talking, the Infernal player went full retard), but he's been kicked around Malfeas for a bit those two years. The original owner was the Infernal that captured him from the dead serpents stomach. She tortured the shit out of the Lunar for a good while since her plains got wrecked by them, coming up with the melted metal idea to keep him hobbled. Eventually she tired of the idea, and sold him off. He mostly got beat on and tortured for the rest of the time, until falling into the hands of the current Infernal who had him, before finally ending up in player hands.


Plans. Fuck.

The more I look into this, the more I realize how terrible it is.

Yeah, I liked your work way better. Oh wait...

It's based on Dungeon World, so that's what you're feeling.
Interestingly enough, this is actually BETTER than regular Dungeon World, so there's that at least...

The mantle of brigid disappeared along with the empress in the default state of things right?

Does anyone have an Exalted or Exalted-adjacent art collection hovering about?

If I ever get around to running an Exalted game I was considering using this instead. Looks kind of fun.

Anybody got any tips about how to play a solar in 3ewho's main method of fighting could be described with "just as planned" ? so far I have looked at the brawl charms that allow you to store initiative and then burn it later and stunting that as a sort of while they were fighting it was mostly maneuvering them into this pre planned hit. any other charms that help with that or would stunting have to be my way or going about?

Fuck her even having that thing in the first place. Artifacts like that shouldn't be in the hands of NPC's. That was a shit thing for them to do.

Does anyone have advice for designing Evocations? I wanted my Solar focusing on Medicine and Sorcery to use Wood Dragon Claws as a weapon, and I noticed having them as a Control meant I could take Evocations for them.

Only problem is I suck at designing Evocations and I'm unsure what to do with them.



(not canon anymore but fuck OPP. Magi-tech First Age is awesome)



Dope. Seem like good places to start. Thanks.


It's really not, trust me.

Do you have a story to support, or are you just shitposting?


Personal experience, but nothing particularly remarkable. The group tried it out for a session, and it went okay, but it was a lot less fun than we hoped it would be and we never played it again.
At the end of the night, we all agreed that we'd either use Mutants and Masterminds or Legend of the Wulin the next time we wanted to ply a k6bd rpg.

I post shit here all the time. Just lurk the thread, check some past ones too in the archives. Or ask for stuff, I can see if I got anything that matches what you ask for.

So no real reason except "it didn't jive with my group." Appreciate the warning I guess, but every group is different, so I'm probably going to try it anyway.

I was asking for galleries mostly because I didn't have anything in particular in mind. I'm new to the setting and think it's rad, and am mostly looking for inspirational stuff to give me ideas and help me grasp what it really feels likes in my head.

Speaking of art, can I get some images of what you'd consider artifact weapons? I have a game starting sunday, and I'm bashing my face into my keyboard trying to find inspiration right now.

















>what you'd consider artifact weapons?

ornate, oversized and overcompensating



Oh right, better write out paragon this edition since artifacts are for PC's only and can never be used to make for more interesting deadly NPC's right

>Picture of a Grand Grimcleaver

Got any more "kinda-sorta humans" like that image? I'm looking for a sorcerer character who went deep into self modification.

Don't pretend there isn't a stark dfiference between giving a mortal a control staff to explain his position of power in one city of Creation, and giving the Empress of the Realm an ultra powerful sorcery artifact when she sits already behind more defenses and other bullshit than nearly anyone else in Creation.

The Empress doesn't "need" this artifact, and giving it to her was a mistake of previous editions (2E possibly? I don't ever recall 1E shoving such a powerful thing into her hands). Having it "mysteriously disappear" separately from her too is also an asspull. It should just be an artifact that is free for people (mostly GM's) to use without having to come up with a contrived explanation as to how it got from the Empress to wherever it is now, because the default assumption given her canon reason for disappearing is "ED kidnapped her", which means it'd have to go from the Empress to ED to where the fuck ever from there.

Given that multiple attempts have been made on the empress's life, both from members of the realm and lunars who made it all the way to her, I don't really get how she doesn't need it, let alone thats a dumb argument in the first place. Maybe she doesn't have it because she needs it, but because it makes sense that the empress who spent just under a millennium gathering power would probably have some pretty powerful artifacts on her person?
Also yes it first showed up in 1e, on the empress, and ED kidnapping is only the default if you're playing with morons.

Step up your game. Play a campaign where Solars returned but Empress didn't disappear. Go against united and competent Realm

How does Lookshy feel about Solars?

The Seventh Legion still follows a version of the Immaculate Philosophy, so Solars are Anathema, and Lookshy will make runs on killing them if it looks possible.

Wood Aspect my hairy asshole. That's an Abyssal right there.

something like this?

Are there larger versions of the map then this?

How do I play a Solar version of vid related in Exalted? I want to fix the setting by doing more than just kill the assholes ruining it.


Well I'm certianly don't have the time to watch a whole 30 minute video, but if the title is anything to go by then sorcery. Make up an imitation having to do with elemental/gaia and go around blessing the lands and so on.

Watch it when you do have time. It manages to be both Comfy and Moving at the same time.

It's good, got anything else?

Abyssal's aren't covered in roses man. It's a Wood Aspect. Don't forget they have life and death as part of their themes.

Depends on how kinda sorta you mean.

Some Lunar stuff can easily pass for modifications.


Speaking of Lunar stuff, this is my one and only image of a Chimera. Do you've anything you could post after?

Not that guy, but that line of thinking is just stupid. You don't have to make something of equal or greater quality to criticize or dislike something.

Well shit, I don't really have any Chimera. In all my years GMing, have never once used them.

Just the weird, sorcerous, transhumanism the, if you have any more.




