She finds him in absolute shambles. Hung in a rotting iron cage suspended by a chain of brass, with strange chains wrapped around him personally, wedges of brass melted into the back of his legs. Yes, melted. Same on his wrists, fused into the flesh. His eyes? Gone, replaced with brass balls. Ears? Spikes of bronze, melted in to stopper them. He was deaf, blind, and hobbled, in such a way even his natural regeneration (ie: the regular Exalt kind, not the Lunar kind) wouldn't let him recover really. Malnourished in the extreme, and basically damn near dead as he could be.
They like their slaves docile, you see, and whoever spent time breaking him in was damn thorough.
And before him is the current owner of this slave, who, unknown to the player, only very recently came into acquisition of this one. Of course, she didn't do the smart thing, like, I don't know, try to bargain, or question this slave keeper. Nope. Went straight to full retard. Opened right up with her Charms in a crowded, multi-level, spiraling underground marketplace that was described from the onset as looking much like a burnished copper drill bit twisting down into the hellscape of desert and rust.
Everything around her goes fucking nuts. Because of the Charms she used, I forget which exactly, but it sent the demons literally running in fear, and she tried to murder the sales girl. Which didn't work out as well as she expected, because she ran like fuck and got herself lost in the tide of screeching, running demons, causing chaos in this entire section of Malfeas. She literally began a riot, in Hell.
Sometimes players don't really think things through very well, I've noticed. Then again, she was a follower of good ol' Aku-I mean, Ebon Dragon, so she didn't really give a shit, and the ol' ED was probably rubbing one out to the mess she made by this doing this.
Anyway, she grabbed her "hubby" (again, they're not married in game or out) and ran.