Is Westeros a good setting?
Is Westeros a good setting?
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I actually think it's a great setting, though this was only after reading "A World of Ice and Fire."
It's reasonably well built. Everything is unique enough to be interesting but familiar enough to be accessible. There's a good amount of depth to most regions between the histories of the houses, but you're not going to gimp yourself by not having it memorized.
Yeah, pretty damn good.
The biggest strike against it will be if GRRM never finishes the series.
Yes, absolutely.
It's not really a problem that he'll never finish it because the setting is great as it is right now. It'll suck a bit when the show finishes it but we'll always be able to shrug off the shitty parts as stuff that was just invented for the show so it "doesn't really count."
No. Here's your (you).
There are a lot of problems with it, scale being completely fucked is the biggest, but the setting is pretty good for the most part.
Yeah but without a finished book series, it'll trail off and on 20 years the whole thing will be yet another fantasy also ran. Still a good world, but not really a classic and interest will fade over time.
Of course. Nobody would even disagree with you before Game of Thrones was released and contrarians started hating it.
I would like it more if the scope was limited to Westeros.
Don't get me wrong, Essos has cool stuff. The cooler stuff comes from there. But, the way it's written, so stereotypically orientalistic, it works better as "those other weird guys". Keep it mysterious, keep it as the source for colorful and weird dudes that it was for much of the series outside Daenerys chapters.
I think that Martin ruins it a little more every time he tries to give more details about them.
>you have to be contrarian to hate the later books or the tv show
>implying Pieman wasn't based
>not wanting to see Stannis BTFO Ramsay
Since this is an ASOIAF thread...
Thoughts on this guy? There's a reason he's alive and in Winterfell in the books, and there's a reason GRRM introduced this whole subplot about glamour. What's the endgame for Mance Rayder?
happy ever after ending mance rayder becomes king of westeros and north of the wall becomes another kingdom with the wall being like hadrian's motherfucking wall and the wildling land fucking scotland full of cunts wanting independence after they get 'civilized' by the niggers south of them
It's certainly a fun setting for noble squabbles and related shenanigans.
>good amount of depth
Yeah a continent the size of South America that only has one language, two religions and a handful of ethnicities is a lot of depth. The one spoken language is just english and is called fucking Common. The "religion" of the old gods is just a list of taboos. The Church of the Seven can't even be called a parody of the Catholic Church because it's so poorly defined, a average person on the street could make a more developed Fantasy Catholic Church. This is your idea of deep worldbuilding?
Wait I thought Veeky Forums hates ASOIAF, were all the other threads calling GRRM a hack just contrarians?
Maybe. I'd need to learn more about their tax plans.
>only has one language, two religions and a handful of ethnicities
Err.. you just defined South America
What are you, some sort of assblasted cuck who is mad that there aren't enough negroes in Westeros?
>two religions
Drowned God where?
Because GRRM is a hack.
You know nothing about South America, apparently.
South America has several minor languages and at least two major languages: Spanish and Portuguese.
The books were a bit tiresome and forgettable for me, but that's just me. I still enjoyed them although I'm not waiting for the next one. Never bothered with the TV series.
It is more worldbuilt than the average group would need in a single campaign and our players are likely to know it well. That can be very hard to have.
The wiki tells of some cooler things about the setting, which are united into some kind of traveler's chronicle. Thing is, like the Wall, these cooler things are mostly real life stuff with a twist or BIGGER AND BETTER! The conveniency of Westeros is having them all together and looking fresh instead of reading a lot and thinking your own.
I personally wouldn't use the setting itself for an adventure or a campaign. If I did, I wouldn't focus so much on the negative as the books do, what might anull the appeal it has for potential players.
The theme, of noble houses fighting for a crown, looks more entertaining than the setting itself. I recall an adaptation to have PCs be the houses themselves which was quite good, but it was based on an obscure brazilian rpg system. If anyone is interested:
>>only has one language
>Err.. you just defined South America
Tu tem certeza disso magrão?
It's set on the world of Planetos, has millennia of medieval stasis, and features lots of rape. Sure sounds like a good setting.
>forgetting about the drowned god
Only one language is lame though
Modern South America is majority Portuguese speaking, with Spanish in second. Suriname speaks Dutch, English in Guyana and French in French Guiana.
That's without counting the other official but minority languages.
>second rate vikings worshipping a second rate cthulu rip off
who cares
t. Storm God
>not wanting to see Stannis BTFO Ramsay
They're both already dead??
I have to say that it's not good, way too complicated. It's funny because I love Martin's writing, he may genuinely be the best writer working in the fantasy genre. But his world is too overcomplicated.
>World too complicated
Is this bait? This is bait, right?
Using the term "bait" should be punished by head crushing with bare hands.
In the show
Are you retarded? What exactly makes his world good? And the problems in world-building aren't really because of complexity, it's because nothing fucking makes sense and people don't react to things in a realistic and logical manner.
>Okay, so like, the planet is far away from its star or something, seasons last a REALLY long time, years of summer, followed by years of winter.
>Ok, even assuming that a more or less medieval society can make agriculture work in a place like this, why the fuck does NOBODY prepare for it?
>Winter is coming, and nobody stores food for winter without farsighted lords commanding the idiot peasants from selling their harvest.
>The Dothraki are feared, quasi Mongols who can pillage and burn half the continent of Essos, and are dangerous enough that if they can get across to Westeros, their victory over the Sven Kingdoms is all but assured.
>Lose to the Unsullied because they explicitly are too proud to attack a phalanx in wide open grasslands in any manner other than head on and get slaughtered by their superior arms, armor, and discipline.
>This is a gritty, nasty settings. Nice guys ALWAYS finish last, and if you're not plotting the downfall of your neighbor/rival, you can be assured that he's plotting yours.
>But we'll still idolize chivalry and teach our kids to act out of an Arthurian romance, because those are the values that such a society will stick with.
>We spend a fair amount of time in a place called the RIVERLANDS because there are lots of RIVERS
>But no bridges, that would just be stupid.
>let me take a real world ritual and make it completely retarded.
GRRM in a nutshell.
Dude, I don't want to read your entire post, not least of all because your second sentence is
>What exactly makes his world good?
and I said explicitly that I don't think his world is good.
Oh, I'm sorry, I made a mistake there. What makes his writing good?
His language is pretty and his descriptions are engaging
Why do you think the setting is too complicated?
>Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water.
Martin has been known for shameless fetish inserts before ASOIAF
Countless plotlines, literal hordes of minor characters, political system worse than Switzerland, I just don't want to keep this all in my head at all times.
Depends on the setting
It is heavily implied that the seasons are due to magic and entirely unpredictable. In addition, the people usually do prepare for winter without much issue, but the land has been buttfucked by literal years of war and what few peasants remain in what few fields are not ash can't feed the entire realm for a winter that will last a random number of years. The rest of your points are absolutely correct, but this at least is actually explained in setting.
>for a winter that will last a random number of years
Winters are typically equal to or slightly longer than the previous summer, which means the incoming winter will be AT LEAST 11 years.
That is explained explicitly by a maester in the books as peasants´s superstition. A long summer doesn´t guarantee a long winter. Also, if seasons are caused by the winds of magic or something like that, the arrival of Dany´s dragons, beings that have powered up with their birth all the magic in the setting, the lenght of the winter will probably be altered (for good or bad) as well.
As someone from Latino America I can tell you that most native languages are dying. Of course my country may be a special case since we kill most of natives early on making their absorption and submission much easier.
Yeah, it engages your gag reflex.
I hate how westeros looks like a long rectangle. Landmasses don't look like that going north to south.
as a setting it's solid but it doesn't lend itself to anything special without the distinct war of the roses style drama and grrm's particularly likable cast of characters. The setting itself isn't "bad" but it's also mostly beside the point.
Think the Dothraki are just paid off by the Free Cities because it's cheaper and less disruptive to trade than a war. They don't even wear armour and them even making it to Westeros let alone winning some sort of war is laughable.
They're what idiots think the mongols were, guys that rode horses with bows, the ultimate weapon.
Don't forget the unsullied, they get castrated before puberty and never reach their full physical capabilities. It's an army of malnourished manlets.
>They're what idiots think the mongols were
Very much this. The Dothraki are believable as a threat but not as the invincible horde they are portrayed as.
As someone that also comes from America do Sul, you clearly don't know shit about it
absolutely not
How about we create a house for fun Veeky Forums? Let's get a roll of 3d6 for our starting realm.
why would we do that? The setting sucks. Might as well do it in real life.
Rolled 4, 5, 2 = 11 (3d6)
Hell yeah.
Shut your mouth, last time I got House Milquetoast out of this, which I have since transplanted into pretty much every medieval setting I run.
>last time I got House Milquetoast out of this
Very interesting...except it isn't.
I appreciate a house that does nothing but bake bread and be ignored in a setting rife with political intrigue. It makes for an interesting story when they eventually do get involved.
>i do not like thing
>please cease doing thing
Its also SO RANDUMB XD, memes don't belong in play pretend.
>a noble house that bases it's land's economy on baking bread in the region known as the breadbasket of westeros
>memes don't belong in play pretend
I have a feeling you've never actually played a roleplaying game before.
I like how pulpy the whole world seems after reading through World. It adds tons of weird tidbits and outlandish stuff.
>he has a meme group
Made me reply to you in pity
I realize you're new to this hobby, but trying too hard to fit in isn't a great idea.
Either one fits or doesn't. If you think Veeky Forums is for meme shit, then you should go back to /pol/, where you belong.
11= Mountains of the Moon
Liege: Jon Arryn
Next we need 7d6 rolls 7 times for our starting resources.
Defense, Influence, Lands, Law, Population, Power, and Wealth.
Rolled 5, 6, 1, 3, 5, 6, 4 = 30 (7d6)
>invoking /pol/ for no reason
Defense: 30+20= 50
Excellent defenses with man-made fortifications likely combined with defensive terrain.
I guarantee you haven't been here since before 2009.
Rolled 6, 2, 1, 1, 6, 1, 5 = 22 (7d6)
That was eight years ago user. There are people here who could have kids and a house who weren't allowed to post here eight years ago.
Not that I support people getting triggered, just saying that invoking specific years doesn't really work anymore.
Influence 22+10=32
Maximum Lords status 4. A minor house. Examples include House Clegane, Payne, and Karstark.
I knew you were retarded, thanks for proving it though.
You will never be part of Veeky Forums
You mean "Is the 1983 D&D setting BIRTHRIGHT a good setting?".
Rolled 5, 2, 3, 1, 5, 1, 5 = 22 (7d6)
I hope we're terrible.
Hey that's not bad.
Rolled 4, 6, 5, 6, 3, 3, 2 = 29 (7d6)
I hear it gave AD&D rules on how to reign over kingdoms so that's good.
Lands: 22-5=17
A small stretch of land, about the size of a single small island or small portion of a larger island, or a large city and immediate environs, such as House Mormont.
Law: 29-10 = 19
Lawlessness and banditry are a problem along the fringes of your lands.
Rolled 3, 1, 2, 5, 1, 1, 4 = 17 (7d6)
Rolled 5, 5, 2, 1, 1, 6, 3 = 23 (7d6)
A small island sounds nice.
Might be a valley or single mountain, given our region.
Population: 17-5 = 12
Small population but no single community larger than a small town.
Still need to determine power and wealth.
Rolled 6, 2, 4, 5, 2, 6, 1 = 26 (7d6)
>not a island with a mountain on it
Power: 23+0
A modest force of soldiers, including some trained troops.
>Of course. Nobody would even disagree with you before Game of Thrones was released and contrarians started hating it.
But before the TV show came out, the only time I ever saw the series mentioned on Veeky Forums was "that lame fantasy series by that fat fuck with a rape fetish".
Very few people on Veeky Forums seemed to have anything good to say about it before the show.
Wealth: 26+0
Common, your family has enough to get by.
Quints confirm mountain island.
With that we have a rough outline of our house we also get to roll 3d6 and split each result to a resource of our choosing no resource can benefit from a roll twice.