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So I remember an user saying that they felt bad about posting their work more than once a thread or two back, so I figured I'd phrase it as a request to make it seem easier
Authors, post your favourite CYOA you've created! I want to see what you've come up with.
I don't feel like it.
Question about Traveler. If you were to have a Vodyani (Endless space 2) traveler, what would they be classified as? Synth?
>I don't feel like it.
...he says. posting a picture of a habitual liar.
Does anyone else find it strange that there is little actual adventure in most of these CYOAs? They are often collections of comfy benefits or character builders. I still enjoy them but they seem to not actually be CYOAs in the traditional sense.
Wall, Rise, and Hold
What would you consider an adventure CYOA?
You're somewhat correct because my main reason for not posting my OC is cause I'm at work and I don't have my shit on my phone, and it would take too long to post if I did.
Thus, I consolidated my reasoning with "I don't feel like it." While not necessarily a lie, it's not the full truth, which can play towards the same result as outright telling a lie.
> A CYOA with predefined missions to overcome or enemies to defeat. Something like Star Dust.
>It probably wouldn't be too far fetched to say that some of you believe one-night-stands are 100% only for cuck fetishists
It's definitely only for sloots though.
Honestly, I rarely see people calling things 'cucking' that doesn't fit 'a guy's partner sleeping with other people'. At least, if we're talking about it's use in /cyoag/.
Despite the name making them actual CYOAs would be pretty hard, and it wouldn't have a lot of replay value. These are really more like choices game than actual adventure modules. I think that makes sense, it's just the medium of pictures.
It's mainly a legacy thing.
Did not mean to green text that.
Predefined missions are also really good ways to expand the setting the CYOA is placed in.
So what you mean is you think for them to be more adventure like they should have missions? Or are you just using that as an example.
Would you consider something like Space Refuge to be adventure-y even though it's mostly just character and team building, because it has an adventures spirit, or no?
I don't really have a favorite among my CYOAs, I love every CYOA I have created, each a masterpiece in its own right. I guess I will post MUW since it features my favorite character and I bothered to get pcitrues to it and not just outright censor it by removing the pictures.
minor update - changed Telia's fetish and letter, removed Leonita's personal combat skill prerequisite.
Haven't you heard?
Everyone who doesn't agree with you is a beta male libtard cuck nowadays.
I hear they're all sexist, homophobic, racist Nazis too.
Mechanical with Aetonic is my guess.
Come on anons, lets try leave that behind with the old thread.
I feel a bit more sympathetic towards the flame now, at least. Still going to have to change them around though, rather than destroy them at least.
>Give (with Calm passive)
Maybe I'll change the passive I take with Give. I just fucking hate mornings and feel miserable whenever I wake up. Wall's passive would be better, but the thought of waking up every day and feeling good sounds amazing
Why didn't you just put a blur or mosaic over the images?
I feel like changing them completely, in any cyoa, really takes something important from the whole thing, like a bad translation.
I just found it kinda funny that you posted her face with the words, I wasn't actually...
>implying implications
People throw around the cuck insult at anything, nowadays. A lot of the time it's just for shitposting, but some people are genuinely very insecure with relationships.
My ex used to get depressed when I just talked with my other friends. She had the gall to actually ask me to delete everyone but her on my friends list on MSN Messenger back when that shit was cool. And I almost did cause teenager me was a beta piece of shit.
>Why didn't you just put a blur or mosaic over the images?
That is censored porn or something and is forbidden on blue boards.
>I feel like changing them completely, in any cyoa, really takes something important from the whole thing, like a bad translation.
Agreed, its like those shitty localizations. If you want the superior version of MUW you just have to visit my google drive.
>Authors, post your favourite CYOA you've created!
The balance isn't perfect and I still feel like I could have written the rules more elegantly, but I think this was the funnest thing I've made so far. Delinquent Quest was probably more cohesive though.
>broke up with yandere gf
Are you a cuck?
People are definitely insecure around here, but that manifests more in being paranoid rather than them calling things cuck stuff that just isn't at all. Even then, those people (not the shitposters who just repeat it) tend to be relatively civil most of the time, even if they are occasionally ... highly emotional.
Leonita is a bit easier to take now, though I'll miss her being an exact opposite of Barbare.
I love this, plus it is would be easy to expand with more opponents. Only disappointment with it was the rewards.
Yeah, I figured that one wouldn't need personal combat skill in the legios Qomani, as they would be less... well, barbaric. More driven by officers and their interactions between each other, so less need for fights to settle things.
The guy who posted the build that sparked the cuck discussion actually mentioned the neat idea of merging the two religions. I'm not sure how well it would work exactly, but it definitely seems like an interesting and appealing choice at face value.
Petter is just the best possible class. With companionship and evolution, you'll just end up being best buds with giant monsters.
>no Kevin Conroy Batman
>I love this, plus it is would be easy to expand with more opponents.
Definitely planning on doing a version with a different roster of fighters at some point, I have enough spare images for it. Might even manage a couple of rosters.
>Only disappointment with it was the rewards.
I struggled with the rewards for this a bit. The only ones I was really happy with were the Perfect Student and Hidden Arts, the others I just couldn't think of anything better.
Would anyone know where the picture for Qvrllicui is from, or where I could get it? I've been looking for it for some time with no luck.
Personal Combat - 4
Patrician - 4
Plebian - 4
Telia, Christina, Kalkani, Venhalia, Ken-Eytor, Eodora, Friiya, Alivia, Bassalia
Boundless Flame: 5
Cosmech Faithful: 6
Crucibii: 4
Xernite Frontier: 2
Legios Auxilios: 8
Legios Qomani: 10
House Renon: 4
Unseen Blades: 10
Orion Empire: 3
Futurist Front: 5
Solar Lords: 10
Syntetica: 5
I wanted to see how many wives you could take, and ultimately what the loyalty situation would be like. Nine is the final answer, and it includes everything but the Xernites and the Legios.
In terms of loyalty, the Xernites almost hate me so I will likely have to aid them soon to restore their fair. Orion, the Nobles, and the Crucibii barely tolerate me so they are next on the list, likely going with the Boundless Flame purge on them while protecting the Crucibii from their decadent chieftans.
The Boundless, Cosmech, Futurists, and Syntetica are largely neutral, I can placate them for now until I have time later. Eventually I want to have the Boundless be the religion of the nobility and the Cosmech be the religion of the plebians.
In terms of the most loyal, we have the Auxilios, Qumani, Blades, and Lords. The first three I can use to help get my house in order via military might, while the Lords can provide me conscripts and resources.
This is super cute.
I was the guy with the pastebin build the other day, what did you think of my general strategies?
I really appreciated this post user. Thank you.
>Awesome Soundtrack
>Clean Fights
>Justice Society
Paranoid and insecure players are among the worst. They'll hound on you for taking the 2nd best option for something because if you aren't the best, you're a cuck.
And god forbid if you have to rely on other people at all because there's an off-chance they'll betray you, since their description said that they once breathed in the direction of someone else.
I was quite impressed, it was well thought-out. I did notice that you wanted to undermine the futurist front while they were far more loyal than house Renon - thought it might be better to do a "deal with the devil" approach.
One of the things I think I failed to communicate with the CYOA was just how many external wars are going on (Xenos hordes sacking their way almost to Qoma itself before being barely pushed back). That might make people think twice about doing massive civil reform and sparking revolts.
But if I did that through listing enemies in an epilogue page, people would want to interact with them to defeat them. But how would you do that in an empire as fragmented as this one? You curry favor among the various factions - through betrothal. Furthermore, it'd be nearly impossible to quantify what level of success the player would see because their own skill and approach would be reliant on unquantifiable elements. Ultimately, I'm not sure if I would want to do it just because of how many things the average person would have to keep track of and how unappealing it could become. I might just make an epilogue page listing your enemies without the ability to interact with enemy factions.
Just to check, if I win the tournament, I can still pick a lesser reward instead, right? I'd rather let my BFF friendly rival Cally have the big prize, I just want the student.
too many words
>user can't read
In fairness, I did put way more words there than most people would be willing to read. Habit gained at /jc/, sorry lads.
Sure can user!
I'll agree with this, could probably do with condensing the background of each faction down a bit.
Of course too much information is better than not enough, but for me it's crossing the line.
> 80's Batman
Easy, he could turn his head more than 10ยบ left or right, hit rocket power car could take a hard turn, his love interests were the hottest and always learned of bat's true indentity, yet couldn't survive the movie.
I mean, I said that they _tend_ to be relatively civil. Some of them definitely take it way too far, though I'm not sure how much of that is actually serious. And while I think they can be pretty god damn annoying at times, I'd still take them over just 'cuck' posters, because they at least try to make (paranoia fueled) arguments.
I didn't want to undermine them as much as get them to hold off until our situation was more stable, then I could implement reforms such as worker's rights and moving industry back into plebian hands.
I do think a small brief about the enemies of the empire would be nice, so we could quantify what we are dealing with.
The background is a bit simple, but I like the art, it's cute.
Male, Moxie, Sneaker.
Abscondee, Sleight, Thief.
Lego batman, I guess.
Butler, Cool gadgets, Battlewords
Adopt an orphan.
This is really good.
Did someone say Cookies?
>his OC doesn't have waifus
>his OC is his waifu
>his waifu doesn't have OC
>his waifu isn't from OC
>his waifu doesn't make him OC
take your orange christ back to dumbfuckistan
this is real /Husbandos/ territory nao bois
>his waifu isn't Saber
>Posts Ruler
Absolutely horrendous
>Ruler isn't Saber's waifu
>he doesn't realise that his own life is pretty much a cyoa where he can make OC and get waifus
>he still believes in free will
he still hasn't figured out we are being paid for simply existing and every single piece of original content you make will be payed to you once you die
so if there is no free will, are cyoas a lie too?
well im gonna be poor on the afterlife then
hang in there user, your waifu is waiting for you in the other side
Why are we here? Just to suffer?
This explains a great many things
Infinite universes doesn't mean infinite possibilities
Normal mode
Money teir 2 (5)
Skill (2)
Entertainment (2)
Hearth and home (1)
Adventure (3)
Immortality (5)
Appearance : Low standards (17)
Rolled a 6
Terrible humour (16)
Dirty mouth (15)
Exhibitonist (14)
Clingy (13)
Horny (12)
Unique style (11)
Blunt (10)
I say stop (9)
Super tight (8)
Sex marathon (7)
Snug fit (6)
Always by your side (4)
Let go! (2)
NEET (1)
Favorite colour; red (0)