Sad there Isn't much for mtg on /tg as I come here often looking for cards that are neat, op, or just artsy...

Sad there Isn't much for mtg on /tg as I come here often looking for cards that are neat, op, or just artsy. Post your favourite cards and or decks

Blue white control ideas?

The Magic community has exhausted the patience of people willing to help by constantly asking for help while giving nothing back or outright refusing to listen to the advice they solicited.

Use gatherer and look up forums detailing all the questions you're asking.

Blue white. What a faggot. Your name is probably Josh

Post what u lik den 4 cards big boi or gtfo. Looking for ideas not cancer


This goi











OP is a child molester

This thread is dildos

Big ol bag of ducks

Guzzling your deck like its a cock sock

What is anyone playing?

>tfw you used him in a free for all casual game with 6 different people and slap down a grey merchant

Been brewing together my longrunning werewolf deck into something more playable. Figuring out the optimal method of getting reliable transformations out without just skipping a turn's productivity is difficult. I've been relying on lots of ability/artifact based land fetching to make those turns worthwhile.

there is literally a modern thread, a pauper thread, and an edh thread here right now

there are also multiple threads dedicated to lore

mtg has more threads on Veeky Forums consistently than any other game

Immerwolf and Bandit of Gyer Reach say you're an idiot.


My boi

Decided I'm going to make a blue white spirit deck of sorts. Going with the tap all enemy creatures theme!

>isn't much for mtg on Veeky Forums
I've never come here and not seen plenty of Magic threads, try the catalog sometime.

Kozilek is great though.




I'm a newfag to magic still but I played B/U zombies in standard and really loved them.

What is either:
a) a deck that basically "plays" through the graveyard that doesn't require you to dump your hand
b) deck that swarms the field with dudes who don't mind if they die or trigger effects on death?

I know there's dredge and living end but anything else?

Nice trips maybe you should switch to devils.
Just look up decent cards that combo with other zombies. Most zombies have synergy with other zombies. Like diregraf captain and stuff. Have a few spells for the occasional. This is of course if you want to keep playing zombies. If not Dredge, and Delve would be the way to go if you are serious about making a decent deck.

>Blue alternative-win cards

God, why are Blue mages the worst?

Fun imagining being able to Shivan Meteor one of these damage redirection guys. Might be possible in just casual matches with junky-ish decks.

Just made a shit casual budget modern deck for the full purpose of having an entirely white bordered modern legal deck.

4x terror
4x evil presence
4x will-o-the-wisp
4x duress
4x ornithopter
4x bad moon
3x royal assassin
3x drudge Skeletons
3x raise dead
3x hypnotic Spector
3x nightmare
21x swamp

Working on a red coin-flip deck using Krark's Thumb to spam Mana Clashes and Game of Chaos. Might switch it to a Red-White "Stall until the Goblin Bomb goes off" deck or a "Use Fiery Gambit and shitty Red draws/wheels/Mana ramps" burn deck. We'll have to see.

This might help

You mean like this? Making a spirit blue/white

Loved this card so much I built an entire green/black Eldrazi deck. Just need a few more lands and it will be good to play.

Considering adding two sphinx to my deck. One being this guy


This wonderful bastard has won me games, even one that was so close, I got milled to 0 cards in my library, but the trigger from it happens before my draw phase, so I won instead of losing.

Thanks, that's an awesome suggestion!


Josh that likes blue/white here, this post checks out.

Oh fuck