L5R: Legend of the Five Rings General - Dead Waifu edition

We got Crab signal, so it's time for a new thread.


>TFW they killed the hottest gal in the game before they even revealed her card.

Other urls found in this thread:


I get the feeling crab is going to not be too top tier since so many of their cards revolve around sacrificers and they seem to not have many weenies. It looks like the name of the game will be knowing when to sacrifice your bowed dudes and putting 0 fate on most of them

Does crab actually have a way to win or is the plan to just use defensive abilities until the other player gets sick of it and leaves?

>Despite having boob armor, Kisada couldn't tell if she was a chick or not

The Great Bear has problems.

He had some sort of waifu issues in old-L5R too, didn't he?

Maybe he thought those were huge pecs.

Going to sacrifice all your dudes so the other player feels sorry for you and let's you win

Crab seem to be Military Counter Attack smash with Intimidating Hida and Watch Commander providing a secondary dishonor threat.

One thing to point out is that we're missing several cheap crab characters. Namely, we're missing card #27 which is probably 1 cost, card #30 which is probably 2 cost, and card #36 which is a 4 cost character (Kaiu Shuichi) but we don't have the full text yet because podcasts.

It's hard to judge a clan with a huge sacrifice theme without seeing their cheap characters.

>Does crab actually have a way to win or is the plan to just use defensive abilities until the other player gets sick of it and leaves?
This guy.

A Banzai + a sacrifice you were going to do anyways = 14 skill.
A Jade Tetsubo on him + a sacrifice = 12 skill.
Two Jade Tetsubos, one Banzai, one Watch Commander, and three splashed copies of Guidance of the Ancestors on him = 34 skill.

Granted that last one will literally never happen, but you get the point. Vengeful Berserker is a character who can solo provinces if given pretty much any setup.

The other thing to keep in mind is that they've got a lot of ready tech to keep their big characters in multiple conflicts. The Steadfast Witch Hunter and The Mountain Does Not Fall both help tremendously in that regard.

Finally, because they're so good on defense they actually don't have to hold as many characters back on defense as other clans do, freeing them up to attack. Lion has this experience as well -- Lion are so good on military attack that they don't have to send everyone just to win. Crab are going to do the same thing, just for defense.

If crab is a thing to any degree dragon Voltron is dead in the water, crab removal is too good

Some friends and I have been printing out cards and plying demos, had a game as Dragon against Lion a few days ago. It was a perfect storm. The deck was allied with Crane (3 Duelist Training, 3 Above Question).

Basically I got two swordsmiths out turn 1, he attacked with fire while I had mantra, I defended and played Fury so his turn one wasn't much.

Trun two was kinda scary. I bought a doomed shugenja and a prodigy. After four instances of swordsmithing I had attachments for days. He attacked with a very large army and hit night raid, I defended with all the shugenja. Since he had to drop his hand I had all the actions I needed, and through attaching I managed to not only hold the province, but win the battle. This was a huge turning point, he needed the honor gain so some of his guys would stick around. Attach some stuff to the Prodigy, pop a province declaring water, use Indomitable Will to take her some straight and straighten a shugenja (had kitsuki's method and other attachments). Attack politically, pop another province. Things look bad for lion.

Turn three it was over. After attaching all the things to the prodigy including the monk that gives covert, duelist Training, and above question, I attack the stronghold alone and say the filthy ronin he just bought can't come. A quick duel later his defender bows out and I pop the stronghold. (night raid on stronghold)

Is it just me or is something up with Lion? When we tested Lion/Crane decks it seemed like an uphill battle for Lion, and an uphill battle again against Dragon. Am I missing something?

Also, considering Crab instead of Crane in the dragon, mostly for Reprieve and Jade Tetsubo. Lion give Satsuma, Guidance, and Ready for Battle (honor blade?). Crane give Above Question and Deulist Training. Thoughts on that?

I have definitely experimented with Dragoncrab. It seems legit, reprieve is a big deal when you slap it on someone who's already attached up, and Tetsubo is still the biggest beatsick we've seen so far.

>Basically I got two swordsmiths out turn 1, he attacked with fire while I had mantra, I defended and played Fury so his turn one wasn't much.
Mantra of Fire only works on Monks or characters with Monk attachments. So unless you'd already put a Tattooed Wander or Kazue on one of your swordsmiths you could not have played Mantra of Fire.

Tetsubo also lets me knock fate off single defenders, so I get an attrition advantage. Giving up Above Question might be a dealbreaker, but we'll see how it pans out when the other clans hit. It might be vital vs Scorpion.

I never hit any named characters and it was still one sided, maybe none of us play Lion right.

Ah, his printer crapped out so the text was damaged, thought It worked off the Fire keyword as well. It wouldn't have changed much, but good catch. The huge problem was he had a small/no hand all game while I got to fish for cards.

Lion are definitely the hardest deck so far revealed in terms of piloting (although Crab may take that cake; haven't played with them yet). Dragon, on the other hand, are definitely the easiest (and strongest). I'm not sure if that will persist as player skill grows (and more cards are revealed), but at the moment that's the meta.

I suspect the trick is to be picky with you Crab chars and have plenty of cheap unaligned, like how base Toku was in the CCG.

I think dragon will definitely drop in the full game when removal is prevelent, crab already looks like a noticable problem for them

So if I'm reading this right, if you've got Kisada out and a dude with watch commander attached the first conflict card your oponent plays costs 1 honor, the fate to play it and then does nothing? Ouch.

In a way that's almost worse than the Crane "you can't play conflict cards while I'm here" since it's effectively +1 or more fate, 1 honor and discard a card in order to play conflict cards

My reading is that Kisada blocks the ones that are labeled as Actions on characters or whatever, like the castle's power in the Crab preview. So not just conflict cards, and you could use a character action to get your first conflict card through safely. But otherwise I think you're right.

Kisada also blocks "Action: [foo]" events such as for example Let Go. Just because it's an event doesn't make it not an ability. Yes, it's weird, but that's how FFG is.

Hey /l5r/, anyone have a trove of PDFs for the last pre-FFG edition, or would I be better off checking the PDF thread trove?

Why would you not check the archive before asking?





On this note, does anyone have the Atlas of Rokugan map pdfs? Specifically the large size map files. I can't find it anywhere.

There's a good one on Kickass torrents, although it lacks the map file wants.

We don't have that much time till gen con and if they continue with the pace they're going one clan goes unspoiled, who will it be? I'm guessing unicorn because who cares about unicorn

Scorpion, so all the dirty tricks will still be a surprise at the tournament.

Not exactly. Everyone is opening a copy of the exact same box. Everyone will have time to read Scorp cards.

They have publicly stated that they have a plan to get all the clans out before GenCon. (Source: L5R Live Facebook stream #3.)

So it'll happen. They'll probably double up a week at some point. Maybe dual Phoenix and Unicorn reveals or something.

>Maybe dual Phoenix and Unicorn reveals or something.
Probs Phoenix and Scorpion, if they're at all aware of the lore.


I'm not sure what your trying to imply here.

Here's one of the missing Crab staples finally revealed.

Still missing two low cost characters though. Still feels like Crabs are a bit gimped.

Political Kisada -- what a wonderful phrase.

Bayushi and Shiba are twins.


Nah, Scorpion will be last. They'll do their reveal backwards, cards first then lore, and on the Wednesday before GenCon they'll put out the Scorpion lore and the shit will become acquainted with the fan and the stage will be set.

If they keep on their current schedule, last clan week 1 is August 16, the day before Gencon, and last clan week 2 is the 23rd.

That said, they might go for the Scorpion Cards first Story second play, but if they do that without accellerating the timetable then the story comes out after Gencon. Which works, if the gencon stuff is about who gets to be Emerald Champion, and then the Scorpion story reveals the main plot.

I mentioned this earlier in the thread but FFG has publicly acknowledged that they're aware the current schedule won't get everything out in time and they have a plan to get every clan out before GenCon. So I wouldn't worry too much about anything being delayed until after GenCon.

What mod is that?

The names are the ones in this video but that looks like a completely different mod. Ask them, I guess?


Yes, it's an advanced version of that mod.

Also don't watch that game. It's awful. Crane vs Lion Game 2 is much better.

The mod is available on the L5R discord server, posted in the L5R_Sharing channel as a pinned message. Also another update is being worked on right now because today's L5R live just spoiled three incredibly good neutral events that change just about everything (of course).

Four new cards shown in today's livestream. These are doctored up versions of them to be put into the Tabletop Simulator mod, so obviously not final wordings, but recreations of what they said in the livestream as best as we can make them.

This card is downright nuts. The ability to cheat characters into play is already crazy, but note that there is no restriction discarding them -- you can just use fate generation / survival effects like For Greater Glory, Reprieve, Stand Your Ground, Good Omen, etc. etc. to keep the character around for longer and it's nuts. What a busted card, I love it.

This card is Way of the Crane 4-6 in Crane, and 1-3 in Lion and most likely Dragon too. Hell, even Crab might want to run this to dishonor enemy characters. Probably the closest thing to a political Banzai! we'll be seeing in the core set. (In fact there's only one 0 cost neutral event left to be revealed, so it almost certainly is the closest thing to a political Banzai!).

Strength in Honor, the neutral card. Note that it can be used in political conflicts -- they even did that once on stream. Unlike Strength in Honor it also works on defense, which is a great boon to Lion.

The combat tricks are real. Lion conflict decks suddenly became insanely hard to build, I don't even know what to do. What a fantastic problem to have.

And finally we have one of the cards Crab were missing from their main spoil -- and what a fucking card it is. This thing looks nuts. Like for the temporary inconvenience of holding a fate, you get the use of a 1/0 body for a turn and then draw a card. And it can be sacrificed.

This card puts Eager Scout to shame, and Eager Scout was already incredible for Crab. This is the sacrifice fodder Crab needed to power their more expensive sacrifice-driven characters.

Veeky Forums's spam filter hates me, so if you want to see that livestream you'll have to add the book of faces to the beginning of this:


For the most part it's an alright two turns of dev gameplay. Those cards are most of the important new information, but it also turns out that second player gets a free fate on turn 1. Who knew?

So when this card game comes out it will likely be my queue to jump into all things l5r so I gotta ask, I've heard that the faction loyalty can run deep in this setting like from a player perspective, what I'm wondering is do you guys have a group that's /yourguys/ like do you only ever play crab characters or have a Phoenix deck that's your go to or do you bounce around and more just play to the setting?

The faction loyalty is so deep in this game that most people were so Autistic about it that it became indistinguishable from actual Autism.
In all fairness the Clans were all very deliberately designed to represent various archetypes specifically so that folks COULD form strong loyalties to a faction and increase competition and thus interest in the game.
Worked pretty well too when you look at it that way.

See that sounds really fun to me, I guess I gotta pick a faction now

Most do.
Factionalism is a big part of the player activity surrounding all forms of L5R.

Here's a nice trick that I generally do with guys new to the setting;
Do you play D&D?
If so, what's your favorite type of character class and race to play?
Why do you like playing them?

Answer these and I'll tell you your ideal Clan.

So I've only played dnd twice I'm usually the DM, the one game i was a Druid who's whole goal was to become one with nature this meant spending as much time shape shifted as I could and generally trying to look at the world like an animal. The other time was my personal favorite character who was a paladin who was my attempt to show my group that you can play a character that's good to the core without being an idiot

Whoops forgot race I'm usually a human player, I feel they get a bad rap as boring considering how varied real world cultures are

>In all fairness the Clans were all very deliberately designed to represent various archetypes specifically so that folks COULD form strong loyalties to a faction and increase competition and thus interest in the game.
I've actually been blown away by not only how different the 4 clans so far revealed are but how fun they actually are to play. Even Crab, whom my play group and I had no hope for being fun, turned out to be a ridiculously interesting clan with all sorts of neat decisions going on in them. We've actually got two people right now eyeing Crab, one of them an old5r player who used to greatly dislike them, just because the new Crab are so cool.

I'm just really impressed. FFG is knocking it out of the ballpark here. I hope it keeps up.

, Play Lion Clan.
Can't do too much for the Druid, but Lion Clan are the most SAMURAI of the Samurai in the setting.
They are the best generals in Rokugan, and tend to be both fierce and honorable with a large army. A lot of their conflicts with other Clans often come from how other Clans somewhat more loosely follow Bushido.

There's plenty of rational and NOT Lawful Stupid families in the Lion Clan though, such as the Akodo and the Ikoma who both spend a lot of time telling the Matsu family to calm the fuck down.

That sounds pretty awesome, I was originally drawn to the crab for the whole defenders of the empire thing but the more lore I read the more it seems the lion are just straight badasses, I'll probably make a full decision after I get to play a few games but this is a good start

The D&D test is nearly flawless in terms of determine Clan choice, it's stupid how efficient it is.

>Can't do too much for the Druid
Druid is easy if you include minor clans and/or mantis.
The Fox Clan shugenja are pretty much literal druids.

For real haha, I had put lion aside because I assumed they would be written as lawful stupid but the more I read the more the wiki talks about them winning on tactics and resolve which is awesome

I know, but you can't play Fox and only Fox in the CCG, which is what he was asking for.

Oh, they've got plenty of Lawful Stupid in them. They've proven repeatedly (And especially in alternate histories) that their loyalty is strictly to the ass sitting on the throne and not the nation, or even the mind connected to said ass. If the emperor says jump, the Lion are halfway in the air before they bother to ask how high. If the emperor says to damn all of their souls for eternity while also slaughtering everyone they see, they've already pledged themselves to Jigoku and slit every neck in reach before they even consider that it might not be such a good idea.

The Matsu ARE lawful stupid and are the source of much of the Clan's problems both politically and internally.
The rest of the Lion Clan are pretty solid guys though with both feet on the ground, and they bear no ill will against the Matsu whom they see as being reckless hot-heads but well-meaning ones. After the Matsu took over the rest of the Lion tended to be sorta stuck with the rageboner nutcases as their bosses, which grew tiresome for both players and character's in-universe.
Plus they're a good source for tsundere wives if you're into that kinda thing I guess.

That's mostly the Matsu.
Problem is, after the original meta plot conclusion the Matsu were in charge of everything so....yeah,

I mean everyone's into that, but yeah lion looks like the choice as of now, thanks user

No worries man.

Canonically, the Hida are the only ones who get away with getting Matsu wives while not marrying into the Matsu. One of them even became the acting champion when her husband died and her kids weren't old enough to take up the mantle. She was one of the more popular daimyo the Hida have had, too.

They just need a bit more HOT DICK then usual.


Shouldn't he be a courtier?

Kaiu are bushi and engineers.

I'm kinda motivated to play Slaves to Darkness because they seem pretty solid, and I prefer Undivided over any of the specific Chaos gods, but they seem like one of the armies that GW has no intention of supporting.

I'm 90% sure your in the wrong thread

I'm idling in the right thread, posting in the wrong one. Thanks.

No prob bro, I hope you find answers on what I think was a 40k question


Nah. They're not the best fighters (And they don't have to be, since that's not their job), but the Kaiu are right on the front lines alongside the Hida, Hiruma, and Kuni. They need to be right there to operate siege engines and get repairs underway as soon as possible after a fight.