What is this boys. Looks retarded to me. Also, sponson weapons, Las or some type of plague weapons

What is this boys. Looks retarded to me. Also, sponson weapons, Las or some type of plague weapons.

Looks like a funky mix between a medusa and a predator.

I was more thinking it looks like a Vindicator and Predator

Might be open topped actually. I'm expecting high front armor values and really weak side and rear armor.

>front armor values and really weak side and rear armor.
>8th edition
Pick one.

Any guesses on the sponson weapons?

the same weird plague flamethrower thing that the bloat drone has

Its a modified Minotaur artillery tank

>I'm expecting high front armor values and really weak side and rear armor.

Not nearly big enough to be.

The Minotaur is easily twice the size of that nurgle POS.

Heavy mortar is my favorite kind of tank.

Death Guard keeps getting better and better. I can't wait to get this guy. I'm genuinely loving building up a little army from the ground again.

Depending on how well armored the front is it might have high view range but god awful camo rating


now find the third face

I wouldn't use "retarded", just boring. Retarded describes the Inceptors. I'd still field one or two of these, since at least they wouldn't take too long to make TT ready


Daemon magik

I like it. Looks like it's got some modest surface scarring and details for a nurgle tank, just that the rather pristine death guard colour scheme doesn't show them.

Hope the backside has some suitably chaotic and warped details, and that a darker, more gritty paint job will bring out the rest of the details on that thing.

It's not mutated or nurgly enough, paint black and yellow stripes on it and it would look far more natural. Which leads me to question why Death Guards get signature Iron Warriors stuff, the Iron Warriors are so cucked it's not even funny, GW might as well remove them from all lore at this point

Here ya go

The holy number goes deep in this one.

Praise the blessed 3-faced tank of nurgle.

This pic has never been more relevant.

Maybe it's like basilisk where they stand on a platform?

Maybe we're looking at the back end of it, like on the British Archer or the Minotaur in .

... how could you genuinely think that?

>Looks retarded to me
Why are you playing 40k? Oh right, you're one of this Discord raider shitposters. Got it. Carry on.

Horus Heresy brought a lot of people into 40k who hate ridiculous stuff.

Looks like a minion smoking a cigarette

>not ridiculous


Also, who the fuck cares what the models looks like, no one is stopping you from using a different model. Get a vindicator, put some sponsons on it and a gun on a pintle-mount on top, and you got pretty much the same thing.

I hope you paid for that searchlight upgrade.

its 6, find 3 more.

Except Nurgle's sacred number is 7

not 3


the slit in the front armour may be a vision port.

>Looks awesome to me

its a Maggot Mortar tank, its brilliant.

you guys are blind

My sides!

I love our ugly tank son.

I was going to paint my dudes as part of the Pallid Hand Vectorium anyways. Now I can have the artillery they're supposed to specialize in.

It can't be. There's no gap to see out of.

When I saw the thumbnail I thought it was a typewriter with bronze finishing.

>Iron Warriors stuff, the Iron Warriors are so cucked it's not even funny, GW might as well remove them from all lore at this point

>All our signature units shit
>Have to rely on the FW Hel-Wright to have a useable warpsmith
>GW will never make daemon-prince Perturabo
>Death guard stealing our artillery tanks


3 is a pseudo sacred number as it aligns with the points of nurgle's symbol

don't forget, even with those new HH mk3's, you're still marinelets compared to nuDG and primarines

+ legion rules are the shittiest of all too, don't forget that

its could just be because of the angle of the photo.

get down to a minis height and there's a slight gap maybe.