Paizo Games General /pgg/ (also /pfg/)

Paizo Games General /pgg/ (also /pfg/)

Tell us about your flying characters. Do they fly so good? Do they make the GM pissy by ignoring ground-based obstacles and laughing at melee-only non-flyers?

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So fucking tell me. ARE UNDEAD EVIL OR NOT?

>I dunno lore well enough, but you could probably get clothes of +5 [cha skill] from somewhere that isn't Numeria.

I decided to just go with a Cloak of Elvenkind for 2500 gp even though I'm an Alchemist, because I couldn't really find anything else that felt fitting outside of generic stuff.


Generally, yes, undead are evil. Intelligent undead can be anything, but are also generally evil due to the process in which they became undead or maintaining their undeadedness.

Why are you bringing this to another thread
All CG undead.
All N undead.
All CN undead.
>Although ghosts can be any alignment, the majority cling to the living world out of a powerful sense of rage and hatred, and as a result are chaotic evil—even the ghost of a good or lawful creature can become hateful and cruel in its afterlife.
Most ghosts are CE, but they can be any alignment.

Checkmate, Pharasmafags.

I want to teach a Necromancer that creating life the "natural" way is more fun than reanimating some old bones!

Why are Hupia not TN undead?

What if he's impotent or shooting blanks? There's a high chance of that for necromancers.

Natural way? Through... crafting constructs?

Dominions of Vice has a chocolate seductress with 7 int and wis now! Fun!

Necromancers get all the bitches unlike bitch ass enchanters who need magic to seduce theirs. Necros have massive amounts of swag.

>What if he's impotent or shooting blanks?

What if the Necromancer is a woman? Never thought of that!

*heavy breathing*
A real living 3D waifu!


Should I pull the plug on my game?

I've been running it for 3 months, roughly 10-12 sessions and it's been really rough. One of the players actually quit the other day because of a that guy, and the other players participate in the game, but it doesn't feel like they're really invested. In all actuality, I'm tired of the behind-the-scenes drama and not having fun anymore- I don't want to just dump it but it seems like the best option at this point and I've been mulling it over for a week, since last session.

Wait, does this mean that CG is a valid undead alignment in "CG is best alignment, dindu nuffin" Paizo land, but LG and NG undead are nowhere to be found?

Well user, since you're clearly listening to the whispers of some charnel charlatan I'll offer you some of my homebrew wisdom... Pull the plug, seriously do it. If you feel like the players aren't that invested than they probably aren't that invested, and whatever shock they have over the end of the campaign will be little more than a day's worth of recuperation.

What are some lewd adventure paths?

I want to marry Urgathoa!

95% are evil. The animate dead spells are all evil. That's because the spirits used to create them are hateful, evil things. (not souls either, just mindless spirits like those used in the creation of golems). Good mindless spirits infuse things like leshy. Negative energy is just the battery, like positive energy is the batter for living things, and has nothing to do with the disposition of the creature.

Lewd in what way?

>haven't played in a while
>TSS catches my eye
>bamboozle is revealed before my character is half made
>Iron Gods and Carnal Crown catch my eye
>worried I'll be bamboozled again

Should I even bother?

>every single good undead is a unique creature
It's almost like they're outliers and utterly atypical!

You mean the ones saying "this is a unique and individual creature that defies the usual situation because of plot?"

We've been over this. 2 threads back. Ctrl+f carrion crown.

Go for it.

Anyone ever played/DM'd Way of the Wicked? Is it a pretty good 'Evil' campaign?

Stat me, /pfg/.

Self Pact Avowed

Gonzo allowed?

Oh boy oh boy, can I be a Storyteller or is that shit too broken for you?

Legend of Old (Su): At 3rd level, the storyteller can summon a legendary figure from the tales of old. The storyteller selects a particular figure that remains constant throughout his adventures. The legendary hero takes the form of a character of any class, whose level is equal to the storytellers level +2. The storyteller can only call upon the power of the legendary figure for so long. At 3rd level, he can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 8 + his Charisma modifier. At each level after 3rd a storyteller can use legend of old for 2 additional rounds per day.

Summoning the legend of old is a standard action, but it can be maintained each round as a free action (as a storyteller must dramatically describe or otherwise narrate actions taken by his legendary figure after he has done them). The legend of old cannot be dispelled, but it ends immediately if the storyteller is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action to maintain it each round. The legend of old is easily distinguishable as a fantastic being, appearing semi-translucent with striking and sometimes exaggerated features.

The legend of old always possesses average hit points per hit die, and his health and daily abilities remains constant between summonings. He regains hit points and uses of his abilities when the storyteller rests for 8 hours. When summoned, the legend appears with gear whose value cannot exceed the value shown for a character of his level on Table: 12-4 Character Wealth by Level in Chapter 12 of the Pathfinder Core Rulebook. These items have a fantastic look to them, and are melded with the legend of old; no other creature can wield or use equipment the legend of old brought with them.


PM your crush today, folks!

John Wick agrees. PM THEM.

It is in my opinion.

Yes, PM the little morsels. Tell them how lovely they taste!

Reign of Winter is a deceptively good one, particularly due to the cold locales (gotta snuggle up) and range of fantastical creatures you might run into, from Winter Wolves to dragons.

>Self Pact

Read a book, nigga

Can you fugg Rasputin?

In a lewd campaign? Sure.


Ra-ra Rasputin lover of the Russian Queen~

Now there was a man who really could dance~!

Sylgja is cute!

Just never believe you'll play anyways

Redpill me on the best way to kill haunts in Carrion Crown, low level, 1pp + avowed + Porphyra only!


That cute kemonomimi is for riding
Post some you nerd, you won't

But paladins suck at dealing with haunts.


You're hanging out in a tavern, this bitch comes up and slaps your girl's ass. And yours, before telling you both in no uncertain terms that you're going upstairs with her. What do you do?

*Shoves you away* BACK THE FUCK OFF???

Unironically the Spiritualist or Medium

I go upstairs with her, have a passionate threesome, then call the Inquisition on this seductress whom I captured

Go upstairs with her.

Masterwork manacles.

I laugh and wait till we're upstairs, then roll to grapple, pin, and tie up. The GM should have expected this when I said I was going full grapple in a campaign that allowed Eros Unleashed.

What do I do? Her and the rest of her convent.

Tell her no, because my girlfriend bites, and not in the nice way. She isn't physically capable of deal with our playtime. Being an immortal psychic abomination that can ignore physical damage by the use of psychic power has some perks.

I break her jaw. The weak should fear the strong.

I'm GMing it right now.

In my opinion it is the best written campaign book I've ever read.

It is actually better than Paizo adventure paths.

The subsystems are fun, the plot is interesting, the start is tense and fun as is the end of the first book.

The GM instructions and alternate options in the books are amazing. There are regular "What if my players fuck up?" sidebars.

You're my melanin-enhanced compatriot now.

One of the worst aps ever created

For besmirching our honor, I demand satisfaction. She may choose the weapons.
I fervently pray she chooses the lance

>tfw it's time to buy miscellaneous swag for your PC

What kind of things have you given your characters over the years that don't have any obvious mechanical benefit? Swanky fur trim for their armor? Medicines and herbs? Alcohol?

Quick! What's the most fun or effective grappling classes!


That aren't Tetori!

Aberrant Aegis, and also FiEndbound Marauder!

So far:
17 bottles of absinthe, a concert piano, expensive clothing, sleeves of many garments, reinforced scarf,glasses, portable bath tub, folding chair, leather cover book, writing tools, 100gp worth of waffle mix, mirthal cookware and tearaway clothing for her performances.

>That aren't Tetori!
None of them then, as they instantly become unfun the moment Freedom of Movement comes online.

Body Pact Avowed if we dive into the realm of "3pp people in these threads tend to use", as offhand anything else aside from Tetori gets absolutely fucked by FoM.

Ungermaw. Aberrant Aegis. Fool's Errand gives pseudo-grappling. Brutal Crocodile is trash, but is for grappling.

Booze and copious amounts of food. Custom drawback means she eats 3 times as much as normal.

I mind break her with lesbian sex until she's docile and pliable.

>Brutal Crocodile
Pls explain

We should make a trio of superheroes

I read many books, nigga.

I tell my GF we better go up with her.

I truly can't understand what would make a person think being eaten is arousing.

What region of Golarion is the most BLACKED?

Ur-mam and it's sister nation Ur-daed also that nation po Poelitikelly Imkoret, also know as /pol/. You know, the place where you should go back to.

The one that makes you go back to /pol/.

Sargava, the local people are becoming more and more BLACKED every year.

What's Brutal Crocodile?

How shitty is Variant Multiclassing from Pathfinder Unchained? As an Android Alchemist, it would be cool to take Sorcerer with the Nanite Bloodline under the Variant Multiclassing rules, but how much would I fuck myself?

Also, do you gain the Bloodline Arcana when you choose Sorcerer, under Variant Multiclassing?

Some classes benefit from variant multiclassing more than others. Even then, it really does depend on the build.

>do you gain the Bloodline Arcana

>is VMC trash
short answer: yes
long answer: it's complicated, and depends on the build

How many feats do you need? Think aboutt he feats you COULD be taking and compare them to the nanite bloodline. Which one betters your character more?

==/pfg/ RotJR era game statuses

Rise of the Jade Regent [RUNNING: TWO GAMES]
>Fluffy Tail 1 [DEAD]
>Fluffy Tail 2 [DEAD]
>Helnar [RETIRED (Many sessions)]
>The Amber Fields of Molthune [DEAD (1 session)]
>Misadventures of a Lazy Princess [DEAD]
/pfg/ Hell's Vengeance (Argentum ver) [RUNNING]
>Hell's Vengeance B [DEAD (3 sessions)]
>Evil Lewd Game [RETIRED (Many sessions)]
Of Dragons and Yet More Dragons [RUNNING]
Rise of the Jade Regent: PbP [RUNNING: GAME 1] [DEAD: GAME 2 (some sessions)]
The Pendragon Institute [RUNNING: TWO GAMES]
>The Sleeping Goddess [DEAD]
>The Wrath of the Righteous [DEAD]
Wrath of the Raunchy [RUNNING]
Romance of the Righteous Kingdom [RUNNING]
>Sky Pirates [DEAD]
Bathe Yourself in Blood [RUNNING]
Volorexis: Streets of Cantha [=COMPLETE=]
>Sultanas and Raisins [DEAD]
Of Dragons and Men... and more Dragons [RUNNING]
Curse of the Lazy Throne [RUNNING]
Legends of Dragonsfjord [RUNNING]
>Taldor Ascendant [DEAD]
Legacy of Blood and Flame [RUNNING]
>The Celestial Tournament [DEAD]
The Great Bamboozling [RUNNING]
Shardwalkers [RUNNING: TWO GAMES]
Hell's Rebels: Literally Can't Even Edition [RUNNING: TWO GAMES]
Puella Librum Daemonium [RUNNING]
>A Generic Pathfinder Adventure (Eberron E8) [DEAD (1 session)]
Wild Weird West [RUNNING]
Blingmaker [RUNNING]
>Blood in the Fangwood [DEAD]
Rhusae [RUNNING]
Dimensional Ark Abyssia [STARTING]
>Raining Oil and Blood [DEAD]
>Mighty Quest for Epic Loot [???]
>Trouser Serpent's Skull [DEAD]
Ironfang Invasion [RUNNING]
>Pilgrimage to the Demonlands [DEAD]
Ensoulment of the Flower Court [RUNNING]



Chronicles of the Golden Chalice [RUNNING]
>Essentia: Forgotten Home [DEAD/REBOOTED]
Essentia: Our Last Days [RECRUITING]
>Hells Saboteurs [DEAD]
Journey to the West [RUNNING]
>Depths of Darkness [DEAD]
Nodachi of the Righteous [STARTING]
Volo: Fluffy Tails 9 [STARTING]
A Ruse by Any Other Name [RECRUITING]
>Gestalt Toad Meme Game [DEAD]
King's Gambit [STARTING]
>From the Other End of Heaven [DEAD]
>You're the Village Now [DEAD]
Dominions of Vice: An Osirion Tale [RECRUITING]
Carnal Crown [RECRUITING]

Dead games: 23
Retired games (dead but ran for a while): 2
Active games: 28
Recruiting: 5
Starting soon: 4
Completed games: 1

actually by RAW, you do gain the Bloodline Arcana of a sorcerer by taking its VMC, as it says you gain a bloodline, and bloodline arcana are not a separate feature from the bloodline feature of the sorcerer.

So by RAW, VMC as a sorcerer does give you the bloodline arcana

>Rhusae [RUNNING]
I thought this was a bamboozle?

If you bought into the meme and ended up not applying then it's your loss.

How do you get the font so small?!

>Completed games: 1

i mean this is a list of elss than a year, its to be expected

Considering RotJR era started late november, not too many high profile games aimed to only last less than six months.

Hard to say, because I haven't decided on any feats, really. I'm just bouncing ideas around and the only thing that's surefire here is that it's an Android Alchemist with the Tinkerer archetype.

But since you don't get the Bloodline Arcana, the Variant Multiclassing into Sorcerer would be pretty shit, since the 1st-level bloodline power of the Nanite Bloodline is complete trash to me.

I can't really imagine any situation where someone wouldn't be better off simply taking Eldritch Heritage feats, since they don't get you Bloodline Arcana either, but at least allows you to pick bloodline powers past the first one.

Nanite Bloodline. ᵇᵉᵉᵖ ᵇᵒᵒᵖ

But you do get the bloodline arcana when you VMC.

it also costs less feats to VMC than take eldritch heritage