Cyoa General. Some good shit edition

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Could anyone post some new waifu-shit? Haven't had internet for two months


My God. What did you fap to?

I am going to finish posting this dammit





As you wish.


Does anyone else hate wish fulfillment CYOAs because they inevitably realize that making the choices will never make their life better? I'm fine with stuff where I make a character, but straight up "You get 1000 dollars every day" shit makes me depressed.



the only waifu you will ever need



There i am done with this thing


I should make an Archer husbando CYOA just to spite all the Saber whores


Yes, make a GAR cyoa.

You are not going to really make it do you?

>Archer husbando CYOA
For a moment I thought you meant the american cartoon, rather than a type of servant in the grail war or whatever the fuck.

I'm debating it right now. I just don't want it to draw out any fujoshis.


>Spite Saberwhores
>Don't Attract fujoshis
Choose wisely

Got a huge porn-folder where I found things I saved many years ago. Was like finding something new I had forgotten every day!


>wanting to stunt Fei-La's glorious growth
But why

Well good luck, maybe emphasize Archer's housewife qualities, like cooking and sewing.


Ah shit I finished it






This be the new page

You want her flat, I want to feed her and enjoy slowly growing her a set of glorious cow tits.

Neither of us is wrong.

And the box

I am glad we resolved this peacefully.

Reminder that this is the only thing you need to survive the hellish landscape that is /cyoag/

I think you made a mistake. That's not Scarlatina.

>implying I need it

v i g n e t t e

Dream of Genie got an update and a more dump, if you're interested.

>not Catherine
It's like you don't even have an impregnation fetish

a b s o l u t e l y
n o t

>Not going harem route like any civilized gentleman


At least nobody likes Cassandra. That is good.

>Unwilling God of Loneliness

1,2 & 10

>this is gilgamesh

It will always hurt

I like her. She's nice.

This is an amazingly charming CYOA. I love everything about the Masked Man. Good job.


Im ok with this

Best CYOA.
brb gonna post it to reddit

But I like the rabbit.

It's safe to assume that the only person who likes Vignette is the Gilgamesh fuckboi

What trash

fuk u

dood what the fuck

I need KARMA

I don't get the hype necessarily, but she was sweet.

Shameless rip-off incoming

>Room Type
Login Cabin mixed with Industrial. Rustic Modern, I believe it's called. Throw some nature in there too.

>Entrance Method
Touch Me, Touch Me

>Physical Items
Auto-Veeky Forums (11)
200% Comfy (100
Normie Station (9)
Gaymen Piisii (8)
The Rest (7)
L-LEWD!! (6)
Veeky Forumsbulous (5)
Ocean Man (4)

/out/ (2)

Custom Companions (0)

Be the Girl
Redesign (14)
Inter-bot 9001 (13)
Lasting Effects (11)
Reality Convert (9)
Last Resort (7)
Charm Cognition (5)
Machine Learning (3)
Aether Orchestra (2)
Stylish (1)
Attrative Forces (0)

holy shit, you should kill yourself right now

But then I wouldn't have karma, retard.

Neat, thanks for letting more people play. I'm so happy you kept the 'ah shit'




>Genre Shift

we thief now

quiet was more appropriate but sleight sounded more interesting

Nero is objectively best, unless you are trash lover, then feel free to pick Mox

Look, I get that everything we flush down this toilet of a site has to go to the sewers, but could you stop backing up the pipes?


I'll take penises, schools and exploration.

Nobody from Reddit has ever visited these threads.

>Genre Shift

I too want to fuck Nero with all the tentacles.

you are wrong, you would have positive karma, becouse killing yourself would be doing a favour to everyone else in the world since we would be free from your infinite faggotry

Nonsense. My faggotry is indeed infinite, as is my magnanimity, and thus I share it infinitely with all. And that is a rare gift.

That scene remains the best scene ever put to animation.

you are foolish to believe such lies, you are contaminating the world.
Please delete yourself from it accordingly

And deny the world my glory? No, I couldn't do that. This is a burden. Thank God you do not carry it as I do.

Two homosexuals arguing above

And likely continuing below.


you know what have some best girl


We shall continue all the way to the bottom, where we shall clash with great violence.
Rapiers are better. Katzbalger are better. I'll lie with no Mongoloid whore.


One of the better waifu CYOA, if only because of the size of selection and plenty of customization per every girl.

I take it you're the woman in the relationship?


When we clash, it is he who shall clutch at his bottom.

dude listen, if you want we can have a sword fight in my bed, i don't even care anymore you are a reddit faggot
yes he is

It is yes but the only problem i have with it is that you can only choose one


You gonna get rapiered.
>you are a reddit faggot
NEVER call me this again.

what's up reddit fag