>Theft is a significant problem at large Magic tournaments
How do we fix it--permanently?
>Theft is a significant problem at large Magic tournaments
How do we fix it--permanently?
Well, first we need to answer the question if we can isolate Magic tournaments from the rest of society well enough that fix applicable there would not be disrupted by outside influences or if to solve the problem there we need to solve it globally.
Take your deck and everything youll need to play it, leave everything else at home.
Play with proxies.
Defend yourself with lethal force.
if you get caught once, you lose your cards
caught twice, you lose a finger
A friend of mine got hired as essentially a bouncer at his flgs. Any time they have a tournament, he's at the door, checking bags as they go in and out. Has a general idea of who the problem customers might be. And he's used to working hood bars, so he's got no problem being a dick when he has to be.
It's not a perfect solution, but it's significantly cut down on issues from what he's told me.
Send Magic players to Madagascar.
Reduce the value of cards
Increase awareness
Inform local authorities beforehand of value and events within stores
Prosecute thieves
Cut the thieves' hands.
Stamp cards with personal identifying marks on the card reverse, then sleeve them.
First time offense you get both your hands crushed between a hammer and anvil. Second offense is summary execution.
Thieves get what they deserve.
Just drill small holes in your deck, most of the prices are inflated by collectors, and no collector wants shitty cards.
>Trade cards with someone
>Get in trouble because their card has their mark on it
Sounds like a whole lot of not my problem.
Have you tried not playing Magic the Gathering?
>how do we fix one of the only universally despised acts from happening in a community with a majority population comprised of people who are in some form or another social outcasts with little regard for authority or others
You don't. Until the human race gets to the point that you either effectively can't steal from someone (because we're all just sharing, anyway) or people don't want to steal (pretty fucking unlikely, even in the far future, unless our core perception of life is fundamentally altered), there is going to be theft at "nerdy shit" tournaments.
Inshallah my brother, we must apply the Hudud punishments of the sacred Sharia.
Their hands must be removed to disincentivize theft
Captured thieves have their right have removed. If they have already lost their right hand they have their left hand removed, if they have lost both their hands they have their tongue cut out, if they have lost both their hands and tongue they are blinded, if they are blinde, tongueless, and handless there is nothing you can do to them that they haven't already done to themselves.
i support privatized capital punishment
ban the game and seize all related assets. conduct swat team raids in the homes of known mtg players. hide mtg threads, ignore mtg posts, do not reply to mtg posters.
Soon as you chop their hands off they will have to steal since you've pretty much removed their ability to work.
If some motherfucker with no extremities still manages to steal cards, he can keep them. He earned that shit.
What if you were just telling him they were rare cards but in actuality he was just stealing a thousand copies of some worthless trash?
Tattoo the words "CARD THIEF" on the fucker's forehead.
Only bring your deck to tournaments
Watch out for your shit
Offenders are banned for life
Kill all magic players. Theft problem solved, and nothing of value is lost.
This. Islam and MTG are not only compatible, they're the same thing (might makes right, (PBUH)).
In my experience shaming works wonders, especially in smaller communities. Put up a big picture of anyone caught stealing in the store if legal.
That second offense would take some effort.
Brazil? Some folks actually did this to a thief here.
"I'm a thief and a wanker"
No but I saw that and thought it was an appropriate punishment. Was he stealing bikes all the time, or was it just that one bike?
I don't know, OP. I get where you're coming from, but banning girls from MtG torunaments probably doesn't fly with people these days anymore.
Make all cards communal property so no one will have to steal.
Only bring your playdeck and necessary accessories to the play area.
Keep it all in a single box. If you aren't playing, box is in your hand or locked in your hotel room are car.
Shit isn't hard, just take some responsibility for your property.
Stop leaving your valuables unsecured.
The only person I've ever met who dresses like that called himself a libertarian
The first anti-fedorashit that I'm aware of was Fedoras Of Okcupid, which was a collection of images of dudes in their shitty hats juxtaposed with /r9k/ shit they wrote on their okcupid profiles. /pol/ and /r9k/, being unfunny copycats, decided to pull a no u at some point and for some reason people believe it.
Stop having magic tournaments.
With the death of the known universe.
Once you have them all in the tournament venue, lock them in and start pumping in the gas.
Once everyone is inside the venue, lock the doors, and tell them that you have a nuclear warhead that will detonate should someone complain to the staff of a theft
If someone does detonate the warhead
The fedora is pretty much the fashion accessory of the man who can't show off a quality suit or his own muscles.
It's really easy. No more Magic tournaments.
It's not really a fashion accessory so much as a warning flag
Except, even assuming your threat works and everyone is 100% willing to comply because they do not want to be blown up, all you are doing is preventing the thefts from being reported.
A thief could just grab someone's stuff in plain view and nothing would happen unless someone reported it, because you haven't disincentivized the theft, just the reporting of the theft.
Okay then just pass out loaded glock 19s at the door so that way you know everyone has a gun and is a awkward nerd who would probably use it
Digital Cards. Digital Cards activated by unique one use codes found on the bottom edge of real cards. Registered to an official MTG Binder account, which can only be played at tourneys with state issued matching photo ID
That way we get poor black and inner city players out of the game too, just like voting
just write on the backs of your cards in sharpie- everyone uses sleeves anyways. make a simple dot or something
Ok so here's my idea
Every card you get is registered with your blood. So if the deck doesn't match the person's DNA signature then the deck has it's own defensive methods like shooting poison darts or burning the other person when they touch it. Each time you trade a card it has to be done by a signed notary and registered to your DNA on the spot.
Basic increases to security in the building and parking lot, while discouraging bringing bags would be the obvious real solution. But fuck that, just start cutting people's hands off and nailing them to crosses
Is a handless person even capable of robbing somebody?
Yeah, but in a fairly clumsy manner that's probably enabled mostly out of pity.
That sounds a tad bit far, what about Isreal
Magic players are tabletop filth casuals, meme spitting, shutter shade wearing vape lords. You could seal in only the tournament players themselves and there would still be shit stolen.
It's associated with those male feminist types, who are stereotypically hardcore marxists.
>9. If any one lose an article, and find it in the possession of another: if the person in whose possession the thing is found say "A merchant sold it to me, I paid for it before witnesses," and if the owner of the thing say, "I will bring witnesses who know my property," then shall the purchaser bring the merchant who sold it to him, and the witnesses before whom he bought it, and the owner shall bring witnesses who can identify his property. The judge shall examine their testimony--both of the witnesses before whom the price was paid, and of the witnesses who identify the lost article on oath. The merchant is then proved to be a thief and shall be put to death. The owner of the lost article receives his property, and he who bought it receives the money he paid from the estate of the merchant.
This is sufficiently brutal.
I approve.
>called himself a libertarian
Oh no, what a piece of shit. I can hardly believe it!
But what if this crime is organizzed?
If the thief and the supposed trade witness already know the contenents of the deck (or just modify it a bit before an ispection) and enstabilished a price beforehand?
Or the opposite as a thief says he has been robbed by the owner and the owner won't have a witness of the trade.
You're an asshole, but I like the way you think. What's your linkedin?
But as long as it makes a problem for someone else for whom it shouldn't make any, it makes your proposed solution a shitty one. Though we all know it wouldn't work well even if that wouldn't be a problem since not many players would let their cards be stamped. Most want their stuff pristine.
This one has a good idea. At any events where there are valuables, you need some security guys keeping an eye on the people. At times it works not only just as a cure, but as a preventive measures - may pickpocketers will be much more careful and less willing to take a risk if the chance of being found out will be high.
This is also a simple but smart approach. Not always doable as sometimes people travel from quite far and will have some stuff. Having designated "changing room" where they can stash their stuff and get tokens proving their ownership (which tokens can be more safely kept at the person with minimized risk of being stolen) from staff who would work there and keep an eye on everyone's things could be quite useful for this.
Really, too most common safety measures for any big event.
Beside that, common sense - found the thief? Alert authorities. Shit like "we'll take your cards as punishment" doesn't work jack because someone can then accuse you of stealing. Go through proper, legal channels. Actually having to deal with cops rather than being slapped on a wrist or given an excuse to sue will be of value.
just give them a prosthetic gun-hand
The same way we deal with rape in a civilized society. We must not victim shame people who leave their bags and deckboxes unattended but instead teach magic players not to steal in mandatory seminars.
I agree on this final solution to the mtg player question.
I put everything I need in my backpack.
I put my backpack under my chair with my foot hooked around a strap while I play.
Islam will fix it
>reduce value of things to stop theft
spottet the commie
Institute draconian laws, like hand chopping for theft. Once they're caught twice, it won't be an issue.
I will simply steal your foot along with your backpack!
>White pickpocket
Mutilations and branding for offenders.
Make all Magic cards print on demand. They don't cost anything to order, but you're limited to one deck per quarter (unless you pay extra). The company makes their revenue from tournaments, rather than from the few cents on the dollar from booster packs.
It became associated with atheism/"rationality" movement, which intersects with both SJWs and anti-feminists.
keep your shit always on your lap/back.
dont' travel with over 10k worth of shit, if you do expect the 3 star 's hotel's room to not be safe enough on its own.
and remember. no one (except close friends you trust i guess) can touch your cards without you staring at them the whole time, which means when you play no one gets tot ouch your collection.
>carry extra Doomblades
It's not only the cards that gets stolen breh.
this is exactly the kind of shit that ensures that this person won't ever be able to do anything else besides stealing bikes
Clearly you don't understand how justice works.
Doomblades don't work on black creatures, user.
society is doubtless diminished by this lack of sympathy for criminals.
crime is a choice, maybe people shouldn't commit them if they can't face the consequences
>don't mind me, just pirating this bag
At least now we can avoid leaving our bikes near someone literally branded as a thief.
>How do we fix it--permanently?
convince your FLGS' owner that the constant theft is going to kill business, because it will, resulting in magic being banned from said FLGS. This it is not your problem anymore.
That's what happened to Yougioh at my FLGS, too many complaints of theft, not enough revenue from Yougioh to counter lost revenue, so Yougioh got banned.
cut off the hands of people who play magic the gathering.
Goddammit why do I keep using Fedoras as inspiration when trying to create intentionally obnoxious antagonists.
You have to understand that these people are the same as non-troll /pol/acks.
So in the end is correct.
Then who would print and sell us more cards?
Have a swloe friend guard your stuff.
Works from me
t. people who don't understand how crime works
If someone's permanently branded a thief then his only realistic option to support himself would be to keep stealing.
>this is just how justice works
The justice system works however we choose it to work. Draconian punishments have an harmful effect on society which we should avoid.
MTG's entire business model depends on artificially inflating the values of printed strips of cardboard.
So, to be completely desu, the commie's right.
We already tried doing that. Look at Europe right now and tell me everything is ok.
the countries with among the lowest crime rates in the world?
Many European countries have a way lower recidivism rate then the US.
Look at how the Middle East is and tell me everything is okay
Eh, just kill him then
stop being a bunch of cardgame playing nerds
> Loop backpack strap through chair leg
> Playing a game
> Suddenly chair is tugged back
> Scuzzy fucker wearing a Deadpool cap is staring at me wide eyed
>"Sorry, I tripped over it."