Paizo Games General /pgg/ (also /pfg/)

Paizo Games General /pgg/ (also /pfg/)

When was the last time you played and/or met a prissy and/or fussy noble? Was Power Word: Intrigue involved?

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First for magical negroes.
Why haven't you played a magical negro yet?

Last time that happened my character was informed that he'd be marrying her in order to prevent a war with her land.

Did you? Or did you selfishly plunge the realm into war?

I thought about it for Ensoulment, but couldn't come up with a better philosophy than "sportsmanship/fitness" and not only was that kind of stereotypical, it wouldn't have held up. Protag's cool, but their game was a little too high-minded for me.

What are the best eliciter emotions? Apathy and Joy both look amazing to me. Rage is cool, but you have to build around it.

Oh, heck, just add this to it and let the fucking app circus begin already

Im racist as fuck

I can't find good art that looks suitable for what I want to play!

Frostbite, rimespell, enforcer and hurtful magus? can this work?

posted that TL;DR for you here. It's still kinda long.

I tried to look uncouth and intimidating, and it didn't work. I tried to get my most loyal retainer to steal her away, and that didn't work. So I just stuck with it because she was three heads shorter than my character, half as broad, and tight as a drum.

We all expected she was basically the GM (a GoT fan) running his very own Cersei Lannister, because she kept disappearing and very obviously hiding things from us.

In my experience it's usually the racist ones that jump at the chance to play a /pol/ meme.

Currently playing in an adventure with no room for prissy noble girls. She felt so happy when she actually had a chance to wear a fancy dress for a few moments.

I played a female half orc, oracle for high chrisma she liked to put on pretty dresses and act lile a proper lady in kingmaker. She also liked to swing at things with an adamatine falchion.

It sounds reasonable and not entirely retarded! I'll think about it and post it in the list if I pass it.

Now, I have to write the damn Factions post already.

>had a dream about one of the cabel members
>they went yandere on me and locked me in a private demi-plane so that no one could come between us
>Not sure if I want to PM them now

Yes, so long as you don't run into anything immune to nonlethal like constructs or undead (which are immune to intimidate anyway, so whatever, just make sure you have backup plans for them).

Damn, that looks pretty cool.

I wish everyone luck!

Define magical. Both of my black characters were martials.
There's also this to consider, but I tend to avoid doing it all to avoid self insert syndrome

I want to play one in Fiendish Intrigue.

Who was it?

Shocking grasp

>inb4 "clever" blm analogy character
Granted the GM is a /pol/ fag so that might work.

I'll post here since I never actually made an official post:

Neo-Essentia is finally up, I've modified a lot of stuff in hopes of setting the game somewhere that'll appeal to more people (and to be honest, I'm pretty excited for the new setting anyways)- so if you didn't like the previous one I'd definitely suggest checking this one out, might fit your fancy a bit more.

In a nutshell: Setting moved forward in time by a few hundred years. Guns everywhere and even modern firearms/warfare-like items. Some PoW is back in and fullcasters are allowed again, and a higher starting level.

Thematically, the party will be a bunch of people applying to become the new Councilmen of Mestys, a huge city which was a powerhouse of trade and a boiling pot of different cultures- after the war the city suffered serious damage and is on the steady track to economic collapse. In an effort to save the city and put it on the right track again, the Mayor's calling for people to be a part of his council and guide the city into the future!

I'll be around for questions if anyone has any too.

You could always make requests in char art threads. Being on the lookout for particular stuff online also works but is playing the long game.

Now that I sit and think about it, I've played a handful of black folks and applied with more that never made it in for one reason or another.

>Why haven't you played a magical negro yet?
But user. I already am.

The only black /pfg/ app I remember was that trader guy from dragons and the bix nood muhfugga joke app from Blingmaker.

>every other week

Why do you have to crush my dreams?

Slow made one for Dragons and re-applied him for TSS, too.

What's the problem with that, sonny?

I would make it every week if not for the fact that I'd probably overshoot and burn out, so I felt this was the better compromise.

I recall Slow made a Garundi mercenary for one of the Dragons games, but yeah, you've got it about right.

Then again, /pfg/ goes into a berserk frenzy if you make a character from so much as the next town over, let alone a different region or nation of Avistan. The thread wouldn't survive someone making a character from Garund who wasn't basically white anyway.

I mean no one flipped out over that guy. And with all the people magically from Tian Xia that seem to get submitted to campaigns. I doubt that's the case.

Well, I guess I should make something then. Also gives me a chance to both use certain art and play medic.

>I mean no one flipped out over that guy.

It's incredible what a little backstory explanation can do for a character being where they otherwise should not.

Where can I learn more about Rahadoum, especially the capital.

I wanna try at a game where the players play as religious punks in an underground movement to bring faith back to the streets through the use of graffiti, sick styles, and distributing religious paraphernalia, while also trying to muscle enemy sects and cults outta your turf. Pic very much related

bullshit. PEople rabidly defended DHB making a techie dude for WotR, and no one has any problems with making Garundi for Skulls and Shackles, Serpent's Skull, or possibly JR if the support for that one user making Fem!Yasuke was any indication.

I feel that making a character that is usually from up to 2 regions away, or from someplace with known heavy amounts of marine travel and imports, capable of taking a boat there, is generally what is accepted. Really, its the fault of Paizo for making APs that tend to be situated in places where trying to get foreigners involved is hard, and for not doing much to try to actually write in proper international trade relations and geopolititcs

tl;dr you are full of shit get bent

What are and what concept where you thinking about?

I actually know that guy in real life. Me and him got drunk and I told him he should apply to Blingmaker like I did.

Didn't Dragons 2 take place near Garund anyway and the other game took place in the shackles?
>It's incredible what a little backstory explanation can do for a character being where they otherwise should not.
Do people seriously not try to do this?

I was thinking to play a young medic lady for that osirion based game. Someone who can handle hot climates has to tend to the rest of those fucks who will be dying in their fullplate and furs after all. She would take offense to being called a witchdoctor instead of just a doctor. Not in a 'das rayciss' way, but more of a 'I studied X years, call me Doctor' way.

With an alt racial and a feat, you could walk around in all that stuff and treat extreme heat like an average sunny day.

>Didn't Dragons 2 take place near Garund anyway and the other game took place in the shackles?

Yeah, so a Mwangi isn't out-of-place, in fact there are Mwangi groups IN Garund, so they're literally natives.

>Do people seriously not try to do this?
You'd be surprised.

>bullshit. PEople rabidly defended DHB making a techie dude for WotR,
Numeria is literally right next to the world wound.You even of crusaders who died in a fort that was built to be a rest stop for people passing through to the wound in Iron Gods.
>its the fault of Paizo for making APs that tend to be situated in places where trying to get foreigners involved is hard,
Don't most AP's take place in Varisia? You could just say your from Kaer Maga since you can find pretty much every human ethnicity there.

Fucked up my post meant to say you fight the ghost of a crusader in Iron Gods.

Hey guys, user here from a few threads ago that wanted to make the ultimate skill monkey. I need help trying to find mundane items to fill in the other skills. Any ones with circumstance bonuses are great because they stack.(Circumstance bonuses stack with diff sources of course)

Then comes the class. I am stuck between Investigator/Bard and Rogue. Rogue has more skill points but Investigator and Bard have access to all knowledge checks. Is there a way to have knowledge checks untrained as Rogue?

If you want the ultimate skill monkey, you want Investigator. The bonuses from Inspiration vastly out classes anything the other two can get.

Because Varisians make cuter girls.

You don't need to fight him. You can just wear a dress and pretend to be his old girlfriend.


>Cute Varisians

They'll just end up burning you, user.


>Because Varisians make cuter girls.

Who have the cutest girls in Golarion?

People have mentioned for the Investigator. But then people have mentioned also the for rogue.

I forgot to mention the inclusion Brilliant Planner or Well-Prepared feats. They are similar to the Deep Pockets ability where I can pull out a missing thing I need at a moment's notice.

>was literally listening to a cover of that song at the same time
God damn.


Why is there such a lack of cute android girls in my life

Being a secondary knowledgaboo is awful sometimes. Sure their entire class is knowledge + other stuff, but you still like to have what you achieve with your spare ranks and stuff like monster lore/bardic knowledge be relevant.

Sometimes high bonuses like that cause GMaboos to raise all the check DCs to the point where only the empiraboo or whatever else can make it. Then that's a problem.

So does this mean that Varisian bards how a variation of Blistering Incentive where instead of intimidate they roll Perform (Dance)?

Arcadia. If its worth crossing the ruins of Azlant for Ulfen to travel all the way to that unknown land, you just know the babes have got to be worth it. Plus they got Skinwalkers and Owls there too! And owls are super adorbs!

Question about FoB
FoB is done at full BaB
Imagine you have 1 level in PHB monk and 5 in fighter (for example), for a 5 BaB and 6 with FoB. Do you get extra attack while FoB due 6 BaB?

Skill monkeys are horrible for this. Not helped that people who play them always RP as assholes. Instead of the group all fighting in combat and contributing out of combat with specialties, one guy does everything then is dead weight in fights.

Phantom Thief loses basically everything in the way of combat utility, and skill loses out to the Empiracist.

You expect me to think that owl is cute? It doesn't even have any eyebrows.

Speaking of isn't Blingmaker running right now? How is the session going?

I have.

He was a Dalish Elven Sandman (Bard) in a Dragon Age setting that looked like a Faerunian wood elf.

The game didn't last long.

Eyebrows? user, eyebrows are cute, but little hats are cuter.

Which cover?

The female vocals?

It was this one

First time I'd heard the cover too, so it was some damn spooky timing.

CSI: Greenbelt

How do you rate anons? Also taking ideas for the female version.

The owls are Imperialist RACISTS!

>ONE FUCKING SQUARE from a bingo
>all because don't have any art at all

not sure if I should be disappointed or relieved desu

That's the issue with overspecialization in general.

If one guy has massive knowledges, then he'll always get the answer. If the DM wants to keep any kind of unreliability, they raise the DCs, but then nobody else can make it.

But then there's the Fight Guy. He deletes everything. To keep any semblance of challenge, the DM would need to raise the difficulty of fights, but that fucks over everyone else too.

The healthiest party is one where nobody specializes TOO hard.

4 at most. 2 in one row at the most.

I'm pretty sure I did this right.

As for the female version, a "T H I C C" spot is a must.

Pretty shit. Didn't even get a bingo out of it despite hitting 10 of those.

Female version needs "Night Tea in inventory," "Busty," and "THICC."

Yes. When you're using flurry of blows, your BAB from Monk is treated as your monk level, and then other classes are added as normal.

Anyone have any ideas for the other blank slots? The more different mundane items with circumstance bonuses fromm diff sources the better. It does not have to be mundane but the idea of having a "utility belt" of everyday things make it fit the theme.

Murder investigations should be easier when you have a necromancer around

This needs a male vs female version. Too many of these are mutually exclusive.


Not when the necromancer has no way of communicating with the dead.

So my FoB would be 4/4/-1?

I was one square away from bingo because my PC was good at dancing but happy to admit it.

No point in having busty AND thick, they usually come paired together. "Busty/THICC" as a square, though.

>Jonathan Young
That's a good one. Check out the Google Translate version for a laugh.

>Night Tea in inventory
>Described as "DTF"
>Tragic backstory

I won't tell. Until I've PMed them and they turn yandere


Foolish Fools! Everyone knows little owls popping out of tinny burrows is the cutest, hence why th Burrowing Owl is the ultimate in cute owl!

They're like dwarves, but cuddly and fluffy

So are dwarves, kobolds, and humans, yet everyone loves those little scamps


>only three total

Who died? Was it a PC or NPC?

Well, if you turn the victim into a ghost they'll probably seek their murderer out on their own.

Actually, is there even a way to create a ghost of a particular person? Animate Dead only deals with skellies and zombies. I don't remember what Create Undead can do.

How could an Empiricist even get those skills so high?

Good god they sound like somebody is reverse whistling through their teeth.

I just realized I can make a Sherlock character with a "utility belt" that has everything he needs a la Batman. Add a hat of disguise also for max camp. Maybe make my character take Opium also.

Sure, Satan

>implying you can't teach them racial tolerance through the power of human dick
>implying they won't become another notch in mankind's glorious destiny to fuck all the cute races
Silly user, you can't beat the dick. Nope, not the dick


>How quickly we've forgotten about Mouse

Don't be mean to owls, user.

The one guy I didn't roll for, and I could have had a bingo if I did.