Why aren't you playing Mekton Zeta right now? Are you some kind of faggot or something?
Why aren't you playing Mekton Zeta right now? Are you some kind of faggot or something?
Because it's shit. Battle Century G does what it does a thousand times better and with less fiddly horseshit and broken 80s-era design.
>Battle Century G
You only play that ironically.... Right?
As much as I love the mech designing, the game plays like ass. It's akin to dragging my dick across sandpaper.
As someone who ran a Build Fighters campaign with it... no?
Guess you are some kind of faggot or something.
Name one (1) objectively bad thing about Mekton Zeta's combat system. I'll wait.
>hurr faggot
>name one objectively bad thing about MZ combat
Indirect fire, Ref being a godstat, how easily breakable mech creation is, there, I gave you three.
It's as swingy as it gets, especially if you lack stats or investment in a particular skill. I tried playing "inexperienced ace pilot" in a game and it went horrifically because I didn't have the skill to keep up with anything thanks to
>lol 1d10+skill
>how easily breakable mech creation is,
1. They're called Mektons. Clearly you've never even played the game, so I don't need to make any other points.
Sounds like you're just bad at making characters. That, or your GM is awful. Probably the latter, to be quite honest with you, senpai.
Oh, I see, you're trolling. Well done, you got me good
I dunno, maybe she wasn't built right but even my 10 reflex, 10 mech ref mecha didn't help when the dice fuck me over.
>d-damn it... i've been shown to be a true idiot... o-oh i know! i'll just say he's t-trolling!
Well done.
Maybe next time you should get somebody else to build your character for you. It's not something to be embarrassed about; most people new to tabletop gaming use that method at some point.
Then how would you build such a character oh wise one, enlighten me with your ways.
The only other possibility is you're really autistic enough to drop a valid point because I didn't use Pondsmith's special copyrightable terminology for what everyone recognises as a giant fucking mech-suit. Evidently you and MZ were made for one another.
You know, what gets me is that there's no mechanics for single shot or belt fed mech weapons. There's literally no reason not to make a mech gun with like a 500 round magazines if you have the space.
Give me the details of the character and I'll attempt to fix it.
You sound salty because you can't into RPGs. Also you sound like a roleplayer.
>can't into RPGs
>sound like a roleplayer
Character was a girl who got caught in kaiju attacks and was left horrifically scarred from the attack. ended up joining the anti-kaiju defence force despite her lack of experience and knowledge with mechs, but had lots of raw talent. That good enough?
I play it as a wargame. Don't tell me you sit around in somebody's basement with grown men playing pretend, user...
Way too edgy and snowflakey. Take away the oh-so-traumatic past and you're golden.
>Ask for statistical help
>decide to critique my actual character after shitting on a guy for being a roleplayer
I had no idea what I was expecting.
Yeah you're blatantly trolling here. You can drop it.
The ironic thing is BCG gave us far more tactical depth since everyone had a role to play in battle and large enemies like bosses have special abilities that fuck you up if you aren't ready for them
Did it cut too deep?
I am not trolling. You know I'm right and you're just accusing me of trolling so you don't have to actually counter my arguments. Also how did you get that black block under your post?
I was hoping for a stat block to go with it at least.
Now if I wanted to play Not!Evangellion and don't feel like shooting up the pure AIDS that is AdEva, would Mekton Z or BCG be my best bet?
In the event you're seriously on the retarded end of Poe's Law, click the text. It's spoiler tagged.
Considering there's stuff that causes your mech to rage out and deal more damage the more it's hurt and the expansion has rules for going insane that sync up really well with Shinji and co's psychological issues? BCG, without a doubt.
>Mech/a creation is amazing and highly detailed, allowing you to build anything you want.
>Interesting options presented in Core and Plus. Not all options are copied from Robotech, Patlabor, Gundam, or other mech/a anime.
>Ship to mech/a combat is scaled correctly, for a PnPRPG.
>Lifepath organization is great and it hits almost all of the corners a typical character should address in backround or otherwise.
>Mech/a creation rewards crunchier players and fluff players get lost in the dark. FAST.
>Everything that is not mech/a or ship related is trash. Character creation is a joke and provides nothing to the system as a whole. Would be better if they just tagged this alongside OWOD/NWOD, D20 Modern, or any other system that focuses on characters and leave this to mech/a and ship crunch.
>Instead of a d20+x it is a d10+x. If you are going to copy D&D, do it with your head held high.
>Damage is automatic, with Kills, instead of random rolled. Though this speeds up the game, the author addresses this issue in Plus and regrets this decision.
>God Skills are boringly apparent (see any skill that starts with "Mecha"). Of course, this is only true for the grogs that are piloting the mech/a s... but that is what the game is about.
>Implied random rolling your Lifepath. I love random rolling stats in light hearted PnPRPGs, but also random rolling class, starting money, etc etc is not fun. Good Referees just ignore most of this part, though.
>25 Hits equals one Kill, in a system that gives your average character 10 Hits of threshold. Most guns deal about 3 Kills.
>CP does not have a comparable monetary amount in game.
>Battletech does a lot of things better. A lot of things worse.
Really, I could go on.
>>CP does not have a comparable monetary amount in game.
This would depend on the setting, no? I guess they could have added a monetary equivalent for Algol, but it specifically says in the book that CP doesn't solely represent money, but also effort and other resources.
Because it's far to crunchy and fiddly to actually be played. However, building a mech in it is actually quite fun.
I'm curious, what's a good generic system that blends a good mix of infantry and mech combat, especially in the case where said mechs are like 7-10 ft tall armored cores?
They use money in the core, in Yen. But there is no comparison for Yen to CP.
Hmm. Just curious, what system would you run for a Gundam campaign, and why?
Chromestrike was pretty good for that, although it was a homebrew made specifically for purpose. Can't name a decent universal system that does it well... Maybe Savage Worlds and its walker rules?
Alright, I'm wondering because I may run such a game soon. in reality I'm also working on my own set of rules for it and I'm not sure how I should handle dice rolling and stats.
Honestly? If Genesys works anything like FFG Star Wars I might try and cludge that into running my dream 08th MS Team-style campaign. BCG has options for lower-powered grunt-style play, but the fact players build their mecha exactly as they would their characters kinda goes against the whole "mass-produced shitpile" approach I want to do.
Maybe Mini Six?
Does Genesys have anything for using miniatures? Like could it possibly be adapted for wargaming purposes? I'm out of the loop on Genesys but I'd be very interested if so.
Chromestrike used mostly d6s. Not a lot happened outside of mecha when I tested it, combat was largely 2d6 vs a target number with a third d6 thrown in for guided missile systems
Genesys is the last system you'd use miniatures for, if it's anything like its Star Wars parent all ranges are in abstract rangebands (i.e. engaged, short, medium, long, extreme). BCG works extremely well with miniatures, however, in fact I found myself having to use them when I ran it.
Honestly, Mecton Zeta, Even with all its faults, it is the best space opera PnP we have.
Now, saying that, scrap everything in chapter 1 for character creation and use something you and your players are more used to. The RPG solely relies on the writing and your players being in character, not necessarily the mechanics you all use. D20 Modern has Future rules, but their mech rules are trash in comparison. I only suggest this because d20 is forever in vogue.
I would suggest, otherwise, is to build the mechs for your players, convert their stats into whatever system, and then keep the Mecton Zeta rules for combat with other mech/a s and ships. This will speed up your play, keep the story and power level in check (even rewarding upgraded mech stats over time), and get you faster towards session 1. Easier to write session 2+ also.
I played it quite a bit in the early '90's and remember it being enjoyable, especially making the Mek things.
That was a long while ago and we were more beer & pretzels gaming than serious analysis too, so could be crap.
I'm not a sci-fi person but building anime robutts is fun.
Well for my system I'm playing around with d6 dice pools, since I'm taking a few cues from Heavy Gear's damage system. One of the big main features, besides mech building, is that players build weapons instead of purchasing them from a pre-set list.
If you want a miniatures, 40k-esque, tabletop game go no further than Battletech. Rules are a tad shit, and factions are silly beyond belief, but it is 40k of mechs.
Or you could just run Mecton Zeta as a tabletop wargame and scrap character creation. Give units of certain sizes their base to-hit modified by weapon type (see Mecton Zeta Plus).
Yeah I just need to track down a copy of Mekton Zeta Plus. I just got my copy of Mekton Zeta a couple days ago and it's pretty beat up. Was the only listing I could find that shipped to Canada, though.
>keep the mecha/ship combat rules and scrap the character rules
>actually suggesting d20 for characters
Why not just throw the entire system in the trash and use something that does both better? The world has moved on since MZ and 3.5 were the only games in town.
Torrent it
>implying d20 has shit character creation in comparison to levels, power balance, skill sets, etc etc
>still griping about the meta not being GURPS or some other vague RPG system
Bro, I said "I only suggest this because d20 is forever in vogue." I don't know what his group meta is, only that d20 is meta everywhere. Better than suggesting 4e.
4e would actually work as a mecha game with some reworking, though.
>talking shit about 4e
Ha ha ha, we have a true grog over here
Strange how when I offered a bit of reworking, it was thrown in the trash. By that account, your suggestion should be in the trash as well.
I'll give you the chance, though. Why would we use a World of Warcraft of D&D (see: weakest of the D&Ds, which is lowest of the low) to satisfy a Space Opera campaign that would have social nuances of Iron-Blooded Orphans or Gundam Wing with your less-than-20 skill set? Just throw Diplomacy at everything OOC and then only roll attack while in the mech? Oh, but someone has to spec for either... leaving a set of players to have neither. Isn't that called class imbalance or could it be something else? I'd rather run the busted Mecton Zeta rules over that trash.
I am tired of 4e worms wriggling above their station. (see previous picture)
I've heard there is one or more 4e D&D mech games and are a lot of fun, a local group played it.
>Gundam Wing
>social nuances
>only roll attack when in the mech
>but what if you didn't spec for combat, just the Diplomacy skill?
You've never played 4e in your life, have you? You can't dump everything into one skill, nor can you make a fucking paraplegic basketweaver who can't at least hold their own when the shit hits the fan. Nor is combat just "hurr I mash attack".
Because I'm planning to run Jovian Chronicles instead.
I suggest watching it again. Now that you are an adult (I assume) you might pick up on some of the finer details.
I have. But, you are right: you can't spec into anything. Every class is the same and it lacks any third dimension.
But why?
Nah son, I'll stick with UC Gundam. It makes more sense for an anti-war story to be told about some poor kid thrown into combat with a machine he barely knows how to use and having to see his friends picked off one by one than about a highly-trained killer boy band and their one-of-a-kind supermechs.
>every class is the same
kek, go try and do what the fighter or barbarian does as a wizard and see how fast your character gets fed their own teeth by the enemy
Are you playing a wizard in a gundam campaign?
No, but in 4e terms an artillery suit fulfils the same battlefield role.
also we call those Newtypes around here
>he doesn't play wizards in a gundam campaign
Is Mekton Zeta still the best Gundam-style miniature wargaming system?
Are you doing "magic" equals "technology"? oi vey
What? No, you use the same classes, just refluffed.
"Fireball" is a long range missile barrage, "Burning Hands" is a big flame thrower, "Lightning Bolt" is a plasma canon or whatever.
>mekton zero never
A shame it got confirmed as a scam, and R. Tal's CEO is a crook, liar, and batshit insane.
Well I guess I better me like a bucket of dicks to suck off since I'd rather do that than play Mekton.
>hoping to start a Mobile Frame Zero group up with some people from my local Gunpla group
Anyone ever tried Jovian Chronicles?
The silhouette system, which is what DP9 calls the mechanical framework that both Jovian Chronicles and Heavy Gear (as well as their other now defunct RPGs) use, would be hands down better than Mekton in every possible way if it wasn't for the combat being super swingy, and SilCore's 'so retarded not even the devs were 100% sure how it was supposed to fucking work' Skill Complexity system.
How about Heavy Gear d6?
I want to run it so very, very badly. Even have a campaign premise (cops in Peace River pre-antimatter bomb).
It's alright.
D6 System is fundamentally flawed though. The math is completely borked for what they want it to do.
because it's shit
making a mek is fun but it's too easy to make one that's either 200% ass or overpowered
>mfw one-shotting the DM's BBEG because of the exploding 10's meme and an infinite burst 2-kill laser
>mfw everybody else in the party is either totally useless or is playing rocket tag
>book so horribly laid out that three of our group, including the DM, find a rule for called shots in human-scale melee in our own time, and during the game can't actually find it anymore
>human-scale combat absolutely requiring that you armor up or else pistols will shear off limbs
>making smoke missiles is useless because by the time they last longer than two rounds and have even a decent radius, their HE equivalent would rape everything
>indirect fire scatters one tile at the most, it is literally impossible not to damage something with splash damage during indirect fire
and that's just what i remember
i'm surprised that it didn't have the nat 1 meme from cyberpunk 2020 as the shit-cherry on the shit-cake. or maybe it did, but it was buried at the back of the book or something.
speaking of c2020, that's shit too.
Because I'm at work, the game is tonight. I'm plotting out the combat encounter and building machines.
Fun fact: Jovian Chronicles started as a Mekton setting.
And honestly it was actually better when it was a Mekton setting.
Fucking DP9 blew it.
This. I want to love CP2020 for its setting, but the system is donkey diarrhoea
But can you wargame with Jovian Chronicles?
Yes, Heavy Gear uses a similar system. The question is why are you so focused on wargaming with RPGs?
There aren't any good Gundam-esque wargames I know of. I've heard Battletech is shit.
holy shit OP is a gigantic faggot picking fights with everyone in thread to ease the pain in his anus holy shit
It has an entire miniatures war game line, google it nigger.
Maybe when I'm done testing out Mekton Zeta I'll try that out. It's hex-based, yeah?
Name one (1) objectively bad thing about Mekton Zeta's combat system.
Dexterity 10 Dexterity 5 (average for 90% of the professional pilots)
Weapon Skill 10 Weapon Skill 5
20+dice roll vs 10+diceroll
rolling 10+ higher than your opponent allows you to ignore mech's armor and apply damage directly to health. This allows you to pretty much oneshot nearly anyone.
There is nothing in the system that prevents you from taking Dex 10 and weapon skill 10 at the character creation
>There is nothing in the system that prevents you from taking Dex 10 and weapon skill 10 at the character creation
premade mechs/characters
>it's okay! you just take away all opportunities for customisation from your players!
This level of stupidity is something I've not seen since... last year.
Mobile Frame Zero is a thing that exists. Also, there was an official Gundam wargame that, like the RPG, only saw a Japanese release.
>This level of stupidity is something I've not seen since... last year.
so making the mechs for your players is stupid now? you can break any system, bud, it's up to your players whether or not they want to be dicks about it
making mechs for them is good for people you don't trust or people who are new to the system
I thought the system had a line saying all "complex" skills (all the combat ones) couldn't be raised past 4 during char gen or something of the sort.
Or you could just use BCG.
But does it work for wargaming?
Why the fuck do you want your RPGs to work as wargames when I just mentioned a wargame you could use instead you titanic fucking autist
Mobile Frame Zero is made for lego babbies, the guy literally says on the homepage he plays with his 10 year old kids right before he diddles them. Excuse me for wanting a legitimate system
I prefer Mekton.
The rules are fully functional for stuff like 1/144 kits too. Also;
>implying a huge chunk of the modern Lego market isn't nostalgic twentysomethings
I don't think I'll ever understand why, but more power to you, I guess.
>The rules are fully functional for stuff like 1/144 kits too. Also;
Yeah I was half kidding, I'll check it out if Mekton Zeta doesn't work out for me. I just bought the book so I want to at least give it a chance. Cheers.
>I just bought the book
You poor fool. I still have the core rules and I think maybe the GM screen lying around, they have never, ever gotten used after the disaster that my attempt to run CP2020 was.
We'll see. I enjoy homebrewing so I'm not scared to fix it up a bit. It seems to have a good framework at least.
Top level '09 style trolling OP. Haven't seen faggotry this genuine in many years, thanks for the nostalgia trip.
Could go without the attitude like anyone would actually buy that your being serious taken this far, the real pros drop that after a few posts and switch tactics.
so, 9.5/10, would lurk again.
good samefagging though, i'll give you that.
I dropped the con a while ago because the thread resulted in genuine discussion. Thanks, though.