"you laugh, it's shadow realm for you then, jimbo" edition
Filename thread
That's fucking adorable. It's a pity that she's (second) Worst Girl.
named in the Veeky Forums fashion
Is this what happens when you piss in the ballpit?
It's like he WANTS to get thrown off a roof.
I should have fiddeled with this slightly but screw it
"Show them, show them how hot your fire can burn"
What happened?
wait wat?
Just take the first panel and name it Diabolic Tutor.
holographic camo used to fuck with a guy's head before you execute him.
Dog Days is so fucking dumb I love it
>Shut down all the trash compactors on the detention level
She has a gun, you can see it clearly just before the cop runs her dumb ass over for pointing a gun at a cop car.
>Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.jpeg
It's the art for a MtG card called "Lord of the Pit."
What the shit is this?
Oh I see it now.
Floridian here. The guy wrestling the anaconda (yes, Anaconda in florida) is a wildlife biologist who did it in our springs as a spectacle to raise awareness about wildlife. Snakes are cold blooded and won't outlast a human in stamina. Especially if it has to hold its breath while the biologist surfaces for air repeatedly. As long as he keeps flipping off the coils of death (that's what the backup dudes are for), he will tire out the snek without risking much.
The more you know-
Daicon 4 had the best opening of all time.
Brand new!
I'm pretty sure this is s scene from Full Metal Panic
Who's actual worst girl? Hifumi?
>Rogue Trader
It's like he followed one of the convoluted suicide advice threads on /b/ or something.
>This seems fake, I'll google i-
>Autocomplete fills it in
>Articles say it is now married
I cannot comprehend.
Needs a better name.
>When I said I wouldn't be railroading, I meant it!
>Custom Climbing Feat
>Insolent Neonate gains trample
>Furyblade Vampire gains menace
Name it.
Great comic
I like the third option, tbqh
Oh right, forgot about her. Ann is third-worst, hifumi is worst
Haru is second-worst
Why, I may ask? Is it because Neonate already has menace (indicated by the kanji) and the trample is climbing up the wall?
I thought the first one I made was the best leaving alone the /v/ filename on the image.
>after GW retconned squats
Wait, only works for first half
>Dost thou even hoist?
>Paladin uses inspiration dice
>What the other knights do while you faff about
It's because Dio had JUST become a vampire during that scene, and a neonate is a newly turned vampire.
Ooooh! I should've saw that! Guess that's triple the resemblances.
He's Quitting... Roast him Veeky Forums!
Don't do it Wayne! Veeky Forums NEEDS your shitposting and jimmies-rustling!
He's got a thread up:
I unironically like Haru. Bro-tier character
Literally Prestidigitation.
Today I learn that there are animals who's entire life is being cared around in small containers, aggravated to the point of murderous rage, and then are forced to engage in waterboard wrestling until they pass out only to be re-celled and forced to do it again and again.
Don't piss off the Gods, kids.
...I now want this to be an actual alignment system. And for some reason I think I'm dischaos.
Religions are inherently wacky and prejudiced people tend to be prejudiced in odd ways. Film at 11.
>You may cast Spirit spells as though they had flash. (Rattlechains)
In front of a fucking schoolyard, too. What did she think was going to happen?
I've... Been there.
Fuck you, Hifumi is great:
>Imagine her demure nature dissolving the second she's in bed with you
>Imagine her assuming her "Shoji-commander" personality as she starts fem-dom'ing you
>Imagine her engaging in anal play, shoving shoji pieces up your ass, commanding said pieces into the "breach," as Hamlet does in the beginning of the selfsame play.
>Imagine being so horribly traumatized that you can't go near a shoji board again without life-stopping flashbacks
>Imagine her resuming her demure personality the second she climaxes from seeing you cum despite yourself, becoming suddenly concerned and alarmed at the state of you--butt up in the air, shoji pieces up your ass, crying pitifully
It's like visiting a board full of Mormons, or something...
>this much autism
I think you need to go back to /jp/.
Hey there, user. It's user from . I'll share a secret with you: it's not autism... it's about 6 shots of Johnnie Walker Red Label (or more. I lost count after six). But I admit, the effect might be indistinguishable from autism at first glance.
No, it's autism to go off like that on your deluded fantasized version of some fucking animu game girl.