/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
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How did the true fae break your Changeling waifu, and how do you deal with the fact that she's just sloppy seconds with PTSD?
>5th editons cliffnotes
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
That picture is gold.
>dat dude on the background
Promethean: the Created - the best of CoFD (nWoD 2.0). In all it's Mary Shelley's Frankenstein meet's the worst kind of tranny's narcissism and relationship drama, simply the best. Better than all the rest.
Better than Werewolf, which is an absolutely stellar second.
I know, isn't it? On so many levels. I just can't stop laughing at it.
but it isn't transexual stuff, it's literal body dismorphia because they're fucking fake people.
What the FUCK is going on with that chick's pants?!?!!?
It looks like stankfaced Steve on the right there is in physical agony because he wasn't able to swipe his mom's black eye liner and feels the absence in his very soul.
The 90's.
Transsexual stuff is body dysmorphia. It's just been cruelly politicized because of the sex aspect. If it were treated like body dysmorphia there would be a lot less mutilated people with a lot less regrets and a lot less unfortunate, confused, maimed individuals taking their own lives as a corrupt industry feeding off of their suffering makes bank.
Yeah he said that didn't he?
I know it is, i'm saying there's a difference since the only prommies that'd have sexual body dysmorphia would be Frankensteins or the rare Osiris that lost their bits. (Not talking about unfinished or extempore because they're.... Meh.)
Pretty much. But what can you do when someone wants to complain no matter what you've said?
Every time it gets posted I find something else to laugh about.
For example I just noticed the guy with the cane.
Not him, but he's right - I believe the original was written very much with the struggles of trans individuals in mind. The newer version sort of filed off some of the serial numbers maybe? I haven't read it, but the original Prometheans was very reminiscent of the trans struggle, but internally and how it tears the people around them apart in a lot of ways from at least a relationship perspective, although in game that's represented by firestorms which are a bit more general in tearing shit apart!
I didn't get any of that from what I read, which was 2e to be fair, but I think you're only gonna see that if you're looking for it. The whole refinements thing really tips the parallel out of alignment.
Veeky Forums is willing to see metaphors for transexuals in literally anything OPP writes.
I somewhat still miss them
Oral sex is sex, Fairy Pepe
That's probably because despite all the hate Veeky Forums is trannie central
Why is that anyway? You'd think the constant hate would lessen that a bit.
self hating crossdressers
I mean, it's an anonymous site, not like people will know they happen to be transexual unless they bring it up, and even if they do it's not like that knowledge will stick beyond a thread.
Attention seeking behavior. Any attention, even bad attention, is craved.
Orientation has little to do with people's hobbies
If they're smart they'll run with 20th anniversary edition and cancel 5e
There's a reason they make people go through all the psych shit before they cross over.
See also the anonimacy gives them the ultimate power of being able of deciding when and when not they attract attention.
Why do you guys hate transexual people so much man, it's fucked up how often it comes up. Like I'm guessing it's just two guys pretending to be other people but still.
Because they are degenerate scum that undermine civilization.
I don't I hate all the attention whoring a literal less than 1% of the population likes to throw out. An no transvestites aren't trannies so you can't lump them in. Drag queens tend to be so much more fucking chill about shit.
I'm sure there's more to things that what people definitively know, or think they definitively know (and I say this because science is constantly updating, not because it sounds 2deep).
But I doubt the "more" part here lines up with human mythology and conceptions about fictional things like magic.
What do you do when your game is shit but players say they want to continue next friday?
I mean it can't be so shitty if they want to continue but there's no sinergy between characters and they don't seem interested with the overall themes of the setting. We spent the whole session with two characters doing tourism and the third becoming enemies with literally ALL factions in the city.
Is this an average vampire game?
There is a reason. But it's not what you think it is. It's to provide a legal basis for covering their asses in case the transsexual tries to sue after the procedure. Plus extra hours billed. You will find that is becoming a common trick before most elective surgeries, extra hoops and whistles patients are put through to "assess their readiness" but which in all reality are more for both legal reasons and for the almighty dollar. There is so much greed in the medical industry now it's horrific, but what is going on with the trans-trend is an absolute horror story. Professionals who raise their hand to question it are attacked relentlessly by activists, even if their intent is to protect the long term health of the patient, it's heartbreaking and evil.
Not all the versions that are presented. But there is truth hidden in the bullshit, for every true "something" out there there are dozens of fakes but the true ones exist.
I don't hate transsexual people. How could I? I've never met one. And I probably never will, given what a minuscule percentage of the population they are. So to me they might as well not be real. Totally irrelevant to my life.
Go back to /pol/.
Enemy to all the factions in the city, lil bizzare but oh well vampires make enemies with each other on a almost daily basis. Tourism less so, though I guess it'd make sense if you where building up lore and fluff for the setting/domain?
Could try to add some zest, ask them the kind of stuff they want to see?
Little white boy from the suburban bubble. what a sheltered thankless life you live
.01% of the population, if not less. Nobody is likely to see one except on TV.
It would be more believable if you said hundreds of fake ones for every true one. Thousands, even. If magic was real in any meaningful, substantial way, I doubt there would be any doubt about it.
I will not let the truth be quarantined. People need to see how wrong things are, and staying among people who already realize does not achieve that goal.
>I want to hack off my junk
> ... Are you of sound mind?
That's probably accurate to be honest, I was just kind of running with the expression. The point still stands.
Me on the left.
So outside of this apparent bubble you assume I live in, transsexuals are everywhere? Or is it the opposite, that you travel in the same circles as them and know a good number, so you think they're everywhere? Which is more likely?
How do I learn magic? I asked this on /x/ in their magic(k) general. They never got back to me.
You are scum. I look forward to watching you hang on the day of the rope.
I talked to your dad who likes to go downtown in a mini skirt and get pegged by Pros whil bemoaning the fact you were ever born
What the fuck is this thread.
I am a professional, I work in a field that would definitely be called a hard science - math, physics, material qualities, hard calculations. But when I took my grandmother into my home, when I found out my mom was abusing her, the woman I was told was a crazy old witch, well, she certainly seemed crazy, but she was anything but. There was a lot of old folk stories that were probably just stories, but some of the stuff, there was sense in it, if you listened, really listened, and she knew things - I'm not talking this Tarot guy's stuff, but, well, my sons and daughter know, they're the only ones I'll share it with, I'll just say listen to those you trust, and respect your elders.
You know my dad? Can you tell me where he is? Because he went to go fishing about 25 years ago and got lost.
Your mom left you out of the barn again?
It's not that simple. There isn't much people can do on their own, it's all about other entities.
See this is exactly what I'm talking about.
What, like Pact?
He sucked off a fish and then got hooked on fish semen they shed into the tap.
Have you ever thought that the fakes might be out there to dissuade people from investigating? It's very easy to sway people by convincing them they would look like fools for believing in something or even appearing to giving it a hint of credence.
Not actually literal tourism. They're all new to the city and decided to explore it (which is normal) but they ignored any hint related to the political and religious conflicts. I don't know if I was too subtle with the hooks or if they just wanted to chill and walk around the city doing nothing.
The third one wanted to build a cult and he basically insulted literally every other vampire in the city except one in the process. He's popular with some mortals, but if he continues like that I'm gonna have to have him killed and I don't want that. I mean it's not fun to say "some dudes dragg you out during the day".
More like mutual favors. Most people are never going to see a major spirit, only the small ones.
Pact is a web serial where magicians do magic by making deals with spirits and such.
Fake Magic covers up real tragedy. People don't need magic to be utter shits to each other
Have you ever thought that the fakes might be out there to dissuade people from investigating? It's very easy to sway people by convincing them they would look like fools for believing in something or even appearing to giving it a hint of credence.
Ah. That seems like it. Generally small stuff though, the only successful one I ever managed was a minor informational one that used to be used by the ancient Armenians.
This guy needs mental help
You only need to post once.
Alright, so we had a thread about trannies and a thread about magic. If we put them together we might actually have a (W/C)oD general.
Yeah, I doubt that's true. All it takes is one determined person to bring the truth to light, and I bet when it comes to something like this there have been and are way more than just one determined person. Unless there's some sort of Veil/Masquerade shit going on, the lack of actual evidence says a lot.
Trannies and magic is bog standard for a WoD thread.
Continue to be that guy
Replied to the wrong post and thought I deleted the first. Oops. Also the recaptchas are getting outrageous tonight.
The reason you don't see more evidence is that it's really hard to do anything big. Most effective magic/ritual/pacts are really minor nudges and stuff, where likely the only person who will know beyond a doubt it worked is the person who did it, if that.
Still better than Magefags .
>/x/ and /lgbt/ in one thread
Are you serious?
What's the problem?
Right, plus it's more about shifting odds than throwing fireballs.
Hey wait a minute, Mr. Wizard, why don't you go online post proof of your magic?
Pretty much a microcosm of White Wolf's audience.
>magic is real
>but also piss weak and not even a big deal
Somehow more disappointing than if it didn't exist at all.
So, How's Beast's Building a Better Legend?
I haven't had a chance to read it, and wonder if it's worth the trouble?
Yes, i am a qt goth waifu, ask me anything
Of course not, you wanker
That's what I mean. 99.99% of it is odds on a task, information, personal capacity (stamina, strength, intelligence, nothing overtly superhuman though) or general safety.
Crowley once bragged about shattering a glass with his mind
Or when he "allegedly" demonstrated the power to mentally force an individual to trip over air and fall over.
It's all clearly a crock of shit tho
The Occult is interesting because it isn't real
>Studies years to learn real magic
>Perform the killing rite
>Nothing Happens
>Hires hitman instead
>Sues mentor for scamming
>Mentor asks if the man is now dead?
>Answer well yes now he is
>Mentor: The rite worked
>Shoots mentor in the head
>Now you're dead
Humans can't really do magic on our own, Crowley was a fraud but that doesn't mean the entire field is.
I don't know, it seems like it. Too bad there can never be any real evidence in its favor.
It can still be helpful to your life if you use it right. It has been to me.
>Can do magic
>Can only do small magic
>Can't actually do magic
Wow your magical realm is a total cucks fantasy
The only true "magic" is science
Historically they were both the same thing.
Just look at Isaac Newton.
Here's a lewd, just for you boys :-)
It's not all weak, there are greater spirits, but they don't really do what we say. They intervene if at all entirely on their own agendas.
>Collecting the diluted aspects of their strange ancestry, the ritual officiants coalesce into a being Iremite sorcery calls the Herald of Forgotten Stars. It is a demon of collapsed, convoluted space that crawls and grasps with the modified flesh of component mummies, its many limbs and eyes appearing as if through a cracked prism, impossible to fully describe. Shepherds write that sometimes, a tall, cruel-looking man dressed as ancient royalty stands amidst the crawling chaos, half in shadow, and utters enigmatic statements somehow connected to the nearby witnesses. They do not know if he is the Herald, or a being that accompanies it.
What the fuck were the shan'iatu even fucking doing, seriously?
It's not can't do anything, it's about rituals with spirits. Never fast, never flashy, but effective often enough to be worth the trouble at least.
What the fuck would a great spirit want, how does he have an agenda?
Is it really worth the trouble if bad things exist and can get a hold through something as "not necessarily dangerous" as tarot?