How come White gets special treatment and extra cool toys from WotC?
What gives?
How come White gets special treatment and extra cool toys from WotC?
What gives?
color i like gets a playable card.
color I don't like gets a playable card.
White is right
Because it's really boring otherwise. "We're the good guys."
Do they turn this around and make white the bad guys?
They've done that.
Elesh Norn
Blatant attempt at starting a /pol/lack argument while knowing very little about the game he's attempting to bait. An attempt was made, but vague claims without statements or examples to back it up. Could have been improved by including Overwhelming Splendor as the OP, but instead just relies on a baseless statement by itself.
4/10, expected better.
White gets Control, and also Army power, and in general focuses on making you more impotent in combat while bolstering their ranks. However, it lacks that fine control Blue has, and Green can build a better army and lifegain faster pound for pound. Any heavy hitters White does have are Really only intimidating when they've got a number of other creatures to back it up.
I'm not familiar at all with Phyrexia. Is the logic that they're trying to bring order to everything or something along those lines?
She basically treats the infection with overt religious themes. "Compleation" amounting to something almost like baptism.
Sup wayne.
Ir should be noted that "White Phyrexia" barely even worked, a lot of the ideals Elesh Norn had were black, and even mechanically most of the cards were black with a slightly white limitation, to the point that cards like Phyrexian Unlife could easily just be printed as black.
Fact of the matter is that Wizards has dumbed down the color pie so much that they're basically incapable of making a white villain.
Sup. What do you think? This is my answer to the problem that Wayne has become. Quit him, go back to being user, then Bait-Reviewer only shows up to review bait... and that's about it. Much less annoying.
What ever dude just counterspell.
White is just the lesser version of blue. Blue does everything and white is just a worse version of that.
Works I think. You are still gonna catch flack for it though, and people will make the connection. So any idea when we give wayne hos grand sendoff? I'd like to be here for it if I can.
We had a white villain. He's and he was so goddamn monowhite that the patron myojin of monowhite went "dude, back the fuck off"
He's the only monowhite villain that magic has ever had, and he pre-dates Ravnica, which was when Wizards turned each color into a rigid system of set behaviors and beliefs.
Is that a paddle? Does he spank his enemies?
Sweet. Anything I can do to help?
No it dosen't. It just dosen't suck as much as red.
>Do they turn this around and make white the bad guys?
They have been doing that for last 7 years non-stop except for Innistrad and it dosen't seem likely they are going to stop soon because of retarded people like you.
I actually want white to be good again, just like it is on the core sets.
Just screencap the Farewell thread for me, and use it to actually prove that I quit. It'll 404 about as soon as I post it. Wayne gets reported pretty fast.
Core sets are coming back
Heliod killed Elspeth but thats white on white
>her philosophy's were black
>not knowing that Yawgmoth had the white mana tendencies but only had access to black mana